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  1. Also most pre-mades will be doing rated Warzones, this is a guess but I would assume rated warzones will have slightly better gear, and your pre-mades will be moving into that leaving solo queue for non-rated warzones. At a guess most rated warzones will prolly be pre-made, maybe even require pre-made. I jsut hope it allows 8 man pre-mades
  2. Well since he laso says Gear will be purchased directly with Warzone and Rated Warzone commendations which you don't get if you leave a Warzone that will in and of itself stop the leaving from Warzones, may create more medal farming or hunting issues but will stop the leaving warzone, and being able to kick idlers should help with afkers.. hopefully
  3. Liriana

    Told to leave

    ignore people like that. I may sigh to myself when I see 11-12k health peeps, but I never worry about those with 14k or more. Even the 11-12k hp peeps I would not tell to leave or anything, they need to get their gear somehow. which means they need to do their WZs. Love how most BMs think the world revolves around them, it may be annoying to see fresh 50s in our wzs but they have every right to be there.
  4. 1. Every Ops I talk to said that yes it was a nerf, but honestly it was needed from them. The honest ones will tell you they were critting for 8-9K. The still destroy l sorcerers now that they crit for 4-5K, at least the good ones due. Their sustained DPS should have been bumped a bit though. 2.Hybrid I agree and I play a sorcerer, somethings should be moved higher in the tree, mainly the root on overload imo. but have to be careful cause that means something else is coming down lower in the tree. and that tree is really hard to move things down to move what is a pvp talent only up...maybe they can just replace that talent instead of moving it. and yes I play a sorcerer, but not that build im pure heals. I enjoy the PVP, I only wish the resolve system worked a little better, and agree that roots(not slows) should increase your resolve bar as well. I also wish it was resolve bar full decreased the last CC to half duration then made you immune. and sorcerers have some of the worst CC as far as filling the resolve bar.
  5. This depending on how many come to the turret, I can solo hold a turret for a minute to a minute and a half, which is usually long enough for the help i called for to come. my one main problem is calling for help in mumble and not in ops. sigh those other 4 people... I have also charged mid with 4 peeps there jsut to harass them, but that is usually when i know my teammates are about to take a different objective, holding those people there may buy them the time to finish it, even if it is only 20 seconds. I have done the stun at goal line, but usually when 3-4 people are behind the lock and it looks like they will be out, and only if i cant get in front to knock them back instead. Also a personally pet peeve, I just healed you while you killed that guy, why do you run off and leave me alone with his 2 friends...
  6. Actually this is wrong. WoW realized with Wrath of the Lich that cartering to the lowest denominator cost them alot more in subs and revenue than they ever believed it would. Cataclysm was harder for raids that WoTL for exactly that reason they wanted/needed to get the hard core raiders and semi hard core raiders back.
  7. I was getting alot of affection with Ashara from weapons. Female DS SI. most blue weapons were +90 or 140, and 200 from epics. Although I mainly got her up because I have used her since the day I got her. Favorite companion for soloing or grping. she is sitting at 10K and has been for awhile.
  8. I am enjoying the game, and I have fun PVPing with my friends. Maybe the shadowlands server is different than yours, we have solid players on both sides Empire and Republic. We usually have action going on in Ilumn 2-3 times a day(5pm-midinight) with the republic outnumbering the empire occasionally or close enough to push us. GW2 is a PVPer's wetdream really? it is an all instanced game how are true PVPers who always cry about open world PVP going to like that? Some interesting stuff to it, but not enough to make me leave here. GW2 will have a ton of bugs and prolly more with the 3xserver-vs-server fucntionality. I have always felt that a game needed a good 4-7 months to fully balance itself out PVP and PVE wise. There will always be teaks needed, but it's not like WoW was ever balanced for PVP, people jsut re-rolled the most powerfull class for patches.
  9. Lol what? True healers are not getting your dps medals, they might be getting the 10 kills medal, and occasionally ninja a killing blow medal. But healers get the lowest number of medals per match every single game. And im not talking about DPS sorc/sage who shield people enough to get to 75K healing Saying that healers can get dps medals jsut as easily as DPS shows your ignorance of the class. Healers do pitiful dps, when we get kills it is because we tagged people with useless dots, or aoed and dps killed them. DPS by doing just their job DPS have access to 8-9 medals, tanks have the easiest time getting medals because honestly them getting their higher level medals is dependant on the healer healing them. but tanks have access to 4 medals for the cost of an IC, and maybe the occasionaly taunt or intercede(although some of them focus on it and do a great job) which frees the to pursue the DPS medals the rest of the time. which gives them access to 12-13 medals Healers have access to 4 medals and by not doing their job and doing useless as in not worth the gcd unless you are preventing someone from capping, placing a bomb or CCing may can another 2-3 if they really only care about medals. DPS - 8-9 with 7-8 easily Tanks - 12-13 with 8-10 easily Healers 4-6 with 2-3 easily Yeah their is an imbalance here just not the one you are saying.
  10. Liriana

    Nerf Premades

    wait so my guilds alts that we want to level though pvp, we can't because it will be pre-made? in lvl10-49 just deal its all fun and no real difference. honestly I rarely as in 1 out of 100 matches, ever see a WZ without out at least partial pre-mades on both sides.
  11. Not too mention the fact that you can hold 2-4 quests when you are close without collecting the reward, more specifically the weeklies from the week before, giving you 19-20 BM bags the first week
  12. It is the exact same as PVE endgame raiding if you think about it. You get enough tokens to pretty quickly fill out any needed T2, but you have to hope for a random drop/Token to get upgraded to T3. Only real difference is that in an ops someone is most likely getting gear, unless you are missing a class or that class(looking at you Snipers) already have full Rakata. Where as in BM bags it is only you with a 25% chance versus the raid getting something for sure. I'm not quite BM yet but why is the random chance such a detractor to PVPers, all you playing because you enjoy PVP or because you want to be max rank with gear and strut? If you enjoy PVP this should be an annoyance but nothing more. I could see asking for a few more BM bags to be available, maybe for X medals in a day and X medals in a week, that would get you close to what PVE is since PVE has 20 boss kills a week, this would open up BM bags to 24 a week instead of 16.
  13. Wow, um there is noway any healer can survive focus fire from a full good group in a WZ. I have 643 expertise, with a tank in vent guard/taunt/intercede I will live for a long time by focusing on healing myself and the tank. I will survive until I run out of Force if you are not using interrupts. With interupts I will go down within a minute from focus fire if not faster. That doesn't make healers godmode. that is a tank taunting reducing my damage by 30% and eating 50% of whats left, intercede reducing my damage by 25% and eating 50% of whats left. My health and my tanks still go down and I am pulling every trick I have to keep us up for that minute. Bad groups will never kill us because they dont focus fire, and even 2 on me i can heal through because the tank is taking effectively 1 dps worth away. Stuns and interrupts correctly used stop this faster. And you should see how many people i get to interrupt crushing darkness by casting it randomly so my heals get locked less often. On the other hand last night in VS the group we played Focus fired me when I had guard, from 4-5 I was dying in 5-15 seconds flat, then my team was going down quickly when I was gone. PVP in WZ is not a solo game it is a team effort player with your team or stop complaining pls
  14. Seriously the 6 DPS would have to be absolutly terrible, unless the healer was being guarded/taunts/interceded in which case l2 seperate the healer and their tank bad players don't count imo 1-2 good dps using interrupts can kill me, it may take a few seconds, but i am also unable to heal anyone else during this time. and please dont compare 6 fresh 50s to BMs that just doesn't count. the BM has 15% damage reduction, and 15% increased healing...and 6 DPS that were average would still kill them.
  15. In what reality were you PVPing? I cannot remember a single game with PVP that did not have some form of healing. PVP is not just a DPS race, it invloves at its best a group dynamic, knowing what classes/who is healing and either CCing or bursting them down. You can also try aoeing damage to overload the healers ability to keep everyone up(not the best idea depending on class but sometimes viable) PVP at its core is eliminating your opponents, it is not a dps race. Some of hte best PVP classes were not burst but high control/CC with moderate dps.
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