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Jedi Sentinel. Underpowered, no fun


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I have played a PT, and sniper to 50. Also have a 22 Commando, 22 Shadow, 20 op and 32 sorc. My sent is 23 atm and other then my sniper NONE of them have been able to do what i can on my sent.


Its not being a jerk or elitist, but it really comes down to a L2P issue. The class if anything is borderline OP when played right, heck wish my sniper could pull off the numbers i have seen sent/marauders do. And i dont mean total damg at end of wz but effective damg, 600k+ and less then 30 kills = Bad sniper, 300-600K marauder/sent pretty much always have 30+ KB unless there spamming AoE to stat pad. Its all about applying damg in a manner that yields a kill, something this class excels at.


You have never done 600k as a 23 Sentinel, nor have you ever done 300k. Thanks for playing though. Im top damage in 98% of the Warzones Im in, and wreck face all day long, and i've broken 300k in one void star. My average voidstar is between 250-270k and my average Alderaan is between 180-220k. Huttball because im such a baller ball carrier my average is between 150-180k.


Nothing is wrong with Sentinel, but they ARE harder to level in PVE than just about every class in the game. But you can't compare anything to merc / commando. They are just extremely powerful in PVE because of all their powerful AoE's and the ability to self heal if they need to. Its ok though because even though Sentinels are a little weaker in PVE than other classes in terms of survivability and lack super good aoe, they are by far in my opinion the most fun class to play.

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Funny, I have several abilities that stun NPCs when I use them. Force Leap, Force Sweep, Blade Storm, Master Strike...


Now it's true we don't have a 'push button - stun enemy' ability, but we have plenty of abilities that have an incap or stun effect included.


While this is true, it is of absolutely no use against Strong, or stronger mobs most of the time. Stun Droid, Awe, and Force Hold have some effectiveness against Stronger mobs, but the too short stuns they offer need to be timed nearly perfectly to be practically helpful (the difference between a long, drawn-out defeat and a win).


If you think the class is weak its because you are a bad player plain and simple.


Less than useful, there, Hizoka. "Constructive" criticism means you're trying to help, and you're clearly not interested in helping here...

Edited by Tedroni
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While this is true, it is of absolutely no use against Strong, or stronger mobs most of the time. Stun Droid, Awe, and Force Hold have some effectiveness against Stronger mobs, but the too short stuns they offer need to be timed nearly perfectly to be practically helpful (the difference between a long, drawn-out defeat and a win).




Less than useful, there, Hizoka. "Constructive" criticism means you're trying to help, and you're clearly not interested in helping here...


i'm simply stating a fact... if you need help to play the class then its not the class for you

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It's not an underpowered class by any means, but it is a tough class to play. I personally have 15 abilities key bound with 4 I need to find room for and I'm still level 29:. Lol. But it's really rewarding and fun to play. If you have any experience playing a melee class with infinite utility, and a large amount of situational abilities by all means its the right class for you. On a side note if your looking to play this class a razor naga would be a solid investment (gaming mouse).
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You're going to hear a lot of "L2P", but they don't offer any advice on builds or their favorite rotation for specific types of mobs...in other words, they're not helpful.


Sentinels are under"powered", but they are playable to a certain degree--but you have to pick your fights. I can take down most elites with my healer companion no prob, but the sorcerer ones that spam lightening, AoE's, and whatnot...well, I don't have enough interrupts or cc, so I take massive damage--sometimes it'll take a few tries before I find the right rotation. It can be very frustrating.


As for PVP...well it's impossible to tell--your best bet is either one on one, or if in a group, choose an opponent that's already engaged and assist your group member. Don't try to kill a healer...at best you might be able to harass them and hopefully keep them from doing their job effectively--it's funny because I do it just for fun and they ignore me for the most part. If you're targeted by any ranged opponent, find another opponent and force leap out of there before you're stunned/rooted or whatever. The exception in my case to most of this, is if you have an awesome healer backing you up, go freakin nuts!


Funny thing while I was on Ilum tonight...saw a sniper standing by herself, so I lept in and began my barrage...she wasn't even fighting back--so I thought, ok maybe I'll win this. She got about to 60% health before she finally hit me with some kind of knockback/stun--honeslty don't remember--but then she got off like 2 shots and I was done. I'm under-geared for PVP(around 14.5K, with a few centurion pieces, but not fully expertise), but wow...It didn't surprise me really, but I was nothing more than an insect buzzing around her lol.


Don't try to kill a healer? Funny I thought that was our main job as a sentinel (watchmen) considering:

6 sec interrupt

Force choke

Aoe stun

0 meter range force leap

Oh and that handy heal debuff


If you are a sentinel and not going for the healer first and foremost you are doing it wrong.

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Having finished Tattooine, I went back to Nar Shaadaa to clear up a couple of heroic quests there that I had left. Found some bint in the space port that had a bonus quest line to do.


At the start of the quest I was level 33, using Kira as my companion. Both of us in mainly blues and orange gear, since I already had to blow huge amounts of cash on making Kira even remotely useful in quests.


After half an hour of the Bonus quest line in NS, I am fairly confident in saying that the Jedi Sentinel is a pile of rubbish.


Every pull there is massive damage being taken, and the mobs being pulled are only lvl 30. The Sentinel has no crowd control ability beyond channeled one (except against droids). Both mitigation abilities that the Sentinel has are weak. Their only force heal is on a massive cooldown. Damage output is not comparable to other classes - my level 20 commando seems to do as much damage as my lvl 33 Sentinel.


Bioware, you should address some of the issues around the Jedi Sentinel. Look around the forum, this is not the only post highlighting problems with what should be a much better designed class.


I couldn't disagree more. My Sent owns in PvP and burns downs mobs in PvE fast. You have a L2p issue.(possibly ?) I know this class is harder to play then others but you do have the tools to succeed. Yeah 20 key binds is a bit rough but it's a challenge to play. Dot management and defensive cooldowns are a must. I don't see how you think their defensive cd's are weak. If properly used, they will do their job as intended. Gear is also a big factor.

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I have Scoundrel, Commando, Sage, Shadow, Sentinel and Sentinel is definitely the funniest class to level up and of the best class to PvP (The problem is that sometimes it can be really horrible)


Commando is grav round spammer and its so boring... (strong but boring)

Scoundrel is fun and its not a bad class but even with him you have really hard time against any class with interrupt. Its nice that you have a lot of instant cast but you have one real big heal and you will never cast it against good enemy (ok you will cast it after dirty kick and flash grenade)

Sage is strong - you can move and do a lot of damage and even sometime heal and you have so much energy - at least balance spec

Shadow is fine but sentinel is simply funnier


Sentinel have crazy damage output (at least watchman spec)

I can have a lot of solo kills, the most of the killing blow from my team - most of the time I have more killing blows than all my team together :-) The only problem is that it can be problem to achieve it and its much harder than stand and spam grav round with nearly same result ....


And to be honest .... when I play my scoundrel and I can see mara or operative attacking me I know that I have a problem and it will be hard ...

Edited by ataborik
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While this is true, it is of absolutely no use against Strong, or stronger mobs most of the time. Stun Droid, Awe, and Force Hold have some effectiveness against Stronger mobs, but the too short stuns they offer need to be timed nearly perfectly to be practically helpful (the difference between a long, drawn-out defeat and a win).


That's fair to say. Stun droid is definitely a very powerful ability, but also very limited in use. The other two are very short. This, I think, is where our defensive abilities start to shine. Rebuke, saber ward, force camo... all incredibly powerful when used correctly.

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Everything seems easy until around early 30's when it became a little difficult. When I got Doc at 34 or 35 the game just became easy. It was laughably easy. Hang in there. I highly recommend staying with Watchman until 40 then choose a spec.
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A bit like a movie, the game drags in every possible way from Level 30 to 40. Quests are meh, the story is slow and not paced, lots of running around, no climax... and top it off, things become really difficult, morale is as low as ever.


You get doc and hit L40, your damage significantly increase, you start rocking in PVP and to top it off, the storyline start picking back up again. Hope for a bright L50 future is beginning to shine away! :D

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I'm level 33 as well, finishing Alderaan. Watchman spec is your friend. I tried combat, and while it was fun in pvp and I could at least get the 2.5k medal, it's pretty awful for leveling; such insane amounts of downtime. Watchman rules, no doubt about it. I can solo champion mobs and small packs of elites of my level (h2 quests, that is) quite handily thanks to the self healing and defensive cooldowns, and I haven't spent a dime on Kira's gear because I'm waiting for my healer comp. I absolutely melt through strongs, and while big packs of normals are annoying because dots aren't that great against em, at least they're still easy to kill. Pommel strike can be used against normals after a smash, so that's a real quick way to take care of one in a pull. Can never really use it against strongs due to the lack of a stun. Also, I strongly believe it'll get much easier once you get your healer companion.
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I have played a PT, and sniper to 50. Also have a 22 Commando, 22 Shadow, 20 op and 32 sorc. My sent is 23 atm and other then my sniper NONE of them have been able to do what i can on my sent.


Its not being a jerk or elitist, but it really comes down to a L2P issue. The class if anything is borderline OP when played right, heck wish my sniper could pull off the numbers i have seen sent/marauders do. And i dont mean total damg at end of wz but effective damg, 600k+ and less then 30 kills = Bad sniper, 300-600K marauder/sent pretty much always have 30+ KB unless there spamming AoE to stat pad. Its all about applying damg in a manner that yields a kill, something this class excels at.


I don't know what warzone your playing in but I have never seen anyone top 180K in warzone.

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They'll be stunned most of the time. Dismiss/resummon companion if low health when done. I recommend going Focus spec if you want leveling to be easier.


Obviously you haven't played much as a focus spec. Sure you can mow down trash mobs quickly but it is in no way easier to level than watchman. Like combat it's broken just not as badly. Focus has all the good AOEs and Watchman still blows it away in PVP damage. I don't know why anyone would suggest focus is easier.


Sentinel is broken because most people cannot play well unless they go watchmen. And I refuse to go watchmen because shouldn't have to be forced in a spec like that.

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Obviously you haven't played much as a focus spec. Sure you can mow down trash mobs quickly but it is in no way easier to level than watchman. Like combat it's broken just not as badly. Focus has all the good AOEs and Watchman still blows it away in PVP damage. I don't know why anyone would suggest focus is easier.


Sentinel is broken because most people cannot play well unless they go watchmen. And I refuse to go watchmen because shouldn't have to be forced in a spec like that.


so you refuse to do anything but gimp everyone you play with, AWESOME!!!!!!!!

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so you refuse to do anything but gimp everyone you play with, AWESOME!!!!!!!!


If you are going to force me to choose a specific spec, I don't want to play with you. And who said I'm bad. I have no trouble taking on a Sorc or Agent one on one. And because I'm focus, I do damage to every enemy in the area. Big damage.

Edited by JerokTalram
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Sentinel is broken because most people cannot play well unless they go watchmen. And I refuse to go watchmen because shouldn't have to be forced in a spec like that.


What a load of Garbage.

I have played Combat from 10 – 50 plus raiding. It is a great spec, you mow down trash like grass, and can really sort out a solid rotation against boss mobs.

There is nothing wrong with a combat Sentinel other than the amount of flack they get on these boards.

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What a load of Garbage.

I have played Combat from 10 – 50 plus raiding. It is a great spec, you mow down trash like grass, and can really sort out a solid rotation against boss mobs.

There is nothing wrong with a combat Sentinel other than the amount of flack they get on these boards.


as good as combat can be, watchman does it better, i hate it, but its true, when they come out with meters it will be apparent and combat will get a buff of sorts, wether its a bladestorm buff or a simple ataru adjustment

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heck wish my sniper could pull off the numbers i have seen sent/marauders do. And i dont mean total damg at end of wz but effective damg, 600k+ and less then 30 kills = Bad sniper, 300-600K marauder/sent pretty much always have 30+ KB unless there spamming AoE to stat pad.


Actually, for me at least, its the EXACT opposite... I wish my sentinel was able to pull of the numbers my sniper can do... BUT i still LOVE the senitnel, and I kick butt with him as well, just not as good as me with my sniper :) Anyway, we're 2 different people, we're better at different things... I was just saying... so, ya

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After half an hour of the Bonus quest line in NS, I am fairly confident in saying that the Jedi Sentinel is a pile of rubbish.


As a level 47 Sent who tops damage/objective marks on the WZ and lays waste to everything PVE, I can confidently say, no they are not. However, 12-15 levels ago, I'd have agreed with you. Sort of.


You're obviously frustrated, and people will have said all this already, but Sents get better. You don't have Doc yet. He makes it easier. You don't have awe yet. That gives you a AOE mez. You don't have enough points to max out whichever spec tree you are using. That makes it easier.


Without all your abilities, without a healer, without interrupts, and without your defensive CDs popped, sents go down fast. With all that stuff? Not much that can touch us before we take their head off.


On another note, you cannot 'confidently' state anything about a class in the 30's range. If you were 50, sure. But you haven't tried the class at the end, with all the bells and whistles. Keep at it, Sent is highly rewarding.

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Having finished Tattooine, I went back to Nar Shaadaa to clear up a couple of heroic quests there that I had left. Found some bint in the space port that had a bonus quest line to do.


At the start of the quest I was level 33, using Kira as my companion. Both of us in mainly blues and orange gear, since I already had to blow huge amounts of cash on making Kira even remotely useful in quests.


After half an hour of the Bonus quest line in NS, I am fairly confident in saying that the Jedi Sentinel is a pile of rubbish.


Every pull there is massive damage being taken, and the mobs being pulled are only lvl 30. The Sentinel has no crowd control ability beyond channeled one (except against droids). Both mitigation abilities that the Sentinel has are weak. Their only force heal is on a massive cooldown. Damage output is not comparable to other classes - my level 20 commando seems to do as much damage as my lvl 33 Sentinel.


Bioware, you should address some of the issues around the Jedi Sentinel. Look around the forum, this is not the only post highlighting problems with what should be a much better designed class.




Honestly, I can't figure out these kinds of posts...


My Sentinel literally tears through pve content. I have no trouble taking on say 2 strongs and 3 regular mobs the same level as me with Kira, and coming out with 80% health... With Doc, I will be at full health.


If I have Zen, Overload Saber, Rebuke and Cauterize all up, I will demolish anything in my path.


A single elite with 2 regulars is no contest. I've even taken down a champion 2 levels above me without using my 20 minute cooldown heal.


My Sentinel is only level 36, and I've done almost no pvp yet (except for several very fun open world pvp encounters), due to having a 4 year old computer. So I don't know, are things that much worse in pvp?


The key to being successful as a Sentinel (as I'm sure most of you know), is making use of your defensive cooldowns at the right time. Also (again as everyone should already know), melee classes are of course going to be much more gear dependent than casters. you NEED to make sure you are wearing almost all blues and oranges (or purples) with up-to-date mods. Oh and your lightsabers should at the very least have THE BEST hilts that you can find/afford. They should ideally be (at least) the highest grade blue quality hilt for your level.


And because of the added gear dependency, you're going to have to accept coming out of most fights with 80% health instead of 100% health like you would if you were playing a Sage. However I rarely need to rest for more than 5 seconds after 2 or 3 fights.


Anyways these are just my 2 cents worth of thoughts on the Sentinel...I really can't understand why people say they are underpowered. Sure I would love to have a force pull, or a knockback. In fact I think we do need one or the other, but Sentinels are in no way underpowered (at least in pve...As I said I have very little pvp experience so maybe that's what I'm missing).



edit: Oh and I almost forgot. You NEED to use your interrupts. If you want to be successful as a Sentinel, using your defensive cooldowns AND your interrupts is an absolute must.


By the way, Force Stasis makes and excellent interrupt. With Force Stasis up you can interrupt 3 channeled abilities:


1. Force Kick

2. Force Stasis for the full duration

3. By the time Force Stasis is done, Force Kick will be off cooldown. Force Kick again.


That's 3 channeled abilities that you just prevented.

Edited by Mekias
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