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10 Good
  1. I read and understand your thread, and all i see is useless QQ. Sentinels are fine. It takes half of a brain to play one. It might be wise to track down the wizard of oz and ask for a brain before coming to the forums crying that sentinels have been pissed on. You might get better support on the other quest.
  2. I laugh at people who fake cast. They delay their cast then get force choked long enough for my cooldown to come back up and if they then decide to fake cast again they've taken 5+ seconds of an *** whooping their is no coming back from. Then they get 0m range force leaped interrupted into another kick. Yummy.
  3. This is pretty spot on, then add into the fact that Vanguards and Shadow Tanks do massive damage and you've got unkillable tanks / healer combo's that mangle your face. 1 Healer is not OP. 3 healers is. There just isn't enough dps to down that much heals being thrown out especially with the fact that interrupts don't lock casting for 4 seconds, just the spell you interrupted.
  4. I got a warning already for being mean so I'll keep this nice. You do know that each set has different set bonuses right? He's taking the defensive set bonuses and putting in offensive bm mods so he gets the best of both worlds. End of thread. Thanks for playing.
  5. Healing is already nerfed in warzones. Every warzone has a healing debuff once in combat. Having bad dps is why healers feel OP. Games with amazing dps, healers get rick rolled, even with tanks guarding their sorry asses. Here's a tip. Get better dps.
  6. Shanst

    The Force is Weak

    LOL SWG was set in a time after a mass eradication of Jedi. So it was rare for a jedi to exist. SWTOR is set in an era where Jedi were abundant. Sorry that feels less heroic to you. The whole WoW in space **** is just a band wagon everyone is hopping on. I do not ever log into SWTOR thinking im playing WoW again with lightsabers. The game is an MMO. Name any game created after 2004 that isn't some niche game that doesn't have aspects of other mmo's. The only damn reason people refer to any game as a "WoW" clone is because WoW was successful, and they like sipping on haterade. Plain and simple.
  7. Give republic cool looking armor, not jedi's that look like power rangers. Give jedi good force designs, pebbles make me cackle. Give jedi's a better story (i'll admit, the jedi knight story is pretty good. The consular one on the other hand is utter garbage) Dromund kas looks so equilibrium met nazi germany and is totally bad ***, while coruscant is your basic run of the mill city of star wars. Give republics better light side and dark side options. It feels like my 4 year old wrote this garbage. These changes MIGHT make more people roll republic dogs. But the damage might just be done beyond repair already.
  8. You have never done 600k as a 23 Sentinel, nor have you ever done 300k. Thanks for playing though. Im top damage in 98% of the Warzones Im in, and wreck face all day long, and i've broken 300k in one void star. My average voidstar is between 250-270k and my average Alderaan is between 180-220k. Huttball because im such a baller ball carrier my average is between 150-180k. Nothing is wrong with Sentinel, but they ARE harder to level in PVE than just about every class in the game. But you can't compare anything to merc / commando. They are just extremely powerful in PVE because of all their powerful AoE's and the ability to self heal if they need to. Its ok though because even though Sentinels are a little weaker in PVE than other classes in terms of survivability and lack super good aoe, they are by far in my opinion the most fun class to play.
  9. The best way to test this is for both characters to get completely naked and test this without gear. This way you can get a baseline for just the abilities and not whether or not gear is affecting it or not. Either way though, marauder is better than sentinel only because there are less people on republic than empire and its much easier to find groups, as well as do FP's as an imp than it is a republic. Other than that, they are exact mirrors of eachother.
  10. Off hand damage does not scale with anything. It is 30% of your weapons raw damage untalented, or 66% talented. As for the other question, no one can say 100%, but in my honest opinion I think its working as intended. Now do I agree with it? No, i think offhand weapon should mean more than it does. It seems like a cosmetic item more than an actual useful item slot. But its Bioware's game, and the decision they made was made and probably for good merit. We'll just have to see how it plays out in the future.
  11. No...No you did not. Video of it happening or you're just trying to ******** a bull*******.
  12. Yeah, if your strength is 160ish at 34, you are in need of some serious gear upgrades. I'm also level 34 on my Sentinel alt and my strength unbuffed is 562. Its very important to keep up with your gear. Especially as a Sentinel. Stick with it though. Its extremely rewarding once you get through the rough patches and the learning curve.
  13. I completely disagree with this. Im a wrecking ball in the 10-49 bracket right now. Solo queue or duo queue with my brother I have no problem wrecking face. Does the class take some extra skill. Sure does. But in no way shape or form are they underpowered in any bracket of pvp. I was breaking 200K+ in warzones as a level 12 sentinel. Fundamentals of pvp are fundamentals of pvp regardless of what class you are playing. And until you get those fundamentals down you're going to get wrecked no matter what class you play regardless of popular belief on these forums.
  14. Sentinels are extremely squishy without your defensive cool downs up. But the good thing about this is that your defensive cool downs are not only on a short cool down, but if used correctly, rebuke lasts for a maximum of 30 seconds. Probably the best defensive CD in the game besides guarded by the force, Both of which sentinels get. As someone said earlier. Pick your targets. Find the targets you hit the hardest, and have the hardest time getting away from you and rock their world. Make their life a living nightmare. Try to have high map awareness as well. If you notice your targets getting healed, and they are not the ones healing themselves, then you need to abandon your target, find that healer and shut them down. The only exception to this is if the healer has guard on him. If thats the case its much easier to burn the tank before the healer. Make sure you are playing smart. Avoid chasing targets. Stick with your team and don't get greedy. Its very hard to be effective as any class in this game if you overextend and end up with 5 people poking you repeatedly, no matter what defensive cool downs you might have up. Learn to manage your resource. As focus spec you won't get much centering to play around with very often. But manage your focus builders and spenders and learn what abilities are best used together for maximum burst. Is your spec efficient? Yes, everyone wants to feel unique, and to some extent I support this. But if you don't want to feel useless, you need to maximize your potential in all aspects. A lot of times this means your spec. No I do not mean watchman vs focus. I mean to talents chosen within your spec of choice. This is very important to the success of your pvp "career" I would also recommend getting a program that you can record yourself and record some games. Watching yourself play can be some of the biggest insight available to helping correct some issues you might be having. Its hard to see the big picture in the heat of the moment, so going back and watching a recording you can see you didn't use x skill enough, or overextended at y moment. These kind of things help make you a much better pvp. I run a stream for my lowbie sent alt on my off time and I also have some past recordings up for view. Check it out at http://www.twitch.tv/shanst123 . Message me here if you have any further questions. Good luck out there.
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