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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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All this will change is when I leave a WZ were being steamrolled in is I'll log out and do something else, if I do this often enough I might just forget to resub


So you'll go from not playing the game and actively harming other players to just not playing the game.


Most of us see this as a positive, not a threat. =D

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Do people even really care if someone leaves? Its not like your going to win if they stay. Is it cause your feelings are hurt?


I really don't care if someone leaves or stays. I've left some, and people have left some I stay in. I never got all emo about it.


Just pretend they died and are respawning, and then a new guy will come in instead. People get all emo cause they feel all rejected and stuff.

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While I personally don't leave a WZ with lots of baddies I pretty much understand those that quit it. I understand the frustration of going towards objectives while those around aren't giving a damn about it.


That happens almost only when I playing on the Republic side of my server as the quality of the players there is very low, matches often start when you have less than 8, and at the level 50 bracket the gear disparity between Imps (who still farm a lot of valor in Ilum these days) and Republic is incredible.


I do get frustrated, after like 10 or so lost matches without a single win as well but I go like well if I can't go against them then I am joining them.


So staying alone for turret defense while the Reptards are having "fun" road fighting? No go.

Being the first one to rush and interrupt a bomb placement in voidstar, and then get CCed and focus fired to death? No go. Let others do it, but almost 100% of the times nobody is interested in interrupting.

Waiting for an enemy to finish a comrade in order to get an easy Assassin medal? For sure.

Becoming a medal hoarder (I like to call "medal-hor")? Definitely.


Leaving a game might give room to an optimistic player that would make the match last longer by attempting objectives and get the teammates more valor/medals than they really deserved.


Joining their style of playing is actually helpful in the long term since the other side will improve at a much faster rate and when the gear/skill disparity becomes really nasty then things may start to turn around because the human being mostly flourish in the face of adversity.


It reminds me of Gabriel in the movie Constantine:

" If sweet, sweet God loves you so, then I will make you worthy of His love. I've been watching for a long time. It's only in the face of horror that you truly find your nobler selves. And you can be so noble. So, I'll bring you pain, I'll bring you horror, so that you may rise above it. So that those of you who survive this reign of hell on earth will be worthy of God's love. "

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Only if losing is somehow painful to you or causes anguish...some of us just roll with it and enjoy playing.


losing should be painful. competition, true competition, depends on people despising the mere thought of losing.


if everyone is content with merely participating for the fun of it, the end result is perpetual mediocrity because there is no incentive or drive to get better.


i don't know about you, but i strive to always improve myself in whatever im doing, including my leisure activities. ill never accept 2nd best as being the pinnacle of achievement.


that's why i won't waste my time in clearly lost causes... but will put in the effort in a close match where both sides are evenly matched and its anybody's guess who will come out on top.


that's a challenge worthy of my time and effort... lost causes where defeat is inevitable are not.

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Do people even really care if someone leaves? Its not like your going to win if they stay. Is it cause your feelings are hurt?


I really don't care if someone leaves or stays. I've left some, and people have left some I stay in. I never got all emo about it.


Just pretend they died and are respawning, and then a new guy will come in instead. People get all emo cause they feel all rejected and stuff.



kinda funny how retarded some people are. I guess you'll start caring when WZ doesnt pop for hours, or when they start merging the servers maybe? =d


In either case you might not care, but EA sure as hell does, if enough people quit (and they WILL) **** will either change or this game will go F2P like all the rest of other could haves.

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If people left once the game was "unwinnable" I'd agree. The problem is, people leave the very instant the game isn't going their way.

ive been doing this long enough to recognize a lost cause early... many others have as well.

Huttball: Game starts, a minute in the other team scores, BAM 5 people leave. Rest of the game is often a steamroll since one team is just stuck with a cycle of people joining, seeing they're losing, leaving right away, repeat.

if i see my team throwing everything they got against the enemy team and getting steamrolled (this is assuming they're even paying attention to the objective in the first place)... me sticking around isn't going to help them... 1 decent player with 7 bad teammates against 8 coordinated players ends the same way as 7 bad players vs 8 coordinated players.

Alderaan: Game starts, each team gets one turret, then fights over the third. Team that doesn't get the third turret has half of their team quit instantly. Although with the tempo of this game and the way the rezzes work, this is is actually easy to salvage.

if during that same first few minutes of the match i hear "an enemy is unbeatable" 3 or 4 times... its a fair chance ill hear that another dozen times as my team throws itself at the enemy controlled turrets and fail to take them. again, not worth my time or effort.

Voidstar: Game starts, eventually the attackers plant a bomb, half of the defending team quits instantly, making it a steamroll since the newcomers will usually be stuck behind a rez wall or one door behind the battle.

if the enemy team plants the bomb within the first minute... lost cause. if it took my team the entire first round just to barely breach the 2nd door... lost cause.

I guess the way the daily/weekly quests work encourages people to do this, but damn. Most of these people probably queue up hoping to get lucky and join a game where they're already winning or something, or at least hope to get carried by a premade. Just quitting the very instant they're not getting their way is...well, it's just pretty sad.

some of us have limited time, or simply hate wasting our time. matches where there's a chance of winning are a different matter, but most of the time quitters leave the match because they see something that flips a switch in their head that tells them its a fail in the making. less experienced players are right less often, but more experienced players can recognize the warning signs of a wasted queue much more accurately.


yea, if they gave some sort of incentive to stay in lost causes, that would be different, but right now, i log in with a goal in mind, and that goal is not furthered by wasting my time in losing matches surrounded by mouth breathers with no coordination or concept of teamwork or objectives.

And yeah, that's another aspect of it. Oh, someone doesn't want to deal with the loss that they're at least part of causing, so they quit and let some other poor sucker take the queue and find himself in a losing game. Nice.

sorry, it sucks, but that's life. i ask nothing of others except that they put forth an effort when they're on my team... i don't expect anyone else to ask more of me. which means once im out of the team, what happens to the ones who remain is no longer my concern, just as what happens to me should be of no concern to them either.

If nothing else, the impact it can have on at least one - but probably as many as 8 - other players is a good reason to impose some sort of penalty for just quitting.

again, i owe them nothing. they're not my guildies or friends. they're merely an ends to a means... as i am to them. if they can't pull their weight, i have absolutely zero reservations about leaving them to their fate... just as they should have no reservations about leaving me behind if im not pulling my weight.


i won't begrudge them their decision, they've got to do whats in their own best interest, just as i do. like i said, i don't know them and owe them absolutely nothing more than what i get from them.

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kinda funny how retarded some people are. I guess you'll start caring when WZ doesnt pop for hours, or when they start merging the servers maybe? =d


In either case you might not care, but EA sure as hell does, if enough people quit (and they WILL) **** will either change or this game will go F2P like all the rest of other could haves.


No, I won't care then either cause people leaving a game has no effect on queue times. There are only a finite amount of people queuing warzones regardless of whether or not they stay in games or leave games. Queue times will be the same.


If you decide you don't want to queue anymore cause people leave, thats your decision. I don't care either way. Its good that the game allows you a choice on what to do.


Just accept that people leaving is the same as people getting killed in the warzone. Someone new comes in just like the other person would respawn and wait for the door to open and then come back. No difference really. If I stay in a losing game to farm honor, I really don't care who leaves or stays. I'm doing my thing either way. If I leave, people will still keep on doing what they are doing before I left.


Everyone takes it so personally when someone leaves a game. Who cares? You think you would somehow win the game with them staying? We all know that's not true and you are scapegoating the loss to the one who left the game.


What if someone dies alot? And the are always at the spawn point? You're still out a person till they come back. No difference.

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Yeh I agree a Debuff or some punishment for abandoning should be implenemted asap!


You realize that won't stop people from leaving, or just medal farming instead or just afking around. And it won't change the game from being a loss. If the team is just pit fighting or medal farming in the middle, I'm still leaving even with a debuff. Thats 15min I can do something else than to have to hang out in the warzone that is a loss anyway.

People take it too personally when someone leaves their warzone and get all emo about it.

Edited by Seurot
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Yeh I agree a Debuff or some punishment for abandoning should be implenemted asap!


Call me a elitest or whatever but the truth of the matter is that now that I've got all my BM gear I play WZ's for the fun of it. So if I see that I'm going against 2 premades and I have a bunch of ******* on my team who are clueless about how to play their class or work as a group...I'm leaving that WZ and queing up for another one.


Bottom line is I did my time of playing with scrubs to earn my daily boxes and now that I'm geared out I'm not going to stick around crappy games when I can leave and re-que. There's several people who think just like me too.


The big question here is "Why should I be punished for leaving a match when I'm playing with people who are clueless about their class or how to PVP?".

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Call me a elitest or whatever but the truth of the matter is that now that I've got all my BM gear I play WZ's for the fun of it. So if I see that I'm going against 2 premades and I have a bunch of ******* on my team who are clueless about how to play their class or work as a group...I'm leaving that WZ and queing up for another one.


Bottom line is I did my time of playing with scrubs to earn my daily boxes and now that I'm geared out I'm not going to stick around crappy games when I can leave and re-que. There's several people who think just like me too.


The big question here is "Why should I be punished for leaving a match when I'm playing with people who are clueless about their class or how to PVP?".


^^ Exactly. I'm not wasting my time when idiots arent' playing to win, or its going to be 15min of frustration. Its a game and I'm going to do whatever is more fun.

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The big question here is "Why should I be punished for leaving a match when I'm playing with people who are clueless about their class or how to PVP?".



I can't really argue with that. But those clueless ones and the lousy play they exhibit, will always exist. It's a given, so you're still talking about the problem, and not the solution.



the only real solution I can think of, is rated PVP.



We should have rated WZs, and non-rated WZs, with significantly better rewards for the rated ones.



Even though I'm sure it's been discussed and maybe even hinted toward or promised in future updates, I'm not holding my breath.



In the mean time, I'm still pretty sick of what's going on lately, which is as soon as one team starts to not totally dominate a WZ right out of the gate, half the team quits.



I'd rather be "punished" by having to put up with egotistical perfect PVPers and keyboard smashing morons, and 90% of the time, finish the warzone with those that started it. The clueless would probably learn something and be less annoying the next time around, and :eek:, the super elite might learn a little humility.



and I am not pointing any fingers at anyone in this thread, btw

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1 decent player with 7 bad teammates against 8 coordinated players ends the same way as 7 bad players vs 8 coordinated players.


This is the logic I love the most. Everyone sees themself as the "one decent player" among 7 other idiots.


But when you queue up and start losing a game, and 6+ people quit the WZ instantly...if you were all the "decent player among scrubs" that each of you thinks you are - thus giving you the sense of entitlement that makes you think you deserve a win - why were you losing to begin with? =D

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This is the logic I love the most. Everyone sees themself as the "one decent player" among 7 other idiots.


But when you queue up and start losing a game, and 6+ people quit the WZ instantly...if you were all the "decent player among scrubs" that each of you thinks you are - thus giving you the sense of entitlement that makes you think you deserve a win - why were you losing to begin with? =D


that's actually a fair point.


all i can say is that its a team effort. sometimes you can have a team full of mvps who just don't work well together.


like i said somewhere else, i could care less what my individual score is if we lose. by extension, if we got a team full of elites who just don't work well together, and the result is a loss, well, then it might as well be a team full of noobs.


my gripe isn't with the bad players, its with teams that display a complete lack of coordination. just so happens that most times the losses are a result of bad players, because most good players innately know how to work with other like minded players.


bottom line ill take a lvl 10 who knows what he's doing over a lvl 50 in full bm gear that runs the ball into his own team's goal, if it means we'll win.


edit: and yes, i know the answer to that is to premade. trust me, im still looking for a group of people who i can work well with... people who don't just accept losing as something that is unavoidable sometimes (attitudes like that are the difference between being the best and being number 2).

Edited by Jaidan
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Odd that it doesn't seem to occur to anyone that much of this would change when we can CHOOSE which WZ we play. I have never once left a Voidstar or Alderaan match. Huttball on the other hand... I leave all the time. Most of the time as soon as I can. I will stick around if it is a good team and I think we stand a fair chance at winning. But if it is a horribad team getting pwned, then forget it I am out.


I cannot stand Huttball. That is a personal preference, and will not change. And as long as I am FORCED to play it.. I will continue to leave at my descretion.

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Odd that it doesn't seem to occur to anyone that much of this would change when we can CHOOSE which WZ we play. I have never once left a Voidstar or Alderaan match. Huttball on the other hand... I leave all the time. Most of the time as soon as I can. I will stick around if it is a good team and I think we stand a fair chance at winning. But if it is a horribad team getting pwned, then forget it I am out.


I cannot stand Huttball. That is a personal preference, and will not change. And as long as I am FORCED to play it.. I will continue to leave at my descretion.


i actually find myself leaving more alds and voidstars than huttballs.


maybe its because i grew up playing sports and understand the concept of passing the ball... or that killing and dying matters far less in a well played huttball match than in any other warzone. personal opinion here... but death match is the least skill and strategy involved activity in any game ever made anywhere.


maybe its the fact that if you perform terribly in the first round of void you already know that the 2nd round will be a waste of time.


maybe its because ald reminds me too much of AB from WoW.


i dunno... but i prefer huttball over all the other warzones and id bet i have a higher win rate in that warzone than any other.

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i actually find myself leaving more alds and voidstars than huttballs.


maybe its because i grew up playing sports and understand the concept of passing the ball...


maybe its the fact that if you perform terribly in the first round of void you already know that the 2nd round will be a waste of time.


maybe its because ald reminds me too much of AB from WoW.


i dunno... but i prefer huttball over all the other warzones and id bet i have a higher win rate in that warzone than any other.


jedi spec'd?

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i actually find myself leaving more alds and voidstars than huttballs.


maybe its because i grew up playing sports and understand the concept of passing the ball...


maybe its the fact that if you perform terribly in the first round of void you already know that the 2nd round will be a waste of time.


maybe its because ald reminds me too much of AB from WoW.


i dunno... but i prefer huttball over all the other warzones and id bet i have a higher win rate in that warzone than any other.


The point I am making is that most people have one they dislike more than the others. They don't like a particular wz to begin with, and are more likely to leave if things look bad because they don't want to be there to begin with.

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all i can say is that its a team effort. sometimes you can have a team full of mvps who just don't work well together.


like i said somewhere else, i could care less what my individual score is if we lose. by extension, if we got a team full of elites who just don't work well together, and the result is a loss, well, then it might as well be a team full of noobs.


That's a fair enough answer, actually. I'll agree to that.

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so its a case of you have the advantage in that WZ and suck at the rest?


i do ok in the rest. not terrible, but not great either.


the other warzones are just fundamentally flawed in my opinion.


its more a case of i despise death match.


and huttball seems to be the less death match-centric warzone. hell, with a proper passing game you don't even need a healer to win huttball... which other warzone can you win with no healers on your team, when they enemy has healers?


void and ald you can't avoid having to kill people to accomplish the objectives. huttball, its more of a bonus, but its not essential to victory.


ald... there's very little strategy needed. zerg base A, get it, leave 1 defender to call in... zerg base B, hear inc... zerg inc'd turret... rinse repeat to victory. its all based on who has the bigger zerg or the better gear or got lucky and has more healers on their team... no real strategy needed.


and void... ugh, i just hate the concept of a match where the winner can be decided in the first half of the match... team A gets through door 1 only in round 1... you can be guaranteed they will lose because team B only needs to do the exact same thing in order to win in round 2.


edit: although i do like how you resorted right to insults rather than actually trying to develop a cogent response to the things im saying.

Edited by Jaidan
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