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So Tired Of Pretending...


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When I heard about SWTOR and watched the pilots I was sort of excited about the story but mostly I was expecting a giant pile of disappointment. I have tried every MMO that has come along in the last few years always expecting something so good that I could quit the colostomy bag that is WoW... I tried FFO and it was awful. I tried Aion and while a neat concept and decent graphics, was WAAAAY too grindy and lacked immersion. Then I tried DCUO and it was fun for about 8 days, I leveled to max in days and enjoyed modding my gear for a couple days but then was quickly turned off as the replayability was god awful and the graphics were too cartoony... Then I played Rift, It was good... In fact it was almost perfect, except I always felt like I was just a guy playing a game, I never fell into it so I quit that too. Skyrim was a nice distraction but hardly a replacement for a MMO.


So when I purchased SWTOR you can imagine how low I had the bar held... I was hoping for at least 2 weeks of enjoyment before going back to the World of Free Loot and wait around for china pandas...


I was pleasantly surprised!


SWTOR was not at all what I expected. I love it. I cancelled my WoW account and have not looked back. This game, for me, is the 'WoW Killer'.


So for all the people posting about their hate towards this game I hope that this post rings true for a lot of you too.

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Replying just so I can give it a rating!


Your story feels so similar to mine. I had little expectations when coming into this game and that helped me so much in enjoying it. I know that the person I was a few years ago would have reacted differently to this game because of high expectations, but having matured as a person and a gamer and knowing to never be hyped by anything you learn to appreciate what games do right.


And this game does enough right for me to enjoy it. And that is all I want from a game.

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OP...I empathize. I was a fence-sitter. I played the open beta weekend, and I was...to say the least...underwhelmed.


But I bought the game in January with low expectations (and moreso because I can claim such a purchase as a tax right off...haha. I love my job).


Anyway, I'm really enjoying this game now. I think BW has a fantastic foundation on which to build a great Star Wars universe.



obligatory critique (it seems one must add a critique or be thought a fanboi): space needs work.



That is all.

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My love for this game has been constant since I first heard of it. I played both the KotORs 2-3 times and would still go back and play them. I had a high bar set for this game after those two and it met my expectations nicely. It offers the same kind of immersion and story the KotORs did, only now I have 8 different story lines to choose from. technically 16 if you count light and dark side choices. I haven't had a problem with pvp since they made the lvl 50 bracket, any bugs are minor and haven't been bugs that would make me quit the game. As far as pvp is concerned, i'm sure it will get better, give it time. The game has only been out for 2 months and this is a more story driven mmo than a pvp one. I still love the pvp, but I'm not at end game yet. I think that now bioware is getting ready to switch gears a little and add end game content and make pvp better.
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Personally I love the game, sure the bugs are frustrating, especially in endgame raiding, but we have honestly worked past them and it's not an issue. The game is brand new and bugs are a part of it, WoW was buggy as hell and had 0 battlegrounds when the game first came out, although I think everyone convieniently forgets that. I think with the amount of improvement they are making on this game, and with the fact that they are listening to the community and carefully implementing changes (not responding with the nerf/buff bat in every instance) that this game will turn out to be the new thing. Not to mention SWTOR has something that WoW gave up on long ago, an actual story.
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Sad but true,

I own a PS3 and when in GAME (games store) buying SKYRIM I saw SWtOR on shelf before Xmas. I read the box and thought cool I'd love that.


I recently got some tax back and didnt know what to spend it on.

So I went into town and into a PC store. I asked the guy I want a games machine really I have £700 to spend. I said I want one at least that will play SWtOR,. The guy laughed "I play that too its awesome I use one of these". Pointed to computer. I bought it with game and my money spent.


So in essence if the game turned out pants, i would have had a decent PC to show for it. Luckily it was well worth it. :D Love the game.

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I enjoy it for what it is, a pretty awesome Star Wars game regardless of any minor issues it might have and it doesn't really matter to me what it might do to any other MMO out there because I think they can all co-exist just fine and people will play what they enjoy and haters will keep on with the hate. It's the way of the MMO.
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Yeah, it has its issues as any game but overall I enjoy the game very much and am looking forward to the fixes and patches as they come.


I saw that they fixed that pvp issue where people were pulled into pvp unasked on pve servers. Stuff like that is good that it gets fixed.


I just keep logging in every day, so that's a good sign for me :)

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Good OP.

Excellent game this is indeed with immense potential for the future.

SWTOR is still young and there are plenty of things that needs to be fixed and/or added but it will happen undoubtedly, all in all good job so far from Bioware in my opinion.

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Alot of the player base was actually the polar opposite of your experience and for the life of me I do not know why they were.


I was expecting what I saw in beta and for 95% of that was completely correct.


People put so much hype into the game and had so many expectations, again no idea why because anyone could play the beta and knew what the game was like


So I am not disappointed nor surprised. The game to me is entertaining. I subbed 6 months and I will see what shakes out

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This game doesn't have the soul required to topple WoW.


It's not that it doesn't have the soul, BW wants to live in harmony with WoW. Figures they can gain from it. It's EA that is always making these things ups and starting stuff. It's the same as with Battlefield 3. It was EA and Activision that actually started that fight, not the fanboys.

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