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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Server forums?


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Where are the server forums? Server community is dead as a door nail until this is resolved... I can't even find a casual pvp guild to join due to lack of server forums.


-Rutzs (Saber of Exar Kun)

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LOLOL wow bio ware is a bit slower than I thought. I have been a fan of this company for a decade (baulders gate and many other titles i've bought and played).


I never thought they were so retarded as to not put in a server forum. I get it, its thier first real MMO, But how much louder could your community be BW. Do we need to strip down naked and run through the streets yelling!! What is it going to take for you to get your heads out of your asses and put up a SIMPLE SERVER FORUMS!!! I can't imagine it is that difficult. GJ to the moron that made that call. yea lets just ummmmm lump everything together in sub forums, super great idea. Never played an mmo before have ya bud.









GET US SERVER *********** FORUMS ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Server forums don't contribute to "attitude", young players do and that's something MMO's will never be able to avoid....that's just life.
This is pretty off-topic, but as a young player I take that as an insult. :jawa_frown: I'd say it's more like alot of individuals that wants people to scratch their backs while they play.


Anyhow I think server forums would be ten times more efficient than the guilds halls forums, since there's afaik no available search engine unless you want to use google, which btw works fine (only guild searched with google so far) but Server Forums isn't all just about guild recruitment, ofcourse it will bring the server together with events and other whatnot.


Also this will probably sound farfetched. But there's always a tiny possibility that BioWare is urging us to tackle problems our own way to ensure that they have a mature community... please don't flame me for being optimistic. :jawa_angel:

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I actually have a problem with Bioware's arrogance when it comes to forum management. Claiming that server forums are rife with negativity is just plain ignorant. Are there numerous cases of server-forum drama and player/guild callouts? Yes, but that is what builds a server's community and contributes largely to player/guild notoriety. Most server forums are actually used constructively: guild recruitment, crafting discussions and transactions, guild progress, etc. Furthermore, most of the player/guild callouts are just playful competition and are part of the reason why MMOs are fun. Bioware's insinuation that server forums are cesspools filled with hate and grief is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read.


Server forums build community far better than in-game interactions or the current forum set-up. No community = no MMO experience = thousands of people ditching their subscriptions after they get bored of the single-player storyline.


We should all urge Bioware to create a cash cow instead of sticking with the current model (which is essentially a more expensive KOTOR and will not net the constant cash flow that they could have).

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I actually have a problem with Bioware's arrogance when it comes to forum management. Claiming that server forums are rife with negativity is just plain ignorant. Are there numerous cases of server-forum drama and player/guild callouts? Yes, but that is what builds a server's community and contributes largely to player/guild notoriety. Most server forums are actually used constructively: guild recruitment, crafting discussions and transactions, guild progress, etc. Furthermore, most of the player/guild callouts are just playful competition and are part of the reason why MMOs are fun. Bioware's insinuation that server forums are cesspools filled with hate and grief is one of the most ridiculous statements I have ever read.


Server forums build community far better than in-game interactions or the current forum set-up. No community = no MMO experience = thousands of people ditching their subscriptions after they get bored of the single-player storyline.


We should all urge Bioware to create a cash cow instead of sticking with the current model (which is essentially a more expensive KOTOR and will not net the constant cash flow that they could have).


Well said.

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I just played a round of the Alderaan Warzone, where the imps had the upper hand for the first 5 minutes, but we managed to ninja an outside node and hold it until they were at 70 points remaining despite them outleveling us and completely crushing us damage and battle-wise. We just zerged the outside speeders and managed to hold off the onslaught.


Then they got that critical upper hand and managed to triple cap us and won the game 0-20.


I wanted to come on here and congratulate the players on the opposing team for a great match.


Alas, no server forums.

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Infact there is no server forum, makes it difficult to see what happens on my Server I am playing at. As a RP I like to see what kind of events and Social gatherings happening on Trask Ulgo.

I am a social player, so I am mostly interested to see whats going on on my own server and get to know the people there.


Achy :o)

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This is such a no-brainer.


Bioware...using the standard "we don't have resources to manage or moderate server forums" seems to me like a scapegoat. If you need to find a way to fit a square peg in a round hole, then so be it, but please listen to the voice of the community and let's work together to find a way of making this happen.

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Has BW even addressed the fact that the community KEEPING this game going and keeping them employed is SCREAMING for some server forums.



So my guess is two things, so whoever made the call to have these lazy *** lumped together forums can't swallow his pride and admit he was wrong, and fix it. Or it's more difficult than I'm picturing?? I know it takes me a matter of 5 min's to add or take away forums on our website. But maybe this is different.



My thoughts SWALLOW YOUR PRIDE KID!!! You ****ed up we get it and we are over it, now is the time to FIX your mistake!!!!




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The future looks bleak. It seems developers do all in their power to block communication. They don't seem to support communities between players anymore or free speech on the internet. We are expected to take what is given, and pay up each month. Its quite sad to see things "De-evolving".


Do the forums even have a search feature? I couldn't find one. Please enlighten me, do we have a means to search the threads?

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The search function is still disabled. :(


My server does not appear to have any outside forum. I know there are a couple sites with a forum set up for all server but they are mostly empty. :3 Not the fault of the people making the effort to create and host them, but because an external site just will not get the attention of the target group without any way to tell the target group it is there.

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I think we need to emphasize Bioware's advantages in this, as clearly they haven't shown any interest in the advantages to us.


BW Advantage: Money

People play MMOs to kill time and to have fun. That "fun" part can be almost anything in the game: discovering pointless land exploits, ganking lowbies, crafting, flashpoints, single player quests, etc. All of those thing will get boring. It is only a matter of time. When we get bored, we cancel subscriptions. But! If we are emotionally invested in the game, we will endure the boredom and continue to play. NPCs, in a compelling storyline, do give us that emotional investment, but we realize that NPCs are just lines of script and will not care if we stop playing.


Read this next line over and over, Bioware: We play MMOs because of the Human players and the Human connection. Without that compelling emotional connection to the other people we are playing with, there is no reason to stick around after the novelty wears off. And let me be clear, here:I don't care about the players who are on other servers, nor do I care about their guilds or their events. I care about the players that I am playing the game with.


How pathetic is this situation? We are begging you to give us a reason to fork over hundreds of dollars, and you are continually denying us.


Please, Bioware, make this game a cash cow and give us our communities; give us our server forums.


-Mugaman, Jedi Sage, Ajunta Pall

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