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ILUM 1 day of fun 6 days of pure frustration(imperial pov)


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TL;DR Sorry but its your choice to stay imp, i will continue to pull you into our base so the turret can oneshot you and i will continue to get my dailies and weeklies done in about an hour each.


well im working on a republic toon now, and no one pulls me in im usually sitting on the ground behind the group hoping they back the frack up.

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You need to start affecting change.


On our server its Imp sided too (not nearly as bad as some servers) but instead of camping outside their base, we fight over this bridge right outside one of their graveyards in the SW corner.


The bridge controls zerg, Republics respawn quickly (while Imps have to run a decent length), and fights aren't all that bad.


My server was fighting on the bridge too before I stopped going a few weeks back. I imagine they're still doing that. Do you actually have good fights there on your server? On mine, it's basically just two groups standing at opposite ends of the bridge and periodically pulling one person in to kill them. The Imps never cross the bridge or attack. It's just ranged classes spamming useless AOE's in front of the opposing group and hoping to do a bit of damage. If a melee wants to fight he's out of luck; I've found it near impossible to convince anyone to ever go in to attack with me, so it just becomes instant death. Not to mention the fact that if I do leap into 70 people, my FPS drops to somewhere around 0.5 and I'm dead before I can even cast a single Force Sweep (and no, my computer doesn't suck, it's quite good).


Sometimes a suicidal Sage/Shadow would run in and knockback the Imp zerg, so a bunch of them would fall off of the bridge and we could have a few people down there waiting to pick them off, but generally this didn't work in our favor because they would already have more people than us waiting under the bridge to overpower what small numbers we could send. If we sent too many under the bridge their zerg would just migrate down the ramp and wipe us. Of course, it doesn't help that actually attempting to fight in this situation usually resulted in 20 or so cries of "My FPS tanked" or "My game crashed", and people dying without even being able to get a skill off. When the framerate is this bad, there's very little to no strategy involved, the win just goes to whichever team happens to have more players.


I just don't see any reason to go back there. At this point it's not even the faction imbalance that bothers me the most. If there were more useful things to do and dynamic objectives on Ilum that could break up the zergs, it wouldn't be as bad; and smaller, organized groups can sometimes do a lot of damage. One of the biggest problems is players penchant for taking the easiest/laziest route, namely standing in a zerg in one place. This is Bioware's fault as much as the players, because they gave us nothing entertaining to do on this planet and no more efficient way of completing the objectives.


The first fixes Ilum needs are updates to its objective system, such that it is encouraged to break up into smaller groups and move around the map rather than standing idly in one place spamming AOE and pull. Unfortunately, players need to actually be able to play their characters and not be locked up in a lagfest when these big fights do happen. The optimization here is just so, so bad that even when a big fight starts to happen, there is zero fun involved. It's just 100 players on screen, slideshowing about until the battle somehow resolves.


Sorry, I'll stop ************ now. I've complained enough about Ilum. It's just so tiring at this point, and they've done absolutely nothing about the performance optimization, nor have they done anything about the actual objective of the zone. I really wanted Ilum to be fun. I tried and tried, but it's just a useless joke right now.

Edited by vindianajones
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I hit 50 after a very enjoyable run of leveling half the way through PvP. I said my farewells to my friends in the 10-49 bracket and dinged 50 with a magnificent Voidstar win.


Then came the days of ruin. The armament quests on my server are borderline impossible to finish- for the Republic, because we are outnumbered 1:10 and there is no way to get a kill, and for the Imperials, who have a difficult time just tracking any of us down (often times there are no more than two or three Rep players in the zone).


Added to this pain is the fact that I came into the 50 bracket at a distinct gear disadvantage, despite saving up the merc/wz comms and a champ bag. We can't win to progress in gear, and we can't progress in gear to win. After playing 120 hours to 50, my Jedi Guardian is in complete stasis. I cancelled my sub this weekend once I realized that for me, end game PvP is simply a massive brick wall. And it's not like I can transfer servers to somewhere more suitable.


My thoughts on fixing this:


Instance for Ilum. Just make it a WZ, or something like Wintergrasp.


Cross server PvP. I think this one is in the works, and it can't come soon enough. We simply don't have the players to fill the matches in the end game.


I'll pop back in a few months to see how the game has progressed. There's a very fun core here, but it's surrounded by layers of frustration.

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You need to start affecting change.


On our server its Imp sided too (not nearly as bad as some servers) but instead of camping outside their base, we fight over this bridge right outside one of their graveyards in the SW corner.


The bridge controls zerg, Republics respawn quickly (while Imps have to run a decent length), and fights aren't all that bad.


I'm a repub on Deathwind and we have the same dynamic.... I was actually telling my guildmate the other day how I would hate to be a Imp... You have so few of us to kill it must take hours to get 30 .... I did my weekly in two hours because we have so many different imps to kill...


Keep the imbalance... it is a republic advantage!!!

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On Jedi Covenant it seems that Imp's do have the numbers, but not by much. Last week on Ilium Repubs held the middle with staggering numbers (20+) for quite a while on several days. Imps couldnt form an Ops grop that was big enough to even try. Also I have yet to see any Base camping from Imp's (not saying it doesnt happen, just that I havent seen it)


Lastly I was 0 for 8 on warzones as an Imp yesterday before I gave up for the day with that (only 2 huttball) and thats not the first time I have had issues getting my daily done. We have some pretty strong Repubs and guilds and it makes it a real pain to complete. I didnt finish my WZ weekly until Saturday.


I wish they would consolidate some of the lower pop servers to try to faction balance things out, I cant imagine it would be THAT difficult to do.

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Let me start out by saying, yes im imperial and yes there is a faction imbalance on my server. I love pvp, but it seems that the only enjoyable time i have on ilum is Tuesday when the weeklies reset. Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base. I can only imagine how much this blows for pub players. Usually their are a few players with some intelligence in whatever ops group i am in begging everyone else to stop ganking the base to allow the chance to come out and give it the ole collage try.


For the most part i just stand behind the hill sitting down waiting for everyone to back up in the hopes of some action(pulling a character and getting one kill every 10 minutes doesnt do it for me). Sometimes they listen and will start to back up, when this happens everyone gets an instant chub and chases them back in the base at the first sight of them coming out. I am not sure why this is so hard to understand, and i realize im probably gonna take it from republic players in this thread but this is just my opinion of a broken system and i refuse to join in on base zerging.


Ha ha. Funny you should post this. I'm Republic and had the exact same thing happen yesterday. Two of us, maybe 15 Empire players. I offered to duel. No farm, not kill trade, just one v one. I lose and I take it. I figured we could get some fun out of it. Instead I got tugged out of the base and pulled apart over and over. I even appealed to the idea that after the first kill... what's the point? And I never initiated the fight. They all had a kill on me so I know that mechanically dueling didn't hold any incentive and so they might not care to.

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Ha ha. Funny you should post this. I'm Republic and had the exact same thing happen yesterday. Two of us, maybe 15 Empire players. I offered to duel. No farm, not kill trade, just one v one. I lose and I take it. I figured we could get some fun out of it. Instead I got tugged out of the base and pulled apart over and over. I even appealed to the idea that after the first kill... what's the point? And I never initiated the fight. They all had a kill on me so I know that mechanically dueling didn't hold any incentive and so they might not care to.


yeah me and a few people share this idea as in "what is the point" you mainly just kill the same person over and over and over again. They know they are not getting valor from it so why do it?


We actually had a very fun time friday on Ilum, started out as the usual base camp but quickly turned into a 5 FPS battle at central which was kind of a stalemate(both sides had equal numbers:eek:) eventually we made it to the bridge and we ended rolling over them(this is inevitable on our server it seems).

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Well I think the main issue is its simply not fun. No risk, little reward. Once you finish your daily, theres no point in staying, as the combat itself isnt fun. I dont imagine there is a way to make themepark pvp lasting fun. It does not have the action of a FPS, or the meaning of a sandbox.
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Just want to go back to what the OP said. Same thing happens on my server.


Every Tuesday there are always good fights on both sides. However, the 6 days that follow are ZOMG zergfest outside the republic base.


I hadn't really thought about it that much but read what he said and let it sink in.


If you don't see what I see, then let me explain. Why do Reps disappear after Tuesday? If they can have a decent enough size force on Tuesday, why don't they do it on Weds? Thurs? Fri?


That makes no sense. Can someone explain to me why that happens?

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The Republic players did a great job today and made Ilum fun. I salute them for a great effort and a great time. They had us in our base for a bit today and a great battle in the center.


We need more days like this. Would be much better if the game did not have such bad lag though.

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The Republic players did a great job today and made Ilum fun. I salute them for a great effort and a great time. They had us in our base for a bit today and a great battle in the center.


We need more days like this. Would be much better if the game did not have such bad lag though.


arg and im stuck at work...Ill check it out though and hope its the same later.

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Just want to go back to what the OP said. Same thing happens on my server.




I hadn't really thought about it that much but read what he said and let it sink in.


If you don't see what I see, then let me explain. Why do Reps disappear after Tuesday? If they can have a decent enough size force on Tuesday, why don't they do it on Weds? Thurs? Fri?


That makes no sense. Can someone explain to me why that happens?


Weekly. Messing around for 5-6 hours and getting 4 bags is fine. Messing around for 3 hours every day and only getting one bag, is not.


Side note: Every time I managed to get a decent group of Republic players on Ilum it would always end the same way. All of us getting hunted down by a much larger group of Imps. Being out numbered and out geared 3 to 1 is not fun. Asking us to stick around and get owned by you for hours so you can get your bags is unfair. I honestly can't get a weekly done without trading on my server anymore, people have given up...and I don't blame them.

Edited by SuperSair
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I'd love to see a one-time only Imperial to Republic faction transfer on servers where there are gamebreaking faction imbalance.


From what I understand that this is impossible in the games current state because of how dialogue is produced based on your character's faction, race, class, and path you have taken along the way. It is impossible for them to change everything you have done up to this point.


I'd also love to see this but it's my current understanding that it is impossible in the games current form. Correct me if I'm wrong.

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I for one was a big Ilum player for the week or two after they changed the quest objectives. It was fun when we would face off vs even numbers... or even at a sight disadvantage. The reason I quit going out there altogether was after the first week the minute you kill the imps they call in for backup (basically go in general and let people know there are repubs to kill on Ilum). Within 1 or 2 more waves we go from even numbers to being outnumbered 2 or 3 to one.


No fun in that and I will not just feed imps their quest objectives... so in light of that I just decided to forgo Ilum altogether and save myself the headache.

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Bioware has made so many gorgeous planets and they are all empty! Why can’t they have dailies on different planets with different goals? Why not have multiple objectives on multiple planets to simulate a true galactic conflict? If there are too many Imps on Illium, why not jump to Hoth or Tatooine?
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Bioware has made so many gorgeous planets and they are all empty! Why can’t they have dailies on different planets with different goals? Why not have multiple objectives on multiple planets to simulate a true galactic conflict? If there are too many Imps on Illium, why not jump to Hoth or Tatooine?


Another good idea that will never happen.

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yea...its a shame that many have resigned themselves to the camp-fest on ilum. simply saying that because you are outnumbered you are justified in hiding inside the rep base and pulling imps in for your kills is lazy. enjoyable pvp can be found against overwhelming odds if you have just a slight bit of imagination and are willing to put some effort in.


ive encouraged the reps on my server (i play rep btw) to wander the map a bit and give the imps a moving target to chase. take 5-8 people and hit central for a while, this will result in the imp crate collectors calling you out and all 40 imp base campers heading north to wipe you. try to anticipate this, or communicate with the reps down at the base and avoid the huge group. swing around the incoming zerg and join whoever is left at the base in attacking the remaining imp base campers.



mobile guerrila tactics are king when you are outnumbered and can result in a great deal of fun.

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I for one was a big Ilum player for the week or two after they changed the quest objectives. It was fun when we would face off vs even numbers... or even at a sight disadvantage. The reason I quit going out there altogether was after the first week the minute you kill the imps they call in for backup (basically go in general and let people know there are repubs to kill on Ilum). Within 1 or 2 more waves we go from even numbers to being outnumbered 2 or 3 to one.


No fun in that and I will not just feed imps their quest objectives... so in light of that I just decided to forgo Ilum altogether and save myself the headache.


I am on the same server as Nokil and what he says is spot on. If I weren't a Shadow and can stealth the daily, which takes me 5-7 hours to do meaning 2+ days for a DAILY, I wouldn't bother with Ilum either.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Ok, continuing the stories, yesterday I popped into Ilum. First thing I saw was imps controlled everything, about 10 people standing in the Rep base, and a swarm of imps outside the rep base. No one was even bothering to fight.


So I called out for a group of peopel to form a cap group and we went and took imp base, northern and central. Killed a few imps along the way. My small group didnt like to talk and I kept urging them to keep pushing south, but they preferred to just patrol central, killing a few imps. Eventually the zerg came and killed us all.


I dropped that group, joined the main op, who was now standing around central single pulling the zerg, etc. Imps meanwhile had taken back other control points, so I left that group and went back to taking imp base and other abandoned spots on my own mostly.


Nothing I said would force the main group of reps to stop standing in one place and zerg fighting. What fun.

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Ok, I am not sure what is going on here. Yesterday i go to Ilum im just in a 4 man group with some guildies, we head to southern because someone said there was a fight going on. We get there all the pubs were dead. Head to there base and wow probably 30+ they def had use outnumbered. Our queue popped we take it, when we load back in lol they were damm near on top of us. I quickly stealth out to get into the group. They had us on the ropes the whole night opposite day i guess.
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