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Bounty Hunters, did Mako affect your dark/light decision?


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It seems a larger proportion of Bounty Hunters are going light side compared to other Imperial classes; I had rolled one with the intention of being fully dark side but once the story got rolling and I met Mako I switched because it seemed a better fit (I did NOT have this problem with Vette...). Anyone else roll light side on a BH to get wit dat?
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I always choose the answer that gets companion affection. If I answer and I get the (-1 affection) I hit Esc and start the convo over again. Light and dark mean nothing to non-glowbat swingers in this game, but companion affection affects crafting... so I'm going to help myself. It is what it is, I'm not an RPer, I want to win... not everyone agrees with that. Edited by bahdasz
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I don't put too much stake into what Mako thinks of my choices. She still agrees with me on looking to get paid for the hazard jobs and gets easily bribed with gifts :)


So for me, her disagreeing with me is a non-issue. If I was to lose a lot in a single conversation, I would swap out companions and restart the convo.

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I naturally went lightside, even though I intended to stay neutral. I mostly made my choices based on what I would actually do RL, and Mako just agreed.


Yeah, going lightside just kinda....happened. Was trying to go neutal as well. But no, it didn't really effect it. Presents help too.

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It seems a larger proportion of Bounty Hunters are going light side compared to other Imperial classes; I had rolled one with the intention of being fully dark side but once the story got rolling and I met Mako I switched because it seemed a better fit (I did NOT have this problem with Vette...). Anyone else roll light side on a BH to get wit dat?


Sadly, yes.


I don't like to make the cuddlebunny cry.

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I planned on going Light Side with my BH, but yes I do find that I will take regular dialog options that gain affection with Mako. If I lose affection I tend to ESC out if possible. That said by level 35 I had max affection with her, so now that it's maxed I don't mind the -1's as much. Pity Gault is completely useless to my Merc. guess I'll have to gift his affection up.


I will note that going Light Side as a BH doesn't make you come off like a pansy as it does with the Jedi. It's about honor or just not killing people if it doesn't get you paid. I really like that. Pity the republic stories are so lame when it comes to DS/LS decisions.

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In beta I was evil, but in real play, I intended to be neutral... do what I want, put my rep and money first, don't kill people for no reason. That actually plays out to me being Light II right now, at level 45.


However, yeah, a chunk of those LS points are probably because Mako can make you feel like a huuuuge jerk when you get her properly angry. The weight of her disappointment is surprising.

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anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.


Only a true internet warrior wannabe can manage to fail so colossally as one who demands exacting evidence to back up a statement that begins with the words "It seems" or "It appears", or any other disclaiming preface intended to make it crystal clear that the author wasn't putting his statement forth as fact, rather as simple personal observation.

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I couldn´t care less what Mako thinks, she has such an idealized version of bounty hunting, like they are some righteous guys hunting down criminals and bad guys, basically like lawmen.




I was irritated by her more than anything. Most of the dark-side decisions seemed pretty reasonable to me. More money or no loose ends. Last I checked, bounty hunting wasn't exactly an altruistic activity.


I'm Dark Side 3, and I really can't think of anything I did that was particularly evil. Just doing my job. I had to switch over to Gault during my leveling since Mako disapproves of practically anything that would make you an efficient bounty hunter.

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I was irritated by her more than anything. Most of the dark-side decisions seemed pretty reasonable to me. More money or no loose ends. Last I checked, bounty hunting wasn't exactly an altruistic activity.


I'm Dark Side 3, and I really can't think of anything I did that was particularly evil. Just doing my job. I had to switch over to Gault during my leveling since Mako disapproves of practically anything that would make you an efficient bounty hunter.



I'm in this camp as well. I completely ignore Mako's moral reasoning - whether she agrees with me or not, her opinions come from a very naive place. I don't think it is possible to be Mako's ideal bounty hunter without either a) being inconsistent, a fraud, a hypocrite, or all of the above, or b) straying so far from what a bounty hunter actually is that it doesn't fit the motivations/activities of the bounty hunter storyline. Such a theoretical person who conformed to Mako's naivete would be a policeman or a soldier or a traveling knight errant... not a credit-clutching paramilitary thug who works for gangsters, crime bosses, or anyone with a purse and bad intentions in a desperate quest for riches and self-aggrandizement. The bounty hunter class quests will force you to do things that contradict these hyper-idealized notion of bounty hunting - whether Mako comments or not - so I kind of figure the narrative makes more sense if you knowingly go against her naivete.


Spoiler filled example of what I'm getting at;



Unless I misremember, Mako disapproves of you killing the ugnauts on Nar Shadaa... despite that being one of high and mighty mandalorian rules of the competition that Mando-fan Mako so idealizes. And, pretty much across the board, she approves of mercy and indiscriminate kindness despite her love of professionalism. Yet, the bounty hunter story has the player causing a lot of unavoidable collateral damage that Mako doesn't even talk about. What, all those poor Eidolon security guards, who were just doing their jobs and making Nar Shadaa a better place to live... it is ok to slaughter them in large numbers just to provoke their boss out of hiding like some kind of terrorist (without Mako going "oh noes, these poor security guards!"), but when you kill a padawan jedi to avoid lose ends and retribution for a completed contract... then that's what causes Mako moral distress? Please. A dark side bounty hunter is a pitiless jerk and deeply twisted individual, but as a protagonist at least the dark side version is consistent. I don't think I could play LS BH without feeling like a complete hypocrite.



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I went light, that is how I roll. Plugging the cyborg's oil pan was a bonus.



Seriously though the dark choices in the game are Hannibal Lecter meets Jason level of homicidal. Who is going to hire a BH that would kill his clienet for pocket change?

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Nope, screw mako


I picked all dark side and you know what?


Every time she lost a point here and there over it, I tossed the bimbo a gift and she was all like "oooh shiny" and loved me again


If you actually want to max her affection you pretty much have to buy her gifts whether you are light or dark side, buying (or mission gathering) a few extra gifts to make up for a few lost affection is simple and easy

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Sadly, yes.


I don't like to make the cuddlebunny cry.




I rolled a Merc and a PT to do one Light and one Dark to see both angles, but ended up going Light on both because Mako pouted.


What Mako wants, Mako gets.


I referred to Torian as Bieber so much that my leveling partner actually thought of him as Bieber until an NPC referred to him by name and she was like, "Who the heck is Torian?"

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