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A Look At The Old Republic


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Good to see this, Having a blast GG BW for keeping me and my wife entertained. Somthing wow could never do except for 6 hours a week dueing raid time.


lol are you kiddin? i havent played WoW since months before BC released, but going off your comment here, 6 hours a week raiding is more than you will get from SWTOR raiding a week, you will see in a couple of months lol mark my words.

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I'm sure glad BW has the time and resources to make things like this instead of actually fixing the game.


Yeah, cause marketing so they get more subs = more money = more resources, is bad.


Btw, you never though about different teams working on different kind of situations?

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That's a nice video and certainly there are statements that are over enthusiastic. People are missing the point when they call it a marketing video. It is useful in that regard but I really doubt it was made for players or to attract players. It was made for EA investors to calm their nerves about the long term viability the company's biggest investment.


Rewatch the video -- everything in it relates to the core competency of the design and the attractiveness to the MMO playerbase. It's easy to imagine this video being played to investors right after quarterly profits are announced. I'd bet this video has been in the works for a long time and anyone that gets upset that resources shouldn't be wasted on it are deluded. MMOs are built on the hopes of the investors and if they aren't happy then there's no way that EA/Bioware will be given the resources to make the game better.

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"That red lightsaber is intimidating !"


Yeah, right... The first two times around, after that, every fight against a Force-user just transforms into that one scene from Raiders of the Lost Ark, IF you're not a Force-User yourself, of course.


Hehehehehehe :)



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A simple search reveals that the "community members" in this video have direct ties to EA / BW.


lol this is classic , useing faimly / friends of EA/BW to dupe us into thinking this game is the best! WE WILL BE PLAYING FOR YEARS TO COME!!! yeah right... i was a fanboy, until the viel was lifted from my eyes, now i see the game as it is.. a POS

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nice propganda guys...rly classic


I agree with this statement :D. This is a power of money. This game is a massive failure, masses of people are leaving this game because of incredible amount of bugs, and lack of content. The funniest part of this video is when this guy says: " we are here 24/7 for you" rofl !! You create a ticket, week later you receive response copy/paste some nonsense not ralated to you request. There is no customer service what so ever.


PVP sucks so baaaadly, ppl are all the time angry, fighting/insulting each other. Balance does not exist in PVP. There is new translation of BW shortcut, Bug Ware lol.


The worst of all is farming end game gear. Clearly BW wants you to pay and stay. It takes hundreds of hours to get your gear, and you know what is the most annoying ?


Sometimes you play bugged game for 10h and still no gear :), even one piece, because its completely random. lol


So wrapping up, if you want to be all the time angry, you like to be ignored by customer service and be bored with lack of end game content (there is nothing to do when you are lev 50) go for it :). It is a game just for you.


I love Star Wars but BW seriously can mess up even this title .....

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I agree with this statement :D. This is a power of money. This game is a massive failure, masses of people are leaving this game because of incredible amount of bugs, and lack of content. The funniest part of this video is when this guy says: " we are here 24/7 for you" rofl !! You create a ticket, week later you receive response copy/paste some nonsense not ralated to you request. There is no customer service what so ever.


PVP sucks so baaaadly, ppl are all the time angry, fighting/insulting each other. Balance does not exist in PVP. There is new translation of BW shortcut, Bug Ware lol.


The worst of all is farming end game gear. Clearly BW wants you to pay and stay. It takes hundreds of hours to get your gear, and you know what is the most annoying ?


Sometimes you play bugged game for 10h and still no gear :), even one piece, because its completely random. lol


So wrapping up, if you want to be all the time angry, you like to be ignored by customer service and be bored with lack of end game content (there is nothing to do when you are lev 50) go for it :). It is a game just for you.


I love Star Wars but BW seriously can mess up even this title .....


Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

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Don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This is so funny when ppl respond to criticism it that way :), sheeeep beeeee, beeee beeeeee, who believe any bull.... seen in TV or on internet :)


Good luck with your life :D


Instead of "if you don't like it just leave" explain where I am wrong ... :)

Edited by Kozakkoo
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I liked that video.


I also used to like these forums, until they filled up with whiners and haters. Why don't we make a special forum section for them, where they can focus all their whining and get all butthurt over every single flaw this game has ever had (during the extremely short duration it has existed), so the rest of us can actually enjoy the game for what it is, provide proper feedback and surf it's forums free from the constant crap that normally fills to the brim of it?

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This is so funny when ppl respond to criticism it that way :), sheeeep beeeee, beeee beeeeee, who believe any bull.... seen in TV or on internet :)


Good luck with your life :D


Instead of "if you don't like it just leave" explain where I am wrong ... :)


Most of us are having fun, we don't mind the bugs and know its only been a few months since the game has been released. There have been MANY mmo's that have been in a much worse state than SWTOR.


Funny, I guess if you are a person who just likes to play SWTOR and have fun with your friends your called a sheep or a fanboy.....


I guess I could just swing it around and say you're just a WoW fanboy and you should go back to it! ppppaaaaannnnnddddaaaaasssss

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I liked that video.


I also used to like these forums, until they filled up with whiners and haters. Why don't we make a special forum section for them, where they can focus all their whining and get all butthurt over every single flaw this game has ever had (during the extremely short duration it has existed), so the rest of us can actually enjoy the game for what it is, provide proper feedback and surf it's forums free from the constant crap that normally fills to the brim of it?


You don't really get it, do you ? :). If we wont say what we think, BW will never, ever care and they will treat thay product as as favor for you. Something like: "play what we are giving you and we doooon't care if our product is full of bugs, if you don't like it go .... yourself, there is no refund".


So basically massive corporations can rip you off for £130 without any consequences. And trust me they will :)

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You're entitled to your own opinions. But I don't like when you storm on with your supposed "argument" and call those who also have their own opinions for simpletons for not sharing your views. Tells a lot about you. Also, judging by your over-usage of :) you're going for the "Lalala I'm right you're wrong I'm gonna smile and walk away" and people like that aren't worth the attention.


Edit: I have to know, if you hated WoW so much and you compare this game to "WoW with Lightsabers", why bother making an account in the first place? Why still be here at all?

Edited by Xezr
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You're entitled to your own opinions. But I don't like when you storm on with your supposed "argument" and call those who also have their own opinions for simpletons for not sharing your views. Tells a lot about you. Also, judging by your over-usage of :) you're going for the "Lalala I'm right you're wrong I'm gonna smile and walk away" and people like that aren't worth the attention.


Once again, because it might be hard to understand. I am not looking for your attention or approvals. I am just sharing my experience to make those who are going to make decision to buy this game based on propaganda videos, be aware what they will get.


Again, instead of saying: You are wrong, end of story, give me some arguments. I can give you like 100 of examples regarding bugs, and customer service ignorance :)


I am not walking away YET, hit me with some positive aspects of bugs and lack of content :)

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