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10 Great Reasons to Leave a Warzone


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Because you leaving a warzone penalizes 7 other people for not leaving a warzone.


And, forcing someone to stay who doesn't want to be there punishes everyone in the warzone, because the person that want's to leave isn't going to just become a stalwart player because of a debuff. Best to let them go and get a player with a better attitude in their place or go short handed.

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Here are the only 10 reasons I accept:

  1. Your computer blew up.
  2. You ISP blew up.
  3. Your parent/grandparent/significant other is in need of medical attention.
  4. You are in dire need of medical. If it's minor. SUCK IT UP!
  5. You are currently being robbed.
  6. Your house is on fire.
  7. You are on fire.
  8. Your parents/grandparents/spouse is on fire.
  9. An alien landed on your backyard and wishes to meet your leader.
  10. You died.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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"1. You're trying to complete your dailies, and quickly assess that your team stinks."


won a lot warzones today with leavers,got most of the time better players for the stinky leavers,it seems the players who leave first suck the most @ pvp :cool:


Edit: maybe a vote 4 kick option would rock ;P

Edited by gwrtheyn
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I don't understand why so many think punishment is the best thing to fix leavers? Leavers are paying to have a good time so if it is not fun to get huttball again and again and again or your pugs always get put up against premaids... And when you finally win a game it doesn't count... then there is not much good time left anymore.


I agree it is annoying when you are just a replace for a leaver in so many wz.

But broken pvp is broken. Punish ppl that did not make the game will not fix anything. All you will get is AFKer and good luck turning the game around with them.

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I agree it is annoying when you are just a replace for a leaver in so many wz. But broken pvp is broken. Punishing ppl that did not make the game will not fix anything. All you will get is an AFKer and good luck turning the game around with them.


We have a winner.

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I don't understand why so many think punishment is the best thing to fix leavers? Leavers are paying to have a good time so if it is not fun to get huttball again and again and again or your pugs always get put up against premaids... And when you finally win a game it doesn't count... then there is not much good time left anymore.


I agree it is annoying when you are just a replace for a leaver in so many wz.

But broken pvp is broken. Punish ppl that did not make the game will not fix anything. All you will get is AFKer and good luck turning the game around with them.


1. Add deserter debuff

2. Add AFK timer (oh wait, it exists already.)

3. Add a votekick which requires unanimous vote

4. Profit!!!

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1. Add deserter debuff

2. Add AFK timer (oh wait, it exists already.)

3. Add a votekick which requires unanimous vote

4. Profit!!!


1. will not work on disconnects, so I can alt-f4 and avoid the debuff

2. will not work on disconnects, so I can alt-f4 and avoid the debuff

3. your solution to prevent me from leaving, is you kicking me? Logic was not your major in college, was it?

4. For me? Absolutely.

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** 10 Legitimate but not Great Reasons to Leave a Warzone **


4. Your guild is beginning a FP/Op you want to be in on.

5. You're a "young adult" (aka kid) and your parent(s) order you off the computer.

6. You're an "adult" and you get spouse agro.

7. Your client is bugged forcing a restart (gfx glitch, lost mouse pointer, auto-run is on and you can't turn it off, etc.)

8. The exit door bugs, trapping you in the spawn area, and you don't want to end up on Fleet due to Deserter debuff, so you leave and end up on your planet of origin.


I know there are many more great reasons to leave a warzone, so feel free to post your own!


fixed it for you

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Reading this thread and the other one regarding medals vs wins has made me reconsider this issue. I now think there should not be any penalty for leaving a wz. If your teammates aren't playing to win it, just farming medals and you want to get your win for you daily, I think it is a fine option to leave and requeue. Those farming medals won't notice any change.
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** 10 Great Reasons to Leave a Warzone **


1. You're trying to complete your dailies, and quickly assess that your team stinks.

2. You join a match in progress, and are a replacement on the team from #1.

3. You notice several AFKers in your match and do not want them to get credit.

4. Your guild is beginning a FP/Op you want to be in on.

5. You're a "young adult" (aka kid) and your parent(s) order you off the computer.

6. You're an "adult" and you get spouse agro.

7. Your client is bugged forcing a restart (gfx glitch, lost mouse pointer, auto-run is on and you can't turn it off, etc.)

8. The exit door bugs, trapping you in the spawn area, and you don't want to end up on Fleet due to Deserter debuff, so you leave and end up on your planet of origin.

9. The other team exploits in some way (actual hack, or just the >8 exploit, etc.)

10. Because you feel like it.


I know there are many more great reasons to leave a warzone, so feel free to post your own!


1. You know what they call people who quit in the face of adversity? Losers.

2. See above.

3. See above.

4. You need to be mature enough to respect your fellow players enough to have had a conversation with your guild to make it understood that AT MOST you'll ever be is 15 minutes to complete your obligation to 15 other players before being ready to move on to something else. Your guild should respect that.

5. You need to be mature enought to have a discussion with your parents about game expectations and talk specifically about instances where OTHER players are counting on you to fulfill your obligations. Warzones are a 15 minute obligation. If for example you need to get off by 11 you need to be mature enough to drop the queue NO LATER than 10:40.

6. See above.

7. This is not quitting a warzone, this is a bug/game error.

8. This is not quitting a warzone, this is a bug/game error.

9. No reason to quit. No reason to not log a ticket and document the game.

10. Nope. Why? Because of the 15 other people who in good faith queued and committed to 15 minutes of gaming TOGETHER. Why are you more important? If this was done in ANY RL situation you'd never play with those people again. And over time, of repeated instances if they gave you the chance to do it over and over, you'd definitely lose friends over it.


Quitting warzones is selfish, childish behaviour. Warzones are a TEAM game. 8 of you and 8 opponents. And it's at a MINOR 15 minute investment of your time. If you cannot commit to that 15 minutes of playing with other people then I'd STRONGLY suggest you need to never queue again and maybe stick to single player modes of play.


Sad that so many people fail to grasp what is at the root just common manners and decency to your fellow gamers.

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I don't understand why so many think punishment is the best thing to fix leavers? Leavers are paying to have a good time so if it is not fun to get huttball again and again and again or your pugs always get put up against premaids... And when you finally win a game it doesn't count... then there is not much good time left anymore.


I agree it is annoying when you are just a replace for a leaver in so many wz.

But broken pvp is broken. Punish ppl that did not make the game will not fix anything. All you will get is AFKer and good luck turning the game around with them.


It's not punishment. It's a incentive to continue playing.


If you have ANY legitimate reason to drop then a 15 minute lockout is meaningless to you.

If you're dropping to try and min/max your way to victory then knowing youd be locked out as long as the warzone lasts anyhow you'd likely just stick it out.


The REAL losers would continue to drop and then just sit there waiting their 15 minutes...but to those people they deserve what they get.

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all above is fine as long as they implement like a 15min cooldown if u leave, cus seriously... the one with leaving cus of losing is lame, its a part of it, and if they gave us a way to report afkers like in wow or something we could probably get rid of most the afkers


Get a clue

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i dont leave warzones when im losing, but the thing that makes me want to leave the most is when queue and get voidstar, and im riding the speeder for 40 seconds and miss my chance to get through the door, and before i get in on the action the other team has already planted the bomb.
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1. will not work on disconnects, so I can alt-f4 and avoid the debuff

2. will not work on disconnects, so I can alt-f4 and avoid the debuff

3. your solution to prevent me from leaving, is you kicking me? Logic was not your major in college, was it?

4. For me? Absolutely.

1. Alt-F4 will give you debuff.

2. Alt-F4 will give you debuff. You have a bad connection? Sorry, that's too bad.

3. Yes, if you are afk or are not contributing in any way in TEAM game, then you should be kicked by a unanimous vote. Logic was not my major, but any mature person should know how to utilize some sort of teamwork in a team game. If EVERYONE in the team believes you are a detriment to the team, then you DESERVE to be kicked

4. Yes, cause PvP team games are ALL about you.


I didn't intend to be mean, but when someone does it to me without a base of reason, I can't help by responding in kind.

Edited by KilmarFyrewynd
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Reading this thread and the other one regarding medals vs wins has made me reconsider this issue. I now think there should not be any penalty for leaving a wz. If your teammates aren't playing to win it, just farming medals and you want to get your win for you daily, I think it is a fine option to leave and requeue. Those farming medals won't notice any change.


Yay! The idea that even one person actually sees the light after reading and considering both sides of the argument and goes on to realise that a desertion penalty isn't the way forward is something that does warm my heart more than those very, very infrequent wins that you pull back from the brink of defeat.


Because they're even rarer. (But no less welcome).


To be honest, I can't believe the length of time this same debate (over numerous threads) has gone on for, and will probably continue to go on for.


I'd guess that 9 times out of 10 people who quit are doing so over the daily. It's almost certainly a coincidence (please tell me you notice the sarcasm coming up) that the same people who leave early on in the day suddenly turn into people who stay as the day progresses.


It couldn't possibly be because at some point they've finished their annoying daily and actually feel like then can enjoy PvP for what it is, instead of fighting through it to get their bag for the day, could it?

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