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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


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Okay.. I am too weak willed to resist this:


Can you imagine if everyone who bought the game made a "I'M PLAYING!" thread lol


Just to voice the other side in it's own thread I will say it:


I played the game for 2,5 hours after gym last night, played a level 50 Flashpoint and enjoyed myself!

I did something similar for the last few weeks every free night I had time. This means an average of 4-5 nights a week, and extra time on the weekends.

I enjoy playing with my girlfriend and my guildmates.


I realise the game has many bugs and shortcomings, but love the game and the way it allows me to spend my precious free-time nontheless.


I expect to eventually become bored with this game, as I have with so many others in the past. But if it even manages to keep me occupied for 10% of the time WoW did, I will be a very satisfied buyer.


And once I quit, the only people I will announce it to will be my guildies, as they deserve to know when and why I stopped playing this game.


I am the 90% of silent gamers who feel no need to blurt out their love or hate for this game. I do not think this game is the second coming of the Messiah, or that it is a horrible game not even worth the MMO title. I enjoy it for all it is to me: A lovely passtime to spend my free time on.


If that makes me a 'lol you suck casual', than the joke is on you. Because to me, and many others of the silent majority, this game is just that: A Game. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Peace out.

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Truth juice, not from concentrate. With some vitamin "C" for CORRECT!



I'm 30 now, started playing MMOs when I was about 16. Just have to realize that not every game can be better than the last, and that I might possibly be growing out of it. Still, SWTOR suits my current needs - and for the most part, better than any other MMO available - so I will continue to sub.

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I like the game.


WoW is a rush to end game and hardcore raiding. It appeals to people who like that.


I got into MMORPG's for the RPG. I do enjoy raiding and take raiding seriously but the story is keeping me here.


I have 2 level 50's. I am currently levelling a third. I play my main quite a lot and enjoy playing it.


I take levelling slowly. I listen to all the dialogue.. not just class quest and then I make my choice based on the character I am aiming to create. I take it easy and don't feel the need to rush rush go go go I had with wow.


They are different games.. comparing them is like apple and oranges.. they both have different priorities and goals in the content they deliver and are aimed at differring market segments.

Edited by corbanite
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I quit WoW for the SWTOR forums last March :p. Yes, I got a LOT more entertainment from this haven of scum and villainy than I did from hitting level 85 within 46 hours and then being fully geared in endgame "purps" less than 12 total hours of play time later.


I will have had hundreds of hours of play time in this game before even hitting 50 on a single character.


Except where I am playing same faction and do the planet/side quests that I have seen before, I don't skip the cut scenes and such. I explore. I play the market. I craft (without grinding).


It's a pleasant, slow journey; one that BioWare promised, and delivered on.


If I wanted to power through leveling just to jump on a gear treadmill and do the same tired content over and over, week after week... why would I leave WoW?


Sure, I may quit the game after I get everything to level cap... a year or so from now.. but until then, it's excellent entertainment for me while I am up at work.


My wife bought me a computer (since I sold mine after we got married to pay for unforeseen bills) and this game as an "I love you and thank you" gift. Best wife EVER.


There is nothing in WoW, or any other MMO I have played, that could hold my attention NEAR to this level.


If I ever feel this game "LOL THIS SUXZORZ DON'T BUYZ ITZ DAWG", I'll just quit. It would be childish and moronic for me to continue posting in a forum meant for a game I didn't like... right?

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I still have 3 months subscriptions in WOW before I picked up this game.

After I got the game, I seldom step foot into WOW again except 1 or 2 times (While swtor is in maintenance) just to see if there any guildies or friends to chit chat.

Before Swtor, all I do in WOW is just to complete LFR for my 5 toons and cap VP for the week, occasionally run DS normal with guildies. After I got Swtor, I am enjoying the game and never look back to do my usual stuff in WOW again.

Sure Swtor has its bugs but so far it not too critical to keep me out of the game. I am sure the game will just get better over time as it is barely 2 months since launch.

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I still have 3 months subscriptions in WOW before I picked up this game.

After I got the game, I seldom step foot into WOW again except 1 or 2 times (While swtor is in maintenance) just to see if there any guildies or friends to chit chat.

Before Swtor, all I do in WOW is just to complete LFR for my 5 toons and cap VP for the week, occasionally run DS normal with guildies. After I got Swtor, I am enjoying the game and never look back to do my usual stuff in WOW again.

Sure Swtor has its bugs but so far it not too critical to keep me out of the game. I am sure the game will just get better over time as it is barely 2 months since launch.


Exactly, the only time people log into WoW is on Tuesdays after the weekly reset so they can cap Valor/Conquest/Honor points then log off for the rest of the week. WoW is easy mode now.

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I quit WoW to play SWTOR and don't regret it!


Well, WoW in its current state is terrible.


The challenge in leaving WoW behind is overcoming your familiarity with the game and the time you spent developing your characters.(I left 2 vanilla characters behind, with a bunch of level 70 alts)

SWTOR in its current state IS better than WoW, but that means little considering that WoW sunk so low the last few years, a lot needs to be done for SWTOR to become better than the WoW we all used to know and love.

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Exactly, the only time people log into WoW is on Tuesdays after the weekly reset so they can cap Valor/Conquest/Honor points then log off for the rest of the week. WoW is easy mode now.


wow is getting more boring, with each content patch all I see is the same old content... New raid and new dungeons and more dailys thats all nothing more and some times less then that wow is dieing and will keep on dieing if they dont shape up, what people dont know is wow has lost over 1.8million subs in around a year and is still losing more each coming week...


Swtor is fresh and fun its not perfect and bug free buts its growing and becoming a better game each week. I will keep subing if they keep the content coming and also new UI and in game things. all swtor needs to do is not push the same stuff each time and it will not become boring and also fixs bugs.

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It is nice to see a thread full of mainly positive comments, apart from the usual monkeys chatting incessently about how poor the game is, we get that this game isn't what you want it to be so please stop repeating yourselves.


I am really enjoying the game. We have a small guild of IRL friends and for us its pretty much exactly what we want it to be. We have heroic leveling content and flashpoints and PvP that in the 10-49 bracket is fun and has real server communities even if it does mean what seem to be endless games of Huttball.


I am looking forward to getting to 50 [only had the game for 3 weeks] but unlike the majority of people it isn't a race for me. I am enjoying the ride SWTOR offers and doing what I like when I like. I am in no rush to get to end game, I did that with WoW @ TBC and I won't make that mistake again, especially with a game that has only just been launched that has a well documented lack of things to do at end game.


I like what BW have given us, yeah it has faults and it could have been released as a 'cleaner' version but I don't care, not because I am blind to poor service [which i think could be improved by BW] but because what is being offered for me personally is an experiance [although not bug free] unlike any other with a story driven mmo.

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I quit WoW over a year ago when I realised I was only logging on to talk to my friends and the gear grind had become a ridiculous treadmill.


I could probably be considered a Star Wars fanboi. I've loved it since I watched a New Hope when it was released in the mid seventies (I was 7) and with the exception of a couple of things (Jar Jar & Ewoks) I still love it.


SWTOR is a great game, maybe its not what a hardcore raider or pvp'er is looking for (yet) but it'll get there I think.


The game does have a few issues, the fairly low rez character textures for instance and far too many loading screens when travelling from Fleet to Planets. But none have stopped me playing and the same goes for my friends who came with me. None have quit and they all love the game still.


I can wait to see what Bioware do over the next few months, who knows what they'll pull out of their sleeves, a greatly enhanced space combat expansion perhaps? Tauntaun/Dewback/Bantha mounts maybe? Whatever it is i'm confident that it'll be great.


We'll just have to wait and see, just like we waited patiently for The Empire Strikes Back to come out three years after A New Hope.

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Exactly, the only time people log into WoW is on Tuesdays after the weekly reset so they can cap Valor/Conquest/Honor points then log off for the rest of the week. WoW is easy mode now.


What exactly do you think the 50's here are doing? Endgame in any MMO comes to this.

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Because to me, and many others of the silent majority, this game is just that: A Game. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Peace out.


Here's the thing.


These games are designed to be consumed and invested in more as a hobby than a video game. The developer will have failed if you "hope it lasts even 10% of what WoW did" for you. That's not what they were going for.


There is a HUGE amount of possibility with MMORPGs and it keeps going untapped... developers keep making basic platform style leveling games, removing any complexity and increasing the repetitiveness. That's not good enough, especially given the money sunk into the development of these things.


That's great that you see it as a video game you can pick up or leave at the drop of the hat, but that wasn't the design intention and if it was, leaves SOOOO much potential bleeding on the floor.

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I happily quit WoW for SWTOR this last november.


The only reason i played WoW for so long was a personal one, and because there was just nothing else to play. Gladly this is no longer the case, and i can finally have fun playing an MMO once again. The only redeeming part of WoW was the raiding, and after experiencing the raids on SWTOR i was left saying how i wish Bioware had come to MMO's sooner cause this is how you make epic and fun raids. They put WoW's 7 years of raiding to shame.

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after experiencing the raids on SWTOR i was left saying how i wish Bioware had come to MMO's sooner cause this is how you make epic and fun raids. They put WoW's 7 years of raiding to shame.


I would love to hear specifically your rationale for this statement.

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I feel the same.


I always said that the only reasons for me to quit WoW was:


1. Burned out on the IP

2. A new Star Wars MMO


As it turned out, was burned out with Warcraft-lore the same month Old Republic went live. Sometimes the stars are just aligned correct!


It might be a little rough in the edges at times, but the immersion factor and potential, beats anything Blizzard has released for WoW the last year. 'nuff said :D

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