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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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Nonsense. Stop trolling. Prove that it is a community oriented game or shut up.



Bioware announced in 2009 that this game would also be for working dads with limited playtime who can't sign for countless hours of chat just to experience the content. A cross server tool is the continuity and the solution for them. link? also, they have already done this because i can get groups without a LFG cross server tool right now during my normal playtimes, which is usually in the middle of the night

- there is no social games. Social Interaction

Main article: Social Interaction via MMORPGs


MMORPGs almost always have tools to facilitate communication between players. Many MMORPGs offer support for in-game guilds or clans (though these will usually form whether the game supports them or not).


In addition, most MMOs require some degree of teamwork for parts of the game. These tasks usually require players to take on roles in the group, such as those protecting other players from damage (called tanking), "healing" damage done to other players or damaging enemies.


MMORPGs generally have Game Moderators or Game Masters (frequently abbreviated to GM), who may be paid employees or unpaid volunteers who attempt to supervise the world. Some GMs may have additional access to features and information related to the game that are not available to other players and roles. source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Massively_multiplayer_online_role-playing_game


you play MMOS and you think there are no social games? really?


- there is no community efforts required outside of group PvE content. this statement proves that you have no idea what a community is.


- stop trolling. you don't know what you are talking about.

this troll deserves a 2/10.
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That's one of the worst argument. Community element is not required to make a mere flashpoint of experience the content. PuG'ing is not an anormal way to play a MMO. Prejudices and misconceptions are strong in this one.


As for the choice, I'm all for it and that's what we suggested in the 1000+ posts thread about the LFG tool.


Heh ..suppose I should have snipped the first half of that quote.


And I don't necessarily agree with the second half either, but it's as close to a "legitimate" reason as I've seen. (my point)


So yeah, giving players the choice seems the most prudent course of action.

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That's one of the worst argument. Community element is not required to make a mere flashpoint of experience the content. PuG'ing is not an anormal way to play a MMO. Prejudices and misconceptions are strong in this one.


As for the choice, I'm all for it and that's what we suggested in the 1000+ posts thread about the LFG tool.



the community element is there for when we get out of flashpoints with people like you and inform the community of what you did to deserve ostracism.


you really didnt read my post earlier that you were bashing did you?

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The game is completely lacking in a community already, people already ninja and accountablity is non-existant ALREADY. What are you going to do, stand in the fleet and spam to a few dozen people that so-and-so is a ninja? as if the other 99.9% of the players are going to find out about it? Are you going to go to EVERY single planet and spam it there as well to try to get the word out? Ask people to do it? No one cares what happened to YOUR group.


Give me a break people. You dont like the idea of a LFD? Dont use it, spam for LFG like you are now. Your problem IS NOT that there may be a LFD tool, YOUR problem is that Bioware made a Single player RPG with online capabilites and not a full fledged MMORPG.


Enjoy your instanced zones that rarely ever have a decent amount of people in them and stop trying to limit those that are trying to get around that design and pretend this is a normal MMO by finding groups easier.

people already do.


just because you dont doesnt mean its not happening.

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Says who, you?


I have nothing against a LFD tool unless it's a cross server garbage.


Says Stephen Reid at Bioware:




Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?

SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


If you LFD haters could learn to follow forum threads you would already know.

Edited by grueber
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Alright how about this for a reason. We'll drop all the 'breaks community' as we've established that is something people value quite differently etc. The trouble with a LFD tool for me is that it actually doesnt solve anything. Really it doesnt. People want to say 'Atleast I can do other stuff while in que instead of being on the fleet' but we all know you'll end up being in que on the fleet anyways. But anyways its not a super solution to fix it all.


As I understand it people 'casual' people, people with 'real lives' etc want a tool because they dont want to spend time looking for a group in the fleet in the general channels. Because they dont have much time to play. As some guy some posts before this wrote he only has a hour, hour and a half tops to play after some school or whatnot. And the doesnt want to spend 40min + looking for a group. Alright I get that. I'm asuming this is from a dps point of view yea? Even so lets nail it down.


Without a system. "Spam" channels.


Dps - 30-40min or so for a group right?


Tank - 5 min or so? We all love the tanks right


Healer - 5-10 min about right? We cant after all go without a healer.


With a LFD system.


Dps - 30-40 min or so right? Because now whats happened is the game is spamming 'DPS LFG FP HM Whichever' for us in a channel we cant see.


Tank - 5 min or so probably less even.


Healer - Same as tank maybe 5min + since usually there's more healers then tanks.


What did it solve? Nothing. But oh wait! Make it Cross Realm! Thats solves it right?? Because then we have a bigger pool of players which means more healers and tanks!


With a LFD Cross Realm system.


Dps - 30-40 min


Tank - 5 min


Healer - 5 min.


Yey ! Cross realm LFD system finally ... Wait a minute? Still sucky que's hows that possible? We made a group of 4 ( 4!!! ) realms that MUST mean there are more tanks and healers ... Oh wait ofcourse there's more dps as well ....


If you dont believe me? Go search the Wow and Rift forums. Exactly what happened. First same server LFD tool. Then cross servers. And there's still whine about que times.


So yea that's why I dont like it. I am not gonna mention the community things yet again but I find it breaks stuff without fixing the things it's supposed to fix ...

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Im tired of sitting in the fleet trying to form a group when my guilds not on. At least with a LFD i can go do my dailys/other stuff while getting qeues. if people ninja so what? ninja them back. what r u a girl er somthin?
and so it begins.
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Alright how about this for a reason. We'll drop all the 'breaks community' as we've established that is something people value quite differently etc. The trouble with a LFD tool for me is that it actually doesnt solve anything. Really it doesnt. People want to say 'Atleast I can do other stuff while in que instead of being on the fleet' but we all know you'll end up being in que on the fleet anyways. But anyways its not a super solution to fix it all.


As I understand it people 'casual' people, people with 'real lives' etc want a tool because they dont want to spend time looking for a group in the fleet in the general channels. Because they dont have much time to play. As some guy some posts before this wrote he only has a hour, hour and a half tops to play after some school or whatnot. And the doesnt want to spend 40min + looking for a group. Alright I get that. I'm asuming this is from a dps point of view yea? Even so lets nail it down.


Without a system. "Spam" channels.


Dps - 30-40min or so for a group right?


Tank - 5 min or so? We all love the tanks right


Healer - 5-10 min about right? We cant after all go without a healer.


With a LFD system.


Dps - 30-40 min or so right? Because now whats happened is the game is spamming 'DPS LFG FP HM Whichever' for us in a channel we cant see.


Tank - 5 min or so probably less even.


Healer - Same as tank maybe 5min + since usually there's more healers then tanks.


What did it solve? Nothing. But oh wait! Make it Cross Realm! Thats solves it right?? Because then we have a bigger pool of players which means more healers and tanks!


With a LFD Cross Realm system.


Dps - 30-40 min


Tank - 5 min


Healer - 5 min.


Yey ! Cross realm LFD system finally ... Wait a minute? Still sucky que's hows that possible? We made a group of 4 ( 4!!! ) realms that MUST mean there are more tanks and healers ... Oh wait ofcourse there's more dps as well ....


If you dont believe me? Go search the Wow and Rift forums. Exactly what happened. First same server LFD tool. Then cross servers. And there's still whine about que times.


So yea that's why I dont like it. I am not gonna mention the community things yet again but I find it breaks stuff without fixing the things it's supposed to fix ...


to be honest as a dps i find groups faster in this game not using a LFD tool than i did in wow as a dps using the LF dps tool. its always 30 to 45 min ques for dps on bloodlust, unless its around content patch time or expansion time.


i agree, it hurts more than it solves.

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to be honest as a dps i find groups faster in this game not using a LFD tool than i did in wow as a dps using the LF dps tool. its always 30 to 45 min ques for dps on bloodlust, unless its around content patch time or expansion time.


i agree, it hurts more than it solves.


Indeed so do I on my Jugg dps. Usually when I cba to form a group myself it goes alot faster.

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to be honest as a dps i find groups faster in this game not using a LFD tool than i did in wow as a dps using the LF dps tool. its always 30 to 45 min ques for dps on bloodlust, unless its around content patch time or expansion time.


i agree, it hurts more than it solves.


You hit it right on the head again. Flashponts require one less person, so in a way DPS roles get filled faster. On my server there are people running things all day long. I'll sound like a jerk, but if you are not getting into groups on your server, switch. It doesn't take that long to get to 50 again once you get use to how the game plays and find a better populated server.

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Im tired of sitting in the fleet trying to form a group when my guilds not on. At least with a LFD i can go do my dailys/other stuff while getting qeues. if people ninja so what? ninja them back. what r u a girl er somthin?


Learn to write properly mister Ninja.

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Firstly, you ask the question in your subject line, but launch into a diatribe that tl;dr = there's no good reason...ta da ta da. So, even though your invitation is more than a bit insincere, I'll give you one. Secondly, I suggest you consider what I say as though it's as valid as your own perspective. "Opinions are like *****hole$. Everybody's got one."


The problem you wish to address exists. It's difficult to survey serverwide to create groups. A lot of downtime while logged-in is the result, and that's just not fun. It's boring. Given.


However, your remedy isn't the only remedy, and I hasten to add - your remedy will only make the disconnect of players worse. There is another solution. This one will enhance the communication server-wide of players, and even increase the latitude you can operate with. And, I know it's been mentioned before.


Before I institute an LFD - "dungeons" being a carry-over from a couple of games I prefer not to play just for that reason - dungeons...I prefer "instances," and before you say "dungeons, instances, what's the difference I'll say I prefer it. You prefer what you prefer. I prefer what I do. Deal with it. - A Global Looking For Group chat channel would accomplish the same.


In a GLFF, or GLFG, you immediately speak server-wide. You can discuss what instances people are willing to do. You can even arrange logging of specific alts beforehand to precisely manage group composition. You can get to know players in particular, and you can control who you play with as well as what classes you assemble for your instance.


When not interested in grouping, say you're crafting or gathering mats, you still can keep your communication with the wider community, and players you particularly like to work with, active and entertaining.


On the other hand an LFD tool is too restrictive. You have no control over group composition. You have no preference for quality players. You can't discuss what potentially good players need to do to become good players. You can't do much of anything but automatically be tossed into a mixed bag to run with it. That has "fail" written all over it.


The problem isn't finding dungeons. It's finding people to play with. Communication on a global chat channel allows for that. It can be the source of lasting relationships with fabulous players, and it gives you LATITUDE. You control the game. It doesn't control you.

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I am so sick of these damn LFG tool arguments, every single one of you fools that are against it KNOW that the game needs one to be successful, as it currently stands i don't even feel like logging in anymore because just the thought of standing there spamming LFG in general chat is sooo stupid, and on top of that there's no combat log, and Ilum is totally broken, world PvP is pretty much non existent, most people on my server play this game like it's a single player game, they never talk which is super annoying, and much more that is wrong with this game, which leaves me with the question, Why am i still here?
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I am so sick of these damn LFG tool arguments, every single one of you fools that are against it KNOW that the game needs one to be successful, as it currently stands i don't even feel like logging in anymore because just the thought of standing there spamming LFG in general chat is sooo stupid, and on top of that there's no combat log, and Ilum is totally broken, world PvP is pretty much non existent, most people on my server play this game like it's a single player game, they never talk which is super annoying, and much more that is wrong with this game, which leaves me with the question, Why am i still here?

its one of the reasons many of us left wow for tor.

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A better question is what does it solve? It won't make people who previously did't want to run a flashpoint suddenly want to. All it does help low pop servers while they take people from the high pop servers. Which could be solved by server merges and transfers. Oh and instead of typing in chat every 5 mins you just click a button, big deal, that is just plain lazy.
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People want automation. They want to instantly get a group. I got no problem with that. Just stop calling it a tool and acting like people don't have legitimated dislikes for your --- automation, instant, hand holding. I liked the game with out the automation. I have the biggest friends list in any previous game and I am in a big guild. I have done the small elitist thing and I like having a large group of people. On smaller pop servers, I can see this as a problem.
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Alright how about this for a reason. We'll drop all the 'breaks community' as we've established that is something people value quite differently etc. The trouble with a LFD tool for me is that it actually doesnt solve anything. Really it doesnt. People want to say 'Atleast I can do other stuff while in que instead of being on the fleet' but we all know you'll end up being in que on the fleet anyways. But anyways its not a super solution to fix it all.


As I understand it people 'casual' people, people with 'real lives' etc want a tool because they dont want to spend time looking for a group in the fleet in the general channels. Because they dont have much time to play. As some guy some posts before this wrote he only has a hour, hour and a half tops to play after some school or whatnot. And the doesnt want to spend 40min + looking for a group. Alright I get that. I'm asuming this is from a dps point of view yea? Even so lets nail it down.


Without a system. "Spam" channels.


Dps - 30-40min or so for a group right?


Tank - 5 min or so? We all love the tanks right


Healer - 5-10 min about right? We cant after all go without a healer.


With a LFD system.


Dps - 30-40 min or so right? Because now whats happened is the game is spamming 'DPS LFG FP HM Whichever' for us in a channel we cant see.


Tank - 5 min or so probably less even.


Healer - Same as tank maybe 5min + since usually there's more healers then tanks.


What did it solve? Nothing. But oh wait! Make it Cross Realm! Thats solves it right?? Because then we have a bigger pool of players which means more healers and tanks!


With a LFD Cross Realm system.


Dps - 30-40 min


Tank - 5 min


Healer - 5 min.


Yey ! Cross realm LFD system finally ... Wait a minute? Still sucky que's hows that possible? We made a group of 4 ( 4!!! ) realms that MUST mean there are more tanks and healers ... Oh wait ofcourse there's more dps as well ....


If you dont believe me? Go search the Wow and Rift forums. Exactly what happened. First same server LFD tool. Then cross servers. And there's still whine about que times.


So yea that's why I dont like it. I am not gonna mention the community things yet again but I find it breaks stuff without fixing the things it's supposed to fix ...

Don't you know these guys are immune to logic?

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People want automation. They want to instantly get a group. I got no problem with that. Just stop calling it a tool and acting like people don't have legitimated dislikes for your --- automation, instant, hand holding. I liked the game with out the automation. I have the biggest friends list in any previous game and I am in a big guild. I have done the small elitist thing and I like having a large group of people. On smaller pop servers, I can see this as a problem.


Then you don't need a LFD tool I guess. Shouldn't matter to you either way if it is added to the game.

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I am so sick of these damn LFG tool arguments, every single one of you fools that are against it KNOW that the game needs one to be successful, as it currently stands i don't even feel like logging in anymore because just the thought of standing there spamming LFG in general chat is sooo stupid, and on top of that there's no combat log, and Ilum is totally broken, world PvP is pretty much non existent, most people on my server play this game like it's a single player game, they never talk which is super annoying, and much more that is wrong with this game, which leaves me with the question, Why am i still here?




I'll have to respectfully disagree here that ToR needs one to be successful. I hate to bring up WoW here, but they went along perfectly for years without one, and the community was a lot better then. Players were nicer to each other no matter what server you were on, even on the forums. Then they threw it in and mutual respect and kindness went down the toilet. Not just between players, but also between players and the devs.


I didn't solve anything, it only made more problems, so much that the devs started telling off the players in forum posts. Just look at anything GC posts these days, he's become a jerk and use to be the coolest guy they have.


As Vul said above, it didn't solve anything for WoW, queue times are really high. You could find a group faster looking in chat than sitting in a city waiting on a 45 minute queue.

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Maybe this game isn't for you then. This game is basically WOW only easier to play.
i didnt say i didnt like wow.


i said the LFD system is one of the reasons why we left wow.


no after maxing a character i think i can tell if a game is for me or not.


thank you for your thoughtful post though.


see, this is the reason why ToR is better than wow in my opinion. so many helpful people in the community.

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i didnt say i didnt like wow.


i said the LFD system is one of the reasons why we left wow.


no after maxing a character i think i can tell if a game is for me or not.


thank you for your thoughtful post though.


see, this is the reason why ToR is better than wow in my opinion. so many helpful people in the community.


If we are going to measure community for community here TOR is far inferior to WOW's. At least there are in-game communities in WOW. In my experience they are non-existent in TOR which is why the 'it will damage the community' argument holds no water for me.

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