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Everything posted by SirFrags

  1. SirFrags

    Sniper Dps

    Not that I disagree on Sniper/Gunslinger needing some PvP help, but I don't think blowing up tanks is the right thing to ask for . I'll agree on the root though, it should be a tech attack and not a regular attack. Snipers are the only class that gets a 20% armor debuff on one application no? low CD and energy cost. Just drop those on a tank and move on to a squishier target. I'd be fine with Snipers getting the 20% MS that Marauders have as well. EDIT: Snipers have just as much internal/elemental damage as the next class, it just isn't in a tree that blows up the squishies. Corrosive Dart, Cull, and even Plasma Probe are all internal/elemental.
  2. Why do people get so bent out of shape over people who leave obvious steamroll games. If I join a match and it is 0-3 with 10 min left and fighting in mid, sure I stay and try to change the tide, its fun. If I join a match and it is 0-5 with their entire team sitting at our goal line /dancing and slaughtering 11k hp baddies who didn't bother to even try to get gear at 50, what possible reason could I have for staying? The people remaining on the farmed team will get the same in the end, hell maybe some lowbie will pop in for a 30 second loss worth some valor / creds / comms and be not unhappy.
  3. In that case, the consular one seems quite grossly overpowered. I don't know why it is in the game. The SI one is not very good (40% heal that nearly kills your companion). The "heroic moment" SI ability is probably one of the worst, resetting the CD of your stun. War/Knight resetting Saber Ward is much better...
  4. I have absolutely no idea what abilities you are referring to... there is no complete heal or -50% damage anywhere.
  5. Ideally... Cross server queues w/ solo, duo, 4 man, 8 man premade brackets. Fixing hybrid Sorc and PT specs (or give my Assassin hybrid spec back). Fixing Ilum. Suggestions: map points must be capped in order, population cap, etc. Performance fixes. There are plenty of good threads outlining what is wrong already. FIX ABILITY DELAY. Completely. FIX PREDICTION-LAG. Sick of seeing people warp all over especially on the edge of ledges etc. Map-specific exploits fixed for WZ. Voidstar rework to something like single-elimination per door or you get 2 lives etc. A neat and useful legacy system. Cross server optional legacy system. Centurion gear should be boosted to ilvl 54 from 52. Cent and BM gear needs more surge and power mods. Fully moddable pvp gear. EDIT: Dual specs. Modifiable UI. Probabaly forgot a few.
  6. You are a ranged dps / healer and you want to last longer than 10 seconds with a melee dps wailing on you? Pretty sure melee dps don't last 10 seconds taking hits from commando dps...
  7. If it is any consolation, the BM gear pretty much is crap. There isn't a single piece with crit + surge that you can remove the mods from, unlike the champ set. Tank off-hands trade accuracy (useful) for shield rating (useless). Just about the only reason to get Battlemaster gear is if you like Aqua/Red+Black better than Purple.
  8. I respecced from 23/0/18 to the BW mandated proper authorized and culturally accepted 31/0/10. Other than not being able to play the spec I preferred, I do not notice any problems with my damage.
  9. I played plenty of games as Assasin tank + Sorc healer (brother and I) + 2 randoms. Our basic strategy was I sprint to the ball, he goes top left or right and grips me up once the fire is down. After that (my sprint is down, his is up) he crosses the fire pit and I pass to him. He sprint jumps over the edge to land and cap total time ~15-20 seconds. I'll outline how to stop this strategy. 1. Wreck the Sin with the ball early (only works with stun+focus). 2. Don't let the Sorc stand up on the ledge. This can be done by one person. 3. Actually leave someone on defense at goal with a knockback (Jugg works very well, PT too). 4. If the Sin tank is using Cloak to cross a fire pit, many roots will still work including Sniper, and Warrior roots (anything that does white damage + roots, as well as charge roots). As a Marauder you should be on that Sorc as hard as you can, not much else you can do. Force choke over the fire is good too.
  10. I can honestly say that I could 4 hit you. You have half the expertise of a full BM player and you are the squishiest class. It would definitely take my recklessness and trinket anyway though. If I didn't get lucky and crit all my white hits it would definitely need an assassinate as well. Just so we are clear, 2-3 shots is quite far away from 5 shots 2-3 shot = omg what happened to my healer! 5 shots = lol look at that guy, time to kite/cc/grip/taunt/guard
  11. This is quite true for the most part. Assassins (of all specs) have the least healer-threat of any melee. Mercenary have superior sustained damage, marauder have much superior sustained damage (if they have the uptime), and PT have much more interrupt capacity. The 1.1.2 patch notes is like... if your house is burning down and the fire department rolls up to get your neighbors cat out of a tree.
  12. R62 BM. 2 Champ, 0 cent. 0 Columi. 6xx Expertise. BM weapon/ Bm implants/ears. You lie. Tip: Bring on the videos.
  13. This is an outright lie. Tanksin in full champ gear and I have 40% armor mitigation - I guess that is kinda like ~55%? If you run deception and do not use surging charge you will do less damage than a Tanksin. In fact, Assassins have no hard mitigation cooldowns at all (flat% damage to everything) like Marauder, Juggernaut, and Powertech have.
  14. If you want my opinion Juggernauts are the best at Huttball (ball carry), Tanksins are the best at Voidstar (stealth bomb), and Powertech are squarely inbetween on all counts when it comes to usable utility.
  15. I think I hear that flag popping up now... I wonder how obvious they are going to make the guard graphics, as I feel it is already pretty obvious. It better not be obnoxious as a tank to have guard up... EDIT: People need to get it through their head that this thread is not about how OP/UP tanks are in PvP, but is instead about how useless the tank PvP gear sets are. I wear the DPS set as an Assassin tank in PvP and have the same survivability that I do in my PvP tank set. That is what people are complaining about. ~ Dahl Silversand ~ Sith Wyrm Server ~
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