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East/West or Right/Left?


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How does being a noob have anything to do with not knowing how to look at a map and recognize simple cardinal directions like east and west? I can't believe people even have to argue about NOT using east and west. There's nothing COMPLICATED about it, east and west should come as natural as 1 + 1. It should take zero time to process.


Because while I have no explanation of why they can't do it, they can't. LOL. On my server, out of 8 people in the WZ on your team, it is guaranteed 2 will not understand east / west. There is no obvious visual que that answers the question for them, therefor they will run around like they have no clue.

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The confusion comes from the fact that map and minimap shows different things. East/Right in minimap is West/Left in normal map.


As for each one is easier, left/right is the most obvious to ppl, everyone who disagrees is just trying to look smart (oh look mommy, i know cardinal points better then my left and right)

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The confusion comes from the fact that map and minimap shows different things. East/Right in minimap is West/Left in normal map.


As for each one is easier, left/right is the most obvious to ppl, everyone who disagrees is just trying to look smart (oh look mommy, i know cardinal points better then my left and right)


I would agree with you, except Left / Right is based on perspective. This one has also created many of a dilemma.

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I would agree with you, except Left / Right is based on perspective. This one has also created many of a dilemma.


Nope, everyone have the same perspective from the very beggining, as soon as the speeder bike lands you get to chose where you're going, straight ahead to mid, to your left side or to your right side.


The only way you could have a different perspective was if you intentionally turned your camera 180 degrees facing your character, which is dumb.

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Nope, everyone have the same perspective from the very beggining, as soon as the speeder bike lands you get to chose where you're going, straight ahead to mid, to your left side or to your right side.


The only way you could have a different perspective was if you intentionally turned your camera 180 degrees facing your character, which is dumb.


So you never turn around during the course of a game? Or do you die so often that you are always at the spawn?

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I personally prefer to call out east/west over right/left. Seems to reduce confusion slightly.


I've seen many instances where players are confusing their left and their right. I'm assuming this results from judging which side to go to based on looking at the screen and not the mini map?


Example from Alderaan yesterday:


Someone announces "Incoming left!" You look at the map and see that nobody on your team is on the left (west side), the person is, in fact, on the right (east) side.


This is also an issue on Voidstar where you can easily get turned around, especially if you're a defender coming out of the spawn area.


It's important to note that on maps like voidstar / alderaan left / right are subjective.


On Voidstar, when attacking the "right" door is east but when defending it's west.


On Alreraan Imps see "left" as the east turret, pubs see it as the west turret.



For that reason I use east / west and try to get the ops group I'm in to do the same. However if I ask people to use east / west some of them decide there should be a long discussion on which way is best and why instead of continuing to pvp.


Some people are idiots :p

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Yes I do, and east/west gets as prone to confusion as left/right because there is no clear NORTH indicator.


And, you missed the main reason for the problem. It isn't when someone died and finding the right location. It's when someone is currently at Mid and you say "NEED HELP AT LEFT" so they turn left, run up the ramp, around the bend and drop down. Welcome to the turret with Grass around it which actually was East / Right.


I know it sounds ridiculous, but it happens. A lot. This discussion wouldn't exist if it didn't.

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The simple solution is for BW to properly label their maps and mini-maps.


Either via color coding, or specific names.


It would instantly put a stop to all debate.


My guild calls Rep right, or east if you will, Lighthouse. But that's obviously just internal to our group on Vent.

Edited by thanealpha
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I've found myself using both, left/right and east/west depending on what the rest of the ops is using just to keep everything standard for that match and just to keep everyone oriented the same, I'll shout out what left/right are based on our spawn point at the beginning of the match, not sure if it helps but haven't had it start any arguments either.


"Left is west, right is east"

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Alderan - left /right


Voidstar - also left and right

You often have to see which one is West or East on Voidstar, while everyone knows which is right or left as they come out of their spawn point. No confusions, I literally met no people that found it less comfortable than west/east.

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I've found myself using both, left/right and east/west depending on what the rest of the ops is using just to keep everything standard for that match and just to keep everyone oriented the same, I'll shout out what left/right are based on our spawn point at the beginning of the match, not sure if it helps but haven't had it start any arguments either.


"Left is west, right is east"


This is fine, but on the map if north is at the top (which BTW, there's NO indication that it is...for all we know left is NNW and right is SSE) then left is east and right is west. For defense anyhow.

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This is fine, but on the map if north is at the top (which BTW, there's NO indication that it is...for all we know left is NNW and right is SSE) then left is east and right is west. For defense anyhow.


Yep, just meant it as an example of what i put in the ops channel, i'll switch it up if our spawn point is on the north side of the map. :D

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The reason people used lumber mill, gold mine, blacksmith, etc. in WoW was because each place was VERY visually distinctive AND had their own unique icons on the map.


The turrets in civil war look almost exactly the same, and the icons on map are the same. Using snow/grass is also moot since there is SNOW ON GRASS SIDE. Not to mention it adds an extra layer of information that no one needs.


Using left and right is never a good idea since they're subjective. The cardinal directions are not.


Oh btw, the doors in voidstar are labeled east, west, north.

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So, let me get this right, the folks who call out "East/West" are basing it off of the map, yeah?

Then why would't "Left/Right" also work? When I call anything its always based on the map, not where I am currently, that'd be moronic. Also, i like the trending "Snow/Mid/Grass", I think i'll start using that. :D

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I was going to quote my hero George Carlin about cardinal directions making the most sense:


"Try to pay attention to the language we’ve all agreed on."



But it would appear that some of us have over-estimated the ability of some of us to read maps.



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Until reading this thread I never even noticed one was snow and another was grass... I'll stick to east/west, it's simpler and nearly impossible to confuse unless you don't understand directions.


I'm right there with you Drekor.

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