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Cancelling due to Surge Nerf and other issues.


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BioWare, you've chosen to take a page from Sony's playbook and ignore balance issues. I can say this because as a Sentinel, our class is horrible. We are the least required class on our server, raids choose ranged DPS and Sages who can additionally stun and heal.


Now because you are overly concerned only with PVP apparently, something I might add I have been unable to enjoy since you arbitrarily chose to change the UI which again, in addition to the ability delay, makes knowing when your cool downs are ready impossible. I can't tell you how many times I died while button smashing and cussing since you made the change, now I don't bother.


Now this morning I am again trying to do my PVE dailies and I am dying 3x more often and to mobs I was handling just two days ago. I am fully geared, and I have played DPS classes online for 15 years. I don't need trolls telling me to learn to play.


As a Sentinel the ONLY thing we had was the ability to burn quickly through the baddies because we have practically zero defense, or other means to deal with numbers. You have now made PVE a chore by leaps and bounds above what it was.


No doubt many others you will never hear from feel the same. So until you fix this issue and make Sentinels a viable and needed class, you won't get another dime from me.

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Sentinels do not have bad defenses. Their defensive cooldowns more than make up for the lack of heavy armor.


And if the sentinel was underpowered, then the class itself needs to be fixed. Relying on a broken stat is terrible game design. Lets make a global stat overpowered because it makes one class balanced. Yeah that makes sense. Or we can just fix the root of the issue and buff that class.


Also, as a 50 marauder/sent, if you're dying at all doing dailies, you need to L2P. No trolling, seriously.


You reasons for leaving are absolutely terrible.

Edited by Wazooty
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Have fun. Surge Nerf is fairly decent and affects my healing too. Everyone has their own spin ... and I have no problems with cooldowns in the UI. Just me personally.


This sounds more like a you nerfed me so I quit post.

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I am just gonna let BW work things out and give them time. I am not resubbing at this time. Been playing rift again with a new toon and having a blast. I will check out swtor next year probably. Judging by how quickly they do things around here that seems like a good time to see the game again.


I do agree about ranged vs melee in this game. ranged has all the advantages with less risk really it boggles the mind this wasn't addressed years ago in the development process.

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Sentinels in PVE are fine; you're doing something very wrong. Especially if you needed Surge to be so out-of-whack that it actually made sense to stack it over every other stat.


Bummer that you're quitting before you figure out what that is.

Edited by Pink_Saber
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They can't fix everything instantly. Patience is nowhere to be found on these forums...


Patience isn't found in the gaming world anymore. Just like most of the world now its all about instant gratification. you want news .... you don't have to wait until the newspaper comes out. Hell I found out Whitney Houston died when out with the wife by looking at facebook.

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they do however have the power to fudge things up instantly ... hmmm how interesting


All it takes is a space, a misplaced 0, or a missing ( .... it can take hours or days to find the error in the massive amounts of code they have to look through.

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It depends on what sentinel he is playing


Combat or Watchmen


90% sents are watchmen...which is from what I hear really good



The combat sents. If you do not time everything exactly right. To the T. You will die. If you do not have Doc. You will die.


I'm a lvl 50 combat sent.. and I die all of the time.. this "you are doing something wrong" is not true at all.


I've looked at the guides/play styles i've switched my play several times. I'm geared to the nines with all lvl 49 gear. including sabres. And I still die. Unless, I time cool-downs/med pacs/doc's cooldowns exactly perfect. And I do mean perfect a second off and you are dead.


Combat Sent is broke. Period. End of story.

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They didn't nerf surge because of pvp, they nerfed it because it was scaling way better then anything else. Stop using pvp as a scapegoat. I know you pure pve players like to throw that around a lot, but balance isn't solely always adjusted because of it. Also, a good sent/mara does the best dps in the game and has a group damage buff for burn phases.


Not to mention, the surge nerf affects EVERYONE, not just sent/mara. I have seen almost every class now in their respective forums saying it hurts them the most, blah blah, etc. :rolleyes:

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I am just gonna let BW work things out and give them time. I am not resubbing at this time. Been playing rift again with a new toon and having a blast. I will check out swtor next year probably. Judging by how quickly they do things around here that seems like a good time to see the game again.


I do agree about ranged vs melee in this game. ranged has all the advantages with less risk really it boggles the mind this wasn't addressed years ago in the development process.


How quickly they do things? Really? [insert Mr. Lizard article here]


You believe a pattern of laziness and sloth and delay can be established when the game has been out for all of 2 months, which is a very short period in the grand scheme of thing in and of itself? hahahaha. They've actually addressed or at least tried to address several things that came up as complaints on the forums within that time period and have released announcements about what they are doing to address a whole bunch more issues in the very near future. I'd say "how quickly they do things" is actually very quickly. Quickly enough that people were moaning on the forums that they were seeing more than one downtime a week. I give BW props for making a big effort to be responsive and address peoples' concerns. I think they've shown a lot of willingness to do so and made a lot of effort to be responsive. Have YOUR particular issues been addressed? I dunno. But ALOT of them have been addressed, are being addressed and will be addressed.

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I honestly don't blame you. There's no way in hell I could raid with the cooldowns all flashy flashy.


Not to mention nerfing my PVE content so some 15 year old can stroke his epeen a bit harder.


BW seems to be going down the road of Rift and many other promising games. Nerf classes for the sake of PVP while ruining PVE. Ruin the game for a small minority GG.


I'm still hanging in there but if they keep rocking down this road. Well- just say goodbye to the PVE crowd. Hoping some sort of sense will dawn on them before they do too much damage.


Unfortunately like other games they'll think their sub losses are due to some PVP imbalance. When it's the constant tampering with classes are what really tick people off.

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They didn't nerf surge because of pvp, they nerfed it because it was scaling way better then anything else. Stop using pvp as a scapegoat. I know you pure pve players like to throw that around a lot, but balance isn't solely always adjusted because of it. Also, a good sent/mara does the best dps in the game and has a group damage buff for burn phases.


Not to mention, the surge nerf affects EVERYONE, not just sent/mara. I have seen almost every class now in their respective forums saying it hurts them the most, blah blah, etc. :rolleyes:


Yup all true ... i think PVP just brought it to the forefront.

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i play a sentinel and i fail to see a problem here... the only problem i do see however is with your post....

you say you played DPS on MMOs for 15 years... Umm MMOs like this haven't existed for 15 years... in fact the ONLY mmo that existed 15 years ago, actually came out 15 years ago was ultima online, at that time there wasnt really such a thing as a DPS role, at least not that you knew of... so OP, you sir are stupid or are from an alternate dimension. and since parallel worlds are something of science fiction im going with stupid.


to further solidify that, As i opened this reply with "I am a sentinel and i dont have a problem" i shall say... "Learn to play your class" i mow down plenty of baddies on ilum and i consider myself GROSSLY under geared. i play on a light population PVE server so i dont have a lot of opportunity to pvp. and the Highest flashpoint i completed was Red reaper and i didnt get any drops from it.


taking all of that into consideration, you are yet another crybaby angry at another nerf that really didnt change much for you. Seriously?!


I am ashamed i share the same life form species as you.

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Melee DPS get bent over a barrel in Ops. I think boss fights were designed with ranged DPS in mind. Not that Ops in this game are particularly hard, but I definitely feel the OPs pain. I love my Sentinel in PvP, but in PvE it just isn't fun. Would rather play Commando.
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