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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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PvP in this game is VERY underdeveloped. Warzones are poor designed/tacky and gameplay is not very fun. Playing on a PVP server serves absolutely no purpose and the game is designed to keep each side away from each other. I play on a PVP server and recently rolled a new character, I am lv 41 and have NEVER seen an opposing player while leveling. World PvP/ilum is poorly designed/implemented and serves no purpose. There's no effective large scale PvP.


I know this is a new game and developing. But PvP is a major component of MMOs and I have been very dissapointed with PvP play in this game. It is lacking, to say the least.

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PvP in this game is VERY underdeveloped. Warzones are poor designed/tacky and gameplay is not very fun. Playing on a PVP server serves absolutely no purpose and the game is designed to keep each side away from each other. I play on a PVP server and recently rolled a new character, I am lv 41 and have NEVER seen an opposing player while leveling. World PvP/ilum is poorly designed/implemented and serves no purpose. There's no effective large scale PvP.


I know this is a new game and developing. But PvP is a major component of MMOs and I have been very dissapointed with PvP play in this game. It is lacking, to say the least.


all i can say is that it took blizzard a year to even implement pvp battlegrounds in their game... another 2 years to refine the first ranking system they had... a year to implement competitive pvp... and another year to refine that and include battlegrounds.


pvp takes time to get right, and if the world leader in mmo's right now is any indication, its very difficult to get right, even after years of working on it.

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all i can say is that it took blizzard a year to even implement pvp battlegrounds in their game... another 2 years to refine the first ranking system they had... a year to implement competitive pvp... and another year to refine that and include battlegrounds.


pvp takes time to get right, and if the world leader in mmo's right now is any indication, its very difficult to get right, even after years of working on it.


I think some people just need to realize that they aren't meant for the PvP aspects of [games]. They don't have the skin, mentality, resolve or dedication it takes to excel at it (i.e. "casuals"). Rather than understand the system in which they operate, and how to maximize their capabilities, they cry "imbalance" at the first sign of difficulty in hopes that the devs will listen and facilitate their ability to coast towards "success" in a casual manner.


From a business perspective it's probably a good idea. But for the integrity of the game overall it's terrible that casuals usually get their way. That's why so many companies are still trying to balance their games 8, 9, 10+ years later.


There is almost always some way to approach a problem that seems out of balance. Some solution. That's the craving of a true competitive player - finding solutions - and the bane of the casual player. There are exceptions, of course, but overall those issues that demand solutions have answers readily available if you're willing to figure it out.


It's okay to fail 1,000 times.

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they should take away coms as well as a 15 min debuff. like say lose 100 merc coms for bailing on your team. yeah you might lose conection, but I am sure the programers could see the difference between peopl ethat legitamatly hit the exit versus timed out or are flagged and do not enter into the pvp.


Why? What's your reasoning? What do you hope to accomplish by doing this? And how is your solution going to accomplish this?


I'll accept your solution if the same penalty applies to bads getting the boot for being bad or failing to carry their weight.


You guys seem to hate leavers and wish nobody would leave. I hate many "stayers" whom I wish would leave because they drag down the entire warzone. Why do we only want to punish the side that has an argument for doing everyone a favor? Logic is really sparse around here.

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Its a joke. People give up too easily and cant be bothered to fight back.




As soon as one or two people leave, it screws up the general flow. I was in a game and we were loosing 2-0 in hutball. Came back to win 4-3. I've done this multiple times when people have actually TRIED.


Now tell me a game you're loosing isn't worth fighting for.

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Why? What's your reasoning? What do you hope to accomplish by doing this? And how is your solution going to accomplish this?


I'll accept your solution if the same penalty applies to bads getting the boot for being bad or failing to carry their weight.


You guys seem to hate leavers and wish nobody would leave. I hate many "stayers" whom I wish would leave because they drag down the entire warzone. Why do we only want to punish the side that has an argument for doing everyone a favor? Logic is really sparse around here.


a 15 min debuff is nothing. if you intentionally leave it should hurt. if its a landslide let em win n stop being farmed

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So many people here seem to think we all have 15 hours a day to play video games, sorry but I have maybe 2-3 "sometimes 4" hours to play every couple days.


If I'm playing against a premade and were being stomped and farmed I'm leaving, you could add an hour long, 15min long, 37 min long debuff and nothing would change because I can't do nothing for 15 minutes and I will not be farmed by some no life kid I'll just log out of swtor and do something else while I forget how much time I just wasted.


Maybe once I forget the time I wasted I'll forget to pay my sub as well.

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So many people here seem to think we all have 15 hours a day to play video games, sorry but I have maybe 2-3 "sometimes 4" hours to play every couple days.


If I'm playing against a premade and were being stomped and farmed I'm leaving,


Well, what if I only get a half hour, and I am in a losing match and I get stuck with you. Now you quit and ruin the match and give us no hope of coming back. Not all of US get your time to play.


Your reasoning is pure selfishness and only concerned with YOUR time. Try and remember there are other people in the WZ. I know it's easy to blame your teammates when you are losing but try and grow up.


You talk about your precious time as you stomp on other peoples time.

Edited by richardya
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Well, what if I only get a half hour, and I am in a losing match and I get stuck with you. Now you quit and ruin the match and give us no hope of coming back. Not all of US get your time to play.


Your reasoning is pure selfishness and only concerned with YOUR time. Try and remember there are other people in the WZ. I know it's easy to blame your teammates when you are losing but try and grow up.


You talk about your precious time as stamp on other peoples time.


So the only time you join a losing match is after someone leaves? This is what you are going with?


Well good sir can you please explain how many of my games that start 5 v 8 aquire 3 more players over the duration of the mqtch? No one left, oh but I guess that guy who joined assumed that someone did.




The point is this.


The match maker doesnt work because it doesnt look at gear, premade vs. premade nor does it wait for 8 players to play against 8 players at the start of a match.


Punishing people because BW cant fix their match maker wont work. Players are leaving because the match maker doesnt work.



Also this whole leaver debuff will do nothing for the players who join WZ's just to aquire buffs or to be send back to the fleet, nor would any debuff work on the guy afking in the corner or at best it will make that afker press number lock before tabbing out.




I'm mostly annoyed that the little time BW spent on this problem is being spent to not fix anything and make things worse.


BW could have worked on their match maker to stop people from wanting to leave, but instead they are adding a debuff that will fix nothing, promote afking and the people such as myself who cannot play 12+ hours of video games a day are going to be punished for swtor having a broken match maker.



This is going to work out really well...

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Not sure why this is such a big discussion. Let's just create a cool down or something so people will quit less. Say a 2 hour cool down on pvp, or even 30 minutes. There have been times I joined a pvp and had to quit for some reason, usually something rl needs attending. Let me get to that, move out of the way so someone else can play and the cool down can happen while I take care of whatever it is I'm doing. The argument I hear against punishment is that they enter a civil war match with 600 - 40 points left. If that's the case, just sit around until it's finished. Not long anywho. And if you're getting routed change your strategy.


I've played a game of huttball where the other team was just on a roll. 4-0 with 3 minutes left. With how crazy huttball is, we weren't going to win. Why quit? Have some fun. I just started harassing the other team. Started attacking anyone, I didnt't care who had the ball, or where it was. Let them win but go down having fun pissing them off in other ways. Wait around and trap them in the acid pool or fire. Attack the heal when no one is paying attention. But this is why I like playing a shadow. Stealth can make a bad game seem good.

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The problem though is that a lot of people do not choose to leave, but are kicked by the system anyway, such as not having speeders spawn anymore for you in Alderaan.


I loathe to think of what would happen to a lot of players that do not want to leave warzones, but are forced out if any of the suggestions in this thread were to go live.

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Not sure why this is such a big discussion. Let's just create a cool down or something so people will quit less. Say a 2 hour cool down on pvp, or even 30 minutes. There have been times I joined a pvp and had to quit for some reason, usually something rl needs attending. Let me get to that, move out of the way so someone else can play and the cool down can happen while I take care of whatever it is I'm doing. The argument I hear against punishment is that they enter a civil war match with 600 - 40 points left. If that's the case, just sit around until it's finished. Not long anywho. And if you're getting routed change your strategy.


I've played a game of huttball where the other team was just on a roll. 4-0 with 3 minutes left. With how crazy huttball is, we weren't going to win. Why quit? Have some fun. I just started harassing the other team. Started attacking anyone, I didnt't care who had the ball, or where it was. Let them win but go down having fun pissing them off in other ways. Wait around and trap them in the acid pool or fire. Attack the heal when no one is paying attention. But this is why I like playing a shadow. Stealth can make a bad game seem good.


Aye if you are 100% sure your team is going to lose its best to use remaining time for practice/fragging instead quitting. Only time i leave WZ:s is if i have some RL things interrupting palying or randiom DC:s, othervise i stick to it no matter how bad it is.


PS: Whats with the "must complete pvp daily" does it give something neat at lvl50? because if it stays same as it is under lvl50 i dont see point in even doing it. Personally im currently skipping it as i already lvlup way too fast for my liking.

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I leave warzones. I leave a lot of warzones. I play an Annihilation specced Sith Marauder.

I also am not part of a guild and only solo queue for warzones. I am picky about guilds and have not found one that seems to suit me as of yet. Ill be using anecdotal evidence of my play experiences to explain why I do this. Everything in this post is personal observation, conjecture and opinion.



I only have a limited amount of time to play (4-5 hours a night). Therefore I have to maximize my time. I have to do my flight, belsalvis, and Ilum PVP/PVE dailies. Which all together take about 2-2.5 hours. On slow nights it can take up to 3 hours. This is all stuff I need to get done before I even attempt to step into a warzone. Now I have to WIN 3 warzones.


I do not believe I am the typical warzone leaver or maybe I am don't know. I don't leave if the match is close. If I believe the match is close I will stay and fight it out. I don't go into warzones to farm people for medals. In huttball I am not afraid to grab the ball and run with it. I proactively look for people to pass to. I will note where the enemy team is and deliberatly NOT run in that direction. If I get in a game with a premade team who are actively grabbing the ball I will help control center so the other team can't ninja a score. I actively go after ball carriers and their healers and will call out and mark healers. I can keep goin but in all battle grounds I play for objectives I'm not there to farm medals nor have 700k dmg done. I believe I am the type of pugger/player that is rather desirable in WZ. I do not walk into a warzone see the other team and say yep Im out and leave.


On my realm pvp queues are over run with premades. About 80-90% of the warzones have some form of premade in it whether they are on your side or the other or even both.

Its great when you have one in there with you and you hope they are at least semicompetent and the other team does not have one, its almost an assured win.


I also believe the medal system is horrible. You seem to get more medals for ignoring what you should be doing to win the WZ and seem to get them for derping around just trying to kill people. This leads to people actively ignoring objectives to get medals. Hey we are probably goin to lose but hey I got 9 medals so my valor and commendation gain is great!


Some days I get lucky. I walk in play 4-5 close games and am done for the day. Other days and this happens quite often so often I started keeping count. I will play 20 games before I reach my 3 wins. In those 20 game days I usually leave about 14 of them. As noted previously I don't usually just walk in and leave I spend enough time to determine if it will be a worthwhile endeavor. If its a premade that I've ran into before that I know runs rampant and then farms I'll leave right away.


I'll just give you a bit of math now so if I hadn't left those warzones and stayed all the way through and assuming most warzones take approximately 20 mins so 20 * 20 is 400 mins or roughly 6-7 hours. That is unacceptable. I value my time and that would be more time than I would be able to play a night. Also I am not exaggerating when I say some times it does take 20 tries.


Some people have bandied about people being selfish and inconsiderate for leaving warzones. I think they are a few fries short of a happy meal. I'm sorry but I value my time. I only have so many hours of leisure a day I like to make the most of it. Its unfortunate you obviously do not value your time. I also believe its rather selfish of you to try and push your views on warzones onto people who do not agree with you.


The system itself is broken. Adding a timer is a bandaide fix at best and will not change the core problems. Which in my opinion are basically premades, the medal system and the fact you have to WIN 3 games a day.


If they do implement a timer I guess I can always do what all the other cool kids are doing and attempt to farm people for medals instead of actually attempting to win the game or just randomly run around. Gratz though guys you managed to get someone to stay in that warzone even though they don't want to be there even if I'll be practically useless since I'll be entertaining myself by watching tv or something. Its kind of a snide thing to do but hey the offchance that we win great and if we lose enough I can turn in commendations for bags.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and implement penalties for quitters.


I think this is a horrible idea. It sounds like you'll be doing rewards based on participation only. . .which to me just sounds wrong.


Looking at it from a PvE perspective. . .that's like a group wiping at the first group of trash mobs(or even the final boss), and yet they still get a piece of gear for their efforts and just showing up.

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I only have a limited amount of time to play (4-5 hours a night). Therefore I have to maximize my time. I have to do my flight, belsalvis, and Ilum PVP/PVE dailies. Which all together take about 2-2.5 hours. On slow nights it can take up to 3 hours. This is all stuff I need to get done before I even attempt to step into a warzone. Now I have to WIN 3 warzones.


It sounds like you want a pay to win game. . .instead of rewards based on skill and accomplishing your goal.


If you want, I can point you to a couple pay to win MMOs out there. It might make your ego feel better when you can plop down a couple bucks to get an advantage so you can get your daily done with minimal effort.


You talk as if you're REQUIRED to do your dailies each and every day. This is just not the case. You may WANT to get them done from a "completionist" standpoint. . .but it certainly isn't required.


I think the people that play this game just to 'win' and nothing more needs to reevaluate what they expect from a video game. I agree in the spirit of competition that we all want to win and want to do good. . .but it certainly isn't what makes a game fun.


I dunno how many times I've ran around a corner in Huttball to heal myself up, only to see someone follow me and take me out. But I laugh about it. They were at the right place at the right time. Same thing happens when I lose a 1v1, I enjoy the battle(even when I lose) and usually laugh about it since it's a game and it's fun.


Aye if you are 100% sure your team is going to lose its best to use remaining time for practice/fragging instead quitting. Only time i leave WZ:s is if i have some RL things interrupting palying or randiom DC:s, othervise i stick to it no matter how bad it is.


PS: Whats with the "must complete pvp daily" does it give something neat at lvl50? because if it stays same as it is under lvl50 i dont see point in even doing it. Personally im currently skipping it as i already lvlup way too fast for my liking.


Well said. Even when your team is being farmed in Huttball, you can still earn medals too! Yes it can be annoying when it's 5v1 every time you spawn, but it'll only make you a better player if you stick it out and try new tactics

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It sounds like you want a pay to win game. . .instead of rewards based on skill and accomplishing your goal.


If you want, I can point you to a couple pay to win MMOs out there. It might make your ego feel better when you can plop down a couple bucks to get an advantage so you can get your daily done with minimal effort.


You talk as if you're REQUIRED to do your dailies each and every day. This is just not the case. You may WANT to get them done from a "completionist" standpoint. . .but it certainly isn't required.


I think the people that play this game just to 'win' and nothing more needs to reevaluate what they expect from a video game. I agree in the spirit of competition that we all want to win and want to do good. . .but it certainly isn't what makes a game fun.


I dunno how many times I've ran around a corner in Huttball to heal myself up, only to see someone follow me and take me out. But I laugh about it. They were at the right place at the right time. Same thing happens when I lose a 1v1, I enjoy the battle(even when I lose) and usually laugh about it since it's a game and it's fun.


To all the stuff in orange... What? :confused:

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