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  1. at least some people are aware of the lfg tool in the game already and like you i have tried to make people aware of it ,,but after many people telling me its not really a lfg tool or that no one uses it ect. I have now come to trems with what online gaming is all online games now need to auto make groups/raids with random people and it must put you in or near the place at which this content is to be played. MMoRPG ARE turning into what halo lobby match finders are ,we solo the class storyline(or campanins) then we click a button to do a raid/group quest(or in trems of halo type game a "Match") the fleet will soon be the "lobby" area of SWTOR once the atuogroup tools are in for PVE. Is it a good thing or bad , depends on the player i guess.
  2. mah chat bubbles i hope can be turned off , i dont need bubbles popping up and bogging down the screen, i am fine with reading the chat box and seeing people are saying there . sorta learn how to keep up with the chat box from the old eq days. i know some can't read as fast or dont look at the chat window as often or at all so it will be a good thing for them.
  3. you do know that releasing a complete MMO game is an oxymoron
  4. but it was until the last patch and in the 1.2 patch other items will be "exclusive" ebb and flow
  5. irrelevant as far as getting something "better" than waht anyone can get ? sure but that was and is not the point of the VIP items . the point of the VIP items is to have something for a while that looks differnt than the normal items that everyone can get. VIP items are a "looks" thing NOT a power or better thing until this patch that speeder was only a VIP and you could tell by the "looks" of it that the person was a VIP , did it make them get around faster? meh not really did it make coffee for them nope . IT just looked a way so you or others knew it was a VIP speeder . it was never and all items in the VIP are never meant to make the player have a leg up on others.
  6. ya and those phones with special colors would be on ebay once the better phones came out , thus not making the vip apple colors so VIP anymore . No matter what is put or made for VIP it can never stay in that status forever .
  7. not really irrelevant you get frist shot at new items just like with all things in time new items replace those items the VIPs get frist shot at some of those items . VIPS get frist crack at courtside seats for ball games and frist crack at the new shint items all the time in real life but in time the "normal man" also gets to have those seats or those new items . its how life is and how SWTOR is since thats what it looks like there doing . nothing wrong with it makes sense really.
  8. there puting in new items and the old items are up for sell to all . just like if say a new Iphone comes out the older ones get cheaper and more people have access to them . i am sure there will be new VIP stuff put in to replace the older stuff that when with the hot sale that on now with items .
  9. why is it when someone posts threre server is dead they do not say which server it is would this not help others to know this info to so they can go to or not go to the server or are the posters not saying there server name for fear of others saying there on the same server with no issues just stuff i wonder about anyway resume you normal thread posts all thank you:D
  10. if you would read what has happend in the last few days you would have the answers you seek on what is going to be done on the PVP side of this issue;)
  11. if this game is to "hardcore" for people they would have wet themself in the old days of say EQ or UO lol players of todays MMOs do not know what is hardcore and what is casual or easy this game is the king of easy/casual
  12. in real life when a new say Iphone comes out what happens to the old one? it becomes less money and is easier for more people to get , why would this not be the case for speeders and crystrals in the game .
  13. ah but you do care or you would have not posted it is ok not to play a MMO for a weeks there not meant to play 8 hours a day for the rest of that games life . and its ok to stop playing a MMO and move to others things in life .
  14. just make sure it the right knob or there will be no end to how much the droid will talk if you use the "other" knob.
  15. i am not sure a cross server lfg tool would help though . why even group when i can solo and not have to deal with ninjas and people afking and all the bad things about groups when i can get almost the same gear at the same level solo. i can just run the group content later so see the sotry parts and skip groups until raiding its a game desgin issue i think . xserver lfg tool would help a little but not enough when the game is set up the way it is sadly.
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