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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Do something about all the damn stuns in PvP


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I'm not against classes having the ability to stun but far too many classes have the ability to stun you and when a lot of players clash it often results in an endless series os stunlocks that takes away from the flow of combat.


there should be some sort of immunity thing after a certain number of stuns for a period of time.

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Your teammates can also use their "Remove negative effects" skill to break some of the CC's in this game. While i don't know if all classes have this ability, sages/sorcs do and I'll use it anytime i see someone stunned/mez'd to break them out.


Also - resolve is the same as a stun immunity buff, which lotro had and while it is a decent first-line of defense against stun locking a player, anyone who's good at pvp will know the timings to use their CC's to the best of their ability and keep someone stun locked even with a brief immunity to CCs.


As a Lore-Master in that game, during beta i could literally 1 v 4 and win with all the CC ability's that class had, and this was a gigantic imbalance for years until the PvP team implemented that 1st CC was 100% duration, 2nd was 75%, 3rd 50%, 4th 25% and the 5ths and remaining CCs the player was immune until they were out of combat for like 10 seconds.


The above should be a mechanic of any pvp system.


Another thing that could be implemented is stims to break CC's, that cost warzone comms. It'd give 50's another reason to actively play their entire warzones.

Edited by Evil_Santa
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Warhammer launched with over 80 different CC abilities.


80. Thats E I G H T Y.


Yea, that many.


They went in and nerfed CC by a good bit, because it was *********** out of control. Then, some of the same people attached to that project come here and do the same.damn.thing.again.


Hello? What the...

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Yeah save your one stun breaker till your resolve bar is full, of course by then you'll be dead most likely, but if your not dead, hit your stun breaker, fire off one other ability if your lucky then get stunned again. :D
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The problem isn't really that most of the classes have stuns, it's that these stuns are on 30-45 second cooldowns, that pretty much means there's no real punishment if you waste it, stunning has become mindless, people just do it whenever it's up. Some half of the sorcerers I see in warzones open with a stun at 30 yards.
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Also, please BW get rid of damage 'causing abilities because they keep killing me!


Seriously tough, l2p!


Some suggestions:


- don't use your CC eswcape unless absolutly necessary like if you have the ball and 10 yards to go in Huttball and are at full health.


- Don't use it if the other player stunned you so he can run away.


- Don't use it if you got jumped and there is no way you can survice.


- And for god sake don't use it if there are 2-3 players on your ***.



There is a misconception that cc is what kills you when many times you got CCed when you were at half health or in the middle of 3-4 players wailing on you. Here is a news flash: you were going to die anyhow!

Edited by MaroBaro
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Warhammer launched with over 80 different CC abilities.


80. Thats E I G H T Y.


Yea, that many.


They went in and nerfed CC by a good bit, because it was *********** out of control. Then, some of the same people attached to that project come here and do the same.damn.thing.again.


Hello? What the...


Once they fixed the CC problem in Warhammer and made it so you got a 30 second immunity after being cc'd the combat was really good. You had to time your CC's and use them wisely.


All you have here is everyone firing their CC's as soon as they are available.

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Once they fixed the CC problem in Warhammer and made it so you got a 30 second immunity after being cc'd the combat was really good. You had to time your CC's and use them wisely.


All you have here is everyone firing their CC's as soon as they are available.


I agree. Using CC should be a tactical decision, not a "use it cause its off cooldown" decision, which is what it becomes when its so prolific and there's little to no immunity to it whatsoever. Once they fix the CC problem, which you'd have thought, considering the last game, they'd have done out the gate, then the pvp will be much better, imo.

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I am someone that does dump stuns nearly anytime they are up, but thats usually because im stuck in a crapball match and I am protecting the ball carriers, because no one else will... However...


Making it so that you become CC immune for 15 or so seconds after each CC you are hit with, I would be down for that. Stunlock does just kill the flow of pvp and I wouldn't mind seeing changes.

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I have enough trouble trying to effectively use CC on ball carriers in Huttball as it is. The last thing I want is to have people giving the ball carrier CC immunity because they thought it was a good idea to stun the carrier and not his healer.


And in case any of you people who do that are in this thread, here are some tips.


When to stun a ball carrier:

He's over a firetrap that's about to go off.

He doesn't have any healing support.


If he has healing support.

Stun the healer.

Use knockbacks and pulls to increase the amount of running s/he has to do.



And, this is important, don't fill up their resolve with stuns they'll just get healed through.

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Warhammer launched with over 80 different CC abilities.


80. Thats E I G H T Y.


Yea, that many.


They went in and nerfed CC by a good bit, because it was *********** out of control. Then, some of the same people attached to that project come here and do the same.damn.thing.again.


Hello? What the...


muhaha!!! Man, after all this it is very very hard to find sympathy for these guys.

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  • 5 months later...
That would require 4k-5k damage for 5 consecutive cool downs


LoL, for Sentinel Watchman or any other burst DPS, 5 sec is enough to do 15k dmg or more and kill the guy during 2 x 4sec stunns.

At least for me and my friends that's enough time to kill someone.

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