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Most Powerful Jedi of All Time


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The Skywalker bloodline is probably the strongest bloodline in Midichlorians.


It was genetically created by Darth Plagueis though.


No they werent. The midichlorians themselves made Anakin in retaliation of what Plagueis and Sidious were trying to do.

Edited by Girdeux
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The light side does not let jedi unlock their peak potential.


This isn't true at all.


Grand Master Luke did things that even Darth Sidius could only dream of doing, and he was the most powerful Sith ever.


Anakin should of been 200% more powerful then Sidius was, but never reached that because of the lost limbs and the suit he wore. Luke would actually reach that level, and become 200% more powerful the Darth Sidius.


This is once again not a matter of opinion or something open for debate, this is what George Lucas himself had said.


It's also supported by what Yoda says when Luke asks him if the Dark Side is more powerful.

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This isn't true at all.


Grand Master Luke did things that even Darth Sidius could only dream of doing, and he was the most powerful Sith ever.


Anakin should of been 200% more powerful then Sidius was, but never reached that because of the lost limbs and the suit he wore. Luke would actually reach that level, and become 200% more powerful the Darth Sidius.


This is once again not a matter of opinion or something open for debate, this is what George Lucas himself had said.


It's also supported by what Yoda says when Luke asks him if the Dark Side is more powerful.


It depends greatly, also, on WHO wields said sides. Did Luke ever manage to create/save life through the light side as Plageius did with the dark side?

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Did Luke ever manage to create/save life through the light side as Plageius did with the dark side?


The things that Grand Master Luke did, blows away every other Jedi and Sith in history. I don't understand why people keep trying to argue against this.


Sidius was a good deal more powerful then Plageious was, and Luke was more powerful then Sidius.


No Jedi or Sith in the EU can claim to be as powerful as Grand Master Luke, this simply is not up for debate.

Edited by VanorDM
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The things that Grand Master Luke did, blows away every other Jedi and Sith in history. I don't understand why people keep trying to argue against this.


No Jedi or Sith in the EU can claim to be as powerful as Grand Master Luke, this simply is not up for debate.


I don't understand why you couldn't answer my question. Very relevant to the topic.

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I don't understand why you couldn't answer my question.


Because I don't feel like posting the list of everything that Luke did. It's all out there though, look for it yourself.


But as a small example, Luke achieved Oneness with the Force, and for a time became the Force Incarnate.

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Meetra Surik was known to have mastered, not learned, MASTERED multiple lightsaber forms, and Echani martial arts, not to mention she basically resurrected the Order.


Revan was one of a handful of Jedi to actually be redeemed from the dark side and went on the challenge the Sith Emperor himself.


Bastila Shan, well, she did something that I only ever saw Luke do. She brought someone back from the darkness.


Impressive accomplishments doesn't make one powerful.


Luke killed the Emperor and Yoda challenged the Emperor and Mace Windu beat the Emperor in Dueling. And Sidious is thousands of times more powerful than Vitate.

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It depends greatly, also, on WHO wields said sides. Did Luke ever manage to create/save life through the light side as Plageius did with the dark side?


No... and its not Canonical Fact that he created Anakin.


Luke is the definition of a mortal God and he is a lightsider.

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It depends greatly, also, on WHO wields said sides. Did Luke ever manage to create/save life through the light side as Plageius did with the dark side?


no he could not.

Darth Plagueis could not keep himself from dying what good was his ability to him? just having a power that others do not does not make you more powerful then them. I can jump far but that does not make me more powerful then Arnold Schwarzenegger. Its the use of your abilities. if luke spent hundreds of years researching midichlorians and how to keep someone alive he would eventually gain that ability

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For anyone that argues Anakin Skywalker is the most powerful:


He had the most potential but he never fully furfilled it. Yes he had the highest midi-chlorian count but he never lived up to his potential......He was just a whiny litttle *****.

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Has to be Luke, if you've read the fate of the jedi series, just the way darth caeddus talks about him when they face off is wild. He also sends Jaina to take Caeddus out because he (Luke) would win with no problem but would be turned to the dark side due to vengeance issues.
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I'm not entering the debate from who has the most force power or whatever...


Obi wan is the most powerful. He takes down the loser that is darth maul, and mortally wounds darth Vader and was the only Jedi who could do it.


When I say most powerful I purely mean my favorite lol

Edited by Bewoulff
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jedi most powerful is obi wan. he deafeted anakin, after masterd him.and he wields the force both dead & living


He was powerful but the only reason he could take Anakin was because he knew better then anybody else how Anakin fought and Yoda knew this.Also after he force choked Padme he was very conflicted in the fight, making him weaker.

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Windu defeated Sidious. If it wasn't for Anakin cuting his arm, Sidious would have died by his hand.




Windu deafeted Sidious in the lightsaber duel, that little backwards shuffle on the edge of the window was one of complete shock from Sidious....although he could have went "UNLIMITED POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" on him at any moment but he was waiting for Anakin.


As for this pointless thread...Luke = all ~ George Lucas.


End thread.

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It depends greatly, also, on WHO wields said sides. Did Luke ever manage to create/save life through the light side as Plageius did with the dark side?


Plagueis imposed his will on the midichlorians, that's not light side so Luke is never going to achieve that is he?


Luke saved trillions of lives by destroying the first Death Star.


He saved trillions more by bringing the Yuuzhan Vong war to an end with Jacen.


If this discussion was about who saved the most lives, what about the guy who invented the innoculation for nerf flu? lol

Edited by SeraphRhane
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As it is stated before, you can't compare different era's. It's like comparing a scientist from ancient greek times to sayyyyy Albert Einstein.... ofcourse Albert is smarter, the human race evolves everyday in small ways.


So with that logic you would believe that Luke is the strongest Jedi, but at the same time Kreia said something in KOTOR 2 while on Korriban that I always remember (I know, she mentions Sith not Jedi but the point remains) "this was the tomb of Tulak Hord, known as the greatest Lightsabre duelists of the Sith Lords. His skill was considered remarkable even in his time, when many true lightsabre masters lived." Exile asks: "are you saying modern jedi are poorly skilled with a lightsabre?" and Kreia replied with "If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the

prowess of the old Masters."


So this little tid bit of info from the EU makes me think all jedi/sith from KOTOR - Legacy of the Force are weak compared to ancient Jedi/Sith. Ofcourse that is just with lightsabre combat.


However since we do not know much about the Jedi and Sith that came before, if we follow this logic then the masters of the force from TOR era would be a little more powerful than the jedi of the movie era... but my bet is still on Luke as his father was made purely by the force and only contained a slight amount of dilution of none force user DNA... but since Ani never truly reached his potential on that note his SON Luke did or still is reaching his potential.

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As it is stated before, you can't compare different era's. It's like comparing a scientist from ancient greek times to sayyyyy Albert Einstein.... ofcourse Albert is smarter, the human race evolves everyday in small ways.


So with that logic you would believe that Luke is the strongest Jedi, but at the same time Kreia said something in KOTOR 2 while on Korriban that I always remember (I know, she mentions Sith not Jedi but the point remains) "this was the tomb of Tulak Hord, known as the greatest Lightsabre duelists of the Sith Lords. His skill was considered remarkable even in his time, when many true lightsabre masters lived." Exile asks: "are you saying modern jedi are poorly skilled with a lightsabre?" and Kreia replied with "If you were to face an ancient Sith Lord in combat, you would learn that we are as children playing with toys compared to the

prowess of the old Masters."


So this little tid bit of info from the EU makes me think all jedi/sith from KOTOR - Legacy of the Force are weak compared to ancient Jedi/Sith. Ofcourse that is just with lightsabre combat.


However since we do not know much about the Jedi and Sith that came before, if we follow this logic then the masters of the force from TOR era would be a little more powerful than the jedi of the movie era... but my bet is still on Luke as his father was made purely by the force and only contained a slight amount of dilution of none force user DNA... but since Ani never truly reached his potential on that note his SON Luke did or still is reaching his potential.


Far to many ppl put far too much merit in her ramblings.

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luke skywalker is BECAUSE...


when he is re building the jedi order he studies ALL aspects of the force... he gets a power that allows him to see how an event would have played out if somthing ells would have happend...


and shaterpoint power is amazing


also he is the chosen one


Vader was the chosen one. He killed the emperor and restored balance to the force. Even tho he was dark side to begin with he ended up coming to in the end and killing emperor. Most powerful though, i'd have to say Sidious.

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Vader was the chosen one. He killed the emperor and restored balance to the force. Even tho he was dark side to begin with he ended up coming to in the end and killing emperor. Most powerful though, i'd have to say Sidious.


The OPs question was most powerful jedi, not force user.


Id have to say overall it would be Luke, allthough if Anakin had not fallen to the dark side he would have been without question the most powerful Jedi.

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Grand Master Luke Skywalker is absolutely the most powerful Jedi by a very large margin.


Darth Sidious is the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, bar none.


Jacen Solo is possibly the most powerful ever though, albeit for a brief moment, when he achieved Oneness with the force, he was stated to be the most powerful incarnation of the Force on record.

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I got the impression Sidious enginered that, he wanted Anakin to attack Windu.

One moment he is crying weakness, the next he unleashes force lightning whilst grinning and saying something like absolute power.

He had left himself in positions of weakness before, like where Anakin had his lightsabre drawn on him and Sidious feigned being unharmed and at Anakins mercy.

Sidious was not just powerful, he was devious and fooled the jedi order and republic with ease.


Lucas specifically states in the commentary for Episode three that Windu has really and truly beaten Sidious. Chalk it up to Lucas' poor writing that it played out that way if you want but, canonically, Windu was a better duelist than Sidious

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