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Who is still in after 60 Days?


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I unsub last week on thursday, I had 7 days left then.


Story line for the Sentinel class I played was nice but the overall quality of the game felt sub par when compared to the last 10 MMO's I've played.


All these msg board issues remind me of WAR... and how that game turned out.


Not missing it one bit.

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Been here since early stages of beta, did not rush to 50 in the first week...still got plenty of stuff to do on the last few pieces of getting BM gear then to start PvE content and make some Alts. I'm tired of people saying (especially on Bioware's face book status's) "game is dead", "nothing to do at 50"....the game is clearly not dead/dying and there is plenty to do at end game if you don't rush everything.


will NEVER go back to WoW after playing this, its too damn fun.

Here till the end.



Edited by bishanator
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Not I. Unsubbed, but sadly not before I got charged for 3 months :(


Mediocre game is mediocre. Huge let-down after the hype.


Same here. I had so much faith in this game I subbed for three months and I just can't bring myself to play anymore, I haven't played in at least 10 days. I stared at my C.E. while I hit the unsub button.

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Well my wife and I have subbed for 3 months but after getting to 50 and experiencing the community there, combine that with the bugs (if ever so minor), and the increasingly unfun PVP we're probably going to throw in the towel.


Shame since I dont really look forwards to Tera and GW2 is still a ways away. I really wanted to enjoy ToR but its not working out and we're just not feeling anything that "grabs" us

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gunna see what 1.2 is like. Got 100 and something days left tho, so lots of time for them to reel me in. But yeah GW2 looks epic. story lines with twists and turns depending on what you do in game and the choices u make. SWIMMING!(under water combat looks fun! Work on it BW) and the combat in general looks quite nice too. Plus F2P also I'll be wasting my life on ME3 soon :p
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I'm in for the long haul, got one 50, one story finished, 7 more to go, and after that do it 8 more times but play the opposite alignment, 16 ways to play through the game. It will never get old to me.


I love this game.


man i gtta find some way to get that feeling back for this game

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