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Everything posted by anmussara

  1. I wanted my BH to be as cold-blooded as possible...and down the Dark path I went.
  2. Oh- and I forgot to mention that I understand that keeping aggro from 1 healer is easier than a group of 4...but even with 2 other DPS /ranged/melee or using companions...it's still keeping aggro.
  3. OK- this is coming from a newbie tank. In the other MMO, I usually played a caster-dps role, but never tanked. I was familiar with what a tank did in the other game, and was always fascinated by it. I started playing this game with my wife. She suggested that we become a tank/healer team. Basically I learned to be a tank in TOR. I do admit that the Guardian could use a little help with the threat problem. BUT with practice and realization that this tank isn't the easiest class to use, I am able to hold threat without a problem. I am specd full defense. If you are having issues keeping threat, there is on place you can practice until you get used to it: Open Communication – Heroic 4 on Belsavis. It's a 4-man Heroic, but can easily be done by 2 people, especially a Tank/Healer team. Being a first time tank- I learned how to actually hold aggro using this heroic. I understand that this heroic is just one example of the many different types of encounters you will face in an actual FP- but it has worked wonders for me in actually understanding how this tank works. I think the players who have tanked before in other games are expecting this tank to be the same. I wouldn't know...but I know I am not experiencing the same threat issues as others here who have tanked before in other games. Just my 2 cents...
  4. Try Here: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=544 Just scroll down the the Merc/Arsenal part and it will tell you what you need to know. If there is something more comprehensive, I have not found it yet.
  5. Doesn't this go against what a Tank does? Threat generation should be our 1st priority. Our healer should worry about our survivability. We have threat to worry about...of course if you are talking about soloing, then yes- survivability is a major concern.
  6. Thank you for this guide. I was spect for a Def/Vig Tank...and wasn't having much luck at it! This is much more straight-forward and a bit easier to understand for a first-time tank. I followed you specking advice and things seem to go a bit easier, but I still need much practice! Thanks again!
  7. I would have hoped that they had fixed this in Fix 1.1 I'm glad I stumbled upon this post. I thought I was doing something wrong/or it was just part of game play dynamics.
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