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    Gaming, sleeping, drinking
  1. I got 14 days of game time remaining, haven't been online in over a week. 1.2 is too little, too late for me. Two operations, three warzones and dailies gets old real fast. One operation, more dailies and another warzone isn't enough. Ilum was horrible and got stale extremely fast and now it's dead on my server, except for a few skirmishes over the boxes in the center. World PVP is pretty much non-existent because of how they designed the planets, even on Belsavis you rarely encounter anyone except for through the corridors to the Tomb. Even the quest hubs there are mostly separated, which makes even PVP servers extremely dull. Voss was fun for a few days, but it died down extremely fast, I met a lot of Republics when I leveled my Powertech at launch, but I only saw a few Imperials when I did my Vanguard some weeks later. Even though there's quite a few more Imperials than Vanguards on my server. It's not even a small server either. It's pretty much always standard and it goes heavy during the peek hours. I had fun while it lasted though. Loved doing the class quests, but the game is too static and unimaginative for me to make another character. I've already gotten two to level 50, one on the Empire and one in the Republic.
  2. At least it doesn't look as crap my Powertechs PVP gear, barely.
  3. This is kinda off-topic by a few parsecs but it's still the Theory of Relativity, not the Law of Relativity. A theory summarizes hypotheses that have been supported with repeated testing. Scientific laws explain things but they do not describe them. The law of gravity predicts how an object will behave once dropped, but it will not explain it. You make an observation, you test it and you find a reliable pattern. You make a hypothesis which is peer reviewed and if is is not disproved by further testing and experimenting and it provides reliable results it might get acknowledged as a theory.
  4. You can choose to list them by level already.
  5. Why would you ever put your son through the agonizing boring 1,2,3 movies? If anything let him watch 4,5 and 6 twice. Better yet, 4 twice, 5 thrice and 6 once. I'm not trying to troll or anything, I just despise the prequels, I can't see any redeeming features in them. In a few years your son would thank you.
  6. I swap between being a Shield/Tactics hybrid and a Assault Vanguard myself so this will affect me equally since my Assault spec got a 18 second dot and my Shield/Tactics got a 15 second dot. Still I have no problems with this change at all as the current system is flawed. It sucks that you're not satisfied with the changes when linked to your class. Assault Commandos and Pyro Mercs does not preform as well as Assault Vanguards and Pyrotechs, which is something I hope BW will look into soon.
  7. This is a great change IMO, especially especially combined with the three second activation time for speeders in Civil War. Now you have to put up a better defense than before instead of relying on dots and rushing back with the speeder constantly. This will improve Voidstar and Civil War immensely.
  8. VidarUlv


    I got a level 50 Powertech with 45 or so valor with champion gear, might have one or two cent pieces and a level 42 Vanguard and Sorcs/Sages Mercs/Commandos are the easiest classes I encounter. I just lock them down and rip them to shreds. A friend of mine who's a sniper hates them with a passion though. The only ones who's giving me problems are good Marauders/Assassins with good gear, but that just makes me smile extra wide whenever I manage to take one of them down.
  9. Actually tried that once with my guild, we had one group with 4 and one with 3. We queued at the same time and on the loading screen we saw that both groups got Voidstar, yet we still got in different games. Tried a few more times but we've never gotten into the same game. Having a few servers in the same Battlegroups and implementing some pre-made brackets would be great for the ones who'd enjoy a challenge. It's not really fun to win 9/10 Huttball games 6-0 after 3 minutes, and that's with only four guildies working together with 4 randoms.
  10. As others have said DoTs do in fact work on them when they stealth, but they can easily remove them before they vanish. This is why I love my Explosive Dart on my Powertech and my Sticky Grenade on my Vanguard, they can't cleanse a ticking grenade from their face no matter how hard they try, which is why I always use it just before I predict the enemy to stealth away. If it somehow fails I always have my Stealth Scan which stuns them for 3 seconds with talents.
  11. Got pushed off the ramp up to the enemy's goal while I had the ball and I ended up inside one of the support beams which hold the ramp thingy up. It was about a minute remaining and I couldn't move and none of the enemies could attack me, not even their aoe would hurt me. Since the pillar I was in blocked my vision I couldn't throw the ball either. We were in the lead so I just /getdown 'ed till the game was over.
  12. I'm really hoping for some pre-made brackets soon, where you can enter as a 4 man group, working together with another 4 man pre-made or you can enter as a 8 man pre-made.
  13. Nope. I enjoy being able to pick my nose without the risk of blowing it off. I also enjoy beating Mercs and Commandos in Warzones. Being one of the least played class is fun as well. There are only two high level Powertechs in my guild, we're both playing as tanks for the Ops.
  14. Decided to not log in today for the first time. Just didn't feel like launching it up. Unsubscribed but I still have 59 days remaining. Yesterdays I did some dailies and some crafting for some guildies and that was it. We'll see if anything changes within the time I have left.
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