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What are the things you do regularly that you believe makes you a good PvP'er


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should check out my newest video pistols! it is rather lulzy



The only thing lulzy about that is that it's been going on since pre-release and they still don't have a handle on it.


My word choice would be pathetic, not lulzy.

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I get to the huttball first and pass it to a team-mate even doing this thusfar has had a 99% chance of me dieing. I put shields on allies, high level melee get first priority at the start of the round, ball carrier once match has begun. I DoT any stealth classes I see. Knock people off platforms.


I stick in the middle in Voidstar so I can see both sides, but keep closers to the side with less allies and DoT every enemy I see. I knock people off the bridge.


I will stick to the turret I am defending no matter how much the enemy tries to draw me away. I have "Inc Snow" already typed in chat if I am there, just ready to use. I will go Grass at the start of the round and DoT as many enemies as I can before dieing.

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I'll name one thing that I find myself doing and may be a tip for others.


I play a Sith Juggernaut. At the start of a Warzone I will usually place Guard on a healer or run with a high dps ally and keep it on them. I will however switch it if I see someone going down. For example. I have Guard on Player A. Player B is getting killed, but Player A is not getting hit at all. I will quickly switch my Guard to Player B until he gets healed up instead of leaving Guard on the player who isn't being hit. I see many 'tanks' put Guard on someone that isn't getting hit... and other allies are dying all around them.

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+ I s key regularly and make sure to click my abilities


+ I use a "rotation"


+ taunts don't do damage so I take them off my bars


+ i wear pve gear because pvp gear makes my HP go down


+ I fight on the road to keep people off nodes


+ i attack melee dps with guard shields on them before healers and tanks because melee is doing all the damage


i am the best pvper in the world

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The only thing lulzy about that is that it's been going on since pre-release and they still don't have a handle on it.


My word choice would be pathetic, not lulzy.


Every game on this type of engine is compatible with it, that's not really my fault is it.

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Every game on this type of engine is compatible with it, that's not really my fault is it.


Did I blame you? Nah man, it's definitely not your fault, it's their fault for having absolutely no anti-cheat active in their game.


They are pathetic, you are pointing out a glaring problem with the game in a healthy way that raises awareness to the issue. I actually appreciate you making that video, so don't take what I said personally.

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I'll name one thing that I find myself doing and may be a tip for others.


I play a Sith Juggernaut. At the start of a Warzone I will usually place Guard on a healer or run with a high dps ally and keep it on them. I will however switch it if I see someone going down. For example. I have Guard on Player A. Player B is getting killed, but Player A is not getting hit at all. I will quickly switch my Guard to Player B until he gets healed up instead of leaving Guard on the player who isn't being hit. I see many 'tanks' put Guard on someone that isn't getting hit... and other allies are dying all around them.

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1. Regularly interrupt people, even when they're not focused on me.


2. Save my CC break until really needed, and don't blow it on minor stuns/roots unless it provides a tactical advantage of some sort.


3. Use all 48 keybinds. There are tons of situational abilities(I'm a smuggler btw).


4. Don't adhere to a strict rotation. While it's good to have a guideline, I honestly feel you need to react to your enemies action and positioning, and even their build. As you start playing the same people, you'll recognize what rotations work better.


5. No egos allowed. Team based game play mentality. I can 1v1 with the best of them, but that's not why I play warzones. Constantly learning from others with more experience than I.


6. Play other classes. Constantly learn about what class you're playing against, and what options they have. Learn what to do against these classes by seeing how others defeat you. I used to think other classes were vastly overpowered, until I spent a day in their shoes.


7. Help/Heal team mates when needed. If it looks like an enemy is a couple hits away from killing a team mate, I'd rather make sure my teammate survives rather than get the last hit on that enemy.


8. Spreading knowledge to others. Try to help newbies out. It's not their fault they suck, and honestly we all suck at something else in life...why get upset over it?

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As a sorc healer


-I throw my shield on anyone around when possible

-I throw my HOT on anyone around me who needs it when its up

-I throw down my AOE heal where appropriate (usually only on voidstar or alderaan)

-I pull people with extrication when needed (Huttball to score or negate a push) (Others to remove a strong who's about to die so I can heal while he runs back)

-Use my CC's intelligently (start off with WW then Light if they break)

-Push people into acid or fire

-Stick to a tank type who guards me




-Throw down Force Storm when all 8 members of a Huttball team are sitting waiting for fire to subside ;)

-God I love Force Storm


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1. Stay with the ball handler. I can clear a path, do damage, stun or provide heals, or I can get out front if he/she needs to pass.

2. Stay with objectives, even if it means being the lone defender of a turret or door. I can defend, call for assistance, stealth scan, etc.

3. Diversions. If I'm tying up a few enemies who are determined to kill me rather than cap or kill the ball carrier, that's less people that my mates have to worry about.

4. DOT to prevent capping. I have a ton of dots, and keep them up on attackers when I'm defending a node.

5. Communicate, particularly if I'm defending on my own, which is often the case. Communication helps the Ops leader to make the calls.


I'm not a GREAT PvPer, but I do what I can for my team.

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Did I blame you? Nah man, it's definitely not your fault, it's their fault for having absolutely no anti-cheat active in their game.


They are pathetic, you are pointing out a glaring problem with the game in a healthy way that raises awareness to the issue. I actually appreciate you making that video, so don't take what I said personally.


you my friend, understand my reasons! i approve

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I do what is necessary to win, whether it is being bored sitting on a point all the way through a match to make sure we keep it, being killed constantly to stop them capping a point or door, or whatever else will win the game.


You change your play-style to match whatever is needed in each zone.

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Evolving the meta on my server.


Most classes with a pull with stand next to the last firepit while a ball carrier is running toward the endzone in the redzone. As an assassin ball carrier waddling toward the endzone in the redzone, I've been pulling the defensive pullers before they could pull me so that I don't get pulled into the fire, however, I only do this if sprint/force shroud is on cd and if a receiver is covered.

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The only things I do that made me a good PvPer when I do them:


1. Swallow my pride and work with my team as best I can.

2. Realize that if they will not follow my strategy, following their inferior one is still better than splitting off and doing my own thing unsupported.

3. Stop giving a **** about my kills/deaths/medals and make sure that I am always in the right spot at the right time.

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whenever a room is clear and a bomb is ready to plant, I leap and use my aoe mez as soon as the respawners pop out, buying the bomber precious seconds.


I can tell it pisses the other team off, meanwhile 4-6 people take a few seconds to realize they just got owned.

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1. I use every tool in my arsenal to stay alive as long as possible so I can repeatedly interrupt turret/door captures while I wait for my teammates to show up.


2. I use my snares to slow/stop the ball carrier so I don't fill the resolve bar.


3. I let attackers get more than halfway through their capture attempt before interrupting so I burn as much of the clock as possible.


4. I lay as many DoTs as possible right before I die so nobody can cap the node for at least several seconds afterward, giving plenty of time for my teammates to show up.


5a. When I play as a stealth class, I pick out those who have yet to enter combat and CC them to keep them from joining the fray.


5b. I also do this to the ball carrier immediately after he grabs a neutral ball, so my team has plenty of time to catch up to him and start burning him down.


6. I CC enemies while somebody else tries to capture a node or plant/diffuse a bomb.

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1) Play to the objectives in WZs.


2) Heal as a healer.


3) Guard as a tank.


4) Prioritize targets as a DPS.


It's so easy to be a good PvPer but many only want to be at the top of X chart during a WZ thinking that somehow makes them leet. If you do 600k damage and lose the game, you still lost. They beat you and your big numbers.


Those that can post those stats while winning the WZ are the good PvPers as others learn from their example. They know their class, they know the WZ and they know what is needed to achieve victory while getting their valor/commendations/xp/cash.

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Your turn.


Taking some time and trying to learn how other classes play. Watching how other classes are played and building your advantage on that..


Trying not to get tunnel-vision and keeping an eye on objectives.

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