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What did you do today in swtor 50s?


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>Plays a video game.

>acts elitist and calls/implies people are stupid for not playing a video game like them whilst simultaneously catering to the social norm's opinion about video games.


>implies through condescending and poorly formatted post that he is a hypocrite

>feels superior in doing so

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Best thread ever. Logged to my 50 SW and the fleet lagged like hell which reminded me how the engine sucks. Thought I go do some dailies, but I remembered how bad the travelling system is so I didn't bother. Logged off after 2 minutes. Took 7 days free wow gametime and logged in to my hunter, orgrimmar, all settings max 60 fps, more people there than at the fleet.


Too bad I bought a gamecard so 1 month gets wasted.


Same, but with Rift. God SWTOR's engine and subsequent non optimization is *********** garbage.

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Have you ever noticed that every single person crying about not being able to find flashpoints to run is a DPS?


Those few that aren't tend to be healers who spend FAR too much time DPSing (hint: if anyone has any damage you should be healing, not using your damage skills).


Haven't met a tank yet that has trouble finding FP groups.


Perhaps people should stop crying and learn to play a role that has more need?

Group size is 4 people, meaning the requirements to have tanks and healers just got higher. So the DPS players need to adjust and become tanks and healers more so here than in other games.

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Decided to not log in today for the first time. Just didn't feel like launching it up. Unsubscribed but I still have 59 days remaining. Yesterdays I did some dailies and some crafting for some guildies and that was it.


We'll see if anything changes within the time I have left.

Edited by VidarUlv
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Hardmode flashpoint, pvp, got my side quest done for the magenta crystal, did my dailies, hung out with friends and guilies in ventrilo, planned on some op's geared my companions a bit more, helped a couple of friends, same thing I do in every mmo, that I am max level, /shrug all mmo;s seem to have the same 5 things to do, I just like doing the more here..:)
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hmmm lets see....Logged on spent an hour trying to find a group, Well putting with with a server full of trolls and people Spamming for Black Talon Social runs......then Logged off and now ill find something better to do till they merge servers or my superscription runs out.
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4 from my guild gropued togehter with 4 from another guild and tried Eternity Vault HM and had a freaking blast!


I can understand people who has nothing left to do in this game cause they finished all the ops in nightmare mode and for them I feel sorry. BUT; I sure as hell enjoyed my friday evening with this game.

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Well, I opened up the launcher, put in my account details, started up the game, then sat on the character select screen...


... for a while.


Then when I realized I couldn't bring myself to log in, I finally mustered up the courage to unsubscribe.


What a weight off my shoulders!


Here's to 1.2 though...


It's only worse when u have 2 hours and u spend'em finding a group.. failing.

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ask me what i did in WOW as a level 85 Pally Tank.


nah i'll just tell you


i did exactly what you did in swtor.


only in WOW this is all i got to look forward to for at least 1yr 1/2 before pandas comes out.

Edited by chrisftw
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Well, I opened up the launcher, put in my account details, started up the game, then sat on the character select screen...


... for a while.


Then when I realized I couldn't bring myself to log in, I finally mustered up the courage to unsubscribe.


What a weight off my shoulders!


Here's to 1.2 though...


Ha same thing almost except I logged in I was on Ilum picked up my dailies and I decided I don't wanna do this **** again.


I have 6 days left and I'm not subbing until I see big crafting changes.

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