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What are things that baddies do that make them terrible PvPers?


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How to tell bad PVPers on this forum:


- Complains that sorc, operative, or tracermerc is OP

- Complains that healing/healers are OP

- Complains that marauder is too weak

- Complains that only gear determines who wins PVP

- Complains about premades

- Complains about "elitists"




- The same as above, plus:

- level 40 greens guy

- Keyboard turning, clicking etc

- Leaving node unattended while being last person there

- Pass ball not keybound

- No situational awareness no peripheral vision

- Never checks map

- No typing in chat, no reading chat

- Don't know other classes' abilities

- Don't need to know other classes' abilities

- Solo hero

- All caps hero

- FFS crowd

Edited by Redmarx
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Announce to their guildies that they're going to reroll empire because they "always win and Republic is too hard." Then you never hear from them again, no whispers, no mail, not even a five minute log-on at peak hours.:mad::(:mad::(


Sorry, I'm still a little bitter.

Edited by Abanoth
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How to tell bad PVPers on this forum:


- Complain about medals or MVP system


- Complain that sorc, operative, or tracermerc is OP


- Complain that healing/healers are OP


- Complain that marauder is too weak


- Complain that gear determines who wins PVP


- Complain about premades




- The same as above, plus:


- Keyboard turning, clicking etc


- Leaving node unattended while being last person there


- Pass ball not keybound


- No situational awareness no peripheral vision


- Never checks map


- No typing in chat, no reading chat


- Solo hero


- All caps hero


- FFS crowd


Remove medals from the list and I agree with all points.


Deathmatch medal rewards in objective-based pvp is clearly foolish, which is why they are adding objective based medals in the future.

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People who use the term "Baddies". Those same people come to the forums and make Dwight Shrute type lists. And last but not least people who talk down to people on the forums, but you cant really tell if they are talking down to people due to the fact that their typing/spelling and general use of "text speak" requires the use of 200 hours of the Rosetta Stone program on "How to Talk Like a Dumb Head".
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Well I guess I can agree to disagree.


1 person guarding a turret is the same as 0 people guarding a turret. I find that 95% of the time its a waste and I feel like people are slacking by just standing there for 8 minutes without being attacked.



Not necessarily. . .


step 1) - Call the inc. . .


step 2) Harass and survive as long as possible to prevent the cap. The goal here isn't to kill, it's to buy time.


step 3) When killed, use the side speeder IMMEDIATELY. You can beat a lone capper to the turret and interrupt him before he finishes. Usually, you can two-shot him if he hasn't had a chance to heal.

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Feedback time:


What I usually do in WZs. . .


1) I am often the guy guarding the lone turret and/or door

2) When I get the ball, I attempt to pass .. . sometimes it works!

3) When the other team is planting or capping, I will charge into the zerg and AOE and/or throw a quick DOT on nearly everybody

4) I spend *most* of my comms on stims and medpacs (and try to use them at opportune moments)

5) I just about never leave WZs (Other than last night. . . the pizza delivery dude arrived and needed to be paid, pending threat of wife aggro :( )



- I get on the low side of medals, DPS, and kills for my class (lvl 27 sage, straight telekinetics) 200K damage seems impossible. . .

- I suck and soloing and win "solo" battles once in a blue moon. . . once my CCs are gone, I'm toast.

- My current gear looks like a strait jacket for a demented monkey



What's the verdict: "baddie" or not?

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Not passing the ball to the 3 people on the ramps ready to take it and score.


As mentioned before:


Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


The second thing you mentioned there can be usefull in a way. On CW if your trying to take a turret if you only have 1. You keep a group of 4 or so busy on 1 node for a bit while the rest of your team caps a weaker turret. This can be usefull. Otherwise no, its bad as you stated. Has uses though if done correctly

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Only a noob would think that. There are VERY limited situations where it can help. l2p


The only situation where back peddaling is better than strafing is when my left hand is reaching for quickbar buttons outside of my normal reach while I try to strafe away (and that's only because some of my least used abilities aren't bound to a button near WASD - this rarely happens).



What situations are you referring to?

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Hmm I keyboard turn, mouse click and back peddle sometimes. I am also in the top of the charts with DPS and kills every WZ. Not because im out on a solo ops mission but because I play the objectives and DoT people capping etc. Im not the best player but by far and large this does not make you a "baddie". Ive beaten plenty of people trying to circle around me twirling around like a ninja. Mouse turning and key binding is a better way of doing things ill agree but im used to one way ive been doing for 10+ years. It worked back then, it still works now and im pretty good at it.
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PEOPLE NOT GUARDING A DOOR/TURRET CAPPER!!!! Every time I am the first to try and cap a door in VS/turret in CW, someone will come a few seconds after me and start doing the same damn thing.... and when that one sith rounds the corner and smacks us both? With 5 of his buddies 4-5 seconds behind him? RRRRRAAAAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRR >.<


Or when I distract/peel off a lone defender from a door/node, and the 2nd person with me just charges in to "help me" instead of capping door? Le sigh....

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Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.




If you can keep that group of 4 of 5 occupied for a few seconds while the ball carrier gains distance, or your buddy plants that bomb or caps that node, then it can be very useful....

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1. Stun the enemy ball carrier 5m from the end zone when there's not a chance their going to be killed in that time, guaranteeing the score.




Its always worth a shot to buy a few seconds. You never know who is around that has a knockback or harpoon up, and a small group of certain classes can drop an unsupported ball carrier in a few seconds.


But what is the harm in stunning them, if it only delays the inevitable, and how does that make someone a bad player?

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3. Walk away from an otherwise undefended node.



I do this all the time. Why? Guarding a node that is not getting attacked is boring as hell. No one tries to rotate out with the defenders and let them have some fun on the assault teams. I understand that pvp is srs bizness to most of you people, and you consider it a job since you are otherwise unemployed I gather, but I play this game for fun. Why should I bore myself to increase your chance of victory?


Node defense is everybody's job. Everyone is capable of looking at the map at any time and seeing that a node or door is undefended. If you have a problem with it being undefended, nothing is stopping you from going there to defend it yourself.

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Not passing the ball to the 3 people on the ramps ready to take it and score.


As mentioned before:


Players who run into an enemy group, (usually 4 or 5) alone and expect something good to happen. I honestly don't know what the sweet hell goes through their minds.


Let's see, call out 'inc 4 east'. No response and it is just me that stayed to defend the turret. I'm going to die quickly if they are coordinated, but if not, hopefully I'll slow them down enough to buy time for my team to come defend before I'm defeated.


Context of why you charged matters. Sometimes that crazy assault is a useful distraction, though I grant you I've seen plenty of kamikaze runs on mid when either side would have been a smarter option.

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I solo guard turrets all the time. If you call inc as early as possible, use dots religiously, and do your best to stall, you can hold off a cap long enough for help to arrive at a side turret if your team is paying attention.


IF your team is paying attention.


0 people at a turret is just begging the other team to take it and seal your fate.


This depending on how many come to the turret, I can solo hold a turret for a minute to a minute and a half, which is usually long enough for the help i called for to come. my one main problem is calling for help in mumble and not in ops. sigh those other 4 people... :)


I have also charged mid with 4 peeps there jsut to harass them, but that is usually when i know my teammates are about to take a different objective, holding those people there may buy them the time to finish it, even if it is only 20 seconds.


I have done the stun at goal line, but usually when 3-4 people are behind the lock and it looks like they will be out, and only if i cant get in front to knock them back instead.


Also a personally pet peeve, I just healed you while you killed that guy, why do you run off and leave me alone with his 2 friends...

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