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Attacking republic in Open World is griefing?


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That's bs I will camp everyone I come across and purposefully wipe every repub group I see attempting to kill a world boss. Why? Because I rolled on a pvp server and doing those things I listed is a lot of fun. If bioware wants to inform me that I'm griefing over these things I'll die laughing and instantly unsub because it's far from griefing it's world pvp the illuding concept that bioware can't seem to understand.


Fair enough.


Just don't whine because you were told that it's against the rules, did it anyway, and had action taken against you.

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Played wow on a pvp server for over 6 years (For me the game ran its course and I dont plan to go back now or ever, just so you know this isnt a rant). Now, looking back I remember denying and being denied access to loads of content. From raids to world bosses. Sometimes it was frustrating, sometimes exhilarating but now that I look back I can safely say that it was never Boring. Not like this has become. Denying world pvp..on a pvp server and in a game based in Star Wars, now THAT is grief.
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Then enjoy getting busted for it. Purposely denying players access to content over and over is griefing, as per the games ToS. Deal with it or go elsewhere.


There is PvP solution for it. People were fine with this in WoW and no one got banned for this issue.

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So here is the scenario.


Belsavis World Boss is up. Republic guild is trying to take him down. A group of Imperials attack the repubs.....repeatedly til they abandon the boss.


Imperials get warnings for griefing.



I could have sworn this game said it had open world PVP....and I also could have sworn I chose to play on a PVP server.


So I would like the devs to clarify this.


And a little bit of rant here.

Bioware, you have never been big on the whole PVP thing, so much so that you had to co-opt developers from Warhammer to do it for you. The above example only shows your lack of knowledge about PVP.

A couple of things to enlighten you.

First, open world pvp in the gaming community means.....pvp anywhere, anytime.

On a PVP server, a common practice is denying the opposing faction areas, entrances, bosses....you know...it's almost like....oh I dont know....a WAR...like STAR WARS!!!!


I can deal with bugs, I can deal with slow patches and fixes. (you have been good with patches)...I can deal with alot of things. But one thing I cant stand is a mommy game company babysitting a PVP server.


So I would like some clarification.

Is it ok on a PVP server to actually attack the opposing faction in an organized fashion to deny them areas, quest bosses, or anything else? Can my guild decide to wage war on Belsavis and attempt to deny to the whole world to the republic?


If I kill someone and they come back to the area, am I allowed to keep killing them til they give up? If not, what's the magic number before I am griefing?




One pissed off PVP'er.


i feel with you man. bioware is just cuddling the bads cos all they care for is money. pissed of bads that quit = less money. since there is more bads than good pvpers. we get shat on while they get whatever they want.

cant wait for gw2 srsly...

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Denying a group of players access to content shouldn't be allowed? Hello, anyone at home? If you don't want to participate in open world pvp, then for god's sake choose a pve server already! It doesn't matter if his group wanted to kill the boss themselves or not. It should be ok if all they wanted was to kick some rep *** for a couple of hours.


PvP in these games today is in the gutter, didn't realize until now how ****** it became.


Actually, it doesn't matter what you think should happen. Bioware owns this game, and open world pvp on their pvp servers is defined as they see fit. An employee determined that the empire group was harassing, and that is it. Besides, you have heard one account of what happened from someone in the empire group - he is likely leaving out details.


If you do not like it, you can always go play one of the (many) successful hard core pvp ga..


o wait.

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The whole story, they attacked us first. We did the PVP thing and made a call out on the TS server....


We rolled in and camped the boss, didnt take it down, but protected it instead. Tag the boss as they get there and then wipe them. Actually thought this was cool and enjoyed the PVP. After a bit, most of us left but some stay around harassing the repubs by attacking them while they engaged the boss and such.


Perhaps on a PVE server that would be wrong. But on a PVP server, PVP happens, you have to plan for the opposing faction and IMHO be ready to abandon running a world boss or cancel a RAID because the entrance is blocked by the opposing faction. BW tends to be really carebearish though, so I could see them saying this is harassment or griefing. If that is the case, it's their game and I wont complain about it.


The only part of this story I get out as harassment is the part where you guys tag the world boss with no intention of killing it. Then yea, you deserve the warning. Rest of it is fine.

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In cases like these is that the actual story is far different than the one posted by those that got the slap on the wrist.


I suspect you got what you deserved or got off easy.


Yea, like how he left out important details in his first post and then makes another post on what he says is the whole story. I am sure there was more but he is not telling it.

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And they get warning ???





In warcraft you had world bosses and noone cried like little ***** after being wiped by other faction...




so what's next ?? I get warning for killing Rep's while they quest IN OPEN PVP ZONE ??

Edited by Menzoberanza
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Sounds like a bunch of ******** to me.


If you don't want to PVP and be harassed in the OPEN WORLD, don't go on a PLAYER-VERSUS-PLAYER server.


That's the exact distinction between a PVE and a PVP server. PVE is for those who want to choose when to PVP when they are questing our just running around, PVP is for those who want it all the time.


This happened all the time when I played WoW when it first came out on PVP servers - Blizzard did nothing, rightfully so. The faction who eventually killed the world boss demon in Blasted Lands was the one who had won the fight and driven off the other faction.

Edited by OklahomaSooner
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Actually, it doesn't matter what you think should happen. Bioware owns this game, and open world pvp on their pvp servers is defined as they see fit. An employee determined that the empire group was harassing, and that is it. Besides, you have heard one account of what happened from someone in the empire group - he is likely leaving out details.


If you do not like it, you can always go play one of the (many) successful hard core pvp ga..


o wait.


Because the lead dev's haven't consistently been telling us for weeks that this is OUR GAME and we should be able to play it how we want? Because I can't think up least a dozen epic fails on the part of low level GM's and forum moderators that made clear and epic level mistakes and had to be corrected...

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Sounds like a bunch of ******** to me.


If you don't want to PVP and be harassed in the OPEN WORLD, don't go on a PLAYER-VERSUS-PLAYER server.


That's the exact distinction between a PVE and a PVP server. PVE is for those who want to choose when to PVP when they are questing our just running around, PVP is for those who want it all the time.


This happened all the time when I played WoW when it first came out on PVP servers - Blizzard did nothing, rightfully so. The faction who eventually killed the world boss demon in Blasted Lands was the one who had won the fight and driven off the other faction.


But here, he openly said they weren't going for the world boss. Just kept tagging it to prevent the others from getting the kill on it.


So what I am guessing is:


The Republic team gets wiped while fighting, they come back to attempt again. As they go in, the Imperials tag the world boss first and the Republic team runs off to reset it (or whatever) they get wiped. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like harassment to you? Does to me. I am betting this is what happened and the OP is not telling the whole truth. Then they get a warning for just tagging a boss to prevent the other team from doing it. notice how he said after awhile they all left. No intention to kill it, just to harass. Now if the Republic team was smart they'd get more people to help wipe them out over and over. But whatever.

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But here, he openly said they weren't going for the world boss. Just kept tagging it to prevent the others from getting the kill on it.


So what I am guessing is:


The Republic team gets wiped while fighting, they come back to attempt again. As they go in, the Imperials tag the world boss first and the Republic team runs off to reset it (or whatever) they get wiped. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like harassment to you? Does to me. I am betting this is what happened and the OP is not telling the whole truth. Then they get a warning for just tagging a boss to prevent the other team from doing it. notice how he said after awhile they all left. No intention to kill it, just to harass. Now if the Republic team was smart they'd get more people to help wipe them out over and over. But whatever.


It doesn't matter if they kept tagging it to deny it to them - they don't want them getting an advantage over them.


Like, seriously, its a PVP server. If you don't want to PVP, don't roll a character on a PVP server. This can't happen on a PVE server, so go on one.


If the Republic couldn't kill the Empire players WHILE they had the world boss on them as well, then they don't deserve to kill the world boss on a PVP server.


Kill the players, then kill the world boss.

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And they get warning ???





In warcraft you had world bosses and noone cried like little ***** after being wiped by other faction...




so what's next ?? I get warning for killing Rep's while they quest IN OPEN PVP ZONE ??


+1111111111111111 what they did is an abomnation agianst pvpers

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FYI spawn camping is inescapable (until we can choose where to spawn) so that is clear harassment according to the policy that we all agreed to when we started playing.


"exploiting mechanics" is exploiting (presumably) which will also be against the rules.


Farming lowbies however I see no problem with (game-rule wise, not morally).


How is spawn camping unacceptable, when you are killed you have the option of reviving there or at the med center. If you don't want to get ganked again you have the choice of spawning in a new safe location away from the mean ol'pvper.

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But here, he openly said they weren't going for the world boss. Just kept tagging it to prevent the others from getting the kill on it.


So what I am guessing is:


The Republic team gets wiped while fighting, they come back to attempt again. As they go in, the Imperials tag the world boss first and the Republic team runs off to reset it (or whatever) they get wiped. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like harassment to you? Does to me. I am betting this is what happened and the OP is not telling the whole truth. Then they get a warning for just tagging a boss to prevent the other team from doing it. notice how he said after awhile they all left. No intention to kill it, just to harass. Now if the Republic team was smart they'd get more people to help wipe them out over and over. But whatever.


even if it was like that its perfectly acceptable behavior on a pvp server. thats the fun part about pvp servers uc? can take great pleasure in pissing off bad pvers. i just wish u could loot them aswell. would make the whinefest complete and i could feast on their tears. mmmm delicious tears. more plix

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On the other hand, "No intention to pve, just pvp" would be equally accurate.


True as well. But I am just saying that the OP is leaving out details. There might have been some name calling in there too. Don't really know. but yea, they needed to deal with one threat first before going after the other threat (world boss). Also, when you die, you know how to come back instantly right? Maybe they were doing just that too and that's what the warning was for.

Edited by Ngamok
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this is just ridiculous. They got warned cos they PvP on PvP server? And they dont even kill the world boss, which would be much worse, because of 24 hour respawn.




open world PvP is so pathetic in this game it's not even funny and now this? The game is going down every day faster and faster.

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I completely agree that PvP is about zone control, PvE control, etc. Denying people is where the fun comes from and being denied is also fun because you have to think smarter than the other players.


I completely agree on this.


But i still think 2 people bursting a tank when hes low hp is not PvP.


I would be fine with it if they couldnt just res up in 30 seconds and do it again. PVP should force you to res in the med center. <- Period.

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How is spawn camping unacceptable, when you are killed you have the option of reviving there or at the med center. If you don't want to get ganked again you have the choice of spawning in a new safe location away from the mean ol'pvper.


Spawn camping is camping the spawn - i.e. the medcenter which you just told me to rez at.


So the place where I died and the medcenter are the same place.

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