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What would it take for you to stay or resub?


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I haven't unsubbed, but the thing I'm most worried about is how they will implement cross-server queues.


I hope they're done well with a very heavy focus on being around the same people much of the time.


It makes trying to help your team so much more rewarding, as you grow in skill together.

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I haven't unsubbed, but the thing I'm most worried about is how they will implement cross-server queues.


I hope they're done well with a very heavy focus on being around the same people much of the time.


It makes trying to help your team so much more rewarding, as you grow in skill together.


Bwahahahahahahah........gimme a second......


really, good one.

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  • Cross server queues w/ solo, duo, 4 man, 8 man premade brackets.
  • Fixing hybrid Sorc and PT specs (or give my Assassin hybrid spec back).
  • Fixing Ilum. Suggestions: map points must be capped in order, population cap, etc.
  • Performance fixes. There are plenty of good threads outlining what is wrong already.
  • FIX ABILITY DELAY. Completely.
  • FIX PREDICTION-LAG. Sick of seeing people warp all over especially on the edge of ledges etc.
  • Map-specific exploits fixed for WZ.
  • Voidstar rework to something like single-elimination per door or you get 2 lives etc.
  • A neat and useful legacy system.
  • Cross server optional legacy system.
  • Centurion gear should be boosted to ilvl 54 from 52.
  • Cent and BM gear needs more surge and power mods.
  • Fully moddable pvp gear.


  • Dual specs.
  • Modifiable UI.


Probabaly forgot a few.

Edited by SirFrags
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Oh how glad I am that we can have separate opinions and not laugh at each other as if one of them was definitely "wrong"


Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not laughing at you, I really don't. I rather find it hilarious to think Bioware will be able to steer this Titanic away from the iceberg. And much more amusing that I fell for such a crap game again after so many years of let down releases.


I mean, come on. I can't stand hearing the same old "give them time, the game is new" argument over and over. Gimme a break. The game has been developed for years and besides the voice overs (which I found boring and annoying after a couple of days) the rest of the game should be labeled "conceptional and in beta state".

Edited by Leandrid
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Stable performance, and the removal of halt commands from the rendering engine when things like a menu are opened, or a new player enters field of view.


Oh, also how the game access data needs to be resolved in general. There is no reason we should have to be creating RAM Drives for this game.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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  • Cross server queues w/ solo, duo, 4 man, 8 man premade brackets.
  • Fixing hybrid Sorc and PT specs (or give my Assassin hybrid spec back).
  • Fixing Ilum. Suggestions: map points must be capped in order, population cap, etc.
  • Performance fixes. There are plenty of good threads outlining what is wrong already.
  • FIX ABILITY DELAY. Completely.
  • FIX PREDICTION-LAG. Sick of seeing people warp all over especially on the edge of ledges etc.
  • Map-specific exploits fixed for WZ.
  • Voidstar rework to something like single-elimination per door or you get 2 lives etc.
  • A neat and useful legacy system.
  • Cross server optional legacy system.
  • Centurion gear should be boosted to ilvl 54 from 52.
  • Cent and BM gear needs more surge and power mods.
  • Fully moddable pvp gear.


  • Dual specs.
  • Modifiable UI.


Probabaly forgot a few.


if you expect that much right away good seeing ya, later!

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Good Warzones, good open pvp or Competitive PvP, reducing the CC in this game or increasing the flat Resolve Gain from everything.


It takes two stuns to fill resolve...


So the only increase would be ONE STUN, then you're full resolve.


That's not smart and encourages bad play.

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Respond proportionally to the severity of issues. This game is in triage and BW is acting like it's in the dentist's chair. I don't even want to hear the words "quality of life improvements" until the servers aren't skewed as much as 4:1 imp:rep. There's no reason for some many of the end game designs to be so poorly developed. How did something as completely trivial and global cooldown UI become such a resource-intesive fiasco?


You guys are literally reinventing the wheel (and failing) on the dumbest things. Copy developers like Blizzard on some of this stuff. You guys appear to be too focused on making your own mark on the industry when you should stand on the shoulders of giants. Einstein took a huge leap in our understanding of physics, but he would have stayed in that patent office his entire life if he got hung up on reformulating maxwell's equations rather than picking up where it left off.


I'm not sure what you're waiting for, but things are urgent now. Aggressively and directly resolve major and fundamental issues like faction imbalance and performance before doing ANYTHING else.

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Stable performance, and the removal of halt commands from the rendering engine when things like a menu are opened, or a new player enters field of view.


Oh, also how the game access data needs to be resolved in general. There is no reason we should have to be creating RAM Drives for this game.


My game is stable, so is everyone else i know with a decent comp and isp... lol...

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Too many things to list honestly.


Biggest one is lack of UI customization. Their recent "fixes" to the GCD indicators leave me with zero faith that these Devs know what they're doing. They've changed it three times and each solution has been worse than the last.


Simple design choices are sloppy as well. For example, each class has a no resource ability that is only usable on incapacitated targets with a cooldown that does not work in PVP. Some classes have two similar "conditional" abilities, again both with cooldowns and both with no resource cost.


My Sentinel for example has no less than 22 individual hoykeys that I use in PVE situations regularly, with as many as 30 that I could potentially use depending on the encounter. This is not including Relics, Stims, Medkits or mount, just class abilities. No Macro support and no movable quickslot bars make the character extremely difficult to manage effectively and takes away from the fun factor.


My hand literally gets so tired from playing the Sentinel that I'm forced to play only in bursts, an issue I've never had in any other game, due to the sheer number of hotkeys I am forced to use. It's sad when you are almost required to purchase a gaming mouse just to play the game effectively.


It's every bit as bad or worse on my Sage, since raid frames don't update target information reliably, and again no mouseover macros make healing a chore without a 3rd party hardware peripheral. To me, if I need to buy an additional piece of hardware to enjoy your game, then your game has serious issues.

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It takes two stuns to fill resolve...


So the only increase would be ONE STUN, then you're full resolve.


That's not smart and encourages bad play.


Na, stuns are fine. I'm mostly talking about Knockbacks and roots. I know that Roots doesn't affect Resolve but they should.

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Oh, don't get me wrong. I am not laughing at you, I really don't. I rather find it hilarious to think Bioware will be able to steer this Titanic away from the iceberg. And much more amusing that I fell for such a crap game again after so many years of let down releases.


I mean, come on. I can't stand hearing the same old "give them time, the game is new" argument over and over. Gimme a break. The game has been developed for years and besides the voice overs (which I found boring and annoying after a couple of days) the rest of the game should be labeled "conceptional and in beta state".


We get it, you like WoW a LOT. No need to yell about it kiddo.

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Sub is up this week and I am going to let it slide until I see what 1.2 is like.


The big deciding factor for me in the long term is open world pvp. Sadly, I don't see SWTOR getting it right, at least not any time soon. Ilum is an embarrassment and the companion system hurts it happening anywhere else (i.e. some classes can CC a companion right out the fight making it basically a 2v1). I just don't think this game was designed with ow pvp in mind. Having 17 planets and only one zone where it's supposed to take place says to me it's merely an add on to the game. I wish there was more because warzone after warzone is getting old, very fast.


Like I said, it's a good game, but I don't really see the longevity in it right now. I'll probably have a revolving door policy with SWTOR where I sub on and off for a month or two. Come back and check out the new stuff until it's boring again. The game just doesn't have the depth to remain continually subbed to for months straight at this point.

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