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I AM A WZ Rage Quitter


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It says they are smart enough to know that sometimes a few have to suffer for the greater good of many.


Wow, really?


I would have gone for myopic loudmouths with an overwhelming need for control. Considering some of the arguments used (or the borderline abuse thrown around), I'm not entirely sure how "smart" they would be, either.


If they were really smart, they'd campaign for TDM maps that aren't linked into dailies, so medal farmers can farm there, rather than turn a 5 min stomp into 15 mins of farming.


I guess it's moot, since it's already in the pipeline.

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It's a good thing you're not paid to type.


Also, there are thousands more paying customers other than you. Sorry, the world doesn't revolve around you. Enjoy whatever they do to combat you being a selfish child.


Ah. I wonder what you'll be here to complain about next. Afkers most likely, because thats what you're going to be dealing with in warzones very soon, and I'm sure without their contributions to *your* warzone, you'll undoubtedly lose, and it certainly wouldn't be your fault.


It's amusing that you think the leavers are selfish, when they leave it leaves you feeling left alone, abandoned, like you needed them to win, and now they are gone, leaving you hopeless and unsheltered.


It's the selfishness of you and others like you that is leading to this change, in the majority, because you're incapable of taking a loss, admitting that you were simply outmatched, and moving on to the next game.


I personally don't make a habit of leaving warzone matches, I'm there to win and contribute most of the time, but seeing people like you lash out at other gamers for "leaving you alone" and "forcing you to lose" simply because it gets you some type of feeling of revenge is actually astonishing. You pretty much embody what is wrong with gamers and competitive, team based, games today.


I'm sure this type of attitude will be enough to lead plenty of people to simply sabotaging their own team for the amusement and laughs, after all, we wont need wins for daily credit anymore either, because bads like you could not make the cut on a daily basis. You might as well remove the three warzones, replace them with a circular room where everyone just fights to the death, and be done with it.

Edited by Celebrus
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If someone leaves a warzone for any reason, it has no bearing on weather they have issues or a personality disorder.


Why people try to make themselves feel better by thinking that's actually how it is, is beyond me.


I've left a few warzones.


Two times because something needed to be done irl at that exact time. (Sucks to leave a winning team too...)

A couple more because for some reason I can't seem to fathom, some Republic players are just god awful. :p (I'm talking about taking the huttball to our line, or taking it into the enemy pit, thinking they'll simply jump up that 12 ft wall, with nobody in sight to pass to. Even then, they won't pass it anyway. xD)

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I hate huttball. I can't think of much in the gaming world that I hate more, in recent memory.


This game created a single player, with an amazing story line (for each class), based around choice. Then creates a pvp experience that completely contradicts everything about the pve experience.


The only choice with wzs is to queue for them, or not to queue for them. You have zero control over which wz you get into. This is why I quit almost everytime huttball comes around. I wouldn't mind waiting longer to get into something else, but the option isn't available.


Getting randomly thrown into huttball is annoying. I don't even care if the team i'm thrown on is winning. I hate huttball. I don't want to be there. I don't want any part of it.


With all the choices and options thrown at pve, why wasn't any of this love shown to pvp? Oh...wait...they'll put that in when they put in cross server queuing. Seriously? Taking away player choice to start with, is seen from the developer point of view as a good thing. Then giving it back after they turn pvp into a random blender nightmare now makes having choice a good thing?


I'm not sure I care for where this game is going. I'm certain I don't care for the random logic the developers have for the future of this game's pvp. I could deal with the old rng champ bags, whatever. I can even deal with the new rng champ bags, whatever. I'm pretty sure i can even tolerate the bm bag lottery for tokens, whatever. What I can't tolerate is a random 180 change of perspective on pvp, that makes no sense. It made no sense not to give players choice to begin with, but to suddenly change face when they are already making a huge change to the game.


I'm pretty sure we're all well aware of how well this huge change is going to go over. If you can't begin to imagine...then just take a look at Ilum. Yeah. That was a wonderful change for the bett...uh...yeah, it was a change alright.


If you don't want quitters in wzs, we need choice. I don't want to screw over other players in huttball, but if I want to do wzs, I have no choice but to queue.

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There will always be quitters, whether there is a penalty or not. However, people will know who the quitters are, and if seen in a warzone, they will not be aided in anyway. At least thats how it is on my server.


Funny thing is, people quit a game, then we end up winning at the end. And then I /w saying why did you leave, we won that game. lol. It happens more often than naught.

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Yes, I am a warzone quitter. And very proud. I do not get paid to play, therefore i will not play warzones which i do not like.


Whenever I end up playing the ones I dislike, it is purely due to Queue times being longer than they used to be. And even then, If I get overly annoyed, I quit anyway.


I not only quit as soon as an unfavorable warzone(Voidstar, sometimes Alderaan) pops up, but It Is also not uncommon for me to quit during the match if i am stuck with a usual terrible imp pug team.


I have no control over which Warzones I end up in, despite the fact I pay to play. I am a quitter and coming to quit plenty of WZ's near you.



i love you

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Warzones where we are losing and come back to win are the most fun, it's unfortunate that people would rather have an easy win, instead of a win that you have to play well for. I guess I can understand it though.


Pretty much this.


If you're only sticking around in Warzones that are easy wins, you're probably not PvPing because you enjoy killing players, you're probably PvPing because you're one of those time = rewards = satisfaction folks. Which is fine, but PvP is designed to be competitive, not primarily a time sink.

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i have never seen a game with more whiners and total tools. you cant do anything in this game without someone screaming BADS or some other word that is totally retarded.


i quit warzones. big deal. it doesnt make me selfish. i could say that you guys are being selfish for wanting a quitter to stay. what about what the quitter wants? hes not there to please you.


all you guys that are waiting for a debuff for quitters are going to be really upset when the person that would have quit and been replaced with another person is now sitting stealth jumping up and down in a corner.


i cant wait for those qq threads to start. the problem with this game is the community. the whiners and elitest buttholes outnumber the people who just want to have a good time, so all you see is QQ this, YOURE A BADS, BADDIE, TERRIBAD, KID, KIDDIE, NOOB.


i also like the idea of quitting warzones just to watch the "hardcore" cry....

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Which is fine, but PvP is designed to be competitive


"Pretty much this" but not this.


The skill discrepancies in some WZs are huge. I'm not a hardcore PvP'er, so ending up on a team, staring across the field at pre mades from PvP guilds while I'm in a pug, already robs the round of any competitiveness. Ranked WZ and separate queues will sort this out though.

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I, for one, appreciate you coming correct and accepting the reality of your being a baddie. It's thanks to rage-quitters like yourself, that my WZ teams frequently get replacement players that actually know their class and how to play, and thus are able to immediately contribute to turning the fight around and achieving a WZ win. It's amazing the difference one player can make, especially when they are good and not bad.


You see...among the rage-quitting contingent there is always one constant in the consistent poor play and losing, and that is you. So thank you for taking the steps to remove yourself from an otherwise winnable situation.


However, I must admit, it's not always fun being the player dumped into a losing situation that is an end result of your baddiness. But I accept the challenge and hope that you quit fast enough that I may be able to get in the WZ in time to help rescue the sinking ship.


I couldn't quite find the words to express how I was feeling. Then I found this post which said everything I wanted to. I'll sign it and put it in an envelope for you, that way you have something to read, fondly, while waiting for that 'perfect' WZ!



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There will always be quitters, whether there is a penalty or not. However, people will know who the quitters are, and if seen in a warzone, they will not be aided in anyway. At least thats how it is on my server.


Funny thing is, people quit a game, then we end up winning at the end. And then I /w saying why did you leave, we won that game. lol. It happens more often than naught.


Whats funny is that people actually think that serious PvPers are in some way "against" leaving. Like you apparently do.


It's actually mostly people that are battlemasters that are leaving, and mostly those that have been battlemaster for a while now and haven't gotten geared, mostly the truly hardcore PvPers, or the people that kill traded their way to BM.


In other words, the people that actually care about PvP are the people that are leaving, it's actually amazingly hilarious that you think leavers will/do have a bad reputation. Thats not been the case from what I've experienced.


Assuming leavers *did* have a bad rep, I don't really think that reputation matters in a game where cheating is openly occuring and isn't being cracked down on, it seems encouraged to me.

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Whats funny is that people actually think that serious PvPers are in some way "against" leaving. Like you apparently do.


It's actually mostly people that are battlemasters that are leaving, and mostly those that have been battlemaster for a while now and haven't gotten geared, mostly the truly hardcore PvPers, or the people that kill traded their way to BM.


In other words, the people that actually care about PvP are the people that are leaving, it's actually amazingly hilarious that you think leavers will/do have a bad reputation. Thats not been the case from what I've experienced.


Assuming leavers *did* have a bad rep, I don't really think that reputation matters in a game where cheating is openly occuring and isn't being cracked down on, it seems encouraged to me.


serious pvp players are in it for the pvp not the loot/dailies/insert gimmick


serious pvp players want to fight an up hill battle



is a good feeling; running away not so much


Edit: as far as the cheating hacking. Go try Gunz: The Duel and find out what hacking really looks like. And even there I used to really enjoy fighting the hackers for 5minutes straight before they could kill me.

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serious pvp players are in it for the pvp not the loot/dailies/insert gimmick


serious pvp players want to fight an up hill battle



is a good feeling; running away not so much


Yes, yes, the same argument has been made about pugs vs pre-made and so on.


PuGs call pre-mades scrubs.


Pre-mades call pugs scrubs.


It's a vicious cycle, but it's really not your place to decide what a "PvPer" is, it's mostly an expression of opinion, because lets face it, gear is a part of PvP.


Serious PvPers want to fight against an opponent that they have a *chance* of dominating, should things go their way. Serious PvPers don't want to sit at the 1 node of 3 that they control, unable to do anything but hope that something comes to them, because so much as leaving the node means a quick death to 4 people.


Serious PvPers don't want to wait 15 minutes because the kid knocked over her juice and we had to leave the WZ.


Serious PvPers don't want to be forced to endure a game next to people that are fighting between nodes while we are losing them.


I don't want to fight an uphill battle because I am grouped with someone (or more likely many someones) who is/are completely incompetent. And get out of here with this "I want to fight an uphill battle BS" If that were the case, you wouldn't be whining about leavers making the game more difficult to win.


My opinion of serious pvp players apparently doesn't stack up quite the same compared to yours. Because it's not my place to decide what a PvPer is. Just like you.

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Yes, yes, the same argument has been made about pugs vs pre-made and so on.


PuGs call pre-mades scrubs.


Pre-mades call pugs scrubs.


It's a vicious cycle, but it's really not your place to decide what a "PvPer" is, it's mostly an expression of opinion, because lets face it, gear is a part of PvP.


Serious PvPers want to fight against an opponent that they have a *chance* of dominating, should things go their way. Serious PvPers don't want to sit at the 1 node of 3 that they control, unable to do anything but hope that something comes to them, because so much as leaving the node means a quick death to 4 people.


Serious PvPers don't want to wait 15 minutes because the kid knocked over her juice and we had to leave the WZ.


Serious PvPers don't want to be forced to endure a game next to people that are fighting between nodes while we are losing them.


I don't want to fight an uphill battle because I am grouped with someone (or more likely many someones) who is/are completely incompetent. And get out of here with this "I want to fight an uphill battle BS" If that were the case, you wouldn't be whining about leavers making the game more difficult to win.


My opinion of serious pvp players apparently doesn't stack up quite the same compared to yours. Because it's not my place to decide what a PvPer is. Just like you.


Actually I do. I've never left a WZ unless real life was an issue and if real life ws an issue 15 minutes is not so very long; probably take 7 to help the kid another 2 to get back, 4 to check forums, maybe fix a drink?

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Actually I do. I've never left a WZ unless real life was an issue and if real life ws an issue 15 minutes is not so very long; probably take 7 to help the kid another 2 to get back, 4 to check forums, maybe fix a drink?


You literally just said "I want to fight an uphill battle."


Someone leaving the game immediately puts you at a disadvantage, giving you the uphill battle that you are looking for.


Why then, are you on here, crying about people leaving *your* games?


You're not making a lot of sense.

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serious pvp players want to fight an up hill battle


So you roll naked in the 50 bracket since you like a challenge? There is a difference between a challenge and having brain-dead teammates who don't focus on the objective. If people leave because the team is dueling on the side of the map, I support that person leaving. If they leave when most people are actually focused on the objective, I do not support that.


Since a "quitter debuff" is imminent, how do deal with the people not playing the objectives? Public shaming? That worked for the leavers, right?


It'll be the same thing, except now you will be held hostage by bad players. I think people will STILL leave out of principle, or just find clever ways to AFK/waste time instead of putting in effort.

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once you hit rank 60 and have the 3 items you need to buy for wz points i dont see the points to stay in wz if you lose unless you want to farm to rank 100 and t here is nothing at rank 100 just a title


100? You can get valor to rank 100? Wow...

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I never said anything about Serious PvP'ers or "Hardcore" (like there is such a thing in a game.) I meant people in general. Sure, on a game rep means nothing, along with integrity and doing the right thing. But everything I said about leaving previously is an opinion and should be treated as one.


I hope to become well-known and well liked on my server, and have strong rivals on my enemy faction. In other words to know people. Like I said Nothing will ever stop people from leaving, but nothing will ever stop people from coming in and helping to turn a game around either. :)

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You literally just said "I want to fight an uphill battle."


Someone leaving the game immediately puts you at a disadvantage, giving you the uphill battle that you are looking for.


Why then, are you on here, crying about people leaving *your* games?


You're not making a lot of sense.


I'm only against you saying you want to do WZ then alt+qq'n because you think you will lose or don't like and not having to suffer a penalty. Everyone in the group you just leave suffer a penalty you should too.


That is the logic.


You are the one who started the "real" "serious" pvp labeling.

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I've rage quit some WZ's before but not for any of the OP's reason..usually pure frustration when you get a pug team that doesn't want to actually play the WZ just wanders off far from the objectives and goes into solo fight mode.


I wish tehse people could be blocked from getting in groups.

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