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Grats healers, you now have your godmode just like every other MMO.


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Then you note that healers have become FOTM and there are at least 4+ of them in every WZ destroying any hope you have of ever budging them.


So? These matches are actually fairly easy to win. They just stand there healing each other to the exclusion of finishing any objective, and they can't kill anything. We face rolled a team like this yesterday.

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On my Sentinel I jump on healers and stay on them and in most cases it works out. I remove them from the fight and if they are bad or geared the same or worse than I am then it works out.


The problem is teams of healers. If you have two well geared Inquisitors on the other team they do have god mode. Both of them can take hits like tanks, the "anti-heal" skill crippling throw only reduces healing by 20%. It is rage inducing to interupt all a guy's heals. To chase him all over the place and unload everything you have on him WHILE you try and keep the healing reduction buff up and barely see his life bars move an inch because 80% of his buddies heals are more than enough to keep up with your damage.


It reminds me of the bad old days of BC Druids. Healers that take hits like tanks keeping their team up while shrugging off your hits like you aren't even there.


The issue I have with healers at this point is that there is no "rock paper scissors" element. Its "If someone doesn't stick on me like glue attacking me and interupting me constantly I am godly overpowered, if someone does stick on me and attack me then I am merely evenly matched with them".


That is overpowered. Either your healing needs to be reduced when you aren't getting focused, or you should drop quicker when you are focused. You shouldn't be able to say "if I'm not constantly interupted I can heal through 3 or 4 people's damage, if I am constantly interupted i can heal through 1-2 people's damage).


One or the other, not both. They need a nerf.

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this is a bs, qq post.


We played last night and boy was the competition tuff. We took down a well known beasty healer, nameless btw im not bragging, with interupts and stuns is 4 global cooldowns. It was a void star and guess what, he died easily because there wasn't a second healer to help him.


Not sure what solo's think they can do, top the charts? Well that doesn't win matches. I run a sorc healer and there are more than a few people who can take me don't with knockdowns and interupts.


god mode, i laugh in ur general direction.


So while you 4 people bashed on 1 healer, what did his 7 team mates do?


Did they plant or where you attacking.


Im not going to be part of this thread just thought your comment to be rather funny and illogical for a team based game.


He did EXACTLY what he wanted to do. Bind up half of your team by himself.

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I'll reluctantly throw my 2 cents in. I'm a sage healer and the only people who truely can't take me down are fresh 50's or people who don't know how to play their class. I'm not BM and only about half champion. I've had people come up to me and tear through me while doing my best to roll heals on myself. The people that mix pve gear with their pvp gear are even worse. I've had back to back 3k+ crits all the way until I died.


Also, maybe it's just my server or maybe the OP's is just terrible, but as soon as I'm found out to be a healer I will be raid marked and focused the rest of the wz. Effectively removing me from doing anything. I will literally run back to my group after dieing and have 3 people leap to me and kill me.


In ending, work more as a team and kill the healers first or have 1 dps on them the entire time. Either way they are removed from the fight.

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I'll reluctantly throw my 2 cents in. I'm a sage healer and the only people who truely can't take me down are fresh 50's or people who don't know how to play their class. I'm not BM and only about half champion. I've had people come up to me and tear through me while doing my best to roll heals on myself. The people that mix pve gear with their pvp gear are even worse. I've had back to back 3k+ crits all the way until I died.


Also, maybe it's just my server or maybe the OP's is just terrible, but as soon as I'm found out to be a healer I will be raid marked and focused the rest of the wz. Effectively removing me from doing anything. I will literally run back to my group after dieing and have 3 people leap to me and kill me.


In ending, work more as a team and kill the healers first or have 1 dps on them the entire time. Either way they are removed from the fight.


I got this one healer on my server, I can't kill him...at all, I can barely dent him. I'm interrupting his heals as I see them channeling but with a 6s CD on Quell I can't get them all. My DPS output is substantial I crit above 3k regularly on Immolate and my other instants are enough damage to burn down just about any non-healing class to the point where the fight can go either way.


I'm mixed Champ and Columi gear at the moment, and I can't dent this one dude at all, everything I throw at him creates a small scratch on his HP which gets healed over if Quell is on CD, and to top it off hes got DoT's and Slows on me AND smashing clay pots over my head in a most disturbingly damaging fashion.


Is this EVERY Jedi Sage in TOR? No not really, hes an extreme example of the situation, but any competent Sage can pull this off against me 1 v 1. Which again leads to the whole "two DPS" per healer argument. Which is basically again completely backing up my statement that every 1 healer removes two people from your team, whether through diverting them to keep the healer out of the match, or by getting them killed.

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On my Sentinel I jump on healers and stay on them and in most cases it works out. I remove them from the fight and if they are bad or geared the same or worse than I am then it works out.


The problem is teams of healers. If you have two well geared Inquisitors on the other team they do have god mode. Both of them can take hits like tanks, the "anti-heal" skill crippling throw only reduces healing by 20%. It is rage inducing to interupt all a guy's heals. To chase him all over the place and unload everything you have on him WHILE you try and keep the healing reduction buff up and barely see his life bars move an inch because 80% of his buddies heals are more than enough to keep up with your damage.


So you are complaining that you as a single dps cannot take down a healer who has another healer healing them. So you are complaining that you cannot take on 2 healers and kill them. I want to make sure I am getting the point of your example.

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Giggle: That is funny...full heal spec here. I am god only when team we play against has no clue. If you expect to take me down 1v1, well that should never be the case in team pvp.


You want to win, organize, occupy healer with damage and escaping attack while your group kills others, healer can heal themselves or group, not both at same time. If you fail to focus healer, well you just dont know what is up.


Healers are not god, good teams dispose quickly of them. If both teams are good, then there is epic battle while one team assists their healer in danger, while the other tries to remove from the field. That is foundation for good pvp action. Not come around the corner, drop healer, steam role dps...rinse cycle repeat.

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So you are complaining that you as a single dps cannot take down a healer who has another healer healing them. So you are complaining that you cannot take on 2 healers and kill them. I want to make sure I am getting the point of your example.


That's pretty much what I got from it, yeah.

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Interupt em and they still heal, focus them and they pop defensives and instant heal.


Seems we now know where the QQ came from, grats on your accension to godhood, may the PvP matches be a snorefest to honor your need to be unkillable.


Grats op, you're a horrible PvPer if you have a problem with healers. Unless you are a tank, you should have the upper hand against healers. Heck even with my tank I didn't have much of a problem against healers, except maybe against Trooper healers. As a DPS it's just too easy.

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I got this one healer on my server, I can't kill him...at all, I can barely dent him. I'm interrupting his heals as I see them channeling but with a 6s CD on Quell I can't get them all. My DPS output is substantial I crit above 3k regularly on Immolate and my other instants are enough damage to burn down just about any non-healing class to the point where the fight can go either way.


I'm mixed Champ and Columi gear at the moment, and I can't dent this one dude at all, everything I throw at him creates a small scratch on his HP which gets healed over if Quell is on CD, and to top it off hes got DoT's and Slows on me AND smashing clay pots over my head in a most disturbingly damaging fashion.


Is this EVERY Jedi Sage in TOR? No not really, hes an extreme example of the situation, but any competent Sage can pull this off against me 1 v 1. Which again leads to the whole "two DPS" per healer argument. Which is basically again completely backing up my statement that every 1 healer removes two people from your team, whether through diverting them to keep the healer out of the match, or by getting them killed.

So what? So you can't beat a healer to a fine paste when it clearly has a very substantial gear advantage over you....but other healers aren't nearly as much of a problem for you? Come on, now.


It doesn't take 2 DPS to kill a healer. It takes 2 to do it quickly. One good DPSer can take a healer out of the game by forcing them to focus heals on itself. They can also kill the healer if they outplay it. It just takes more time to kill a healer. If it didn't it would be completely unfair to healers because they would never stand a chance against anything 1v1.

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Yes please nerf healers so that I die even quicker when I get stunlocked with my CC clicky on cooldown. Man some people will cry about anything. No wonder nothing is getting fixed. BW can't figure out what to work on first because the QQ list is at max capacity.
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Funnily enough I look at the majority of players saying it's fine l2p and they are the same bunch from the Sorc hybrid thread saying the same thing....interesting.


Again, I'll stress the point...there is a massive lack of counters (heal debuffs) to healing, trauma and a single healing debuff tied to one class does not counteract healing because of several things that seem to be going WOOOSH over your heads.


Every class gets a talent that get this...Increases the amount they get healed for with healers getting output and input ones.


Do DPS get a talent that ....Decreases the amount there target gets healed for? No, there is one skill in the game that does it and it's tied to Sents/Maras.


Expertise also helps to bypass trauma quite largely.


Wake up and smell the coffee instead of sitting on your troll throne throwing out your stupid sheep bleeted l2p phrase, Healing power creeps through expertise and talents but there is no counter to this power creep outside of one class pairing.


You keep on denying.

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" So you are complaining that you cannot take on 2 healers and kill them. I want to make sure I am getting the point of your example."


My complaint is that if I am on a healer doing my job the best I can hope for in most situations is to just keep him occupied. If I'm not on a healer and he is free casting then he is going to heal for a completely insane amount.


The rage comes with the fact that I can't be two places at once. If there are two healers and I'm only able to prevent on of them from free casting then there is still a guy out there healing for ludicrously high amounts.


The counter argument is ridiculous. "It should take at least an organized pair of two people to take down a single healer. It should take a well organized group of at least 4 people to take down two healers". Think about how ridiculous that sounds when you are making the argument that your class ISN'T overpowered?


Two healers just mindlessly acting independently healing their team and running away when they get attacked should be a threat so powerful that it requires a team of 4 dudes on vent to mitigate them.

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Funnily enough I look at the majority of players saying it's fine l2p and they are the same bunch from the Sorc hybrid thread saying the same thing....interesting.


Again, I'll stress the point...there is a massive lack of counters (heal debuffs) to healing, trauma and a single healing debuff tied to one class does not counteract healing because of several things that seem to be going WOOOSH over your heads.


Every class gets a talent that get this...Increases the amount they get healed for with healers getting output and input ones.


Do DPS get a talent that ....Decreases the amount there target gets healed for? No, there is one skill in the game that does it and it's tied to Sents/Maras.


Expertise also helps to bypass trauma quite largely.


Wake up and smell the coffee instead of sitting on your troll throne throwing out your stupid sheep bleeted l2p phrase, Healing power creeps through expertise and talents but there is no counter to this power creep outside of one class pairing.


You keep on denying.


Players that take those increase healing received talents are giving up something else to get them. Certainly they survive better with healers around, but the talents are useless when healers are not around, or when healers are not able to heal them because of CC/interrupts.


You also don't need to reduce healing received if you can deal more damage than can be output by the healer. This is currently the case. Duel a healer with the same level of gear and only allow the healer to heal and do nothing else, and you can only dps and nothing else. You will kill the healer eventually.

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No...all the scoundrals/operatives re-spec'd healing...you brought it on yourself!


Truth, as soon as they nerfed the only viable dps spec I immediately switched to healing spec, and you know what, it is super hard to kill me. Mainly people just leave me a lone after they see a few kolto probes floating around me. The other just chase me futilely. It isn't what I wanted to do, but hey, you asked for it.

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" So you are complaining that you cannot take on 2 healers and kill them. I want to make sure I am getting the point of your example."


My complaint is that if I am on a healer doing my job the best I can hope for in most situations is to just keep him occupied. If I'm not on a healer and he is free casting then he is going to heal for a completely insane amount.


The rage comes with the fact that I can't be two places at once. If there are two healers and I'm only able to prevent on of them from free casting then there is still a guy out there healing for ludicrously high amounts.


The counter argument is ridiculous. "It should take at least an organized pair of two people to take down a single healer. It should take a well organized group of at least 4 people to take down two healers". Think about how ridiculous that sounds when you are making the argument that your class ISN'T overpowered?


Two healers just mindlessly acting independently healing their team and running away when they get attacked should be a threat so powerful that it requires a team of 4 dudes on vent to mitigate them.


I never said it takes or should take 2 dps to take down a single healer, because it doesn't. You give an example where you want to take down 2 healers by yourself, which is a ridiculous example. If there are two healers, you will need 2 dps to kill them, it is that simple. Obviously, the more dps you pile on the healers the quicker they will die, but you can kill 2 healers with 2 dps. It will take coordination and an eternity to do, but it can be done.

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The rage comes with the fact that I can't be two places at once. If there are two healers and I'm only able to prevent on of them from free casting then there is still a guy out there healing for ludicrously high amounts.


It's called teamwork bro. Maybe you should find a partner.

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What are your healers doing oh you dont have any...lol it figures baddies load 8 dps go agaist a fairly balane group and lose then qq about.. Ive been runnin 6 mans to 8 mans for long time...healers get cc-d dps get focus downed, tank get ingored till nobody standing...when comes to pug on pug the team with the healers well pretty always win...as healers are force mutliplers loldps are jus that loldps...The pain train always wins if your beating on some one by your self it you that is retarded not the class Edited by Kinsal
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I wish I had WZ's with 4 healers.


I wish I had a warzone with one healer. It seems to many forget they can.... but when they do remember it makes a huge difference in outcome. I almost always give MVP to top healers!!


I have had a few games where it seems i am hitting them with a flashlight.... They out heal my damage regardless of the DOTs and Crits. They don't do any damage in return. and I wonder if they will ever run out of power,Until they get gang banged it is a waste of time hitting them.

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A dps can take down a healer, that's true however if gear and skill are equal it won't be quick and it won't be easy. If you are finding it easy to dps down a healer they are either under geared or playing poorly.


A good PvP healer who knows what they are doing is going to be very hard to kill 1v1, not impossible but very difficult, and honestly that's the way it should be.

Edited by Dharagada
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