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I thought the game was dying, but.........


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I find it wildly amusing that simple logic dictates a common hub area that both sides posses should be close in numbers if both faction are balanced and some people still can't comprehend that fact. I can /who Voidstar/the Pit/Civil War/Ilum/insert any instance or planet and you will still see the same average ratio between the factions no matter where you /who. If the factions are unbalanced, anyone with a 3rd grade math education can see it. Giradda the Hutt (Heavy server) currently posses a 3 to 1 Empire advantage. Feel free to /who anywhere on the server for proof.


I play on that server. We Republic love the targets.


Imps find strength in numbers, we find strength in the force.

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Factions are broken and BW isn't donig anything about it. The game will die in a few months due to having only one faction people play if they don't fix it fast.


Bioware can't force people that want to play bad guys into playing good guys.


I bet 75% of Empire side loves the, "I'm an A$ $hole." options cause they can't be one in real life and just want to be the darkside figurehead.


Bioware can't stop that and has little to no influence on what the player base chooses.

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Well, think about it.


Bounty Hunter: Kick-*** tough guy who strides the mean streets of space... erm... you know what I mean... and takes on the biggest baddies of the cosmos, if the pay is right.


Trooper: That one guy third from the left in that one scene in the expanded version, who gets shot.


Sith: Lightning-throwing bad-*** mfers who cackle manically as they exterminate entire planets.


Jedi: Hippie commie pinko pacifist wimps in burlap robes who aren't even allowed a little nookie.


Seriously, which side would YOU choose? The only cool archetype on the Republic side is the Smuggler.

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Well, think about it.


Bounty Hunter: Kick-*** tough guy who strides the mean streets of space... erm... you know what I mean... and takes on the biggest baddies of the cosmos, if the pay is right.


Trooper: That one guy third from the left in that one scene in the expanded version, who gets shot.


Sith: Lightning-throwing bad-*** mfers who cackle manically as they exterminate entire planets.


Jedi: Hippie commie pinko pacifist wimps in burlap robes who aren't even allowed a little nookie.


Seriously, which side would YOU choose? The only cool archetype on the Republic side is the Smuggler.



My trooper is the commander of Havac Squad. The most elite fighting force in the galaxy. We hunt your Sith, we destroy your bases, we make you regret your life choices. We rekindled the war. We broke the treaty. We are hunting you.


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the game is not dying, if it was do you think they would be putting servers in for Hong Kong, singapore, and down under, thats not a sign of a dying game, the game is bigger than we think, Bioware just has stange servers, on shawdowlands on the Republic side during peak hours I see 140-192 players on carrick station, about the same as before the 30 day exodus.. Haters would like everyone to belive everything is doomed, because they don't like something pay them no mind..


Read the thread.

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I prefer empire simply because, I hate the dogmatic beliefs of the Jedi, and I also see the republic as weak minded. I dunno. Just my personal preference but I've been a pro-Empire person since I was 4 years old and I saw Empire Strikes back for the first time. If the Population swapped and everyone played republic.. I'd still be playing Empire. Edited by WarSiren
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Its called the Empire. :)


I guess people think that being evil is cool and all, i too rolled empire side toon at first, it was fun sure but then i got bored of all the evilness.


Right now im Jedi Knight going dark path and i love it more than Sith Warrior..


LULZ! I couldnt figure out what this dude was talking about!

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Why, what do you use?


There isn't anything currently out there that is an accurate portrayal of the server population. That is what he is saying... He's not saying he has a better one, he is laughing at the people who try to draw inaccurate conclusions off that information.

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More people roll Empire because all the Empire character arcs set your character with a clear motivation to advance themselves, and they reward you handsomely for it. The only character arc on Republic that even has that is Smuggler. Once you get past the starter worlds on Jedi or Trooper, the game becomes "Now go save people/fight the Empire!" All the while, you run into rampant corruption around every turn, proving that even the Republic doesn't care about the Republic. The entirety of Ord Mantell is just as corrupt as Korriban and Hutta. You expect that from Hutta, it's controlled by a crime boss. You expect that from Korriban, it's ruled by the Sith. The one world where the Republic is trying to help fight off a civil war? The people you're fighting were right all along!


Things don't get any better once you get to Coruscant, where you discover Senators using you to advance their careers, and thriving black markets for the very things the Empire does.


Contrast this with the Empire stories, which are all much more varied and deep. Pleasantly absent is any kind of corruption among the leaders, and even one scumbag who tries to sabotage the war effort to advance himself? You have the option to kill his *** while he begs you not to. Sith infighting happens, but you expect that of the Evil Empire. Along the way, you even meet some true patriots who are probably more good-hearted than half of the Republic seems to be.


All the Imperial planet stories are tales of success and aptitude, while the Republic stories are ones of bumbling foolishness and corruption. Why save the Republic when it creates most of its own problems? Better to fight for the Empire where fools who deliberately cause problems are executed for treason.



Let's even take a look at the stories of the first two Republic Flashpoints:


1) Esseles - the very person you're trying to save tells you to go ahead and sacrifice the entire Engineering crew to save time when an alternative exists that won't kill anybody. She apparently considers herself "the greater good". Corruption.


2) Hammer Station - The entire reason Hammer Station was captured in the first place was Republic incompetence. They built it in the first place, realized it could be used as a rallying point against them, decided to destroy it, failed to properly destroy it, and it was abandoned and taken over by the Advose Hegemony, who used it for the very thing everyone was afraid of. Bumbling foolishness.




This is the same Republic that eventually becomes the Empire anyway! Why fight for the losing side?

Edited by Vid-szhite
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I first rolled JK, and loved the story, enjoyed the gameplay of the JK. I've reached 46lvl, and decided to take a break, try the other faction.


First of all, Empire is easy mode, lol. My Sith characters, a Marauder and Sorcerer, walk through content that would be quite challenging for my JK. So the easier playstyle might be one reason people gravitate toward Empire.


As for the story on Empire side, I find it not a little distasteful. The only way I can play my Marauder's story is to mock Darth Baras. it's the only way I can bear it. The sorcerer story is a bit more intriguing, but I still find it rather loathsome to play evil.


Also, the chat on the Empire side is often rather juvenile, and I have to turn it off.

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Factions are broken and BW isn't donig anything about it. The game will die in a few months due to having only one faction people play if they don't fix it fast.


except that over all the factions are pretty balanced pop wise so there is nothing for BW to actually fix

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Well, think about it.


Bounty Hunter: Kick-*** tough guy who strides the mean streets of space... erm... you know what I mean... and takes on the biggest baddies of the cosmos, if the pay is right.



Wait until you get to the start of the great hunt and all those bada** bounty hunter quit the great hunt because they are scared.


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Seriously, which side would YOU choose? The only cool archetype on the Republic side is the Smuggler.



Since when is tyrrany, torture, genocide, authoritarian regimes, murder cool? I mean, seriously, re-examine what you're calling 'cool'. To me, it's rather disgusting.

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Since when is tyrrany, torture, genocide, authoritarian regimes, murder cool? I mean, seriously, re-examine what you're calling 'cool'. To me, it's rather disgusting.


Republic does just about all of those things themselves, they just hide it better.


You can save more people as a lightside Agent than you can as a Jedi Knight.


Don't have to be evil if you go Empire, bro. Even my Dark III Sith picks the lightside option when it means saving people he actually gives two hoots about, and I have the power and authority to tell anyone who disagrees with me to go **** themselves.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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Not even close.


I get to Force Choke a Grand Moff that doesn't like aliens, because he doesn't like my decision to ally with aliens and treat them fairly.


I think I'll stay Empire. I can punish the actual bad guys, and they have to like it or else.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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More people roll Empire because all the Empire character arcs set your character with a clear motivation to advance themselves, and they reward you handsomely for it. The only character arc on Republic that even has that is Smuggler. Once you get past the starter worlds on Jedi or Trooper, the game becomes "Now go save people/fight the Empire!" All the while, you run into rampant corruption around every turn, proving that even the Republic doesn't care about the Republic. The entirety of Ord Mantell is just as corrupt as Korriban and Hutta. You expect that from Hutta, it's controlled by a crime boss. You expect that from Korriban, it's ruled by the Sith. The one world where the Republic is trying to help fight off a civil war? The people you're fighting were right all along!


Things don't get any better once you get to Coruscant, where you discover Senators using you to advance their careers, and thriving black markets for the very things the Empire does.


Contrast this with the Empire stories, which are all much more varied and deep. Pleasantly absent is any kind of corruption among the leaders, and even one scumbag who tries to sabotage the war effort to advance himself? You have the option to kill his *** while he begs you not to. Sith infighting happens, but you expect that of the Evil Empire. Along the way, you even meet some true patriots who are probably more good-hearted than half of the Republic seems to be.


All the Imperial planet stories are tales of success and aptitude, while the Republic stories are ones of bumbling foolishness and corruption. Why save the Republic when it creates most of its own problems? Better to fight for the Empire where fools who deliberately cause problems are executed for treason.



Let's even take a look at the stories of the first two Republic Flashpoints:


1) Esseles - the very person you're trying to save tells you to go ahead and sacrifice the entire Engineering crew to save time when an alternative exists that won't kill anybody. She apparently considers herself "the greater good". Corruption.


2) Hammer Station - The entire reason Hammer Station was captured in the first place was Republic incompetence. They built it in the first place, realized it could be used as a rallying point against them, decided to destroy it, failed to properly destroy it, and it was abandoned and taken over by the Advose Hegemony, who used it for the very thing everyone was afraid of. Bumbling foolishness.




This is the same Republic that eventually becomes the Empire anyway! Why fight for the losing side?




This post makes me want to quit my 50 Gunslinger (Valor 38, 10/10 operations, 4/10 hard-mode) and switch to the empire right away.



This is single hand-idly the most incredible post I have read in a while. You pretty much summed it up. I hadn't even realized the trend until hearing you say it.


After work tonight, I re-roll, for the empire.

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