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Patch 1.2 may be to late.


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The game is three months old and folks already want new content. Perhaps not racing to the endgame would make for a more enjoyable experience.


Many things in peoples complaints don't even have anything to do with end-game. You can reach alot of issues well ahead of end-game..

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I find myself agreeing with the OP.


Its not that TOR is a bad game, when I see videos of it I think that looks good, even as I sit in game it looks good but then it feels horribly generic. It doesn't feel like Star Wars, despite lightsabers and blasters it feels like its missing something. Lightsabers feel more like glowing swords and even skills like saber ward offer a shield round my character rather than deflecting blaster bolts back and the like. My smuggler has none of the cocky charm of Solo rather despite all the talk of story its generic and rail roaded.


Now every question gets answered with either its being looked at or that it will be coming in patch 1.2 now this is either passing the buck and come patch 1.2 nothing will be fixed. Or patch 1.2 will solve a great number of issues and make the game enjoyable again.


Now for me it might just be the hope that 1.2 and the legacy system and everything else that has been hinted at is unrealistic expecations that the game will become star wars rather than generic mmo in space.

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The game is three months old and folks already want new content. Perhaps not racing to the endgame would make for a more enjoyable experience.


Ah, yes...it's the customer's fault for actually playing the game they're paying to play. Not any inherent flaw in the game. Likewise, it's the customers fault for expecting that a fee-to-play MMO will provide more than a few weeks/months playability. We're told, repeatedly, that WoW didn't have all this content when it was released...in 2004. Sweetheart, this isn't 2004, this is 2012. And the game SWTOR is competing with, is WoW of 2012...and failing, miserably.


For that matter, how is it that people are actively playing the game for months they say, and haven't reached end game? Virtually everything in the game gives huge EXP rewards. Do you spend your play time standing in Fleet BS'ing? A single evenings casual play, just following the story arc, will level a toon to the teens or twenties. Want to explore (though once you get there it's same as the place you left) and "savor" the game? Each new place you find gives you EXP. And since the game is constructed in corridors to channelize gameplay, to explore you have to fight mobs every 10'...then fight them again on the way back. More EXP. Ditto for Codex entries and datacrons. More EXP. Everything you do gives you EXP...heroics, FPs, OPs, PvP, space combat, completing quests, of course. I think I saw my toon get EXP for farting...know he got crazy EXP for sex with his companion.


So really, how is it you're actively playing the game, and haven't leveled? What's the secret? Lots of us would really like to know, so we can stay in the sub-50 PvP bracket. Or do you just talk about playing? If you're not leveling, would appear you're really not playing the game at all...just talking about playing, while telling us how wonderful it is. How would you even know? Would seem to be the case in a lot of these posts. LOL...Lv 20-somethings lecturing Lv 50s about how to play the game, when it is obvious from their total lack of progression that they really don't play the game at all.

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Maybe I would have rolled an alt if I could have ended the BH story properly, but I am all about 1 character, which doesn't work in this game as there is nothing at the end.


The mission/story bit is the only fun bit in the MMO. Ops and pvp are fun with the guild but with the total of 2 and 3 variations it has gotten boring.


My only other MMO I tried has been eve-o which entertained me way more, but I felt it needed too much time if you wanted to pvp with big ships (big costs =P).


The lack of content is understandable because of the voice acting and all the personal missions, but you have to love to make multiple characters and right now people do it at their own speed and times, not like with launch where you would level together.


Did some datacron collecting and most planets seem starved.

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BW really needs to start incrementally adding in patch 1.2 and soon, or they may find themselves a bit short on players


Sorry, but that's not going to happen. Every MMO has their vocal minority who criticizes a new MMO for lacking something from their prefered one.


This game is not going to suffer from a lack of players, it's not going F2P, and it certainly isn't failing. This game is alive and well, and will be an elite MMO for at least the next decade.

Edited by xCyberpunkx
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You don't need to race to end game to get to the end game in TOR. It's handed to you on a silver platter.


The problem is the leveling process in modern MMO's is too fast. With a long leveling process, you get a steady but slow trickle of people reaching end game. With the current pace, the majority of the population hits end game in under a month, and then you get everyone complaining up a storm and leaving in masses. Then developers scramble with content and patches, pushing out half-tested code, and in turn causing more problems. Which is exactly what's happening right now.


With the trickle effect, it gives developers more time and better data in order to help create efficient content around.


You might please all the kiddies at launch with easy content, but in the end, it's not the path to success.

Edited by Illuziun
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Ah, yes...it's the customer's fault for actually playing the game they're paying to play. Not any inherent flaw in the game. Likewise, it's the customers fault for expecting that a fee-to-play MMO will provide more than a few weeks/months playability. We're told, repeatedly, that WoW didn't have all this content when it was released...in 2004. Sweetheart, this isn't 2004, this is 2012. And the game SWTOR is competing with, is WoW of 2012...and failing, miserably.


For that matter, how is it that people are actively playing the game for months they say, and haven't reached end game? Virtually everything in the game gives huge EXP rewards. Do you spend your play time standing in Fleet BS'ing? A single evenings casual play, just following the story arc, will level a toon to the teens or twenties. Want to explore (though once you get there it's same as the place you left) and "savor" the game? Each new place you find gives you EXP. And since the game is constructed in corridors to channelize gameplay, to explore you have to fight mobs every 10'...then fight them again on the way back. More EXP. Ditto for Codex entries and datacrons. More EXP. Everything you do gives you EXP...heroics, FPs, OPs, PvP, space combat, completing quests, of course. I think I saw my toon get EXP for farting...know he got crazy EXP for sex with his companion.


So really, how is it you're actively playing the game, and haven't leveled? What's the secret? Lots of us would really like to know, so we can stay in the sub-50 PvP bracket. Or do you just talk about playing? If you're not leveling, would appear you're really not playing the game at all...just talking about playing, while telling us how wonderful it is. How would you even know? Would seem to be the case in a lot of these posts. LOL...Lv 20-somethings lecturing Lv 50s about how to play the game, when it is obvious from their total lack of progression that they really don't play the game at all.


well i did every flash point when i could, datacron hunting, and i advoided doing teh bonus missions when if was not something i did inroute to my nromal quest, i however cleared every planet of quest form korriban,hutting, all teh way to hoth and voss(2 heroics left to finsh) and i only been 50 for a week now.(happend mid voss). i also did a vew space things but then stoped for abit.now that i'm 50 started teh space stuff again to earn toeksn for later use.

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easy, don't play 12 hours a day from release.


ROFLMAO! If I played 12 hours a day since release, I'd have a dozen (or more) 50's leveled and geared. There were people who leveled 50s in the first week. Rolled a new toon on a busy server, have somewhere between 12-20 hours into him...he just dinged 30. You do anything at all outside the plot line it awards crazy EXP, and there's no way to avoid it. Or are you suggesting that we shouldn't PvP, FPs, world bosses, space missions, ect.? You guys whining about us "racing through the content" seem to want it both ways, or rather you seem to expect everyone to plod through the 300 or so hours of plot line without doing anything else. Then you whine because we didn't do anything else and shoulda. Which is it?

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im pretty tired of waiting for this magically update that is suppose to fix most things. i havnt logged in swtor in days now cuz its just boring. at this rate i wont be paying for another month of the same bs

wz are a joke. illum is a waste of space. so many bugs its not even funny. hacks in wz. un even teams. server sizes are a joke. at most on a good day i can find 70-80 ppl in rep fleet. then maybe 10 on average on other planets.

Edited by slowantics
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Either way, it's not going to matter. Those that want to play the game with whatever 1.2 adds will re-subscribe. That's how MMO's work. They get people to bite for a while, let them tread water, then send them back to the sea to bite again another day. Bioware knows this.


It really depends, though.


To extend the metaphor - while there's plenty of fish (us) in the sea, there's plenty of fisherman out there, too. GW2 is coming, and it's gotten rave reviews from the beta players.


Other games will come along, and those games will take some of the fish out of the ocean.


BioWare knows that, too. And despite their advertising blitz with people who give glowing reports of the game in BioWare/EA produced "how the game is doing" videos, there's plenty to drive the fish away from the ToRtanic and into the waiting nets of those other fishers of gamers.


Now, the staggered approach to releasing the game (which I believe was more to keep the numbers up so it looks better than it actually is - rather than to "ease stress on the servers") will ensure that they have an influx of new cash as different regions come online, but that'll only last so long.


BioWare need to address the problems a lot more quickly, and functional incremental patches may go some way to doing just that.


I'm not saying the game will die. The Star Wars fanbois will stick around and keep it alive with their subscriptions - even if nobody else does. It's what kept SWG alive for so long.


But I'm not a Star Wars fan, so sticking around to be taken advantage of by BioWare, who expect me to pay to Beta their product, is not for me.


BioWare has two more days to bring in something that impresses me enough to stay and keep paying. That's probably not going to happen.

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This game is not going to suffer from a lack of players, it's not going F2P, and it certainly isn't failing. This game is alive and well, and will be an elite MMO for at least the next decade.

You really think so? This game provides no challenge or rewards for hardcore players, theres no character progression beyond 50 for solo players. Class story lines are so similar (ie warrior & inquisitor class) that it takes the fun out of the story. PVP is dissapointing, space combat is terribad. Crafting is a joke, and worse yet they havent improved on the "holy trinity" system and have us running hamster wheels for upgrades.


No this wont be the next big thing, i'm sure it will have it's supporters but it isnt "elite". I keep hoping they will bring things forward and add some new concepts to the game to make it amazing, I want it to succeed. But after 15 yrs of MMO's you know a cherry from a lemon.

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Blizzard has set the bar too high with WoW. The expectations of mmo gamers are just too high to meet. Not just in terms of content, but in terms of quality, delivery and support as well.


Nailed it, people really need to stop setting their expectations very high it'll only lead to disappointment later on.

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Nailed it, people really need to stop setting their expectations very high it'll only lead to disappointment later on.


Heck no, why would you lower your standards thats an insane proposition. It's not upto players to lower their standards but upto game developers to increase their standards.


If you upgrade to a 115cm LCD flat screen tv why the heck would you downgrade to a 64cm tube tv? Players will be dissapointed if the game doesnt deliver for them, thats normal. Some will quit some will come back if things change, and then there are those that never return because a game has only one chance. As things currently stand this game was good for the first 4-6 weeks, after that you rolled an alt or banged your head against the wall due to FP & OP bugs.


I would go so far as to say that players expectations were no greater than the amount of hype put out by BW with their trailers. Players expectation levels were taken to new heights and then pushed off the edge.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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That's ok. Guild Wars 2 looks promising.


It won't meet the expectations - and it won't be because it is not good.


Gamers expect nerdvana, anything short of that sends them into a frenzy.


God help GW2 and ANet if their launch isn't picture perfect, and the game isn't absolutely jam packed with features that the fanatical playerbase won't rip through in a month. Trust me, if they stub their toes in any way, even in ways they had no possible chance to foresee pre-launch, they are going to catch hell. That is mostly because starved gamers are looking at it like it is supposed to be a messiah - no game can meet those expectations.

Edited by Jaramukhti
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Heck no, why would you lower your standards thats an insane proposition. It's not upto players to lower their standards but upto game developers to increase their standards.


If you upgrade to a 115cm LCD flat screen tv why the heck would you downgrade to a 64cm tube tv? Players will be dissapointed if the game doesnt deliver for them, thats normal. Some will quit some will come back if things change, and then there are those that never return because a game has only one chance. As things currently stand this game was good for the first 4-6 weeks, after that you rolled an alt or banged your head against the wall due to FP & OP bugs.


I would go so far as to say that players expectations were no greater than the amount of hype put out by BW with their trailers. Players expectation levels were taken to new heights and then pushed off the edge.


I never said that they should lower expectations, but rather have more realistic expectations of something instead of treating it like its the holy grail.

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As far as the topic of this thread is concered (1.2), it is not too late for me. I can't, and certainly never would, speak for anyone other than myself. For me, 1.2 is not too late. It is a major content patch within the first 3 months of launch. That is just about what I would have expected.
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I never said that they should lower expectations, but rather have more realistic expectations of something instead of treating it like its the holy grail.


Fair call but for me BW did a great job of making it appear as the holy grail, I had no expectation and deliberately avoided beta even though I was invited. All I went off was press releases and trailers, BW hyped the heck out of this game. After the first 6 weeks i'm losing interest, thats a bad sign for me.

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