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Any damage should break any CC! Balance the game Bioware


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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?
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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?


And no other class can buff their whole group's damage, use 99% damage reduction, or reduce enemy's accuracy by 90%.


The whole point of having different classes is to give unique and fun abilities.

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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?


They don't have nearly the burst damage capability you have either

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And no other class can buff their whole group's damage, use 99% damage reduction, or reduce enemy's accuracy by 90%.


The whole point of having different classes is to give unique and fun abilities.



No you dont understand. 99 damage reduction only last 5 seconds and takes half your health. People can still get to use their abilities and fight to the best of their knowledge aka run off or health themselves. When I'm under cc and taking damage, there is absolutely nothing i can do but Die, tell me how thats a fair fight? Reduce enemys accuracy doesnt last long and has a huge cooldown, inquistors always have a very nice group buff.

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They don't have nearly the burst damage capability you have either


They are always on the top of the charts for dmg in warzones, I've seen some do 500k+ dmg. It isnt even about 1vs1 them.. its about being cc'd by them then getting hit by multiple enemies without it breaking the cc.. = insta death with no chance of living. Not fair in any way at all.

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No you dont understand. 99 damage reduction only last 5 seconds and takes half your health. People can still get to use their abilities and fight to the best of their knowledge aka run off or health themselves. When I'm under cc and taking damage, there is absolutely nothing i can do but Die, tell me how thats a fair fight? Reduce enemys accuracy doesnt last long and has a huge cooldown, inquistors always have a very nice group buff.


You are missing the point entirely. A 4-second stun is a tool in most class's toolbox. Sure, it's a nice one. But so are your tools.


Marauders have more tools and escapes than any other class in the game. If that 4-second stun really makes or breaks you every single time, you should try looking through your ability list and finding these abilities, because I doubt you're using them wisely.

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You are missing the point entirely. A 4-second stun is a tool in most class's toolbox. Sure, it's a nice one. But so are your tools.


Marauders have more tools and escapes than any other class in the game. If that 4-second stun really makes or breaks you every single time, you should try looking through your ability list and finding these abilities, because I doubt you're using them wisely.


In 4 secs or whatever the cooldown its still not fair as there is nothing i can do about it. I can't stealth out, there is no way to break it but using unleash and its a 2 min cooldown. All i'm saying is you can have all the abilities you want but don't take away my right to fight, escape, or heal, at least give me a fighting chance. This is the main reason i die so much in warzones, and no i do not have a pocket healer.

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In 4 secs or whatever the cooldown its still not fair as there is nothing i can do about it. I can't stealth out, there is no way to break it but using unleash and its a 2 min cooldown. All i'm saying is you can have all the abilities you want but don't take away my right to fight, escape, or heal, at least give me a fighting chance. This is the main reason i die so much in warzones, and no i do not have a pocket healer.


Read your last line. Then, read it again, and no, I am not being sarcastic, please.


It's a team game. You don't need a pocket healer, but it is a fact that you need a team behind you. You can't do it all by yourself. Your class has good skills, but if you place yourself in some situations with out a pre-made or without that healer ypu WILL die. There are a lot of stuns, slows, debuffs, etc in this game and you do need someone to cleanse, etc to help you out or you have to be very good with the skills you have. It's a fact that the current maps can favour ranged in a number of places as well.

Edited by Calista_ZK
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You mean give marauders non-breakable stun? So you can 100% burst down anyone? Burst to 50%, stun, burn down other 50%?


Ok look at it this way.. I'm cc'd while carrying the huttball, or i'm cc'd next to a group of people.. all they have to do is attack me and im dead within a few seconds. Thats not fair. Thats not giving me a chance to do anything. This isn't about SM.. its about the nonbreakable CC in general, just take it out of the game, make it more balanced.

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Read your last line. Then, read it again, and no, I am not being sarcastic, please.


It's a team game. You don't need a pocket healer, but it is a fact that you need a team behind you. You can't do it all by yourself. Your class has good skills, but if you place yourself in some situations with out a pre-made or without that healer ypu WILL die. There are a lot of stuns, slows, debuffs, etc in this game and you do need someone to cleanse, etc to help you out or you have to be very good with the skills you have. It's a fact that the current maps can favour ranged in a number of places as well.


Nobody ever heals me in warzones, why should i be punished for that?

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Ok look at it this way.. I'm cc'd while carrying the huttball, or i'm cc'd next to a group of people.. all they have to do is attack me and im dead within a few seconds. Thats not fair. Thats not giving me a chance to do anything. This isn't about SM.. its about the nonbreakable CC in general, just take it out of the game, make it more balanced.


Seriously? No really, seriously? You are complaining that if you get stunned next to a group of enemies and they all attack you, you die? How is that "not fair"? EVERYONE has that problem. Do you know how many times I've been stunned and zerg'ed? It happens, deal with it. You take the stuns out of this game and you seriously weaken alot of other classes who rely on those stuns to survive. Take them out and all that you are left with is Mauraders and Sentinals battling it out deathmatch style under the cover of Alderraan's middle turret.


And before you think I'm just defending my class, think again. Immortal specced Jugg here.

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I'm really getting sick of this. My SM battlemaster doesnt get a CC that allows me too do my full damage without it breaking the CC. Now on the other hand an Inquistor gets to CC and do damage all day long and I can do nothing but take it. Tell me how thats fair in any way Bioware?


Marauder.... who can't handle a sorc....



So, how'd you earn your BM? Kill trading on Ilum, because I find it hard to believe you did it by learning how to play your class well in actual pvp.

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And no other class can buff their whole group's damage, use 99% damage reduction, or reduce enemy's accuracy by 90%.


The whole point of having different classes is to give unique and fun abilities.


So you are saying CC is unique and fun? Interesting......I'll tell you what, if you like them so much I am willing to have all stuns and cc's directed at me to be redirected to you? Sound fun?

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OP needs to play a Sorc so they have first hand experience playing it, learning the ins and outs, then develop strategies using current Marauder abilities to counter if he's having issues.


The Marauder doesn't have the typical stun to fall back on, but has other abilities that make up for it (I'd like to see Force Push be given to both Marauders and Juggers similar to how Sorcs and Assassins have Force Speed but that's just me). They also peak fairly early and level off unlike other classes. They just don't FEEL powerful for awhile and then you get certain later level abilities that crank up the damage to crazy levels. :eek:


Server: Juyo

-Jinu (50 Sorcerer: Corruption Specc'd (Healing Tree)

-Denny (50 Powertech: Shield Specc'd (Tank Tree)

-Bronko (43 Marauder - Annihilation Specc'd (DoT-based DPS with burst)

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They are always on the top of the charts for dmg in warzones, I've seen some do 500k+ dmg.


AoE damage padding people to be on the top of the charts?


Unheard of.



In 4 secs or whatever the cooldown its still not fair as there is nothing i can do about it. I can't stealth out, there is no way to break it but using unleash and its a 2 min cooldown.


You dont have a stealth?


Whats force camo again?



I find it hard to believe you are a BM..


No really..

So a group of people attack you..


You die like everyone else.


L2P instead of force leaping into a group of 4+ by yourself.

Edited by Sirolos
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And no other class can buff their whole group's damage, use 99% damage reduction, or reduce enemy's accuracy by 90%.


The whole point of having different classes is to give unique and fun abilities.


That 99% damage reduction comes at a high cost. It's not free. So don't pretend like it is an op ability.


Now, as for the resolve bar. I think that should be taken out of the game. Its useless anyway right? Right. It doesn't work, so why have it? Even with a full meter people are still getting stun locked. Bug? I don't know...


On a side note, Huttball for example is a sage and sorcerers dream zone. Soooo many ways to use the map to their advantage. Because of the specific abilities they possess, they really can take control of many critical situations! More so than any other class I believe. Correct me if I'm wrong, but even with a slow cast on them they can speed burst to the end zone for a touch down too.

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I try to avoid rage posts, but as a Marauder as my main (not even level capped yet), I had to come in here and agree with most people in this thread: OP doesn't know what he's talking about.


I always intended to roll a Marauder as my main, and when the game first came out, I heard a ton of whining about how they were under powered. People said that melee fighters in general were gimped in warzones, that Marauders were too squishy in medium armor, and that Marauders are the only class without stuns besides a melee-range channeled choke.


While the last point is true, none of that makes the Marauder weak in any way. Bioware gave us so much utility to counter balance those things, and now that I've leveled through to 45 and learned my class, I'm comfortable knowing that Marauders wreck shop when you know how to play them (I'd even say especially against Sorcerers/Sages, as I can't recall having any great difficulty fighting them).


Obfuscate, Saber Ward, and Cloak of Pain easily make up for the lack of heavy armor, and the only time a stun would be all that useful to us would be against a healer, in which case we can lock them out with an easy Disruption-Force Choke-Disruption cycle (Force Charge too, if you can get the range for it). Knockbacks hardly phase us at all, as any decent Marauder will avoid starting the fight with a Charge so that it's ready to use to close the gap after the knockback. Force Camouflage is absolutely magic on so many levels, I don't feel I even need to explain why.


At the risk of Bioware nerfing us, I wouldn't be afraid to say that Marauders are overpowered if anything. If you're a new player and have concerns about rolling a Marauder or a Sentinel, don't let the OP worry you. :D


Maybe he is trying to pvp as carnage?


I actually do PvP as Carnage personally. :p I've been told that's not the best strategy, and indeed, I do NOT pull 300k damage each match (though I'm not Lvl 50 yet), but still, I find that I still perform extremely well regardless.


That 99% damage reduction comes at a high cost. It's not free. So don't pretend like it is an op ability.


A high cost, you say? I didn't realize activating it at 5% health and therefore losing a tiny bit of my health bar was so costly. Oh, you mean like if I used it when I'm at full health. Yeah, that would be fu#%in' stupid.

Edited by JinTetra
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