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Everything posted by Ovan_Oh-One

  1. https://www.youtube.com/user/DaDurasteelDuke I haven't uploaded TOR **** in a while, but enjoy.
  2. You can knock them back during an Unstoppable Ravage. The leap shaves off time from the buff, so it's not 4s. It's actually about 2.5s - 3s. And for the love of god, stop attacking them during Saber Reflect. <_<
  3. Happens with everyone. Pretty much breaks Vigi/Vengeance.
  4. Emergency hug protocol initiated. <(' '<)
  5. <--- Worst Guardian on server.
  6. Sorry, I tried to avoid what now is a pissing contest.
  7. I motion to adopt this one too.
  8. Clarification: Some of us never left the server, myself included, others split off to do their own thing. Rather than learning to play with a whole new group the rest opted to just come back. At least, that's my understanding of it. Unsure where the epeen comment is coming from.
  9. You'll be fine. You still have guaranteed burst every few seconds.
  10. http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2004/03/19
  11. Duels don't mean sheit!
  12. no, no, no, no, no, no, no, maybe, no.
  13. I'unno, certainly Goss will! <3
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