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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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So instead of me leaving the 8 vs 11, premade vs pug, clueless teamates, warzone. I will now just afk and come back in 10 mins. I will get exp, valor and from what it seems more coms. You can't even let others in because the afk people will still be in there.


So instead of quitters we will now have AFK'ers in Bots of the Old Republic.




are you guys also going to fix the fact that the game glitches me into the floor in huttball then kicks me out for not being able to move, all a common occurrence when i charge at someone.






This will probably hurt the people that accidently leave, I was 2/3 for daily and 8/9 for my weekly yesterday, and was booted out while winning Alderaan 590 - 50 'ish, didn't have time to play more so was mad. I would like it if reconnect within (x) seconds allows you back into the game.


After the change people that would leave will simply afk, or play, but with no effort while they play Xbox to get easy commendations. There needs to be some invisible contribution factored in.

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I've recently started a sensus of names of people I've noticed repeatedly leaving warzones and compared it with there contribution to ones they've stayed in. In short the people leaving are generally very middle of the road players looking for an easy ride.


its not a huge problem on our server most people are generally pretty good at acknowledging that the opposition has a combination of better gear and better coordination. if your raging out of warzones after 2 minutes then frankly you need to calm down and realise that if your such a great player then why aren't you trying to make up the difference however unfeasible it might be.

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There are many reasons why someone get's out of warzones without his choosing.


1. Bugs: Got booted from the middle of Hutt Ball match to the character selection screen just yesterday.


2. Connection Lost.


3. Staying in the wrong place: Not noticing a "safe zone", and the kick warning message - maybe you should make the messages more prominent?


At least in cases 1 and 2 a penalty would be very wrong ...

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I've recently started a sensus of names of people I've noticed repeatedly leaving warzones and compared it with there contribution to ones they've stayed in. In short the people leaving are generally very middle of the road players looking for an easy ride.


its not a huge problem on our server most people are generally pretty good at acknowledging that the opposition has a combination of better gear and better coordination. if your raging out of warzones after 2 minutes then frankly you need to calm down and realise that if your such a great player then why aren't you trying to make up the difference however unfeasible it might be.

Another good idea, from your first paragraph.


The unfortunate thing is we don't have server-specific forums, and the forum rules don't allow, "naming and shaming", else I would do the same thing and post reports on server forum (if it existed).

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.

Just quoting to keep the topic at the top of the thread, for newcomers to thread, who don't believe quitter penalties are in the works.


Also, since I didn't see it the first time I visited page 61, thank you Mr. Zoeller for stopping by and putting an end to the madness.


edit: fixed my grammar :eek:

Edited by Nangasaur
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I would like to think (oh please let me be right) that when they implement penalties for WZ quitters, they are able to tell the difference between someone who pressed the "Leave Warzone" button, and people who leave a WZ for a miriad of other reasons (connection loss, getting dumped to char select coz of buggy WZ's etc.).


If they cannot distinguish between these things, then they should not introduce penalties until they can......

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Another good idea, from your first paragraph.


The unfortunate thing is we don't have server-specific forums, and the forum rules don't allow, "naming and shaming", else I would do the same thing and post reports on server forum (if it existed).


I never did it to name and shame it was just out of curiosity, I don't upkeep it. Instead I've started listing people I like playing with and those I like playing against, hoping for single server boards to build up alliances and rivalries!

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There are many reasons why someone get's out of warzones without his choosing.


1. Bugs: Got booted from the middle of Hutt Ball match to the character selection screen just yesterday.


2. Connection Lost.


3. Staying in the wrong place: Not noticing a "safe zone", and the kick warning message - maybe you should make the messages more prominent?


At least in cases 1 and 2 a penalty would be very wrong ...


There is a difference between "connection lost" and "user pressed the leave button". No issue at all to bind the debuff to the button usage.

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I would like to think (oh please let me be right) that when they implement penalties for WZ quitters, they are able to tell the difference between someone who pressed the "Leave Warzone" button, and people who leave a WZ for a miriad of other reasons (connection loss, getting dumped to char select coz of buggy WZ's etc.).


If they cannot distinguish between these things, then they should not introduce penalties until they can......

It's impossible.


Task Manager --> End Process = same thing as a client crash.


Disconnect network cable from wall = same thing as internet connectivity loss.


Both of which would be abused just as much as "Leave Warzone" button. Believe me. Prior MMO's forgot about this when the first quitter penalties were implemented, and it was just as rampant as normal quitting.


It's unfortunate, but really, it's not like people legitimately CTD or lose internet connectivity so incredibly often, that it would make it impossible for them to play warzones. If they are, then they're probably playing with less-than-minimum suggested specs with too high of settings, or connecting via an extremely unreliable network connection (stealing from their neighbor, internet cafe, McDonald's, etc).


Look at it this way: There's a reason why, with all our awesome force powers, we cannot just simply trap a boss behind boxes or wedge them in the corner of a wall and kill them without them being able to retaliate. That boss would either "leash" back to their spawn after so many seconds of being unable to attack back, or teleports to a valid target. What's the reason for this? Because if we could do it, like force powers should be able to allow us to, it would be exploited to death. Those of us who would use those abilities for legitimate purposes suffer the same consequences as those who would exploit the vulnerability. And believe me when I say this: anything that is exploitable can, and will, be exploited so incredibly that it would end up hurting far more people if it goes unchecked.


Do some research about Designer Dragon and his theories of MMORPG design.

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This situation is getting way out of control. Today, I'm getting into warzones with only 5 people left in them which then fill up and gradually empty again. More and more people are just leaving a warzone at the first sight of a loss. I don't usually leave. Today after getting into that 5 man warzone and watching repeat people joining afterwards and leaving I finally thought wth should I be the one to stay in this if noone can be arsed to take their turn when a loss comes, so I bailed. It's got to the point where the system is now just broken.


We need a fix. I don't see any other way besides applying a penalty. A 15 minute debuff preventing queueing for more warzone seems like the most reasonable suggestion so far.


Whatever happens, it can't stay as it is.


Unless it's a disconnect issue, I'd throw an hour long penalty on them.

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Dear BW, if you're going to introduce penalties for leaving (which is fine), then please for the love of all that is good, introduce selective queueing for warzones, so that it is possible to avoid the ones you don't like. I refuse to play Huttball (worst battleground ever), and leaving directly after pop is the only chance for that now.


Then fix the 12 people/warzone thing.


Then penalize people as much as you like.



Thanks for your attention.

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For what it's worth..


I always stay until the end.


I always queue "forever alone" and I'm keeping a list of people that bail out early on losing WZs and refuse to vote for them. I'm level 39 on my first character (very casual player) and in it for the commendations to buy PVP gear and level up. I'm not in for the glory. **** those ******es that bail out just because the one match isn't going their way.

Edited by MorbidPenguin
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Penalize me for leaving AFTER you fix the 11vs8 battlegrounds that I constantly find myself in.


On second thought, just fix them now. It's not a good statement about your priorities to leave such a huge issue unfixed this long.


At the very least, make the 11vs8 exploit an automatic loss for the 11. I guarantee this bug will become a lot less common then.

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Generally I try to stay till the end just for the valour since it is a grind above 50 but I have left a few times because of complete team incompetence.


The main problem is Voidstar, once the opposing team gets further than you there is really no point in continuing and the warzone should simply automatically end.


On the other hand I have been in many Alderaan/Huttball that were completely overturned halfway through so there is incentive to stay as long as possible since once the match is lost it's usually only a few minutes until end anyway.

Edited by Darth_Dreselus
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I tend to stick it out till then end but what annoys me the most though is people who leave after the first few objectives, such as:-


- The enemy gets 2 turrets in Alderaan or

- The First door in Voidstar is capped very fast

- The enemy get a quick goal in Huttball


Those DO NOT mean you have lost at all and many times I have seen people leave really quickly and then we end up winning the match. Now you could say you got better players to replace them, which might be true and anyone who leaves that quick can't really be putting in much effort because they simply do not want to work for a victory, the main issue is the time it takes to get a replacement into battle, sometimes that can make the difference in a win/loss situation.

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This is good stuff. Just plis take into account people with slow loading not beeing kicked to early.And the sooner you get this system live the better it will be.


I want to see deserter debuff, but this issue can cause some problems with 120 seconds to exit the main room, the time to enter the warzone is 1 minute which counts against that time, and the door existing the starting room doesn’t follow that clock, making you quit when you truly wanted to join.


Ive been kicked from huttball twice as I was exiting the main platform because it still counts the Goal area as the main room when that 120 seconds is ticking.

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How about quitting a Huttball that's 0-5 at 10 minutes while the other team farms you? 'Cause I sure as hell can't be bothered to put up with that.


I've noticed this a couple times. The imps score 5 points very quickly then literally play to hold the ball and run the clock out, avoiding the mercy rule just to farm the other side for medals.

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I've been leaving matches where the enemy team caps the 1st door in voidstar before the defenders get out of the 1st door.


I've been leaving the 11 on 8s.


Iv'e been leaving the 8bm sage/sorc, merc/comm vs 5 where I have the greatest hp by 3k, at 15k.


I still would if they put a penalty in.

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There is a difference between "connection lost" and "user pressed the leave button". No issue at all to bind the debuff to the button usage.


What stops someone from unplugging their connection or cutting off wireless, then re-queuing? Sure, you do it enough times in a day, you might be in for a ban (if Bioware staffs enough people to weed out the people doing this from those who are really having connection issues), but otherwise, I don't think there's a way to tell the legit disconnects from the people who d/c on purpose. If they let you back in to a warzone after you d/c for a certain amount of time and then after that penalize you, I guess it would work.

Edited by maradigamer
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I've noticed this a couple times. The imps score 5 points very quickly then literally play to hold the ball and run the clock out, avoiding the mercy rule just to farm the other side for medals.


They're more subtle on my server. They rarely score more than two, or they wait to score til the very end, then grab three real quick. I hate that, although I think most people don't realize how often it happens. Makes me feel like SWTOR pvp is a pro-wrestling match with the winner pre-determined.


Hur! Luk at us, maw! We gonna win this one, jest gotta get dat der ball to the other side, right?


Sigh. Honey, the only reason that team of level 40s blowing up everything they get near hasn't already won is they just don't want to yet.

Edited by maradigamer
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Sigh. Honey, the only reason that team of level 40s blowing up everything they get near hasn't already won is they just don't want to yet.


That's why I hate huttball, often. That's usually my queue to grab a few medals, and stealth in a corner, hoping to gank the unsuspecting passerby.

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dude, ive played with people who literally leave the moment ONE turret is captured by the enemy in alderaan (and this isnt just a once every blue moon encounter either).


ive also had games of huttball, where our team had a pretty equal skill level with the other team, and after 5 minutes, the other team scores once... and half the team leaves.


whats worse is, once one person leaves, its like a *********** plague... more leave, then more leave, til youre stuck with people who get sucked into a game that becomes a losing streak BECAUSE it cant stay at full capacity for more than 20 seconds at a time. I know once i join a game in progress and my team is losing, its not my problem because i wasnt contributing to the loss in the first place. if i am there from the beginning and we lose, i accept the loss and finish out the game.


sportsmanship my fellow gamers, sportsmanship


poor sportsmanship can ruin game experience just as much as a serious bug can.


I've seen people come into a match simply to get buffs, open loot boxes/RE itmes or leave simply to throw a match. I remember when 50s could play and this one guild would queue up multiple people. The side which had less teammates would then part putting the pug side at a severe disadvantage until reinforcements would arrive. I considered this an exploit, filed tickets and got no response.

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That's why I hate huttball, often. That's usually my queue to grab a few medals, and stealth in a corner, hoping to gank the unsuspecting passerby.


Huttball is a team sport. I understand that a lot of gamers never figured out how team sports work, so I'll give everyone a hint: team is in the name. You're not going to win if you don't coordinate, communicate, and play together. Hiding away from the action does nothing for your team.


Our Republic population is outnumbered around 10:1 on my server, yet we rarely lose matches. Why? Because our tiny community learned that we had to communicate and work with each other to win. Talk and strategize. That's how real life works. That's how it works in WZs as well.

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