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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So how long is 'Give them time...'?


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Bioware really needs to step up the customer service. Sometimes it is the players fault but the majority of it is on biowares end. They got feedback during beta and didnt really listen. The game still feels like it is in beta.

I'm curious what people put in their tickets because I get feedback from customer service and not the automated kind. Twice in game chat with a GM and once via e-mail with them requesting some additional information I sent it and they e-mailed me back again.

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I am afraid that Bioware will only add tiny amounts of new things every "large" patch..


for March we are expecting customized armor and 1x new ops... But is that good enough?


I will most likely transfer modification into an armor I like the looks of, done in maybe 1 hour. Then the OPS... It will keep the guild busy for 1 week? 2 weeks? perhaps even 3 weeks..


By that time... we got to wait another 3 months for anything new? that would not be sufficient to keep people occupied and interested.


This game needs an overhaul of endgame content and things to consume time and credits.

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They've had enough time to fix my main gripe (maintenance times), they failed to even address so I'm out. It's a shame because I like the game, but not enough to accept being shafted on maintenance compared to the US.


The length of time they should be given is going to vary according to whom you speak to. I think there were already some unforgivable omissions at launch which still haven't been fixed, combat log, low res textures, ability delay, to name but a few. If people have left due to any of those issues still not being fixed, I wouldn't blame them as these are all very basic things you expect in a game.


This game was far from ready, and releasing it when they did could cost them in the long run, particularly with so many other (potentially) decent titles coming this year.

Edited by Mandrax
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Tough to fix "boring", so for me, its a matter of hanging around until my (not very thought out) 3 month sub runs out in March. After that, I am probably done.


Never pay up front for a MMO you haven't spent any time playing. You think you are saving money, but ultimately you are probably wasting it. I pay monthly only. This way if they piss me off, I can stop paying and if they don't do what they promise, I can stop paying, if the game is boring, I can stop paying. I wonder how many of those that paid 3 months/6 months are regretting it now.


I played WoW for 6 years, I paid monthly for all that time, I never once entered into a longer subscription than that. Sure I could have saved myself some money, but ultimately, I prefer having the control and the knowledge that I can pull my subscription any time.

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What happened the age of EQ1? Now, that was a great MMORPG and if you haven't played it you definitely missed out. It has the MMO and RPG. SWTOR is just a "single-player RPG with a chat box."




i Played eq1 from the start . MMO of past are not what makes money today F2p and single player MMO with the auto group tool is what an MMO is today and thats why SWTOR will still be around for years to come

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Never pay up front for a MMO you haven't spent any time playing. You think you are saving money, but ultimately you are probably wasting it. I pay monthly only. This way if they piss me off, I can stop paying and if they don't do what they promise, I can stop paying, if the game is boring, I can stop paying. I wonder how many of those that paid 3 months/6 months are regretting it now.


I played WoW for 6 years, I paid monthly for all that time, I never once entered into a longer subscription than that. Sure I could have saved myself some money, but ultimately, I prefer having the control and the knowledge that I can pull my subscription any time.


I hear ya. I really debated whether to go 1 or 3 at launch... such is life. At least I have the forums to challenge me and keep me entertained, even if I don't log on for days/weeks at a time. :D

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If they want time, unsub and give them time. Return when you are finally satisfied with the game.


Since it took them 2 months to fix the Warzone wins not being counted, I don't see a very bright future for this game.


See fun fact: I don't come in to your job at McDonald's and tell you to build me a bridge made timber with the width of 15 feet and length of 1.6 miles do I? So stop coming to BW acting like you know **** about **** and accept the fact that MMO programming would make you cry.

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I hear ya. I really debated whether to go 1 or 3 at launch... such is life. At least I have the forums to challenge me and keep me entertained, even if I don't log on for days/weeks at a time. :D


For me, times up, been cancelled for a few weeks.


I check the boards to see if they are even remotely working on resolving issues. I am a gamer, so I like to see the state of things for any game (I even check in on how FTP games are managing their systems).


They are in a losing battle as many of their problems can not be remedied with a simple patch. The entire progression of the game is damaged (too fast of leveling, poorly thought out progression times and rewards, and too many "appeal to quick success" mechanisms).


They did some things right, but people don't applaud the good in a pool of bad when it comes to the meat of it.


I think this game "could" repair itself, however it will require such a drastic change that such would only anger those it currently appeals to. Its a lose/lose battle for them as those they currently appeal to will succumb to the lacking in the games design (they always do, that crowd is a fickle one) and if they do fix the problems, most will have moved on to something else with a very hesitant feeling of coming back.


This game is FTP fodder if there ever was one. It is the only way they will survive and I personally never found a reason to play a single FTP system to date.


Sorry Bio-ware (ie EA), you made your bed. Take your profit on the initial sales and run, its what your investors wanted anyway.

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It's not that I disagree with some of the things you said, and I DO disagree with some other things you said. The overall issue with your post is the lack of substantial evidence, no empirical data to support your "factual claims" and the tone.


It would be easier for me to digest your post as an intelligent, non-biased opinion if you didn't try to sound so far above the rest of us... with not really much to back it up.


Oh, later edit: If BW addressed us "concisely" about the issues and how they are being handled, too many people would be filling the General DIscussion forums with "I don't understand why BW is so cryptic and shallow with their communication!!!!" instead of "OMG this was the last/final/for real/can't take it/gamebreaking bug AND I QUIT!" threads.


I only point to the definition of Flawless, as you claim the game runs. Something tells me this game just isn't quite living up to that definition.


As for the rest of what you said. You can Google the issues, you will be flooded with information. For gods sakes, are you blind? We have players here on GD posting threads on how to improve this game because of how it was coded! Players are doing BioWares job, just to get the game to a semi-playable state! RAM Drive thread anyone?


Even more proof? This is a Direct X 9 compliant game, not 10 or 11, 9. You would think being that it was released at the end of 2011, but still Direct X 9, it would have contained all the Direct X 9 files. NOPE! It didn't! The day after launch you had BioWare coming out say "Oh, you need to go over here to Microsoft and download the freestanding Direct X 9 installation, to get things to work." Really? BioWare made a choice to create a Direct X 9 game, that doesn't even offer Direct X 10 or 11 support, and then not include the entire Direct X 9 library? What the hell is that?


Again, the above completely trashes your idea of Flawless. As the game didn't come with all the required support files for it to run flawlessly, even if it was capable of doing so.

Edited by PostalTwinkie
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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




Yeah it is hard to say, just how long to wait.


Even saying it is 6 months (the shorter thing you said), it still feels like a long time to wait before getting to really play the game in a way that feels right. My biggest 'X" in these issues is lack of being able to make my own UI (LUA addons) but there are a few other things too, such as I don't feel like my class plays right.

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So for all the people that are saying 'Give them time to do X...', how much time should we be giving them before we say enough is enough? This isn't a troll or a negative post, I'm just trying to pinpoint when we should be fed up.


Are we saying 6 months? 9 months? A year?


Personally, I think if there isn't a significant turnaround in 6 months then you seriously have to consider if the game has a long term future. I think after 6 months that you have to really start looking at Server Merges, forced faction balances, etc.


I truly don't want to see any of those things, but after so long you can't use the argument 'Give them time...' anymore. What are your thoughts?




They never stop.


Go look at the Conan, LoTRo and EQ2 forums.


Those kinds of players reminds me of the cops in comedies..."move along, nothing to see here" with a burning building and people being shot right behind them...its amazing sometimes.


I beta tested this game on and off for a YEAR and they all said "its only beta" or "give them time" " they are working on it".


2 months into release, still dont have any of those things and now the same people say "game just came out" "give them time".


The made UI cooldown changes and suddenly they have "fixes with options" in a patch on the test servers already...they work fast when players open their mouths in mass.


Stop making excuses and get Bioware to do what should have been done long before release...make more MMO and less single player RPG.

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If it is a neccessity and hasn't been done by now then Bioware isn't going to do it.


I am fairly critical of BioWare in terms of how they have handled this game and the concern of the players. Yet I don't think I would even go as far as to say what you have. I really believe if enough people make enough noise about issues, they will get addressed.

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It seems the majority of the people who are convinced to stay or outright flame the op aren't 50 or haven't been for more than a few weeks. The endgame gets old real fast and needs a serious turnaround. Almost anyone who has been 50 for a month+ (and a I bet some who haven't even been 50 for that long) will agree the endgame is not in a great place at the moment.
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I am fairly critical of BioWare in terms of how they have handled this game and the concern of the players. Yet I don't think I would even go as far as to say what you have. I really believe if enough people make enough noise about issues, they will get addressed.


That is fair, admittedly more fair then I am being to Bioware. However, their last two games have left the taste of what I can only assume to be poo in my mouth. I know they can do better or at least they used to be able to that is why I am being this hard on them.

Edited by Tuscad
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