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ALT's; Do you have one?


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I've got two 50s myself (juggernaut and sorcerer), the rest are just lowbies here there and everywhere. I only just got the sorc to 50 last night, yay! But once I finish Corellia and settle her into doing dailies I'm going to work on my merc... that rhymed. I've been leveling the merc by doing space missions mostly so far; she's going to have her speeder before even hitting Nar Shaddaa xD
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I have only one that I just started because I heard the agent story is supposed to be the best.


First..its alts, not alt's.


Not necessarily. Apostrophes are used to denote a contraction...where letters have been left out. Granted, it's more commons to see people pluralize with "alts," but "alt's" isn't automatically wrong given that there's a bunch of letters left out. And in any case, correcting people's spelling and grammar on forums is WEAKSAUCE.

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Just click...create...new.....character? Lol no need to buy another game copy or another subscription although I bet BioWare would love you forever if you did :D


Oh that i understand, I have 7 running Alts on my main server, i just wanted to run another one side by side, I'm playing eve online too, as long as u have at least one original copy of the game you may have as many paid sub alts as you like, Also as long as you pc can take it, which mine can you may run as many instances from one running client . Shame you cant do the shame with this game... tut tut BW / EA lol

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How many of you have an alt that your actively playing?


I started an assassin as my main during opening day of early access. Got him to 50 and in all honesty I got kind of bored with the class. Anyway, just a few weeks ago I made a mercenary and all the sudden he's lvl 50! This is the first MMO that I've successfully leveled an alt to max level. The class story makes leveling a lot easier for me to stay interested in the character.


How many alts do you guys have and what level are they? What classes were you drawn to after you finished your main? I think my next character will be Republic, probably a sentinel.




I play a single character in every MMO's I play. I don't like repeating content. Now, if a game offers multiple ways to level, I may do a different char eventually, but I do not like bouncing around..for me these are role playing games and I don't have it in me to have multiple personalities.

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How many of you have an alt that your actively playing?


I started an assassin as my main during opening day of early access. Got him to 50 and in all honesty I got kind of bored with the class. Anyway, just a few weeks ago I made a mercenary and all the sudden he's lvl 50! This is the first MMO that I've successfully leveled an alt to max level. The class story makes leveling a lot easier for me to stay interested in the character.


How many alts do you guys have and what level are they? What classes were you drawn to after you finished your main? I think my next character will be Republic, probably a sentinel.



Been an altoholic since AC2 with the exception of SWG because SOE had the bonehead idea it would be great to limit everybody to one character per server, per account.


I've got 8 empire characters, one of each advanced class with the highest only 34 and the other seven between 18 and 23.

My 34 is an assassin. Don't really have a class I dislike. My Jugg and Op will likely follow my Assassin though not 100% sure on that. Both of those are pure gatherer/mission for crew skills so they can funnel mats to the other crafter alts I have.

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Oh that i understand, I have 7 running Alts on my main server, i just wanted to run another one side by side, I'm playing eve online too, as long as u have at least one original copy of the game you may have as many paid sub alts as you like, Also as long as you pc can take it, which mine can you may run as many instances from one running client . Shame you cant do the shame with this game... tut tut BW / EA lol


Oh ok I understand. Thought you were curious about how to make a new characater! :p

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I have a bunch of characters on my main server. I kinda hope they let us somehow acquire more character slots at some point, especially with the Legacy system coming out. Ideally, I'd love to have 16 characters, one for every class for every faction on one server.


As for what levels my alts are:


Main - Level 40 Combat Sentinel

Alt 1 - Level 33 Tank Vanguard

Alt 2 - Level 15 Gunslinger (whatever the accuracy tree is)

Alt 3 - Level 22 Healing Sage

Alt 4 - Level 14 Tank Shadow

Alt 5 - Level 23 Tank Guardian

Alt 6 - Level 3 Agent (I really need to play my Empire guys more...) eventually going Sniper

Alt 7 - Level 1 Sith Warrior, eventually going Juggernaut just for Force Push.

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14 characters 3 servers


Actively playing all? No of course not.



50, Mercenary (Main, active of course)

38, Sorcerer (active, my current focus Imp side)

28, Juggernaut (semi-active)

21, Powertech

16, Assassin

13, Operative (semi-active)

12, Sniper (active)

11, Marauder (active)


Tarro Blood (PvE)

19, Guardian (semi-active)

14, Gunsliner (active, my current focus Pub side)

10, Sage

1, Trooper


Ebon Hawk (PvE-RP)

6, Agent

3, Warrior


Want to play all the options I have...the characters on the RP server were created before I realized I didn't mind playing on a PvP server...so they really haven't been touched much since just after launch.


Active means I put some time in it every week at least a little bit.

Semi-Active means I touch it for some reason at least every couple weeks.

Other than that it means I probably just created it and played it a bit to get it out of the starting area...but not much more than that.


Active means something very different to someone with altitis.

Edited by Thunder-God
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I have two accounts, 1account is all rep, and the other is all imps. My plan is to try every class option, as well as have crafting covered for my characters. Actively playing 2 or 3 right now, a 25th sage, a 17 juggernaught, and a 18 scoundrel. Considering spending time on a merc and a sorc. I have seious altistis:P have since city of heroes.
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So far, since release I've only rolled 2 total. The first was a smuggler gunslinger, level.. 20 something. I got annoyed and rolled a Powertech(my alt) that has very swiftly become my main, and only. I'm storing my gunslinger for a really rainy day, and I'll prolly make something zappy once my BH fun runs dry.
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