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Bounty Hunters, did Mako affect your dark/light decision?


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I do whatever my companions want. Mako is def my fave companion in the game so far and I like the decisions she likes. Plus I love crafting and I want my companions to bring me back good stuff like the moddable chest piece she brought back yesterday :p
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I always choose the answer that gets companion affection. If I answer and I get the (-1 affection) I hit Esc and start the convo over again. Light and dark mean nothing to non-glowbat swingers in this game, but companion affection affects crafting... so I'm going to help myself. It is what it is, I'm not an RPer, I want to win... not everyone agrees with that.


What about the speeders from the light/dark vendor? They're the coolest speeders in the game imo.

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I was intending to stay neutral. But then I read you kinda screw yourself later in the game if you don't pick a side. So i went light since mako liked it.


Pretty much this for me. Once I learned rolling neutral is pretty much a self-gimping, I decided to go light. Making Mako happy was just the icing on the cake.

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yes, she did indeed.


i started out wanting to just go pure darkside and when mako joined and we formed a bond i found myself going light more and more.


i went from about 3k darkside to neutral and now i plan to remain neutral.


a bounty hunter should be neutral anyway, i think.

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I may be weird but yes she did, no other comp does that to me but when i see that -1 pop up i feel bad. Perhaps it because i've had a crush on the real Mako since 'Lost in Space', i dunno. I know my SW shocks Vette for kicks so it isnt just female comps that make me feel that way, just adorable, lovable Mako.
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I'm in this camp as well. I completely ignore Mako's moral reasoning - whether she agrees with me or not, her opinions come from a very naive place. I don't think it is possible to be Mako's ideal bounty hunter without either a) being inconsistent, a fraud, a hypocrite, or all of the above, or b) straying so far from what a bounty hunter actually is that it doesn't fit the motivations/activities of the bounty hunter storyline. Such a theoretical person who conformed to Mako's naivete would be a policeman or a soldier or a traveling knight errant... not a credit-clutching paramilitary thug who works for gangsters, crime bosses, or anyone with a purse and bad intentions in a desperate quest for riches and self-aggrandizement. The bounty hunter class quests will force you to do things that contradict these hyper-idealized notion of bounty hunting - whether Mako comments or not - so I kind of figure the narrative makes more sense if you knowingly go against her naivete.


Spoiler filled example of what I'm getting at;



Unless I misremember, Mako disapproves of you killing the ugnauts on Nar Shadaa... despite that being one of high and mighty mandalorian rules of the competition that Mando-fan Mako so idealizes. And, pretty much across the board, she approves of mercy and indiscriminate kindness despite her love of professionalism. Yet, the bounty hunter story has the player causing a lot of unavoidable collateral damage that Mako doesn't even talk about. What, all those poor Eidolon security guards, who were just doing their jobs and making Nar Shadaa a better place to live... it is ok to slaughter them in large numbers just to provoke their boss out of hiding like some kind of terrorist (without Mako going "oh noes, these poor security guards!"), but when you kill a padawan jedi to avoid lose ends and retribution for a completed contract... then that's what causes Mako moral distress? Please. A dark side bounty hunter is a pitiless jerk and deeply twisted individual, but as a protagonist at least the dark side version is consistent. I don't think I could play LS BH without feeling like a complete hypocrite.



So far on my BH i've tried to plz Mako but also i always ask myself "What would Fett do?" for a choice....so far Fett is Lightside. He never killed unless he had to, never harmed innocents, never kicked puppies. So far by using the WWFD method Boba's 80/20 light/dark.

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I've been going neutral. Sure, at this point, there isn't any neutral gear, but I'm sure later patches and expansions will fix that. It'd be easy, too. Just require a certain number of LS/DS points to use a neutral item. Want to use this one? 500 LS and 500 DS minimum required. This one? 2000 LS and 2000 DS. So on and so forth.


I've been switching my companion out a lot. Just got Blizz recently. So far Mako is around 6000 affection, Gualt is about 2000, Torian is at about 4000, and Blizz is just under 1000. Keeping in mind which companion I have and what they like allows me to choose options they approve of for affection while gaining LS/DS points to stay neutral. Plus it boosts my affection improving my crafting.


Still I try to maintain my character's personality. I'm no murderer. No mad man. I don't needlessly kill those who happen to be there. I won't betray my employer. Though, I might take an additional contract if it doesn't actually contradict my current one. My employer has bought my loyalty, so as long as they provide the credits, I'll do their work. Once our contract is fulfilled, all bets are off. Though I am not without sympathy to fellow warriors either. I can treat them with respect and dignity. My character is a complex one. Working for credits, but with a sense of duty and loyalty as well as friendship towards my comrades.

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It seems a larger proportion of Bounty Hunters are going light side compared to other Imperial classes


Should have left this part out as it really weakens your post a lot. Try not to apply what is happening to you to everyone ok?


On topic, no, you actually don't lose affection at all with her if you just choose the dark choices but choose other conversation options that agree with her. If you are both a violent *** and a darksider of course you'll lose affection with her. But you don't have to be both.

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i stand by a code of honor above all else, but that doesn t mean going full light cuz that s retarded but still more light>dark, i really like mako more then then any other female companion i played with but i m pretty sad how little content she has.


also i really wished they would ve kidnnaped mako over torian(or atleast for male toons) it would ve given the writers such a big chance to get to our emotions and see how we would act in this situation. When they got torian i was aham...oh all right guess i should save him since there s nothing else on TV but for Mako i would ve really felt something.

This could ve been something like the troopers choice when he has to choose between saving 300 ppl or 1 very close friend that s emotion


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I ended up going light side partiality because of Mako and partiality because dark side choices are often ridiculous. Light side BH is still fairly hardcore compared to most republic story lines. Place booby trapped grenades on corpses and help crush a rebellion of people struggling against a sadistic empire. Can you see my halo?
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I had decided to make my BH LS on creation for story purposes. She's also a female char so I don't really care if Mako likes me unless they make her LIKE me. :) When I get around to making my male mercenary, I'm not sure what disposition he'll take. I'm thinking more neutral.
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Currently I'm neutral.


She has affected a couple decisions, because I like the character (Bioware is really good at that) but there are certain times where I could care less what 'she' would think. Like on Alderaan when you need to get this girl back from those bugs that start with a K, and you find her but she has obviously been taken over by the bugs... I chose to threaten her and force her back to her father because I can only assume that she wasnt taken over willingly. Mako was not happy about my decision, but I did what I thought was right - not somebody else.


That is the whole point of things like this - do what you feel would be right based on your own views.

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I like mako and at level 48 have her at about 8.5k rep, I don't tend to have her dictate my decisions. I tend to play to an honor code and as such I have found myself to be neutral, I uphold my contract, I never pass up on money, and I don't tend to kill the weak pathetic people as I believe they are beneath me and not a challenge. I do kill those my contract tells me to and for those who don't specify well I do what I feel is right for the situation, on several occasions that's doing the opposite of what the mark wants. If the person pleads for death I freeze them just to be an ***.



For instance I didn't kill the padawan on the Aurora after I killed the Master, not because I had Mako but because she was not the contract and no threat. If she came after me later then good, I would be able to do the mandalorian thing and test myself against a challenge. I went with the Mandalorian idea that I should be challenging myself against worthy opponents.



I have disabled showing me if its lightside/darkside just so that never comes into play even thought its obvious which is which. As for the whole lightside/darkside choices I've had problems with how some of them come out thinking that it was more evil to do one than the other given what will happen to the individual. Not killing some of them and turning them over to a sith for torture should give you more DS points then putting a bullet in their head from the way I see it.

Edited by Thorkell
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like another poster said, i couldnt care less about LS or DS choices, especially considering how meaningless they are and have no lasting consequences. I simply chose the dialogue options that gave the most affection for the simple reason of getting faster crafting and more crits during crafting. As everyone knows the higher your affection the faster your companion will craft an item and the higher their chance of creating a superior item. So yeah. I dont role play evil or good, i only choose that which benefits me most in game from a practical point of view.
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I would sometimes take a lightside / neutral side decision when it was something that i figured would give me -30 with mako (mindless wholesale slaughter or cruelty). The -1's i didn't care about.


Still... ended up only Dark 2 instead of dark 5 like my other 50 toon, so it definitely had an impact.

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I have my Sith Sorc. to take the ride down the dark path with.. So my initial intention with my BH was to go light side, but even at lvl 19 I am still sitting pretty much Neutral.


I walked in on a Sith Lord force choking somebody and it gave me two options.. Try and save the guy (Light Side) or Wait and let the Sith kill him (Dark)... In my mind, I'm a bounty hunter going to this sith for a job... She is choking him for whatever reasons, that is Sith business which I don't think would get interrupted. I chose DS choice, Sith Lord killed him, Mako was displeased. After that, I flirted and got busy with the Sith Lord after finishing my mission for her, and Mako had NOTHING to say about that.

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Only slightly. I played my hunter as a morally-upright individual who rode a synchronized wavelength of thought-to-action with Mako about 98% of the time. It was almost felt prescient on BioWare's part to make Mako the starting companion for bounty hunters when I knew going in how I was going to play mine as a merc with a conscience.
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Mako did make me go lightside. Which sucked getting to light V since I had 2200 ds points.

Not in the least. My next question is 'how the hell do we get our companions to go L or D?

Mako and I am already married at lvl 45 and 10K affection. I am stumped.

We can't change our companions alignment, just their affection for us. There are plenty of different convos to gain affection with all of our companions without gaining ls/ds points. Also, there is companion gifts, which is how I got Skadge to 10k, since personally I can't stand talking to him. Edited by The_Brick
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No, because I was always gonna play an honorable Madalorian type Powertech to begin with. No doubt it was cool Mako loved nearly everything I did. I'll go DS when I make a Merc and just buy Mako lots of gifts. Edited by Fredcat
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No, but then again I'm a female and I'm guessing the question was targeted more at male Bounty Hunters. :p I was already going to be a LS BH, along the same vein as others have mentioned: no women/children/innocents, doesn't kill unless necessary or the person is a scumbag, works for the benefit of people who need the help, doesn't care so much for the money as for the freedom/honor/glory of it (unless you're an Imperial asking for favors for the Empire--then you pay big ;)), etc.... Mako agrees with most of my decisions naturally.
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