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POLL: 50 yet? Bored or rolling alts and happy?


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Not boared at all.


Level 50 sage and I'm doing everything I can from :


Warzones, Daily PvP, PvE dailies, HM Flashpoints and Normal / HM Operations when the team can get together.


Having a blast with 3 alts waiting at around level 15 for what the legacy system brings in March.


I'd hate to level to high and then get a cool race I want to be in march.


Plus I'm having to much fun on my main to really worry about it for now

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Level 48 Sage, level 26 Guardian, level 17 Bounty hunter. Not bored, just getting sad my consular story is almost over. I will reroll alts, I'm not here for the endgame (never have been in MMO's). I will finish the class quest at 50 and romance my companion, maybe some PvP eventually, but I won't go raiding. I do want to see the stories of other classes and I hope that at some point the class stories will get new chapters.
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There isn't enough different content to justify rolling that many characters, especially considering the stories are not THAT good. I'll have a toon for each role I want to raid in, and that's it.


Your Opinion and you are certainly free to express it. I happen to disagrree of course. I find the stories done really well and look forward to each of them..:)

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Finished the agent story (impressive), now working on smuggler story. I have one of each class lined up with the lowest in the early teens...


Not bored in the least. Once they add more chapters, I will go back to my agent and kick this ball rolling again.


How I am leveling is alternating the factions. So when I am done with the smuggy, I will get on my sith warrior, and keep rolling.

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I have a geared 50 Arsenal Merc main and two 50 alts, lightning sorc and marks agent. My guild is 5/5 EV HM and 2/5 KP HM, so there's some room there for progression through HMs and into NMs but obviously I can't do it alone.


I still login 3x a week to raid but I'm fairly bored with TOR atm and having fun playing Skyrim again.

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Been playin since official launch. Highest char is 25 that i dont play anymore. Next highest is 20 and pretty much done with him. Levelin is way to long. Travel way to long. Questing i dont enjoy. Very bored. But i gave it a try i guess.


Maybe ill be back in 6 months if its better optimized and everything, that is if people are still playing.

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I'm pretty bored...I have a 50 sorc, and a 40 jugg, as of now it feels like playing both of them is rather pointless. I didnt think i'd get bored of this game so easily because I was so excited for it but now its meh... just another game to play until gw2 comes out
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Reached 50 on a Sith Darkness Assassin....was an awesome trip levelling that.


I have 3 other alts on the go now, and I'm very happy with the gameplay 1-50, but I am staying away from endgame activities until they can iterate on things some more.

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There isn't enough different content to justify rolling that many characters, especially considering the stories are not THAT good. I'll have a toon for each role I want to raid in, and that's it.
I wanted to try different raid roles too - but without any parser or even any kind of combat log to compare performance vs playstyle, what's the point? I'll stick with the one geared character I already have.


I was shocked on my 2nd and 3rd characters to discover just how little content is class-specific. They even recycle class quest locations on most planets...

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Hit 50 a few weeks ago. Tried alts, and had fun for a while -- but then got bored of that too since 90% of the dialogue was a repeat of something I had just heard two weeks before. I cancelled my sub, but I still log in for the occassional warzone here and there. In the back of my mind, I keep hoping I'll have fun again -- but I don't.


This game just sucks once you've gone through the storyline. Some people may have more tolerance for hearing the same quest dialogue over and over again, and may be able to still get enjoyment from experiencing the new class quests. But I'm thoroughly bored of SWTOR at this point. I have no intent on returning in the future, unless I hear that there's been some massive, revolutionary patch that has significantly changed the game for the better.


There's just nothing to freaking do at levl 50! It's mind-blowing how little there is to do. I also think that when you step back and survey the game as a whole, it's obvious that BioWare was over-matched trying to create an MMO. The leveling process is fun because BioWare was able to rely heavily on their single-player experiences -- good storyline, voiceovers, etc. But once they got to the more non-linear part of the game (basically, the end game), the wheels really start to come off.

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I hit 50 on my warrior pretty quickly and was excited to tank pve and pvp at the cap. After 2 weeks of intermittent playing, I grew tired of the already stagnant pvp system which is ultimately a slot machine. The hard modes are fun if I can find people with gear to run them. Usually, I end up playing the "how long can I tank the enraged boss" game and leaving.


I've been mostly playing an alt- an operative- which I'm loving. I've realized that the meat of this game is in the leveling content right now. I just started a consular, too. I'll alternate them based on who has the most rest and which point in the story i'm working on. I'll probably go back to my warrior if they implement an effective and fun ranking system for WZs.

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Not bored, operations with my guild are a lot of fun. Just started 16 mans. :)


Finished most of the HM content and some of the NM content. It's all about progression.



EDIT: Where is the poll?

Edited by XOrionX
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Since I began playing MMORPGs way back in 1999 (AC/EQ), I've always played the same way...


Multiple characters being leveled at the same time.


Always have subscriptions going to more than one MMORPG at a time, or at the very least I'm alpha/beta testing another on the side.


I typically end up reaching max level with multiple characters less than a week apart of each other and I very rarely run short on content (and there's limited conflicting downtime when I can't play/test at least one of 'em when I want to)...


Here, as of now, my gals are:


Sage ~ 41

Scoundrel ~ 19


Sorcerer ~ 45

Mercenary ~ 25



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Bored and giving then till the time card runs out to show me that I should stay.


I really enjoyed the story for my primary character. But to be honest I have not been able to get interested in the opposite faction and for the other three classes of this faction I just can not get into the classes. The story is good but those classes are just not what I want to play and that is getting in the way for playing just for their story.

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50 operative, 39 sorc, 10 warrior. Bored on the operative, but I actually just dont really like the character. Both of the siths I like alot more. I made the warrior because I was annoyed that my sorc just holds his lightsaber while lightning blasting people all day. It's just there to taunt me while i cant really use it for anything.


This game would be alot more fun at max level if it were easier to get groups. My server is finally starting to see quite a few pugs for operations, which is excellent, but getting a decent group for flashpoints is still very tough.


They'll improve the system, I'm just going to patiently enjoy the other stories and character types while I wait. By the time the game really hits it's stride I'll be able to pick and choose which character is my favorite and go from there.

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I have a lvl 50 Vanguard and I am now leveling a Shadow alt. I am getting bored of the game, mostly due to the frustration at how unacceptable PVP has been. I also find re-leveling too tedious, but the legacy system will probably help with that


There are too many active exploits with no official acknowledgement of hotfixes to address them, specifically the 8+ Warzone exploit thats become a part of the SWTOR daily pvp routine. And another point that addresses an unacceptable aspect of SWTOR, is the frozen valor tundra hell called Illum, it was poorly designed and executed, and falls way short of what players expect from modern AAA titles. QQ

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So far I have a... 50 Juggernaut, 50 Mercenary, 50 Sorcerer, 32 Shadow, 32 Sniper

24 Scoundrel, and an obvious problem with rolling too many alts.


Not bored, still enjoying trying out the classes and questing. Although after getting three Empire characters to 50 I did switch over to Republic just to get a break from playing through the same planet questlines over and over (sadly, there are only so many times you can complete all main/side quests on a planet before it's painful to have to re-do one more time).


It's been interesting seeing how the two faction planet storylines differ. But I do find endgame lacking so once I get to 50 I move on to levelling an alt instead of doing dailies.


However, I'm not a part of a Guild, so I don't have any reliable people to group with for FPs or Ops, so I've never done any of them. So when I do, if ever, join a Guild... I guess there's those missed FPs to look forward to exploring. lol.

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Not at 50 yet. Just dinged 40 on my Jedi Knight Sentinel. I have a Smuggler at 34 and 4 others at levels 15-30. I'm having a blast. I'm concentrating on my Jedi Knight right now and will take it to 50 (Biochem BTW). Then I will pick one of the others to get to 50.



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