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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


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Agreed. Their CS is the main reason I quit the game even though I was big supporter. So if they dont do anything with their CS fast and actually deliver those thousands of promises they did in Dev Tracker, more ppl will follow me just because of this.


Heh, you are funny.


I quit...go to WoW...quit WoW...back to SWTOR...I quit....


lovin it.

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Because you asked a question back to me directly, here comes the answer:


First of all, I did not say anything constructive about the game itself at all in my post. I just said that I enjoy it as a nice pass-time. I guess most of all I enjoy the diversity of the endgame, something WoW was not able to deliver on.


I enjoy the Flashpoints and doing that together with people I know and trust.

I enjoy datacron hunting with that one crazy guildmember who keeps nagging about how I should help him get this or that 'cron he can't reach for some reason (like being body type 3)

I enjoy playing Star Fox, I mean.. space dailies to try and save up for that orange pilot's gear which reminds me way too much of Luke's uniform from the original trilogy.

I enjoy crafting armors as a synthweaver for my guildies and alts that need it.

I enjoy the Ilum and Belsavis dailies and the rewards they can give me.

I enjoy some random PVP from time to time (something WoW never was able to do for me I might add)

And as soon as we get a few more members to level 50, I am sure I will enjoy playing some Operations as well.


In the end, WoW wasn't able to give me this enjoyment again because it simply ran out of content that was interesting for me. Once you have a ton of achievements, have that one mount you always wanted, crafted your 4th guild legendary and notice that the only people you really enjoy playing the game with has become an ever shrinking group of the same people you have done all the same things with for 6+ years, you realise that it is best to move on.


And moving on is what I did here. A new group of people, a new game. A lot of things the same, a lot of things different. Some things I miss, some things I am glad to not encounter here.


Am I stating fact? No. Am I biased over my own experience? Yes. But you know what.. so is everyone. No matter how much you want to explain your opinion of the game as fact by comparing it to other things, how you experience all those things is completely subjective. It is taste, and it is what makes us all human.


We don't all like the same things. So why are some people so dead set on making sure people should be considered 'casuals' or 'elitist jerks', 'biodrones' or 'haters' just because they like different things.


For me, this thread was nothing more than putting my opinions down in words. Nothing more, nothing less. I am just an average Joe who seems to like this game, I have no reason to dislike people who are just as average Joe than me but seem to dislike this game. So why should they dislike me, and try and talk me and others with the same opinion down with often stupid remarks in this thread because of our differing opinion?


I pity the people who feel the need to strengthen themselves by kicking other people down over this. And I hope you realise yourself how useless it is to spend energy on something so negative, when you could also put it to good use in enjoying yourself as I am enjoying myself. Be that in this game, or any other thing you can do to enjoy yourself.


So.. to end this wall of text, I just repeat those two words again: Enjoy yourself.


One of the most sensible posts ever on these forums.

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Okay.. I am too weak willed to resist this:




Just to voice the other side in it's own thread I will say it:


I played the game for 2,5 hours after gym last night, played a level 50 Flashpoint and enjoyed myself!

I did something similar for the last few weeks every free night I had time. This means an average of 4-5 nights a week, and extra time on the weekends.

I enjoy playing with my girlfriend and my guildmates.


I realise the game has many bugs and shortcomings, but love the game and the way it allows me to spend my precious free-time nontheless.


I expect to eventually become bored with this game, as I have with so many others in the past. But if it even manages to keep me occupied for 10% of the time WoW did, I will be a very satisfied buyer.


And once I quit, the only people I will announce it to will be my guildies, as they deserve to know when and why I stopped playing this game.


I am the 90% of silent gamers who feel no need to blurt out their love or hate for this game. I do not think this game is the second coming of the Messiah, or that it is a horrible game not even worth the MMO title. I enjoy it for all it is to me: A lovely passtime to spend my free time on.


If that makes me a 'lol you suck casual', than the joke is on you. Because to me, and many others of the silent majority, this game is just that: A Game. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Peace out.


Here here!

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I did the same. I played WoW from launch and wondered which game would hold my interest enough for me to leave. A few come close but this game did it. Well, partially this game - partially because I was just tired of WoW also.


So I'm sticking around because I enjoy it and want to stick around.

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First, no game is going to kill WOW. Activision is going to kill WOW.


MoP is going to be one of the biggest disasters for Blizzard.


Also, Diablo 3 is introducing an AH where you can buy items with Real World Currency. Activision is using it as a testing ground to see how successful it is, if it succeeds in Diablo 3, they are introducing it into WOW.


I quit WOW, no plans to ever go back. Sold my account too.

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A major difference between WoW and SWTOR is WoW is old and stagnant now...no room for growth


SWTOR is new and has years worth of growth ahead of it.


BW can add things like full control space combat, space PvP, more warzones, new planets, new flashpoint/operations, racing, etc.


Just my 2 credits.



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I'm right there with the OP. But first, a few complaints.


First, the weekly raid quest bugged out AGAIN and no one got credit. Second, for the second week in a row, the normal mode loot distribution system awarded the four people who already had gear all the loot, while the four people who were fresher 50s we were trying to get gear for got absolutely nothing. We're talking 5/5 columi with MH/OH being awarded pieces they already had (sometimes multiples), while the new 50s got nada (and their pieces did drop). This needs to be re-examined. "Functional inadequacy" is as politely as I can put it.


Still going to play, and not going back to WoW. But if garbage like this continues, I may be playing with fewer guildmates.

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  • 3 months later...
I had been playing WoW since launch and SW:TOR is what made me finally unsub. I don't all the credit to the game of SW:TOR itself, it was just as much that playing another MMO made me realize that most of the excitement had been drained from WoW. For all of it's flaws and missing features I was having alot of fun playing SW:TOR and it didn't feel like a chore.
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How does one actually "quit" a video game? Did you send Blizzard your resignation? Were you actually somehow physically employed within the vitrual world of "WoW"? I have been playing MMO's for about 12 years now. Obviously there are some that I simply do not play anymore for one reason or another. "Star Wars: Galaxies", for example, I do not play only because it is impossible for me to do so. I played the game from launch until the servers were taken offline last year. I played "RIFT" for about three months. I said played because I do not play it anymore. It did not appeal to me. I have a life time subscription to "The Lord Of The Rings Online" but that does not mean that I plan on playing it for the rest of my life. Maybe I will though. Who really knows. Every few months I finish all of the current content in that game and return to something else. I never "quit" though. That just seems silly. Doesn't that seem silly the way that I described it now? :p


To go along with the O.P. I will agree that "SW:TOR" is an awesome game. I just started playing it again a few days ago after a hiatus of about three months. I started a character on a popular server and I am enjoying it more then ever now.

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I had to take a break from this game last semester because of school work; I am back now and loving it! I am taking my time, getting to elder game and looking forward to server transfers and getting my character on a high pop server.


As for WOW, I've tried it off and on over the years but it never really held my attention the way SWTOR does. Only reason I really got into it was for friends, and two of them just resubbed with WOW and both told me it is a total joke and not to bother coming back. One of them even said he is now not even going to bother trying out the Panda stuff. Neither of them play SWTOR either though. It is strange it is like some people have this it is WOW or no mmos at all.

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Here's the thing.


These games are designed to be consumed and invested in more as a hobby than a video game. The developer will have failed if you "hope it lasts even 10% of what WoW did" for you. That's not what they were going for.


There is a HUGE amount of possibility with MMORPGs and it keeps going untapped... developers keep making basic platform style leveling games, removing any complexity and increasing the repetitiveness. That's not good enough, especially given the money sunk into the development of these things.


That's great that you see it as a video game you can pick up or leave at the drop of the hat, but that wasn't the design intention and if it was, leaves SOOOO much potential bleeding on the floor.


This. ^^


IMO, SWTOR is nothing short of excellent all the way up to maxlevel, with the story being a very important element...at least for me.


However, once you hit 50 the game becomes an absolute grindfest, with little more to do than tedious repetitive task to acquire better gear in order to be competitive.


Can't speak so much for PvE as I'm mostly into PvP myself, but that part of the game is extremely heavily focused on gear...and skill is by no means the decisive factor, which it in my view should be.


For hardcore players that have unlimited time to put into the game and for people who actually enjoy the grind, that may be ok...but for us casuals with a more demanding RL, the grind and frustration can easily overshadow the fun.


I can only congratulate those of you who feel that endless grinding is fun, or the ones that are ok with the fact that your skills are being far less important than your gear, but for some of us that stuff is starting to become more and more frustrating and less and less fun.


Don't know about you, but if I'm going to be bothered with paying a subscription fee, I want to have fun...not just constantly grind for better stuff. IMO, that model is obsolete and it's time for we get rewarded for being skilled in the actual game, rather than how many exact hours you have at your disposal to put into the grind process.



Edited by ShavedEwok
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SWTOR is that slightly prettier girl you leave your girlfriend for. Then realize that the slightly prettier girl has nothing else going for her but the looks with non of the depth that your ex girlfriend had. Its to bad ex girl friends don't have a resub tab :(
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IMO this game barely made it up to WOW vanilla standards. graphics are better if i had to applaud one aspect of actual improvement. despite what people say, storylines are not better simply because you have a voiceover telling to go grind an area instead of text, so voices where not game changer enough to make me put this game ahead of WOW. i do regret changing games in the end, and now after coming off gw2 beta weekend, i was reminded how good and well developed an mmo can be, and that game is still in beta form.
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IMO this game barely made it up to WOW vanilla standards. graphics are better if i had to applaud one aspect of actual improvement. despite what people say, storylines are not better simply because you have a voiceover telling to go grind an area instead of text, so voices where not game changer enough to make me put this game ahead of WOW. i do regret changing games in the end, and now after coming off gw2 beta weekend, i was reminded how good and well developed an mmo can be, and that game is still in beta form.


Everyone I know has said the exact opposite and that GW2 is an absolute train wreck. I know people that have returned to swtor after playing GW2 beta because it was so lackluster. That doesn't surprise me at all though since the first GW was massively overrated as well, it just gets championed by people who are too cheap to toss a sub fee out. SWTOR needs merges and some cross realm dungeon/pvp but other then that it is the highest quality MMO on the market.

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