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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Remember WoW's World PvP?


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If they were in the same area, you'd have their fleets literally blowing up any ships coming in while engaging in orbital warfare.


You'd never have a chance to even land on the planet.


....What. Is this some kind of RP Joke?


Fine, I'll bite - you already have planets where both sides have landed on. I don't see any orbital warfare going on.

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Remember South Shore and Tarren Mill?

Remember Isle of Quel'Danas?

Remember Booty Bay?


Some of the best times I've had... /nostalgia

R.I.P. early days of WoW *sniffles


I can just hope that the SWTOR devs can eventually develop World PvP that is half as fun as those moments....


Glad you liked it, I didn't. I was one of those Horde newbies trying to level up but couldn't cause the whole place was overran with Alliance zergers trying to out compete each other to Grand Marshal.

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I remember when 12 people could hold off 30-40 for about 4 hours inside Goldshire's Inn. Best PVP Day Ever


So damn fun :D


Hahaha, what about watching lvl 60 Warlocks release their infernos in Goldshire/SW? Pretty much was unstoppable unless a raid was formed.



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It's more like it was fun because the time was right for it. WoW brought MMOs to the masses, and people felt that it was all new and wanted to explore it. They were happy doing Scholomance or LBRS for a small upgrade of blue armor. It was awesome.


This recipe would not work anymore. People want their gear fast, and small upgrades just won't cut it. There is nothing to do on the planets, and if there are many people, it gets instanced. Add to that, the view distance is horrible. Caps out at 100 meters for players.


In a way it's cool since I don't need to spend as much time on the game, but I also want my recreational time to be in a MMO. Too bad there is little to do in this game and no exploring to be done. The exploring part losing its value could be due to the internet giving information so easy that nothing feels magical anymore though.

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Remember before WoW ruined MMOs with carebare instant gratification themeparks?


SWTOR sucks putridly but WoW while better than SWTOR couldn't shake a stick at EvE, SWG, or DaoC...those were the days!


Yah losing all your gear, or your hard earned levels and basically wasting your previous time and as a result removing the "game" portion for an MMOG is always a fun thing.


While not entirely the same, it's like work sometime in these games for many people, you work hard for what you feel in pixel form you earned in those old archaic systems you don't matter in those situations, try working for free some time in real life and see if you like not getting paid.


I wouldn't call the new standard set for MMO pvp a failure or a carebear situation, it's a new trend and a fairly decent trade over losing valuable time spent investing into a game.

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I was there as well and all i remember was a laggy ****fest of zerging, ranged classes spamming **** at eachother while the melee stood around and watched.


Nostalgia makes things better than they were.


Glass half empty?


I have fond memories of that time, moreso because everyone was exploring their classes and had little idea of item sets, stats and overpowered talents. People were playing for fun and albeit it lag and zergfests it still rocked!


The battlegrounds and arenas had scope but they ruined world pvp. Playing other titles before wow like UO the hard part was being the tough open world where you could get attacked and lose your items. MMO's these days lose that ruthless edge.

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I agree that World PVP is really lacking at the earlier levels. It's a shame as I rolled on a PVP server precisely to be attacked while leveling and to fight other people. Unfortunately the planets are designed as such that you rarely come across the enemy unless you (or your enemy) go out of their way to find PVP. Hopefully some fixes will be made regarding this.
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Blizzard's WoW was a great persistant world. TOR is pretty, but there's no sense of belonging in this world. Every cave on any planet is a prefabricated design. There are taxis everywhere and the planets all have topographies that give the illusion of open world without the freedom of exploration. You zone from planet to planet and lose the sense of space inbetween (no pun intended).


In WoW, people would spend HOURS running to places they shouldn't go, swimming in the oceans to find little islands or things on the ocean floor. You could sneak into the enemy's capitals, hang out at the harbor, etc.


The fleets in TOR are identical between republic and imperial. The worlds are beautiful but lack that sense of awe. BW has style, but they failed to grasp the elements of a persistent world which make players nostalgic.


I'm not saying everyone loved WoW or any other MMO, but nothing has compared to my experiences with some of these worlds. People STILL talk about the barrens and stranglethorn vale. People STILL try to invade capital cities with no real effect other than bragging rights. I'll never go back to Hutta or Tython or anywhere else. There's no reason, it's just a big zone.

I really hope BW reads this.

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I was there as well and all i remember was a laggy ****fest of zerging, ranged classes spamming **** at eachother while the melee stood around and watched.


Nostalgia makes things better than they were.


Lol no,you just jelly you havent played this

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Instant gratification, are you serious??


I have around 10 days played and haven't hit BM yet. 240 hours is a hell of a lot of time IMO.


I want a fun game to chill in after a long days work, not a black hole of a timesink to fill a non-existant social life :)


SWTOR fits my requirements pretty damn well.


we are talking about the many problems and bugs with swtor...eveyone want instant gratification, or in other words, everyone wants this a be a wow killer(or wow clone) overnight, when that is just not possible. With games of this magnitude, there are always going to be bugs, mechanical problems and content deficiency at launch and for some time afterwards...this should be a given...i am amazed at the number of people who could not have discovered this on their own

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Yah losing all your gear, or your hard earned levels and basically wasting your previous time and as a result removing the "game" portion for an MMOG is always a fun thing.


While not entirely the same, it's like work sometime in these games for many people, you work hard for what you feel in pixel form you earned in those old archaic systems you don't matter in those situations, try working for free some time in real life and see if you like not getting paid.


I wouldn't call the new standard set for MMO pvp a failure or a carebear situation, it's a new trend and a fairly decent trade over losing valuable time spent investing into a game.


Those are called stakes. They make what happens matter.


If I killed someone on the other faction in TOR, they can revive in the exact same spot I killed them as if nothing has happened. There are no stakes, and thus, there is no point.

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Wow's world PVP was pretty bad IMO (never ending tombstone rushes, zerg fights, guards everywhere, zero risk etc) .. but yeah.. at least it actually had some.


AC1, UO... now that was world PVP! Especially AC.. fighting over towns, leveling spots, portals, islands etc.. forming guild alliances to take down a rival guild that setup tent in the next town over? AB wars? Ahh... those were the days.


Battles could actually be won. Victory meant something, and losing hurt. It was never just a mindless zerg rush or standoff, or a game of never ending ping pong like TM vs SS.

Edited by Jebi
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So basically a verdant version of Ilum?


Yeah I was there, it got better, but by the time everything was stabilized, the GM grind began, and that ended that.


Illum = An Akvarium

World PvP = The Ocean


It doesnt matter how hard Bioware tries to make their little Akvarium pretty and exciting, it will never be like the real ocean.

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While I don't HATE/DISLIKE World PvP, I do not get why so many people say they crave it...


I would say that MOST open world PvP degenerates into a zerg fest which is fun for pretty much no one, and if it is, only for ranged. Melee is just...bad in open world.


What I think people say they want when they say OWPvP is they want random ganking and whatnot. Which is fine but then you're just stuck with people ************ about how their class blows in 1v1 or everyone starts playing stealth classes.


Like it or not, warzones/battlegrounds and yes, even 3v3/5v5 arena's show off more SKILL BASED game play then open world ever will.

Hilariously enough, the Devs don't really have to do anything at all to "fix" open world PvP. You know what the only thing they have to do is?

Remove Warzones.


Suddenly everyone is out in zones/Ilum instead of sitting in Fleet in queues.


That's it. That's all they have to do. That's all any game has to do. Remove instanced PvP. Problem is, as I stated earlier, is that it's a lot easier balancing classes in an MMO style PvP system when factoring in a 3v3 or 8v8 scenario, not the oddball 1v1, 1v2, 3v1, or 50v94.


Edit: On a personally funny side note, I all too often see people who make "I want real OWPvP" threads/posts saying how great GW2 is or how they can't wait for it. I hope they realize that GW2 is going to be pretty much the same and be heavily based on instanced PvP.

Edited by Dreadspectre
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Yup, the WoW Devs emphasized on bringing World PvP back to its former Vanilla glory.


I sure hope this is true. We can only wait and see....


People really have short memory. Back in 2005 everyone was complaining about the lack of world pvp in wow and that the only option was the occasional tarrn mill - southshore battle. There is no former glory of wow world pvp, even tho I like wow pvp better than the one in swtor

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Remember before WoW ruined MMOs with carebare instant gratification themeparks?


SWTOR sucks putridly but WoW while better than SWTOR couldn't shake a stick at EvE, SWG, or DaoC...those were the days!


Remember before games like SWG, Eve, and DaoC, and all their 3d bs I only care about graphics because I don't understand good gameplay? Thinking these games were at any point fun because you can look in a circle. None of those games could shake a stick at Ultima Online... those were the days!

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BW needs to add valor reward to kills outside of Ilum, we've been having good random pvp fights on Tat, Alderaan and Belsavis lately and there would be way more of those if we had valor reward. Ilum is just way too laggy to have a remotely decent pvp fight, I basically go there for the 30 kills a day (which takes about 15-20 minutes) and get the F* out of there after which usually forces me to restart the game after because of fat memory leaks.


SWG's pvp was awesome, the old TEF system and pre-buff days of Anchorhead vs Bestine fights were fun.

Edited by Sookster
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Yup, the WoW Devs emphasized on bringing World PvP back to its former Vanilla glory.


I sure hope this is true. We can only wait and see....


If that is true and GW2 or TERA isn't out by then I might actually go back to WoW. . .


Good god, I hope this isn't true.

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People really have short memory. Back in 2005 everyone was complaining about the lack of world pvp in wow and that the only option was the occasional tarrn mill - southshore battle. There is no former glory of wow world pvp, even tho I like wow pvp better than the one in swtor


Thats the biggest lie I have ever heard.


How do I know? because I spent up to 12 hours at a time doing nothing but pvping at black rock mountains between BWL/Molten Core raids.


Spread your lies elsewhere.

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