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Disable sorcerer pulls on ball carriers


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Invis to the goal line and then get a pass score...


Harpoon/grapple ball carriers from rafters/goal platform to prevent scoring....


Invis to goal line puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. When it works, it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sure, you can help your team and then invis later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass, it isn't something special an Operative brings (especially since Assassins can do it so much better with sprint).


Don't get me wrong, I love Huttball, and I don't feel that I am a detriment to my team, but I would help the team more if I played a Sorc, instead of an Operative. However, I think my issue is that every Sorc can utilize the pull, which makes the hybrid sorc even more powerful. If the pull was put at a high tier healing talent there wouldn't be as much of an issue.

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Invis to goal line puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. When it works, it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sure, you can help your team and then invis later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass, it isn't something special an Operative brings (especially since Assassins can do it so much better with sprint).


Don't get me wrong, I love Huttball, and I don't feel that I am a detriment to my team, but I would help the team more if I played a Sorc, instead of an Operative. However, I think my issue is that every Sorc can utilize the pull, which makes the hybrid sorc even more powerful. If the pull was put at a high tier healing talent there wouldn't be as much of an issue.


running to the goal puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. It it works it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sire you can help your team, then run later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass. It isnt something special a Sorc/sage brings.

Edited by Lormif
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I can walk to the endzone fine while completely visible. It's trivial for any reasonably tanky melee to take a different path to get there. If you get knocked down, just fight in the pit which is probably one of the better areas to fight as a melee.


As a stealth player I can sit at your goal line stealthed and go to the ledge whenever my team's juggernaut has the ball in your pit. Since only BH has stealth scan, it is near impossible to find this stealthed player especially if they are not standing by the ledge when the ball is not near the pit.

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running to the goal puts your team at a 7 on 8 disadvantage for a long time, and if your team loses the ball you are now in the worst possible position to help your team get it back. It it works it works because your team would have dominated them anyways. Sire you can help your team, then run later, but anyone can just play ahead of the ball and be in a good position for a pass. It isnt something special a Sorc/sage brings.


Except for knockback and a friendly pull, which is useful throughout the match. Also, playing ahead of the ball does not mean just bee-lining to the goal line. Your point was that Operatives bring something special in being able to stealth to the goal line (which isn't special since assassings can do it, and do it better with sprint, and also can also bring a pull), which is so situationally useful it is laughable.


Now I am not sure if troll or just dense.

Edited by Bnol
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U have just as much of a chance to get sorc as the other team does, and if your going to scream disable sorc pull on ball carrier then disable the assassins pull aswell and the powertechs pull and the jugg force push oh and the maur leap, cause its realy cheap when u can actualy leap across the hole *********** map and not have to run 2 ft... knock down oh jump up knock down jump up rinse repeat.......
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Yeah clear the rafters, and then while you are standing up there after clearing the rafters I will force charge to you, force push you, and force charge to someone else. BAM goal.


Thanks for the easy win.


Yup, and thats why this is a good game. Lots of class counters. It all comes together quite well when everyone is working as a team, and playing their classes strengths. ;)

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Except for knockback and a friendly pull, which is useful throughout the match. Also, playing ahead of the ball does not mean just bee-lining to the goal line. Your point was that Operatives bring something special in being able to stealth to the goal line (which isn't special since assassings can do it, and do it better with sprint, and also can also bring a pull), which is so situationally useful it is laughable.


Now I am not sure if troll or just dense.


you do.. BEcause while I am running to the goal people SEE ME so can stop me.. When you do it, no one can SEE YOU. There are any number of counters to me running to the goal, where as for yours there are none.


You can freely advance, albeit slowly, while I have to worry about getting knocked into the pit/getting killed.

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As a stealth player I can sit at your goal line stealthed and go to the ledge whenever my team's juggernaut has the ball in your pit. Since only BH has stealth scan, it is near impossible to find this stealthed player especially if they are not standing by the ledge when the ball is not near the pit.


The ball carrier is rarely attacking anyone, so your team is playing 6 on 8 (you and the ball carrier don't count). If the team are remotely even, you'd never get the ball that far.


Way too many confuse with the fact that a team is playing 6 on 8 and still beating you with how powerful certain skills are. If a team can play you 6 on 8, they won't exactly have a hard time scoring no matter what tactic they used. I saw a game where the enemy have like 3 receieves permanently camped in our endzone just for receiving, and people say OMG they have great strategy. But how does their team ever get the ball from the middle if they can only have 5 people there at any given time versus our 8? Because their 5 guys can still kill our ball carrier even when all 8 of our guys are there, that's why they can afford to use 3 other guys as receivers.

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By the way a Sorc on high ground doesn't have to be there just for pull. He could be healing or doing DPS from a relatively safe position, so just because you see a Sorc running on the high path doesn't mean the enemy team has to play 7 on 8, because the Sorc can always stop to DPS/heal from a very advantageous position instead.


On the other hand a stealthed character running toward the goal cannot stop halfway to help, because stelath characters are melee so the only way we can help is if someone else is on top. Since melees aren't good fighters on high elevation (can get knocked off), this would be one of the worst ways to help your team. Therefore, the stealther is strictly playing 6 on 8. The ally pull Sorc can often contribute, so this is better than a stealth class sneaking in. It's true most of the time they won't contribute, but you often have to deal with it because there's the threat that the Sorc could just start attacking instead. Also, you get to your destination considerably faster while visible compared to stealthed, so you spend less time being down another man since the Sorc will always get to his destination faster than a stealth.


Stealth to the enemy line is simply a very weak strat. Ally pull isn't some kind of godlike ability, but it is certainly a lot better than stealthing to the endzone.

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By the way a Sorc on high ground doesn't have to be there just for pull. He could be healing or doing DPS from a relatively safe position, so just because you see a Sorc running on the high path doesn't mean the enemy team has to play 7 on 8, because the Sorc can always stop to DPS/heal from a very advantageous position instead.


On the other hand a stealthed character running toward the goal cannot stop halfway to help, because stelath characters are melee so the only way we can help is if someone else is on top. Since melees aren't good fighters on high elevation (can get knocked off), this would be one of the worst ways to help your team. Therefore, the stealther is strictly playing 6 on 8. The ally pull Sorc can often contribute, so this is better than a stealth class sneaking in. It's true most of the time they won't contribute, but you often have to deal with it because there's the threat that the Sorc could just start attacking instead. Also, you get to your destination considerably faster while visible compared to stealthed, so you spend less time being down another man since the Sorc will always get to his destination faster than a stealth.

That is a very general statement.. We cant control the direction of the ball carrier, and can only see about 1/3 the field from up there. so no, more often then not we can not.. In addition the longer we stay on the ledge the more vulnerable we become to being knocked off.


Stealth to the enemy line is simply a very weak strat. Ally pull isn't some kind of godlike ability, but it is certainly a lot better than stealthing to the endzone.

I can make bold anecdotal statements as well, however I chose not to because it does not help in arguments.

Edited by Lormif
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you do.. BEcause while I am running to the goal people SEE ME so can stop me.. When you do it, no one can SEE YOU. There are any number of counters to me running to the goal, where as for yours there are none.


You can freely advance, albeit slowly, while I have to worry about getting knocked into the pit/getting killed.


I also disagree with you. Though the stealth thing can help in limited situations, the majority of the time I get the ball as an Op, I end up burning my vanish, passing, or getting *****.


The stealth thing is way too situational, and still depends highly on having a good ball carrier who can get in range to pass to you, anyways (All the while I am not contributing one bit to the battle.)


I hate when people pass the ball to me as an Op! You are better off passing it to no one than to me!!! Because at least I won't be forced into getting killed or burning my CD, thus making it so I can't perform the one job I can actually do in huttball (DPS). And if I burn my CD the ball goes neutral, anyways...

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Sors are not really op, the pull is great. I paly both a Sorc fur healin' and a Pyro fur dps. While my sor is fun, it doesn't holed a candle to the game changing power of my pyrotech. As a pyro I mostly feed on healers, and they fall fast in solo matches. I would have to say that my pyro is much more op than my sor. But it's just my opinion
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to the stealth is situational statement: in huttball it's more situational than in voidstar/alderaan. I can't tell you how many games I've won (and lost) because a team focuses on one node and a stealthy ninja caps a node. should stealth be made impossible to use in those bgs? absolutely not, people need to learn how to strategize and stop complaining about lack of communication and strategy on their part.
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If they disable that (and it wouldn't be a bad idea) they should also disable other similar things, like Force Speed, Egress, Force Leap, Guardian Leap.


They remove ALL those movement things from the carriers? Fine by me.


Singling out one is simply unfair. Guardian leap does literally the same thing for example.

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I agree with pull causing a ball drop or fumble as such but in the interests of fairness, this should also apply to Vanguard and Powertech pulls to cause an "advantageous fumble" otherwise we are just going to get a lot more LOLPULL into firepits.


In short, pulls are a little too good in huttball of any kind.


Reminds me of Riftstalkers using the recall teleport with shards.




Pulls IMO should not work on a ball carrier. Might as well allow the ball carrier to go invis right?

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I also disagree with you. Though the stealth thing can help in limited situations, the majority of the time I get the ball as an Op, I end up burning my vanish, passing, or getting *****.


The stealth thing is way too situational, and still depends highly on having a good ball carrier who can get in range to pass to you, anyways (All the while I am not contributing one bit to the battle.)


And it is the exact same thing for pull.....

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