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Everything posted by jonnybigboy

  1. So - people that enjoy killing other people preferred the faction that .. enjoys killing other people. Whoodathunkit.
  2. The modern American education system at work.
  3. The correct answer is Xalek. Okay, maybe it's my opinion but I can't help but believe that my opinion is the only one that matters As a healer, I simply cannot imagine using anything but a tanking pet. I've tried using Ashara and Andro - I have them both in nearly fully columi actually. I still do everything better and faster with Xalek than either of them. I am very aware that this might just be my playstyle, though. If it matters, I solo every daily with Xalek and I only suicide run on Old Enemies thanks to the wall trick on lights out. I do sometimes suicide run on Fallen Jedi but usually just fight through it .. depends how lazy I am that day.
  4. Keep your alacrity. This healer don't want any of it. Well, maybe some but certainly not the amounts we find on the default mods of our tier set. My opinion has nothing to do with running out of force faster. I'm sorry but if you run out of force as a sorc healer you're doing something wrong. That said, I *have* run out of force but it's mostly because I get so bored with healing I'm usually also DPSing. Even then, I just innervate->consumption spam and soon I'm DPSing again
  5. Don't even worry about it until you're 50. I'm being serious. 100% of your attention should be on levelling up.
  6. We were doing this fight in oranges and blues before they nerfed it (they used to be champions, they're just elites now). Yes, it's probably the toughest of the boss encounters in any of the FP HM, which isn't really saying much. Back when gear was an issue, we'd have the tank pull Jorland up the stairs leading into the bridge and getting just out of range of us. I believe he stops grenading when he just has the tank on him like this .... all I know is that, as the healer, the tank seemingly could live forever up there. When the tank was low on HP or just wanted his shield back, he'd come forward a bit and I'd heal/shield him. In the meantime, DPS burned the healer. You *MUST* interrupt healing PROBE .. you can let every other spell go by, just be sure to get that one. Once medic died, we'd all run up to join the tank on the balcony and zerg down JORLAND. Yes, while shielded. His shield, while doing some reflect damage nerfs his grenade damage, too and back when gear was an issue it was that enraged grenade damage that would kill us. So, burn Jorland 2nd and Massey last. Massey is a panzy .. even enraged it's trivial to heal through. Now that gear is not an issue ... we just burn medic->massey->jorland. I ask the ranged to stand close enough to the tank so I can healing circle everyone. It goes fast and easy. Doing my daily last week, I had a group of all fresh 50's. We wiped on this fight as they enraged before Massey while Massey was still like 40% and I couldn't keep up the healing through enraged unshielded grenades. I suggested the above strat and we won! hurray!
  7. I do everything in Belsav (granted, with an assassin friend) in just under an hour. If we BS alot during it, it can take 1h15m. When I solo them, I typically skip Old Enemies and Fallen Jedi. Even though they're soloable with a suicide run, it adds too much time for my liking. I'll also skip Xenivirus but I just hate that one. This takes me about the same amount of time: ~1 hour. I'll almost always solo and do every Ilum daily, too. This takes ~40 minutes. Add in ship and speeder times, you're looking at ~2 hours for 200k. For a long while, I was nearly OCD about them. I'd do them every day. Hell - I've sold 3 of the implants (1.1, 1.5, 1.2 million .. in that order, heh). It sounds like people just want something to complain about. Go ahead. They're not fun but they're not awful, either. It's a great place to recruit for your ops, actually, as the people that bother to do their dailies are EXACTLY the people you want with you on your ops.
  8. Do as above poster says and profit. You just have to be quick and coordinated about it. Put somebody in charge both up north and south to coordinate the button pushing.
  9. True - a computer cannot generate a true random number. I think this matters to scientists, physicists and the type of people that trekkies can call nerds and get away with it. In the real world, they are "random enough". I read the title and my only thought was "man, I wish I was a smuggler". Run it again next week. Your luck will change. Or maybe it won't. There's a random chance it will go either way!
  10. If it's too much, don't raid. I'm not being rude. If you can't invest 1 hour per week to do dailies (or whatever money making tactic you prefer), you don't have the time to raid, either.
  11. I gave up pvp pre-50 because I grew utterly disgusted with what felt like non-stop repeated Huttball matches. I raid HM and NM ops and have 0 pvp gear. That said, I still swap gear in/out for certain fights. I'm currently wearing expert resolve implants with willpower augment becaues I *love* the stats .. but I lose over 100 endurance. So, for some fights (Soa for example), I pop my rakata implants back in. Hell, in nightmare, I switch to a rakata endurnace stim, heh.
  12. I haven't watched the videos but I've been solo'ing these as a corruption sorc with Xalek in tank stance for quite awhile. I would imagine you use CC, dps your little heart out, and let Xalek do his tanking job. It's one of the few fights where I have to do more to Xalek than bubble him. He gets 2 heals during both the trash and the 2 elites that come out after. -- Ok so I went and watched. Nice work .. though I must admit I'm biased towards being a healer and using a tanking pet I actually prefer to solo as it seems to be quicker
  13. I hate when random is random. FIX IT.
  14. Why do you think this is a bug? Stop complaining, man up, and R/E until you have what you're looking for. You know how many attempts it took me to get the expert resolve implant? Well over 200. BiS gear should be something that takes awhile, ya know.
  15. I guess we lucky each week, then. I'm sure we're just awful and only downing him each and every week because of luck and only luck. I'm sure everyone here is amazing and just on the other end of the luck scale and probably solo all the other enounters. Snide-ness aside, he really should be fixed.
  16. The healer relic would be BiS ... if healing was hard. As it is, it's not. Generally each encounter has 1 (maybe 2) ramped up healing periods so the on use procs wind up being better. If it took thought and/or effort to keep the raid up outside of these periods (or you run with a guild that can't stop being hit by rocks or whatever), the proc relic will improve greatly. ... and I'm still using my matrix cube either way.
  17. if you plan to heave in pve, you need to spec for it. get revivification and all the abilities leading up to it. you won't have force issues. you won't have throughput issues. aoe heal lets me drop one under tank at stand, bubble the agro pulling dps, and dps my little heart out too. if you don't want to heal, just spec for dps.
  18. I successfully stopped using it about a week ago fearing that this was coming. I used it constantly before that. However, I still find myself reaching for it during the big "oh ****" moments. I need to work harder to stop myself so I'm not completely shocked when its actually gone.
  19. I don't even keep it on my bar anymore. It's tucked away on the right bar in the "what are these again" abilities area, right next to my saber moves I believe it's our least efficient heal regardless
  20. Where HM is T3/T2, nightmare mode is t3/t3. At least that has been our experience.
  21. The spell must start with a cast time greater than 1.5 and fall under 1.5 seconds to benefit. You're casting dark heal? Under what circumstances? I've removed it from my primary quick slot. I never cast it. Literally never.
  22. I've been using columi commendations to buy the (I think) IA gloves. It has a power/surge enhancement in it which is quite nice. I do my daily in D7 and grab the leg tokens to steal the nice wp/power mod out of them. I will continue to do this now even after the surge nerf.
  23. It's the best healing spell in the game. Do an 8 man with 2 sorcs or 16 with 3 or 4. It's OP, I tell you.
  24. Our rakata belt is crap even with the augment slot. Get yourself the pilot belt with space commendations and fill it with an armoring (I have a rakata level armor) plus your preference in mods/enhancements.
  25. I have too much crit already from my rakata ears/implants. I've been shooting for power/surge. While my surge took a hit, I barely noticed it in HM EV last night on 16man.
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