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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

"Tab" targeting. A nightmare.


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agreed, nearest enemy and next enemy are both broken.


I have had nearest enemy fail to target a guy standing literally right in front of my face and it wouldn't select him so i eventually had to manually click him.


And 1st boss in Karagas place who spawns gamorians(sp) next enemy target never ever selects them, it just always leave sme on the boss, or targets a cat, but never the gamorian.

Edited by KilllerRock
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They just need to seriously tighten up the targeting to a 40 degree cone in front of you. Nothing else gets cycled.


Currently, the cone seems to be 180-200 degrees. As in, I tabbed on a target once, and it targeted a mob directly in line with my char's right shoulder, but completely off-screen.


Also turn off the pathetic line of sight blockage when tab-targeting. It doesn't help.


Overall the tab-targeting in this game is the worst I've ever seen. Not an exaggeration. It's hard to screw it up, since it's such a generic function, but somehow they managed it.

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Almost 30 pages of people agreeing on something in the pvp forum.


This may be unprecedented.


Also, BW, please implement "Target next nearest enemy", we are trying so hard to love your pvp.


Target next nearest enemy on center screen (F T W !!!!!!!!!!!)


Really now, and I think ill update the OP with 2 suggestions:


1. Target enemy center screen - Cycles through enemies in 45 degree cone centered by your screen

2. Target friendly center screen - Cycles through friendly in 45 degree cone centered by your screen



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Target next nearest enemy on center screen (F T W !!!!!!!!!!!)


Really now, and I think ill update the OP with 2 suggestions:


1. Target enemy center screen - Cycles through enemies in 45 degree cone centered by your screen

2. Target friendly center screen - Cycles through friendly in 45 degree cone centered by your screen



How do you like this ?


Definitely better than "target nearest thing to where my toon's head is arbitrarily facing while I circle kite".

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unreal how this is not in game now, all mmo have this.. Total fail.


That is where Bioware missed the boat... and some ppl still fight and try to convice me its the best mmo ever. "caugh caugh" yeah right...


I just cant belive the UI cannot be customized... name another mmo without UI options :(


I hate Biofail.

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