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Did this game deliver on the hype?


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Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible.


My time card was 2 months but it officially ends in 2 days. Flat out this game just isn't worth a monthly sub.

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Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible.


the amount of time you have to put in to get to 80, I think youd be sick of any game.

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Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible.


Hmm... Yesterday was officially 2 months since release, not 3. Wasn't sure if you were confused on that part.


3 month time card is your excuse to explain an imaginary 60% value dictated by some random guy in a forum with no sources?


Until they release numbers, why even speculate like you have any idea?


I don't try and speculate when the sun will die, why speculate on things you cannot control or see?

Edited by djsmileey
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The abundant polls on this very website show SWTOR with a 60% disliking the game.


pssst you can't make polls on this website



also you have links to these magical polls.


edit: oh and where are these links to all these negative reviews and former bioware employes that say it sucks

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"Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible."


LOL! So terrible you sank that much time into it? Seriously...somethign is seriously seriously wrong with people who can (a) devote massive, and I mean MASSIVE, amounts of time to something and then (b) turn around and say it's awful and © spend all their time on the forums whining like a 3 year old whose candy got taken instead of just walking away and not looking back if they do, indeed, hate it as much as they claim. Take your meds, people.

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i love threads that ask thinly veiled questions about satisfaction in the place where the disgruntled people congregate.


the masses of people that love the game to death aren't going to be here defending it, they're playing it. they aren't aware/couldn't care less that people are mewling about how imperfect it is.


ITT: this thread again.

Edited by garrthos
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I think Bioware delivered a great game, but not a mmorpg. Don't get me wrong, for what the game is, it does really good. The problem being, that it's just not enough. Bioware should have put as much sandbox as they have themepark and blurred the lines. 1 through 50 was blast. Collecting all the datacrons was really fun as well. Doing dailies and the gear grind is not.
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"Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible."


LOL! So terrible you sank that much time into it? Seriously...somethign is seriously seriously wrong with people who can (a) devote massive, and I mean MASSIVE, amounts of time to something and then (b) turn around and say it's awful and © spend all their time on the forums whining like a 3 year old whose candy got taken instead of just walking away and not looking back if they do, indeed, hate it as much as they claim. Take your meds, people.


If you call standing in Ilum afk'ing 15 hours a day while I do work for my job... a serious investment.. Then you are gravely mistaken. I have 2 characters 1 Valor Rank 74 and 1 Valor Rank 80 who got this purely by idling in Ilum. Sadly that is the PVP endgame right there. You toss in my 3 wins for my daily PVP reward and flying through Hutball or being stun / rooted the whole match.... This game is pretty bad.


1-49 FANTASTIC GAME. Post 49... Worst experience ever and not worth paying for.

Edited by JonnyFreedom
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I love this game and here is why. I didn't set a super high, impossible expectation like half the people here. I knew there was going to be problems (being apart of the WoW launch) and bugs because its a BW game. I didn't really give into the hype all that much. I was hyped because it was star wars but thats about it.



You mean the super high, impossible expectations we were, at every turn, encouraged to swallow hook, line and sinker?


I expected 'good' when they declared 'great and innovative' and what I got is 'good' on the story front and a non-starter on pretty much all else.


The PVE? Nuclear Santa Clause, but hasn't WoW boiled this rat long enough? We couldn't even get a new rat?


Crafting? This is the deep and spectacular crafting system the deeply committed craft-loving designers came up with? Get mats, which will eventually require you to farm dem HM's and ops, then throw them into a black hole until the desired schematic upgrade pops out. Keep throwing mats into the black hole to get the augment slotted versions.



Space combat? Very nice little arcade game. Not a thing less, or more, period.



PVP? Bahahahahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahaha.


Open world PVP on Ilum? Ahahahahahahahahahaha.


Flashpoints? Very nice story stuff, no mistake. Bit buggy; no biggie, just kinks to work out.


Hardmode FP's? Bahahahaha. There's one boss and it is Enrage Timer with lots of different skins and some funky variations in where it's jumping around.



Operations? "Dude, where's my master looter?"



So uh...yeah. There's a pretty solid case for feeling pretty irate, and it's not unreasonable given the number of faceplants so much of this makes.

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i love threads that ask thinly veiled questions about satisfaction in the place where the disgruntled people congregate.


the masses of people that love the game to death aren't going to be here defending it, they're playing it. they aren't aware/couldn't care less that people are mewling about how imperfect it is.


ITT: this thread again.


I find that to be a false claim as there are always people willing to attack those who are critical of the game in some form or another as well as those who must 'respond' with their own threads to counter some other thread.


People enjoying the game are doing that but they are not all ignoring those who are not enjoying it or who just want it to be better. Some of the people claiming to enjoy or even 'love' it hang out on these forums waiting to jump on someone for being negative or wanting the game to be better.

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do you think this game delivered on the hype?


I didn't buy the hype - and didn't pre-order until after I'd been in a weekend beta, December FTW! - and was still disappointed with the game. Not initially! The first couple of weeks were great. As the first billing cycle approached, though, I was already considering cancelling. I held on for another month, but that was it. Still hoping to see improvements - and hoping to see them sooner than SOON .


In the meantime, I love these forums. :o

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I don't think any product from our species could deliver on the hype this game had.


Some of the expectations for TOR were flat out nonsense.


Of course I personally enjoy seeing foolish dreams crushed, so I was pleased to see such unrealistic hopes.

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I have said this many times. i wanted KOTOR 3. It feels like Bioware was making KOTOR3 and midway was like "you know what? Lets turn this into a MMO instead."


And to the people that complain about the complainers. We complain about the game cause we have the right to complain about the game. We paid 60$ and some of us got the 3 month sub, we invested our money into a product that disappointed us and should complain about it anyway we please. If it wasnt for the people that complain who speaks their mind about the negatives you would be playing a much worse game already.

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Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible.


Sure buddy .. if it was that bad you wouldnt be on the forums .. ! LOLLUZ!

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"Yup because they made the mistake of buying a 3 month card. My game time runs out tomorrow. Valor Rank 80 Marauder (second highest on my server) and I can barely stand to login anymore. Game is terrible."


LOL! So terrible you sank that much time into it? Seriously...somethign is seriously seriously wrong with people who can (a) devote massive, and I mean MASSIVE, amounts of time to something and then (b) turn around and say it's awful and © spend all their time on the forums whining like a 3 year old whose candy got taken instead of just walking away and not looking back if they do, indeed, hate it as much as they claim. Take your meds, people.


lol right!


Guy plays Skyrim for 100 hours, and says "Man!, that was a great game!"


Guy plays SW:TOR for 300 hours and says "Man!, there is nothing to do!, what a terrible game!"


Lets just skip right past the part that he tore through majority of the content and even the grinder part of content in less than 2 months.


FFXI -- I got to lvl 75, and then did what? -- That's right, leveled a subclass, and then another subclass, and another. Why? Because that's what the end-game was consistent of, when you weren't waiting for a link shell member to tell you that a 36 hour Boss has popped.


WoW -- I got to lvl 60 and did exactly what I am doing now on SW:TOR; PVP; Dungeons (Flashpoints) and Raid a few times a week (Operations).


SWG -- There wasn't end-game at release, or really ever, it was a sandbox MMO. So I rolled my TK before jedi were ever released, and sat outside anchorhead and used Knockdown and beat people mercilessly all day long.


I could go on an on about how it compares to other successful games, or I could do what others have and claim that old games shouldn't be compared to new games. Lets just take a moment to compare to some new games. Aion? Rift? Lotro? FFXIV? <insert any MMO released in past 5 years>? Where are they now?


TOR has every bit to do as much as the next mmo. So why is everyone making a big deal over this one?


They care. They want the game to succeed, but are then setting it up for failure by expecting more out of it than any MMO has ever offered or achieved.


This game is no different than any other MMO release before it, and in many cases a lot more successful. It's really to bad those people can't see that, and are more concerned about having 100 people in their zone than utilizing the 40-60 that are.


Anywho, I digress...

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lol right!


Guy plays Skyrim for 100 hours, and says "Man!, that was a great game!"


Guy plays SW:TOR for 300 hours and says "Man!, there is nothing to do!, what a terrible game!"


Lets just skip right past the part that he tore through majority of the content and even the grinder part of content in less than 2 months.


FFXI -- I got to lvl 75, and then did what? -- That's right, leveled a subclass, and then another subclass, and another. Why? Because that's what the end-game was consistent of, when you weren't waiting for a link shell member to tell you that a 36 hour Boss has popped.


WoW -- I got to lvl 60 and did exactly what I am doing now on SW:TOR; PVP; Dungeons (Flashpoints) and Raid a few times a week (Operations).


SWG -- There wasn't end-game at release, or really ever, it was a sandbox MMO. So I rolled my TK before jedi were ever released, and sat outside anchorhead and used Knockdown and beat people mercilessly all day long.


I could go on an on about how it compares to other successful games, or I could do what others have and claim that old games shouldn't be compared to new games. Lets just take a moment to compare to some new games. Aion? Rift? Lotro? FFXIV? <insert any MMO released in past 5 years>? Where are they now?


TOR has every bit to do as much as the next mmo. So why is everyone making a big deal over this one?


They care. They want the game to succeed, but are then setting it up for failure by expecting more out of it than any MMO has ever offered or achieved.


This game is no different than any other MMO release before it, and in many cases a lot more successful. It's really to bad those people can't see that, and are more concerned about having 100 people in their zone than utilizing the 40-60 that are.


Anywho, I digress...


But did you get to 75 in FFXI in 5 played days? No. Lol you spent more time than that LFG on your way to 75... :p

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But did you get to 75 in FFXI in 5 played days? No. Lol you spent more time than that LFG on your way to 75... :p


Don't be rediculous;


I didn't get to 50 in 5 days either.


Granted I had more free time back then.


No I did not get to 75 in 5 days, but I also couldn't logon to FFXI for just an hour and find something to do. You needed nearly 3-5 hours just to get a group, find a location to grind (that wasn't taken already) and on top of it all, the group has to be worthwhile.


PVP was always a joke with their little mini-game they added forever ago.


FFXI leveling =/= SWTOR leveling

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Look at the Biodrones out in full force.


It's so weird seeing so few defending the game so desperately.


Like every negative said about the game, is a personal affront to them.


Let it go. Enjoy it if you do, but understand there are negatives about this game.

Edited by Azumio
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