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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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I think they're already seeing the MMO crowd canceling their subscriptions. I'm on the fence in this regard as well even though I had hoped to play this game for a very long time.


The features many of us expected just aren't in the game and there is no sign that they will be anytime soon.


Now the question is: "How many will wait... and for how long?"

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A cross server lfg tool is a must for light pop server. However, they should also look into fixing the NUMEROUS bugs in ops and hardmode flashpoints. We could not finish Eternity Vault despite numerous tries and resets. In our case the final boss was inaccessible due missing platform tiles.


Yeah, lets hope the development team can back to us soon, i don't know why they are releasing new content when the current situation is broken

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I think they're already seeing the MMO crowd canceling their subscriptions. I'm on the fence in this regard as well even though I had hoped to play this game for a very long time.


The features many of us expected just aren't in the game and there is no sign that they will be anytime soon.


Now the question is: "How many will wait... and for how long?"


I'm teetering month to month and without any sign of relief in the near future i may be out March 4th when my sub is done

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I think they're already seeing the MMO crowd canceling their subscriptions. I'm on the fence in this regard as well even though I had hoped to play this game for a very long time.


The features many of us expected just aren't in the game and there is no sign that they will be anytime soon.


Now the question is: "How many will wait... and for how long?"


I'm holding out for the next patch. My buddies still play and are enjoying themselves, not quite the FP junkie I seem to be, and I like playing with them. But long term? I dunno. I certainly don't wanna be one of those "They better put it in or I'm quitting!".


Edit: The idea of spamming LFG for hours, or running the same 6 $*^%@ Ilum dailies, sure as hell doesn't sound very enticing though.

Edited by MalignX
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I acutally do not like raids in it of themselves, wow just got a raid LFG, and I dont think that will be fun, but who knows, maybe it still is. What I hate is repeating, and grinding. In my mind, an LFG tool leads to commendation grinding, because the developers have to add more content, and the only way they can add more content without a large team working around the clock on new content every month, is commendation grinding. I think that something less rash and quick would be an in server LFG tool, as this would be much less efficient, and thereby you have more content, without grinding. In this method you do sacrifice some speed, which is normally what I am all about, so that you can keep the game in balance, not to fast as to make it so that people that don't want to play 24/7 can still play the game, and people that do play 24/7 have lots of endgame content to play with. One of the methods for making an LFG tool that is slightly less efficient would be you check whether you are a tank, a dps, or a heals, then you go into a roster of people wanting to do the same dungeon as you do.


So you want an inefficient LFG tool? We have one of those already. It takes some people hours to find a group. That sure keeps them from running over and over. You like this? I am willing to bet you are the only one.


Every MMO I have ever played has been about running dungeons (or flashpoints) repeatedly. It's just part of the genre. Heck repetition is what most video games in general are. Sure It would be awesome if everytime you logged in you had new content to run, but no developer could every churn out any quality content at that rate. Even games with user generated content run out. Personnely I love running instances over and over, not like its the same one all the time, there are quite a few to chose from. I would hate it if something kept me from doing so. If you don't like to then maybe MMOs are just not for you. Not being mean, just saying it doesn't sound like they are your style of game.

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So you want an inefficient LFG tool? We have one of those already. It takes some people hours to find a group. That sure keeps them from running over and over. You like this? I am willing to bet you are the only one.


Every MMO I have ever played has been about running dungeons (or flashpoints) repeatedly. It's just part of the genre. Heck repetition is what most video games in general are. Sure It would be awesome if everytime you logged in you had new content to run, but no developer could every churn out any quality content at that rate. Even games with user generated content run out. Personnely I love running instances over and over, not like its the same one all the time, there are quite a few to chose from. I would hate it if something kept me from doing so. If you don't like to then maybe MMOs are just not for you. Not being mean, just saying it doesn't sound like they are your style of game.


Yeah, having around 8-10 instances to choose from with unique bosses and drops would make it alright. Problem if you don't have an automated tool is ones tend to be cherry picked more and burn out gets worse

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Heh, conversation gets all civil and it becomes eerily quiet in this thread. Have to say I like everyone's ideas thus far. I wonder how closely Dev's pay as much attention to these threads as the Mod's policing them.. Edited by MalignX
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Before a X-server tool is implemented please look into roll restrictions.


So if an item is not needed by your class(and not your Companions or for mods) then you cannot roll on it.


As when groups are all from the same server there is a little more respect between players as they know that they will play with the same players again.

In X-server groups people know that they can behave anyhow they like and most probably never see the players in the group ever again.



IMHO Bioware should consider server mergers before the introduction of X-server tools as it does help to find groups quickly but destroys cohesion.

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Yeah, lets hope the development team can back to us soon, i don't know why they are releasing new content when the current situation is broken
They're probably broken into separate teams. There's a point where it doesn't really help to throw more bodies at figuring out a bug.


Adding new content also uses a lot of non-developers. Art people and producers that aren't useful for fixing bugged bosses.

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Before a X-server tool is implemented please look into roll restrictions.


So if an item is not needed by your class(and not your Companions or for mods) then you cannot roll on it.


As when groups are all from the same server there is a little more respect between players as they know that they will play with the same players again.

In X-server groups people know that they can behave anyhow they like and most probably never see the players in the group ever again.



IMHO Bioware should consider server mergers before the introduction of X-server tools as it does help to find groups quickly but destroys cohesion.

That goes without saying.

Itemization needs to be improved anyway.

My last black talon HM, comprised two sorcerers and two sith warriors, and the columi piece which dropped was for a Bounty Hunter...


But indeed, developers adopting a more strict policy regarding the items rolling would certainly correct one flaw that WoW's LFG tool presented.

In all honesty, the whole "need- greed - pass" option works better with people who get along a minimum. It is less suited for perfect strangers who think they can go away with it.


That issue settled, there is no rational argument to oppose a cross server LFG tool. All which is beyond can be labeled as paranoia.

Edited by Ethern
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Get real. They are going to implement cross server LFG because:

1) they screwed up and have too many servers

2) their K-Mart servers and/or engine can't handle real MMO populations

3) they know even "heavy" servers have too few people in most zones for people to get groups


...but the REAL reason it's coming, despite them swearing there would never be x-server LFG is because:


4) they can't merge servers because of #2, and because it looks bad to investors and the gaming community in general to have server mergers this early in a game's life

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An MMO by nature wants to make it as easy as possible for people to play with other people.


Here, it's the opposite they are doing their best to put in as many of those 2-3 min load screens as possible and discourage players from going to other planets to help their friends.

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Yeah, having around 8-10 instances to choose from with unique bosses and drops would make it alright. Problem if you don't have an automated tool is ones tend to be cherry picked more and burn out gets worse


If people get burned out they need to play less, that is on them.


I would never support or use a tool that didn't allow me to customize my group. Sure you can have the option to have a random group. But putting together a group with the best chance for success is import, especially when dealing with pugs. A key example is making sure you have interrupts for the 2nd boss in esseles HM. Customization is big part of RPGs, groups shouldn't be left out of this IMO.

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Honestly I dont see why people consider flashpoints the be all end all community maker. Theres plenty of other ways to build a server community and meet people ala operations, heroics, questing, world pvp, warzones, etc etc.


All this talk about community death due to a cross server flashpoint tool is just people trying to find something to harp about due to some experience they may have had in wow, which btw has the worst community I have ever seen in a mmo and it was like that before they had cross server queing and stuff.

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It isn't fair to say people who want X-LFD want to rush through content. People rushed through content before X-LFD came into being, people tend to rush through content when they have no interest in being there. There isn't a casuation there.


I don't think your being honest cause you say the above yet you willingly want to deny people gaining access to content who have a disadvantage at accessing said content.


I was a bit tired when i constructed the post, so the message might have taken a slight different meaning than the one intended. English not being my primary language helps to be a bit hard to express my points of view sometimes.


That being said, one of the prime factors I, personally, consider a bad idea is that, if applied, a x-lfd tool on end content will turn this game in what happened in other games. People don't like the "hamster wheel" feeling that is automatically the result of that.


In WoW, for example, the number of instances made raised, but due to the nature of the grouping with random people that same content had to be tuned way down, and the item currency stretched so that people would have to be on the wheel longer.


I haven't played WoW for a long time now, but have friends that do. What i see, in the way the game turned into, is simply is not appealing. Since highest level (i believe it's 85) all they do when logged is queue after queue for heroic mode instances, or raids. Yes, people group faster, but do they enjoy the content? Most of them only think in the last boss "phat lewt".


The people that enjoy that sort of game play are the ones that, usually, demand such tools.


Is that a good thing for companies? Maybe, for a short while. In the long run? Not really, as it makes the game boring.


People don't really stay after, but whispers continue after the run is over, and then sometimes start up again 2 days later. Alternatively you may keep 1 of the people you just did a flashpoint with, but not feel like its worth it to que up again with the other 2. Both of those scenarios have led to me forming highly siccessful nonguild raids years ago when noon guild raids didn't happen. Those are also the first people I go to when my guild is 1 or 2 short in a raid. I dont see that happening with a xserver tool that is too easy to use like wows. Im hopping a time delay could be the partial fix.


In a leveling setting, a lfd tool, might actually bring some benefits. As an end-game tool it would simply foster the "hamster wheel" mentality, forcing it on everyone else.


Asunasan says it in a very clear way in:


This isnt a popular thought but people dont always know what they want. Instant gratification via xserver lfg sounds good now, but that doesnt mean you will enjoy flashpoints later.


I know... the argument of "if you don't like it, don't use it". That is a moot argument in my opinion, as it will be the norm, not the exception.




You really can't compare online friendships to real life friendships. I know people who got married through this online world but the majority of the relationships we hold do not hold the salt of a real one that involves the human senses.


You are confusing friendship with trust there.




Xserver PvP basically destroyed the PvP community in WoW and it will destory it here. The PvE community can be salvaged through use of a X-LFD and a proper intra server.


As a primarily pvp player you see the question that way, but a pve player would see it exactly the opposite way.


This would be more on the lines a pve player would write:

(edited from your post)

Xserver PvE basically destroyed the PvE community in WoW and it will destory it here. The PvP community can be salvaged through use of a X-LFD and a proper intra server.




They do that to a certain extent, but even creatable purples don't compare to HM/OP stuff at the moment. But we're veering off topic!


Neither should they, as it would become pointless to run said content.




NOTE to Touchbass: Even though i keep referencing to you in my posts i do it most out of respect, as you seem one of the few with opposing points of view that can expose them in a constructive way.

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People don't like the "hamster wheel" feeling that is automatically the result of that.
xserver lfd doesn't cause the hamster wheel feeling. It was there in wow before the lfd. It was there in rift before the lfd.


hell, it was there in EQ when I stopped playing.



besides: 10 million people clearly DO like the hamster wheel.



Since highest level (i believe it's 85) all they do when logged is queue after queue for heroic mode instances, or raids.
The only difference between the current situation and the game pre-lfd is how long you have to wait to do the content.


Yes, people group faster, but do they enjoy the content?



I know... the argument of "if you don't like it, don't use it". That is a moot argument in my opinion, as it will be the norm, not the exception.
If it's the norm, and not the exception, doesn't that make you part of a tiny minority that would prefer that it doesn't exist?


seriously though, whether it's the norm or not is irrelevant. You'll e able to form your groups outside of the xserver lfd system, just like so many people do in wow.


You are confusing friendship with trust there.
If you don't trust them, then you're not using the word "friendship" correctly.



Neither should they, as it would become pointless to run said content.
No, the ability to make BiS craftable items does not in any way make the other content in the game pointless. Edited by ferroz
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I was a bit tired when i constructed the post, so the message might have taken a slight different meaning than the one intended. English not being my primary language helps to be a bit hard to express my points of view sometimes.




NOTE to Touchbass: Even though i keep referencing to you in my posts i do it most out of respect, as you seem one of the few with opposing points of view that can expose them in a constructive way.


Thanks for your responses Dahlatiel, I was going to respond but noticed Forrez responded with thoughts that are pretty much in line with what I think so there is no need to be redundant.


I did find your comparisons to how 'WoW gamers" feel versus "Swtor gamers" kind of interesting. If I understood your argument, it's the hamster wheel ruins the experience and the faster we get on the hamster wheel the worse we feel towards our experience thus ruining our hobby? I don't think that is 100% fair, this game pretty much plays near identical to the WoW experience: level to 50 (or 85), grind heroic flashpoints (or heroic dungeons), substitute pieces with warzone gear (or battleground gear) and join a guild a raid operations (or raid itself). There are obvious differences but how is the experience any different?


The only thing i can think of is that this game has more of an emphasis on grouping early on and tries to build server cohesion. The aforementioned is a good thing, just that it causes a lot of problems when players can't access content besides of it. People are spending too much time trying to find groups and something needs to be done. I don't even log on half the time for small gaming sessions cause of the frustration in getting things done is too much. This game plays fine for 4-5 hour sessions on high population servers but it's lackluster on low population servers with limited game time. That is a serious issue if this game is to succeed.


That is why we need a cross server tool for low/medium population servers. Without a cross server they are going to die, they're already hemorrhaging players that are either rerolling or quitting. Lets just work on something to let servers keep their feel, again I still don't get why flashpoints are the be all end all of everything but that's not my design choice.

Edited by Touchbass
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I would love a LFG tool. A real one, not the stupid useless purple flag they have now.


I'm not sure I like the cross-server idea. I imagine that might help players on lower-population servers than mine though. But I imagine server consolidation would help them more.

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Heh, conversation gets all civil and it becomes eerily quiet in this thread. Have to say I like everyone's ideas thus far. I wonder how closely Dev's pay as much attention to these threads as the Mod's policing them..


Yeah, there is a strong coorelation between back talking and thread activity. I noticed in another thread people were talking smack about me, you defended me though my online hero.

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They're probably broken into separate teams. There's a point where it doesn't really help to throw more bodies at figuring out a bug.


Adding new content also uses a lot of non-developers. Art people and producers that aren't useful for fixing bugged bosses.


Good point

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Good point
Yeah, people tend to lump everyone into this magical category of developers.


You know, it'd be kind of cool if some of these games talked about the various departments they have.


You may be able to figure a fair bit of how they break things down by reading the credits? I know that's true of other games, but I haven't watched the ones for tor.

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