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Unoffical Cross-Server is coming to town thread


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Under the old system in WoW those who played 4-5 every day or at least 5 times a week+ sessions would network and monopolize the servers Tanks & DPS making it impossible for the average joe to get into a group in a reasonable amount of time. Your seeing something similar happening now in SWTOR as I've seen "LF 1 tank, must be geared for X". It's really a destructive atmosphere for most gamers.


I understand the problem you refer in your post, but then again there is the reverse side of the coin.


I bet that most of the players that are claiming that there is no alternative to x-lfg don't even have a single player tagged as a friend. That in itself is one of the major problems in the latest years in the new-mmo community.


In every game i passed there are always anti-social people around, but that problem has been aggravated in the recent years. Nowadays most players just want to get to the end of an instance without even have the trouble of reading about it, and if something goes wrong they simply blame the others in the group for their failure. They usually blame the healer for not keeping them alive when they don't move from hazards, tanks for not holding the off-mob that they shouldn't be attacking, and many other noobish stuff.


How many of the claimers for a x-lfg and "there is no community" mantra have even tried to get to know other players? Most of them don't even have a single player in their friend list. A community wont fall in their lap, it has to be catered to grow and evolve.


Half the people i grouped for the heroic missions didn't even bothered to say hi in party chat, but a few of those whined if by any chance they die.


Lobbying the game with a x-lfg tool would aggravate that situation even more if applied for end-game content.


Nowadays we don't even need to log to the game to get a raid going, that is why BW created the guild hosting services. So the answer is not that hard to figure out if the players try to organize themselves into working guilds.


But it's too much of an hassle to try to know the server's player base for a good part of the players.


Just some food for thought: How come some of the most anti-social players in the mmo's are the ones that have 100+ people on their facebook account that they have never met, but are unable to get to know a single player in the game? That is the base of the "there is no community" mantra.

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Simoon:Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?





Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone





Oh, I do apologize for bursting your bubble, but we all know it had to be broken sooner or later.


To clarify, NO. They did not in any place say they would make cross server queuing for Flashpoints. In fact, all I can see that they would be enabling it for Warzones and Warzones only.

Not only was your OP wrong in his quote (How exactly did you pull LFG tool out of that) but I think it's laughable to see how many of you didn't actually read the blog post.




The actual blog post -------> http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 The question and answer will be found near the bottom of the page - second to last question in the Q&A

Edited by Elyons
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Simoon:Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?





Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone





Oh, I do apologize for bursting your bubble, but we all know it had to be broken sooner or later.


To clarify, NO. They did not in any place say they would make cross server queuing for Flashpoints. In fact, all I can see that they would be enabling it for Warzones and Warzones only.

Not only was your OP wrong in his quote (How exactly did you pull LFG tool out of that) but I think it's laughable to see how many of you didn't actually read the blog post.




The actual blog post -------> http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 The question and answer will be found near the bottom of the page - second to last question in the Q&A


Noone ever said that we needed an official confirmation for it. It's coming either way.


EA is only out for the money so they will make Bioware implement it.


Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Bioware is going to implement a Cross-Server LFG-Tool


... That's how it goes, right?

Edited by Heretiq
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Simoon:Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?





Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone





Oh, I do apologize for bursting your bubble, but we all know it had to be broken sooner or later.


To clarify, NO. They did not in any place say they would make cross server queuing for Flashpoints. In fact, all I can see that they would be enabling it for Warzones and Warzones only.

Not only was your OP wrong in his quote (How exactly did you pull LFG tool out of that) but I think it's laughable to see how many of you didn't actually read the blog post.




The actual blog post -------> http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 The question and answer will be found near the bottom of the page - second to last question in the Q&A


Don't reveal these facts, you'll ruin their party! :D

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Do want and desperately need.


In concerns to me personally, I only get to play 1-2 hours a day due to school, and social obligations. I do not have the time to look for a group using /1, successfully compile the group and then run the actual dungeon. With a LFD finder, I will be able to atleast run one a day.


Currently I pvp until i complete my warzone daily and then log off, it is all I can do with the limited time I have. I would like to be able to participate in PvE content but at times that seems almost impossible without having no life outside the game.

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I have no problems with a LFD tool, or the idea of one. But, I think the implementation of the idea from WoW can be much improved.


I know people wave away the community ideal, but for some of us, that is a big deal. I liked it in WoW when I knew the people on my server from both factions. I was familiar with who the ninjas and jerks were. I was familiar with the good players. I had to actively seek out people to play with. I joined that game knowing very few people on the server. I joined guilds as I found like-minded individuals. There was cross-faction challenges and events and it was a lot of fun.


When cross-server pvp/pve was introduced, a lot of that was lost. I know that many say that if you don't like the tool, you can opt to not use it - but that doesn't really work. If everyone else is using the tool, you will likely have to out of necessity.


I understand the necessity of the tool, however. What I would like to see is the LFD tool select from your server and prioritize your server first and then fill in the holes from other places. I think that is a generally fair compromise. I do like to play with people from my server, but I can't say I hate a tool that makes it easier to do so. I would better support a server only LFD, but I know for many low population servers, this would not really solve the problem they are having.


I realize not everyone plays the same way, nor views social interaction in a game the same way. So, I think that depending on how Bioware develops the tool, it could easily be a fine compromise for both sides of the spectrum (minus the people that hate the LFD tool completely).

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I understand the problem you refer in your post, but then again there is the reverse side of the coin.


I bet that most of the players that are claiming that there is no alternative to x-lfg don't even have a single player tagged as a friend. That in itself is one of the major problems in the latest years in the new-mmo community.


In every game i passed there are always anti-social people around, but that problem has been aggravated in the recent years. Nowadays most players just want to get to the end of an instance without even have the trouble of reading about it, and if something goes wrong they simply blame the others in the group for their failure. They usually blame the healer for not keeping them alive when they don't move from hazards, tanks for not holding the off-mob that they shouldn't be attacking, and many other noobish stuff.


How many of the claimers for a x-lfg and "there is no community" mantra have even tried to get to know other players? Most of them don't even have a single player in their friend list. A community wont fall in their lap, it has to be catered to grow and evolve.


Half the people i grouped for the heroic missions didn't even bothered to say hi in party chat, but a few of those whined if by any chance they die.


Lobbying the game with a x-lfg tool would aggravate that situation even more if applied for end-game content.


Nowadays we don't even need to log to the game to get a raid going, that is why BW created the guild hosting services. So the answer is not that hard to figure out if the players try to organize themselves into working guilds.


But it's too much of an hassle to try to know the server's player base for a good part of the players.


Just some food for thought: How come some of the most anti-social players in the mmo's are the ones that have 100+ people on their facebook account that they have never met, but are unable to get to know a single player in the game? That is the base of the "there is no community" mantra.


Yeah, the trend is getting towards single player experience. It's more profitable then a single player game cause they only go for 40-60 with no subscriptions, so you can't blame Bioware on cashing in on them. I'll all for mandatory group content but keeping me out of doing flash points on a regular basis isn't a solution. Bioware need to diversify the gaming experience to appease both people are they were fools thinking they could please everyone.


We can't look at past MMORPG's are derive truth out of what needs to happen. You can't even compare Vanilla wow to the lastest incarnation as they are essentially different play experiences. In vanilla, it took months to level and gear up your 40 man squad and months and months to clear content unless you were hardcore. Basically Vanilla Wow had well over a 1 year of stuff to do just right after launch but the lastest expansions in WoW can't even hold people for more then a few months with all the content they have released.


Again, i want people to foster in their group making abilities, I hate the notion that a tool to benefit me would punish others. We need the ability to queue single server with a penatly and X-server without a penatly or something like that. Then we can add queueing brackets for people who finish their runs on a regular basis get paired with those who do so it fosters some sense of behaving well.



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Simoon:Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?





Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone





Oh, I do apologize for bursting your bubble, but we all know it had to be broken sooner or later.


To clarify, NO. They did not in any place say they would make cross server queuing for Flashpoints. In fact, all I can see that they would be enabling it for Warzones and Warzones only.

Not only was your OP wrong in his quote (How exactly did you pull LFG tool out of that) but I think it's laughable to see how many of you didn't actually read the blog post.




The actual blog post -------> http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-10th-2012 The question and answer will be found near the bottom of the page - second to last question in the Q&A




The link I posted wasn't in the Q&A with the developers but with one of the other lead developers in a seperate Q&A. If your gonna attack someone, do your research so you don't look this stupid.

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Also, just to add on the discussion in regards to Warzone/LFD queueing. The reason why we can't magically queue across Warzones now is because they aren't linked server wise yet. It takes a lot of work but once Warzones are enabled Cross server it won't take much effort to make the LFD come out right behind it. Don't believe me? Look up what happened in WoW and read the developer posts about it, battlegrounds had to be enabled cross server first before cross server dungeons could be implemented and the timeline supports that.
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That's great. So you'll continue to make friends,build rapport with people, and play for years with them in this game. How does a Cross-Server LFG tool take that away from you?


Because noone will bother making friends when they can click a button and queue all around the world. It breaks immersion and kills opportunities to meet up.

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Because noone will bother making friends when they can click a button and queue all around the world. It breaks immersion and kills opportunities to meet up.


This is not true. Groups on high population servers still existed outside of guilds in the form of trade channel pick-ups. Did they happen is as high of a volume as normal? No, but that's because people nobody wanted to do it the old fashion way cause the method stinks.


Now you can queue cross server for dungeons with your friend and pvp. So how is this anti-social? I've made plenty of friends through the X-LFD and grouped with them again on occasion. Now with the battletag system that just got easier and better. Why do you want to regress?

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I don't think people can deal with the notion that those people they were grouping with all this time aren 't their real friends, they are friends of convenience and not true blue. If the X-LFD you can still form groups the old way, also use the /who function to find people and post on the (hopefully by then) realm forums. Edited by Notannos
rude quote
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I don't think people can deal with the notion that those people they were grouping with all this time aren 't their real friends, they are friends of convenience and not true blue. If the X-LFD you can still form groups the old way, also use the /who function to find people and post on the (hopefully by then) realm forums.


Oh no way, the biodrones will just be able to use that tool if it is implemented, hence not grouping or talking with people from the same server, ever, again!!!

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That last sentence...reding the whole post...You play with your age range, at least mentally.

Basement dwellers is a myth from the past, most of us have a working-social schedule, if I wanted a second job in front of a computer, Id get one, meanwhile, my idea of socializing is not to sit in the fleet for hours on end spamming chat, or listing myself on the LFG list. I spent 5 hours on sunday listed without a single whisper, lvl 50 healer. Since I dinged 50 I have been unable to do any lvl 49-50 FP, hence, Im not even speaking when they ask for any HM so...


Still no real reason to not have a LFG tool I see, just zealots defending "LFG killed WoW!!!111oneoneone"


Actually I thought the basement dweller myth was broken we people realized people don't have basements in Florida. Yeah I can't find a group to save my life and with no realm specific forums I can't post " Hey i'm X level, I'd like to this at X time EST, anyone interested whisper me 15 minutes prior to x time."

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Devs are able to make a system so that you can group with friends on other servers. At least some devs are. I am not sure if BW can pull that off.


Personally hope all mmo's are going in this direction, tear down the walls between servers while still keeping all the perks of using multiple servers? Yes please.

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I still say Final Fantasy 11 did it the best. Building a group wast fast and easy, and it wasn't automatic.


It encouraged community but still kept it from becoming mindless.


Sounds interesting. care to explain further for those of us who haven't played it?

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I don't think people can deal with the notion that those people they were grouping with all this time aren 't their real friends, they are friends of convenience and not true blue. If the X-LFD you can still form groups the old way, also use the /who function to find people and post on the (hopefully by then) realm forums.



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