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Everything posted by Darklyn

  1. Comon wear the founders tag Nexdine. You know you want to look cool to.
  2. HArd to tell if your alone, waiting for someone to respond with baited breath
  3. I was wondering how i can counter knockbacks. I often am hurled a long way off the ramp or grabbed into someone near fire or acid. Can I find a button to stop this happening?
  4. Why dont Juggs/maurders get a big heal and their repubes conterpars
  5. Glad to find a post talkign sense. The game is indeed not bad and I enjoy every minute of the grinfd. just hope it goes free to play so I dont have to pay for it
  6. Is it possible for dps tanks to heal in SWTOR?
  7. So what of your budding Smugglers chose for a legacy name. Mine is Canker. Chosen cause it sounds dodgey and romantic like a smuggler
  8. well sure the knock backs are laughable in huttball, fell like a ping pong ball
  9. Please don't nerf scoundrels, my shotgun and point blank range rarely hits over 4k on battlemaster gear players and we are all battlemasters so why nerf it.
  10. Darklyn

    The key to success

    a bubble range nuke heals
  11. But something stopping me, do I lose much dps for healing. Can I DPS and heal cause I want three things. a bubble lighting range and big nuke heals
  12. Hi I just got started and walking is talking its toll. I was wondering when I can get faster speed. I just need faster speed asap
  13. Whats the biggest hit possible with assassins. I get hit for 4k and up but I can't get over 4k myself. Best is something like a maul for 3400
  14. Really because of the amount and sheer volume of players, there is nothing alarming about it. BioWare knows this and thats why they are quite casual as the odd thou is shaved off the sub stats. Cause its nothing in the bigger picture. A couple of thou lost subs is fine when the subs from other sources keep coming in to check out the new kitty.
  15. This has been cancelled due to there being low but sustainable populations. The system to merge is quite complicated and its too soon. I think maybe after the first year we might see a couple of merges though to clean up the servers
  16. I dont want to play WoW I want a scooter race and a petrol mechanic.
  17. Well you might not be able to continue today, but tomorrow or the day after you might
  18. So are you seriously pvp in light armors? on your Jugg
  19. If you aim the missile while on a platform it works best, cause you have time to react to melee with knock back. But you have to be fast and know where it is on the bar to click.
  20. Ok been doing the dailys and noticed we spent lots of time riding around a pretty huge map. I was thining that having petrol that we fill the tank of the speeders with would improve this so there would be more fighting and less riding and control of a petrol station for both reps and pubes. But also a Ilum race would be a nice side even for racing quests against the rublics with a statium setting.
  21. 1 buff and 1 stat So I wondered if this was over simplified and lacking any real meaning or depth. I guess expertise can be a 2nd stat of use so my titles should say 2 stats. Its taken from lord of the rings for muppets.
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