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Remember when purples were actually rare?


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I don't understand why MMO's have gravitated towards handing out purple items like candy. I've played at level 50 for roughly 20 hours and nearly all of my gear is "artifact" quality. Why is there even prototype gear in the game? Other than for leveling, it's basically a worthless tier of loot that is essentially skipped altogether. Why isn't Centurion pvp gear prototype quality?


Does this bother anyone else? To me, it really kills the thrill of 'purple fever'. I get that they want to make top end gear accessible to those of us that are casual (and I am casual), but why even call the loot an artifact if every Tom, Harry, & Sally has 20 of them with minimal effort?


I'm kind of old school, so is it just nostalgia talking or are other people bothered by this as well?

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Legendary is the new purple


I was actually kind of wondering this. How rare are legendary's actually going to be in TOR? Is it going to be a few per server like WoW was...or is it going to be similar to how purples were in Vanilla WoW? Just curious.

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I personally only RE my stuff up to blue quality, and it works just fine for me (pre-endgame, that is - once I hit 50 or close to it, I'll start carign if it's purple or not.) About the only exception to that rule is color crystals, because they have a much larger useage range than enhancements, hilts, barrels, armor plates, item mods, or other such things. I mean, if I make some blues and RE them and get a purple, then cool. Otherwise... not a big priority.


I rarely get purple mats, anyway.

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maybe Purple doesn't mean rarity, but just means that it has more stat budget then blue or green.


I really don't get why it matters if most people around you have purple gear.


Yep. Blue, purple, green, or tie dye paisley on neon plaid. There's going to be some level of gear that has the mean stat budget, with grades both above and below.

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I remember when the only thing to differentiate item quality was whether it could be traded or not, and the actual stats of the item.


I remember when the only thing to differentiate items was stats and effects.


Even EQ didn't have BOP at release that was added later. Everything was tradeable.

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Yep. Blue, purple, green, or tie dye paisley on neon plaid. There's going to be some level of gear that has the mean stat budget, with grades both above and below.


That's a very marxist view of itemization. Which doesn't fit the OP's Horatio Alger leanings.

Edited by SnoggyMack
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Remember when drops went colored and something considered epic actually came from an epic encounter. Or factions had to do with alignment and being able to change it. Or being able to group with other alignments so the population wasn't cut in half everywhere. /Sigh ...nostalgia.
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I remember when purplz were so difficult to come by that months of raiding would probably see you get about 6 of them.


I miss those days. WoW used it for the carrot and the stick.


Greens were useable, blues usually better and game from long quests or dungeon rewards. Purples were rare, and *mostly* from rare world drops.


But then everyone wanted "purples" because they were "better" then "blues". And really all they did was tweak the game so everyone got purples as exalted rewards and tier-drops, and didn't introduce a new color (beyond the legionaries they've kept rare) as they would have just created a new level of "rares" they'd have to hand out to keep people happy.


Within 30 days of Cata release I was in full epics again. Kinda sad when you think about it.

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you do realize that purple in one game does not equal purple in another right?


In wow orange was legendary in this game orange is customizable.


Stop getting all bent out over item color


I see your point, but I also see the OP's point. It really isn't about color. It's about rarity of loot. In other words, if everyone has it, is it really legendary? Or artifact quality? The names imply scarcity, but they are hardly rare.


And why do greens bind on pick up/equip? I can't figure that out.

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I remember when the only thing to differentiate items was stats and effects.


Even EQ didn't have BOP at release that was added later. Everything was tradeable.


Yea and the market got saturated with rare items, that went for dirt cheap afterwards.


I agree this game throws around purples much too easily. I also wonder why devs bother to create white quality items (armor and such), when greens are so easy to get and blues are not far behind.

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I remember when the only thing to differentiate items was stats and effects.


Even EQ didn't have BOP at release that was added later. Everything was tradeable.


NODROP items were in at launch, there just weren't a ton of them. And virtually nothing bound to the character on use.

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I have been banging my head against the wall, concerning Itemization in SWTOR. What are these people/Devs thinking? I could go into a very long dialog, on this topic. But the fact is...

Someone in the development department has decided, they don't like the colors green or grey, so they make everything blue and purple, even if they are junk.

I have no issues with the oranges (moddable), except they all fricken look the same!




So, what happened to the rarity of rares? Rares seem to be more common the the common cold.

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I don't understand why MMO's have gravitated towards handing out purple items like candy. I've played at level 50 for roughly 20 hours and nearly all of my gear is "artifact" quality. Why is there even prototype gear in the game? Other than for leveling, it's basically a worthless tier of loot that is essentially skipped altogether. Why isn't Centurion pvp gear prototype quality?


Does this bother anyone else? To me, it really kills the thrill of 'purple fever'. I get that they want to make top end gear accessible to those of us that are casual (and I am casual), but why even call the loot an artifact if every Tom, Harry, & Sally has 20 of them with minimal effort?


I'm kind of old school, so is it just nostalgia talking or are other people bothered by this as well?

Bottom line is its easier for them to itemize. the token system makes it so they dont have to create a bunch of unique items for end game .they name swap items in the earlier tiers and dupe items . its basically to save time. the end result is the end game is very Drab
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I don't understand why MMO's have gravitated towards handing out purple items like candy. I've played at level 50 for roughly 20 hours and nearly all of my gear is "artifact" quality. Why is there even prototype gear in the game? Other than for leveling, it's basically a worthless tier of loot that is essentially skipped altogether. Why isn't Centurion pvp gear prototype quality?


Does this bother anyone else? To me, it really kills the thrill of 'purple fever'. I get that they want to make top end gear accessible to those of us that are casual (and I am casual), but why even call the loot an artifact if every Tom, Harry, & Sally has 20 of them with minimal effort?


I'm kind of old school, so is it just nostalgia talking or are other people bothered by this as well?


Remember when this was a different game?

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I remember when MMOs weren't about affirming your self-worth or the need to compare yourself to others.


This. Why do you care? You're you, and other people are other people. I see no reason to even care if someone else has purples like you except you want to feel superior in an online game to measure how cool you are.

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