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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Agreed. But how is quitting different from getting three (or more if sync queuing) of your friends together to farm the full clock on some poor team that has no chance not taking the fun out of the game for others? And why does this game promote that sort of griefing by making slow wins or even slow losses so much more profitable than a quick win?




The games I want to (and occasionally do) bail on are already lost. Not 0-1 lost, but 0-5 with 10 mins left. When games get to that point, who exactly am I "griefing" by leaving? The die-hards/armchair generals who throw hissy fits in Ops chat? My replacement has a valid argument, but that's on BW for encouraging medal farming rather than outright winning.


When BW get their matchmaking act together, and turn Huttball back into an objective based game rather than a TDM "objectives optional", then maybe I'll enjoy all my Huttball games. Until then, I'll continue to leave farming sessions.

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My personal take on it is this:


I play to have fun. If I'm not having fun in a WZ I leave it. I don't give a single rat's backside about medals, commendations, valor, objectives, protection, damage, healing, kills or any other complete bullcrap measurement of one's epeen. All I care about is the "We win, you lose" column.


So if I get in a game where half the team is just farming medals rather trying to win I just leave it, wait a few minutes, and queue again.


So if changes are made to the game and it results in me having to endure many more games that I don't find enjoyable than ones I do then I'll just quit playing the game all together. I won't make any dramatic good bye post on the forums where I claim Bioware sucks and everyone else is a bunch of noobs. I'll just unsub and move on. The list of triple A titles coming out this year is literally longer than my arm so there are plenty of other options for my gaming time.


Exactly this. Pretty much how everyone feels right now and why they actually leave warzones.


AT the end of the days the bioware fan bois who think the game is perfect will be the only ones left and they will wonder why they can get NOTHING done

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Ahh but it does. Calling out the scrubs does wonders, because you never forget the afk'ers.


It's part of the game now to bust them out and it's one of the most enjoyable parts of the game.


Now with that said I am talking 50s bracket mostly, and I know just about everyone on our server, or at least remember their names in the 50s bracket.


AFK at your own risk on the maw.


The it does what?

Tell me exactly? Nothing.


As people say, crying at Afkers does sweet smeg all in this game

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I hope all the e-honor white knights enjoy playing huttball 7v8.


Because there isn't a single chance I'm going to play that monstrosity.

So I'll just get the 3-4 fast medals and go afk while doing something else on the other pc.


Have fun reporting.

I was caught by explosive diarrhea, so I really really had to go afk super-fast.


Some good points being made here.

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its cool once they add a penalty if i know my team sucks ill just medal and screw the objectives. forcing people to stay in a warzone really wont do anything, but the insuing threads about people not playing the objective ALL THE TIME will be entertaining to read.
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Continue kidding yourself into believing context that isn't there.


I'll continue ignoring your attempts at baiting me.


And ignore list you go. Nothing further constructive to be seen.


Somehow this just doesn't break my heart when coming from the one calling everyone, who didn't fall into lockstep with his opinion, trolls and quitters. Especially given the admission from that same poster that they were exploiting in Voidstar. Players taking advantage of exploits being one of the reasons other players leave warzones.


The key thing to keep in mind is that the wording does not agree with the claim that everyone is trying to take from it. As someone who has been on these boards for more than a few months, I've seen other yellow posts be misread. So I prefer to not count my chickens before they've hatched.


Not to mention that unless the numerous other issues with warzones are resolved, punishing people for leaving is like putting the cart before the horse.

Edited by SirRobin
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When I talk to people on my server about leaving the WZ's, it has to do with one major factor...


The PvP daily and weekly quests that BW gave us in-game deal with comms and tokens to get your gear pieces. People are leaving losing matches, hoping to get into a winning match to complete their dailies and weeklies so they can hopefully get some gear.


Once most players have hit VR 60 or better, their main concerns are winning for gear tokens. If their WZ is losing, they simply leave for a winning WZ. Once they have completed their daily and weekly, they simply do not queue up anymore at all.


Answer: Stop awarding gear with the dailies and weeklies, plain and simple. Allow us to build our rank and be able to just buy each piece at a certain rank (without tokens from quests). If people are just in the match for as much valor as they can get, they will stay wether it's a winning match or a losing one. Personally, even in a losing match, I'm usually high on the score board and still pull in around 1k valor.




Battlemaster Gear


Ear piece: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Implants: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Bracers: requires VR 61 and cost 50k credits to buy

Gloves: requires VR 61 and cost 50k credits to buy

Boots: requires VR 62 and cost 65k credits to buy

pants: requires VR 62 and cost 65k credits to buy

chest: requires VR 63 and cost 75k credits to buy

helm: requires VR 63 and cost 75k credits to buy


and so on...


Eliminate the whole token based system and go by valor ranking.

Edited by Coldhart
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Ear piece: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Implants: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Bracers: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Gloves: requires VR 60 and cost 50k credits to buy

Boots: requires VR 61 and cost 65k credits to buy

pants: requires VR 61 and cost 65k credits to buy

chest: requires VR 62 and cost 75k credits to buy

helm: requires VR 62 and cost 75k credits to buy

and so on...

Eliminate the whole token based system and go by valor ranking.


Not possible because Bioware accepted Ilum valor cheating and exploiting and still accepts kill trading.

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Simple fact is now, If i can't leave, I WILL AFK.


Now the spot I would have left for someone wanting to join when I leave will be filled by me doing **** all.


Happy? nice fix bioware.


Don't warzone matches already boot players who go afk for x amount of time? I wouldn't know for sure because I don't waste my time standing there doing nothing. If it doesn't already however, if incurring a penalty makes players afk during wz's then Bioware will just implement booting afk players. One of the big arguments that I've seen from players leaving matches is "my money is worth as much as yours (true statement) so if we don't like it they should have to change it". Problem there, guys, is that there are more people who don't have a problem with the current setup.


I don't understand why people who have such a problem with warzones in their current state even bother to queue up. Find something else to do that you know you'll enjoy doing. Open world pvp, ship missions, dailys, flashpoints, world bosses, search for holocrons. I'm sure there are more to do. At level 50 you can complete daily and weekly missions in a pve environment. The game offers a lot more than just instanced pvp.


Why waste your time on loading a warzone just so you can drop out as soon as you don't like it and then queue another warzone so that you can leave again?

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Leavers are becoming really apparent. I'm frequently in matches that have the WZ Shutdown Sequence sound off several times a match, with people joining, leaving, requeing and ending up back in the match. I understand people getting disconnected, et cetera, but perhaps some sort of penalty should be given (a cooldown being most common in games).


I'll end up in staying in these lopsided matches simply because the limited time I have to play, I'd rather be fighting and losing then waiting for a better team.

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Well naturally when they say AFK most don't really mean "away from keyboard." They just mean they would actively not contribute. So it would need to be some sort of voting or reporting system. Not that BioWare seems to be taking reporting seriously so far... :rolleyes:


Of course you also have to handle the hackers, the exploiters, and the bots. So voting would probably work best unless BioWare suddenly decides to take reporting seriously of course. Of course voting, like Voidstar, would also be open to potential exploits depending on how its set up.

Edited by SirRobin
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I hope all the e-honor white knights enjoy playing huttball 7v8.


Because there isn't a single chance I'm going to play that monstrosity.

So I'll just get the 3-4 fast medals and go afk while doing something else on the other pc.


Have fun reporting.

I was caught by explosive diarrhea, so I really really had to go afk super-fast.


Afk is something else they need to fix asap, so enjoy your excuses to go afk or leave a match until then.

Edited by Caeliux
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People who currently afk is NOT the major issue. Yes, you see it every once in awhile. But in most cases, this issue doesn't even scratch the surface. Yes if they implement "time-out" debuffs for leaving a match, you may see more and more afk'ing their way through.


But...if you eliminate the problem of getting gear from the dailies and weeklies, and just have to grind valor to get your gear, AND BW cracks down on exploiters like they should anyway, then you'll start to see WZ's getting back to a more normal state of PvP. People won't leave, even in a losing match, if they know they have to simply grind the valor to get their gear.


BW can even change the daily and weekly quests to simply award bonus valor instead of comms and tokens. They can do this in the form of a buff you get from the dailies and weeklies.




completing the daily awards a 4 hour buff that increases valor gain by 200%


completing the weekly awards an 8 or 10 hour buff that increases valor gain by 200%


This WILL work as long as BW cracks down on exploiters and hackers like they NEED to do anyway. AND the bonus buff gives everyone more incentive to PvP

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well i personally will leave a WZ sometimes, because on my server its popular for guild mates to help eachother win even if they are on opposites teams


i have seen people on my team pulling their guild mates on the opposite team onto our goal line in huttball so they can score and standing there doing nothing and letting them ..(using skills like force pull) this is becoming popular and is runining PVP imo, because it means constant loses, how can u win if half of your team is helping the "enemy" :rolleyes:


Well, I do agree with you on this one (however, I still wouldn't leave). But, this is somthing we will see in WZ's like huttball where both faction are mixed on both teams. The only way to eliminate this is to keep all WZ's faction verses faction.


Our guild would never do this tho. We find it hilarious to go at it and see how many times we can knock each other into the fire or acid. We have a blast with this. I actually wish they would allow guild teams for huttball. Where it's two teams from the same guild and we just compete for fun. Would make for an awesome guild night.

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I'm fairly certain that all the pros and cons have been hashed out and argued to death, and newcomers to the discussion can benefit by either adding their opinions, or giving the same excuses for leaving warzones early.


Some reasons are legitimate, most are just very unsportsmanlike and unhealthy to the PVP environment.


How are you fairly sure of anything speculative? Are you even capable of making a post that's not full of irrelevant posturing and trite conjecture? Everything I've seen you post in both threads is nothing more than a fabricated idea that you try to pawn off as fact and reason. But, the actual fact of the matter is that you have no idea of anything for sure, so it makes every post inconsequential.


Your emotional replies to the main issue are empty of any semblance of rationality (and that goes for so many of the common posters in these threads) and therefore hold no value. We get it, you want a quick and ineffectual fix because you subscribe to an unimaginative system of punishment that never solves anything. You can only express that idea so many times before you're just wasting bandwidth and bogging down any sort of productive discussion.


Both yourself and Bioware are on the wrong track, as I mentioned before.


You want the competitive players to absorb all the responsibility of the issue, but what about your responsibility to them to just be a decent, thoughtful player? We queue because we want competition, you queue in a competitive environment for [whatever reason]. Then you want to mope around and beg "daddy" to force them to include and carry you. I'll try to carry anyone. That's a fun challenge. But, when I stop, look around, and see myself trying to solo carry a ball with not a single teammate in sight, for the 4th or 5th time, yeah, I'm out. Guaranteed. Every time. They should be the ones who are banned, not me.


This thread seems to be strictly divided between logical people and emotional people. Because you're the one pushing so hard for these leaver penalties, I can only imagine that you're one of the major reasons there are leavers.

Edited by Genocidalx
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Does it count is you are booted due to game issues (such as speeders not populating in Alderaan)?


If that is the case, I think it's worth mentioning that this is not always done intentionally.


We know little about the implementation, but one would assume there isn't any mulligans being handed out. If you leave a WZ for any reason, you're tagged with a penalty. A very heavy handed and unproductive approach.

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Does it count is you are booted due to game issues (such as speeders not populating in Alderaan)?


If that is the case, I think it's worth mentioning that this is not always done intentionally.


There are currently no details yet on what the parameters of a leaving penalty in warzones would be, nor what the penalty would be.


In fact the wording doesn't even make it clear that a penalty will be "added."

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Team up quitters with each other and against non-quitter teams. This way non quitter teams can play against a team that is likely to quit and gets the easier win. The quitters have to play with a team of people that are likely to quit and are forced to endure lots of quits. The only way to get out of quitter purgatory is to play through to the end of a few matches with the quitters.
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Here is the quote again for those who did not see it on page 61 of the last thread.


Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.
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Calling players out for "afking" is meaningless and serves no purpose in addressing the issue at hand. It doesn't prevent anyone from requeueing and it doesn't make them want to stay in warzones and participate when the odds are down.


What you are saying works "in theory", but has no effect in the real world.


lol nice try but it is working wonders on my server.


You afk'ers are just ridiculous little babies.

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If they make it so you can't leave the WZ and re-que for the same WZ until you get in with the 4 premade group, and separate the premade and solo ques, people will have no reason to leave the WZ.


Premies are bad actors, responsible for the bad conduct in the WZs and the solo'ers trying to exploit the que to end up in an 8man group of a##h##s that nobody else wants to play with, which is also the reason for the looooong WZ ques, a problem that just gets worse because the longer solo players wait to que the less reason they will like seeing a premade gang of skanks hoping to farm them.


I can't believe they allow this without giving people who just want an honest game a que that precludes grouping.

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