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Everything posted by Noer

  1. I can't even be bothered to log on to do the dailies on a regular basis anymore... I mean - theres not much fun playing Huttball 80% of the time against teams consisting of 80% sorcerers/sages... Ilum is a disaster, its been touched so many times I am not even gonna comment on it. And rest of the open world pvp has no point other than grieifing some datacron-collectors. Way too few warzones to keep people going. Too much CC, and too bad counter mechanics (Resolve). I guess thats my list.
  2. Noer


    Yes by creating him on the pvp server and level from 1.
  3. I find it fun that some seems to think that a flag in the database (imp or repub) decides wether you are good or bad at pvp and good or bad at coordinate. Theres so many factors coming into account to decide who wins and looses and I am sure the database flag is the least factor. Ops composition (class balance, healers, tanks etc), gear (or lack of), coordination, focus and luck to mention a few.
  4. Friendly pulls/leaps should just force the ball carrier to drop the ball. I don't think sprint is a problem if that actually got fixed, but I guess time would tell.
  5. I totally agree in this.
  6. I don't actually think its broken, its just very poorly designed. The way it is designed you can actually easily end up getting chain-CC'ed. It begs to get revamped.
  7. If repubs on our server for once gets equal or more numbers than the imps, the imps either don't come back or come back with 4:1 numbers. I don't know about the rest of you. But for me the most fun fights in Ilum are the ones with equal numbers where the balance go back and forth. I don't really understand the zerg mentality some people got. Wheres the fun in 2fps facerolling people so they just leave?
  8. Very good idea. And no - cross server queuing wont help anything.
  9. Its not healing that is the problem. Its the OP sorcers (and sages). Fix the balance of that class and pvp will be more enjoyable (and we wont have to play Sith Inquisitors Online).
  10. I can't be arsed playing warzones with this sploit going on. Its 10 vs 8 all the time.
  11. Usually it is caused by people sploiting 10 people into the warzone instead of 8. It seems to be more the norm to face 10 people lately... Must admit I have more or less stopped doing warzones due to it.
  12. How about giving Sorcerers a bazooka aswell while we are at it?
  13. It has no CD because it has cast time. So you are sitting duck while using that. Smart opponents just break LOS to avoid it. Thats why me and a lot of others use assault over this in your eyes so uber attack skill. If you think you can just stand and tank a commando you are in for a treat - that being assault or gunnery. But if you allow that to happen you got stuff o learn in pvp. Its not really that hard to take down a non- heal specced commando.
  14. You sir are clueless. Since when was tracer/grav round a IWIN? If you are stupid enough to stand around taking a beating it sucks yes, but run around a corner and the turret wont follow you. Theres a reason why many commandos spec assault for pvp instead of gunnery, its simply not very good against SMART pvp'ers.
  15. Noer

    The 12x8 WZ.

    This exploit is spreading like a disease. I have seen it happen several times today now...
  16. Fix the damn pvp bugs (warzones not counting, Ilum kills not counting etc) Fix the class balance - some classes is obviously OP in pvp Get some more warzones (sure fixing Ilum would be nice, but its gonna take a major overhall to make it work). But it gets old VERY fast to play Huttball.
  17. How hard can it really be to fix these bugs? We are now over a month after launch and the warzone wins are still bugging and not always counting as wins in the daily/weekly quests. Get cracking and fix this already. And now the "Ilum kills not counting in daily/weekly" bug is even worse than pre-patch. With this rate of actually fixing things pvp will be semi-enjoyable some time around 2015.... Your QA team needs to investigate what the "Q" is standing for...
  18. Plastique is pretty darn awesome as its instant and can be done while moving. And its high damage too.
  19. Noer


    force lightning -> force lightning -> force lightning -> force storm rince repeat...
  20. And by bringing it here you suck even more...
  21. Noer

    We Hate Huttball

    Horrible warzone, filled with bugs, imbalances and exploits.
  22. Ultima Online and Anarchy Online There has been a lot of hate towards Anarchy Online through its lifetime, but the pvp part of the game was very solid.
  23. While I really hate Huttball as my class is not very useful in it - the only change that wz screams for is to make it impossible to sprint with the ball.
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